July 1st anyone else in July2013

Yeah, so strange they can't send the results right away. But they need the radiologist to review it first then make the notes to be sent to the dr. The US tech is not allowed to say anything! Soooo frustrating. They do show you the baby but they aren't allowed to tell you how the baby is doing. I wish it was different :(
I am not keen on the name Stone...but then there are babies named Ridge, Cliff and Skye so Stone isn't that odd I suppose. Peter means rock or stone and that is a pretty common name. I knew a kid named Evergreen and another kid named Gecko...not sure if they got teased or not though.
So cool you got your scan beachgal...I really want to see this little chap once again...I hope they decide to scan me Friday at my appointment that would be awesome!
Evergreen and gecko? Oh man there are some adventurous names out there!
Libbysmum - i hope you get that extra scan tomorrow!
Welcome, Barbi!

Julie- I actually like the name Stone, but then again, I did give my son a middle name of Snake ;) There's a TV reporter for NBC named Stone Phillips.

Beachgal- glad your appt went well. Hope you're able to get pics of your little one to share w us

Libbysmum- hope your appt goes well tmw and that you get another peek at your babe.
I had an adventurous morning. We had the non-stress test at 8am and was sent to labor and delivery by 9:30am. The baby was non reactive to the test. I also had protein in my urine. They got me situated and did blood work, hooked me up to the monitor. Little later the Dr came in with a portable U/S. They counted his reflexes and movements on the U/S. They had to do this because they too could not get a reactive NST. My blood work and bp were fine. They called my OB and she let me come home. I have to do BP every hour and complete rest. I see the OB tomorrow. My DH is beside himself scared they will take the little guy early. He is off the rest of the day and is staying home tomorrow. Makes things easier but he doesn't seem to understand that we can not stop preeclampsia. Positive note... Baby is no longer breech. I could not see the little screen but the Dr said he was sucking his thumb.
Lol... They would ask me if he has a name and I couldn't bring myself to say Stone. I just answered no.

Libbysmum hope all goes well and you get a scan!!!

Happy to see you Myra
Myra - good to hear from you :). How's Connor doing? How are you? Unfortunately no pics to share from scan. I did get a print out of one but that's it.
Julie, oh my, that is an adventurous morning! How are you feeling? That must have been stressful for you and hubby :(. How was last night for DD? Any accidents?
It was another dry night. So happy. I feel fine just exhausted from the day. I go every Tuesday and Fri for a NST until we deliver. I pray we don't repeat today each time. Will let you guys know about tomorrow's appt.
Oh Julie...how scary! I am glad he isnt breach anymore...all the best when the time comes to actually go to labor...glad they are keeping an eye on you. Hooray for dry nights!
Myra good to hear from you! Let us know about Connor...we love updates!
My appointment was good. I am measuring right on 34 weeks now...so no longer behind with dates! Also the little man's heartbeat was back to normal...pretty sure last times racing beat was because of the coffee I had.
I asked about what options I have in having prosterior or normal delivery with this one. His head is down but he is leaning to the side...he needs to be encouraged round to face the right way. They said don't use the recliner chair...lean forward as much a possible and let gravity work it's magic. They said crawl over the floor and give it a good scrub like in the olden days LOL we all laughed. I will do it whatever it takes to get him in the right position for birth as prosterior is PAINFUL and I want to avoid it if humanly possible.
Julie- I hope today's appt goes well :). And great to hear about another dry night!!!
Libbysmum- sounds like a positive appt! Glad little man is doing well :). I'm sure he will shimmy into just the right place in time for a less painful delivery - hopefully without you having to crawl on the floor too much ;)
Crawling on the floor might be a turn on for DH. You may find two benefits for this activity. I am glad your appt went well. He will get himself situated but only when he is ready. Babies are so stubborn. Do you go back in two weeks or are you every week now? How about you beachgal, what is your schedule?

I went this morning and the Dr had just left for a delivery. I only got to see the nurse. She said it would be fine to travel, but take plenty of breaks. She was going to ask the Dr to make sure. Other then her measuring me that was the appt. And the heartbeat.

Another dry night. She went to the bathroom about 4am and crawled in bed with us. I knew she went potty cause she left the bathroom light on and her potty seat on the potty. Very proud of her.
We are going out for lunch and heading to Babies R Us. It has become my favorite store.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, be safe.
Yes, I hope he cooperates for me. DD is so keen to have him out to play she keeps lifting my shirt up and asking him to come out. She cried when we left her with grandma the other day...hoping she isn't going to become clingy she has always been so extroverted and confident.
One of the ladies on the other forum had her little boy yesterday via c-section...8 pounds something. She was 2 weeks early so imagine if he stayed inside how big he would have got?
DH will be home in less then an hour and I still haven't packed. I did fold laundry and it is all over the bed. DD keeps coming in to tell me let's go to mama's house. I have no energy, I want to sleep. I need a boast. I was looking forward to going out of town until Monday but now it seems to much work.

Libbysmum... That baby would have probably been over 9 pounds. My DS was 9 pounds even. He will be 17 in July.
Hopefully Libby was just having an off day. Piper is the same way but there is times she just wants to be with us and not a sitter. Have you started scrubbing the floor yet?

Beachgal... I hope all is good on Monday. Let us know. Are you taking lamaze classes?
Julie- sorry you've had such a stressful week. I hope the little one stays put for a while longer still!

We are doing well here...A week ago when Connor was really sick, we never could have imagined all the amazing improvements and milestones he has hit this week. The transfusion did wonders...yesterday he was moved from Intensive to Intermediate car it he NICU!!!!!! One step closer to coming home...we hope that day will be no farther away than 2-3 weeks. This also means that we can be with him, care for him and hold him any time of day or night (instead of an hour twice/day).

He has also come off CPAP and started taking some of his feeds from breast and bottle. Two feedings today didn't require his feeding tube!!

Here's a picture of what we do every evening, a pic of his first bottle with dad, and one a couple days ago when he was coming off CPAP.


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oh gorgeous boy! Look at that smile...he sure is cute Myra!
Myra - that is great news!!! It must be wonderful to not have time restrictions with your little man :)
Well I have had a frustrating day! I went to my specialists appt and he hasn't received any of my reports/ultrasounds from my dr!! I still have yet to find out about my May 1 U/S and now my most recent one last wed. He was hoping to also receive my blood work but nothing was sent to him :(
So once again I had to get all my blood work repeated today (my dr repeated it 2 weeks ago bc he hadn't received my files from where I moved from) and now I have another U/S on June 10 (date tbc) So the specialist can see for himself what is happening with my fibroids. Also, the specialist needs the records of my fibroid surgery 4 years ago but my Drs office can't find it?!? Omg. The specialist needs that bc the type of birth I can have depends on how they did the surgery (if they cut into my uterus I have to have a c section).
Anyways, I can't believe the run around I've been given and the lack of organization and follow thru from my Drs office :(. I just want to have my results and know what's ahead of me! So disappointing :(
Oh man that sucks Beachgal...I have similar trouble with Dr's and reports and history of previous operations etc...It seems so disorganized. I hope they find all the stuff needed so a good decision for your birth can be made. Nothing like the 11th hour eh?
Haha yeah 11th hour for sure! The fact that I won't see the specialist until after June 10th is a little worrysome! Cutting it a bit close!
Hello ladies,

Beachgal, so disappointing to hear what is happening with you at the moment. It truly is not good enough that your previous doctor's surgery is not able to be professional with such important information. I don't know what the legal jargon is in Canada when something that needs to be done hasn't been done, but if I had such issues here in Australia, the catchword "Ombudsman" always gets the authorities moving in the right direction. In Australia if a person has to call the ombudsman about anything at all, and then the ombudsman has to contact the company complained about, the company has to pay a certain fee for every complaint made. I wonder if you have that recourse over in Canada.

Hope all goes well with getting things into order, you don't have very much time before this little one comes and greets you.

My ultrasound scan went well. She is growing at a good rate, despite the low Papp A. She still has her echo focus in her heart, but I have decided not to give it another thought, no need to worry, if she is born with a heart condition we will deal with it then. She is a health and very active little one and I had the ultrasound technician explain to me about looking at other markers that could be present if she was more likely to have down syndrome. We looked at her face, her nasal bone, her lips, her chin (to make sure it aligned properly with her nose) which all of the above points to her being normal. I have developed a new symptom as of last Friday, heartburn. Wow, it is truly the worse thing I have experienced so far since finding out I am pregnant. I didn't have any morning sickness, so I guess she is making up for lost time lol.

Take care everyone.
I'm getting excited for all of you to be entering the home stretch! Just a month or two, at most, to go. Looking forward to meeting all of your little ones! How are you feeling about due dates just around the corner? excited, nervous, other?

beachgal- that sounds very frustrating! It's unacceptable that they didn't make sure to get the results of your ultrasound- even more so the one from May 1st! I hope things sort themselves out quickly.

How was/is your trip Julie?

Libbysmum, I hope Libby was just having an off day- has become a little less clingy from the other day? My sister went through the same thing with her son (18 months old) as her 2nd pregnancy got close to the end. Once the baby was born, though, he was great! Granted he goes through some spells when he wants more attention since he was used to being the center of the family but I guess its juts part of the transition.

Barb- Glad the scan went well and that overall your little girl is looking good. I hope whatever is going on with her heart is easily treated. My heartburn started getting bad towards the end of second trimester too. As often as I took it, I should have bought stock in Tums. though when I was admitted to hospital on bed rest, I think they put me on Prilosec and that worked wonders.
:thumbup: Good heavens I look big!


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