July 1st anyone else in July2013

Libby, love the bump!! Have you dropped at all? You look great :)
Barbi- glad to hear your little girl is doing well. I know exactly what you mean about heartburn! I eat tums before bed and take Zantac if its really bad. I had no idea heartburn could be this bad!!
Myra- I am so excited to meet my little man. I think there is still an element of shock that this is actually real and happening to me. I didn't think I would ever get pregnant and just figured I wouldn't have children without a lot of effort involved in trying. I keep thinking about how amazing it is going to feel to see and hold him.
When I walk my dogs by the park, I get the biggest smile thinking about how I will be taking my little man there. Holidays take on a whole new meaning now and well, really everything does.
So yeah, I'm over the moon excited :).
Our trip was fine. We are home safely.

We had a NST again today. LO failed again. They did an ultrasound. He is head down and grown some hair. I could see it floating in the water. He passed that test, and I was told they may start just watching him on the ultrasound machine rather the NST machine. I go again Friday. They didn't weight him so I won't know his weight until the 7th. My protein level was 1+, not good. I was told they would make a decision on if I need more tests or 24 hour urine on Friday.

Myra... Little Connor is a doll. He is doing so good. The family will be all together very soon.

Libbysmum... Love the bump. You look great.

Beachgal... I can't believe the run around!!! I would be on the phone calling up a storm. Everyone has a boss and someone dropped the ball. I hope you get this resolved soon. Call everyday if you have too.


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I got to hold a newborn baby boy on our trip. My DD was really upset and wanted nothing to do with the baby. I really hope she acts differently when it is her brother. My older DD who is 15 is very excited about a new baby brother. It amazes me how much she fights with the older siblings but adores here little sister and a new baby.
Julie...my DD is the same with other babies...she actually ran down the hall screaming NO NO NOOOOoo! when my friend visited with her newborn.
I am sure they will all adapt and learn to love each other.
Zantac is my best friend...I hear you beachgal! I take 2...one in the morning and one at night plus a swig of mylanta if real bad.
If I try to have a big meal at lunch and a smaller meal at dinner it helps.
I got to go pick up the hubby from work as I have the car today. Been very tired lately...not sure if I dropped yet...baby is head down bum up but leaning on my side still...trying to persuade him into a better position by crawling all over the floor at home and not reclinging for long periods.
Hi ladies...

I hope everyone is progressing forward. Any appts next week? I have my NST tomorrow, but no Dr appts until next Fri. I am anxious to see his weight then. He was over weight a month ago and WE have not been on a diet. LOL. I feel even more hungry lately. Anyone else's appetite grown? We grilled out yesterday and I found myself eating at 2am, a hotdog. Probably the reason my sugar was 107 and not under 95 like it should of been.

DD had her first accident last night. She made it a week, so I am still proud of her. She has been grumpy all morning. Hopefully this means a nap later.

Beachgal... Have you checked on your medical records? I hope they are there.

Libbysmum... I bet you have the cleanest floors in Australia.
After an awful night with DD puking up all night the floors got yet another scrub! Been doing her icky laundry this morning and DH wants to make bagels...he is asking "honey where are the mixing bowls? where are the measuring cups? Is this bowl okay? " I am going to have to go help him out I guess! Not really what I planned to do today...would rather have the house looking less of a shambles but hey it's his only day off all week so I guess he can do bagels.
Your poor DD. I hope she is feeling better. Nothing like sick kids. I can remember when my two oldest were little and had the flu. They both stood and shared throwing up in the toilet. Good old days. Lol.

I have never had homemade bagels. Sounds yummy, warm with some butter.
I hate to say but it is 10pm here and DH just went to McDonalds. Bad bad bad!
LOL Julie, I only ever eat Macdonalds when pregnant...for some reason it really appeals to me when I am pregnant. I just took a couple of sips of lemonaide and the baby is going crazy inside...too much sugar maybe? The bagels are still under production been a trial and error type of process. DH got very frustrated with his sticky dough mix when it is suppose to be smooth and firmer...I kept saying add more flour but the recipe didn't and so I was like find out the hard way then! LOL
I have been admitted into the hospital. Ugh. Little man is being difficult. Doing a 24 hour urine for the protein. He of course failed the NST and also the BPP. He isn't taking breaths like he should. Hopefully it is for the night. They will be doing another BPP ultrasound after 6pm. I will keep you posted.
Thinking of you Julie! Send us an update when you can.
Hi girls. It is almost 9am. I am waiting for the Dr to come in and do another BPP on baby. Last night they did the test and it only took 10 minutes for him to pass. Dr said that was the fastest BPP she has ever done. He was taking breaths just fine. She let me watch on the screen with her. He would stick out his tongue. My room was really dark and which made the ultrasound picture very bright. It was neat watching him. My 24 hour urine is not up until 1:35pm today. Keeping my fingers cross that I will go home after that. My bp has been good. I hope you girls are doing great.

Beachgal... Is your paperwork in order? I do hope, one less stressor.
Hi girls. It is almost 9am. I am waiting for the Dr to come in and do another BPP on baby. Last night they did the test and it only took 10 minutes for him to pass. Dr said that was the fastest BPP she has ever done. He was taking breaths just fine. She let me watch on the screen with her. He would stick out his tongue. My room was really dark and which made the ultrasound picture very bright. It was neat watching him. My 24 hour urine is not up until 1:35pm today. Keeping my fingers cross that I will go home after that. My bp has been good. I hope you girls are doing great.

Beachgal... Is your paperwork in order? I do hope, one less stressor.

I hope things stay calm today and that your little guy continues to pass his tests today. I know how stressful it must be! Sounds like he is in good hands with them wanting to check up on him and make sure they are staying on top of things. :hugs:
Libby, love the bump!! Have you dropped at all? You look great :)
Barbi- glad to hear your little girl is doing well. I know exactly what you mean about heartburn! I eat tums before bed and take Zantac if its really bad. I had no idea heartburn could be this bad!!
Myra- I am so excited to meet my little man. I think there is still an element of shock that this is actually real and happening to me. I didn't think I would ever get pregnant and just figured I wouldn't have children without a lot of effort involved in trying. I keep thinking about how amazing it is going to feel to see and hold him.
When I walk my dogs by the park, I get the biggest smile thinking about how I will be taking my little man there. Holidays take on a whole new meaning now and well, really everything does.
So yeah, I'm over the moon excited :).

Thanks :)
Since this was my only pregnancy, I don't know what it's like to be moving through this part of the pregnancy, so I'll live vicariously through you all :) I'm very excited that you re all getting closer to the day you can meet your own babies!

I also didn't think I was going to ever get pregnant either- and it was a tough pregnancy all around. And though the 5 months and the 7 weeks since he was born have been the hardest and scariest weeks of my life, I couldn't imagine not knowing Connor yet. It's been a big shift from being angry, sad and scared to feeling blessed to know him and have him in our lives.
Beautiful words, Myra. I'm so glad your little man is doing so well. After all you've been through you deserve this joy!

Julie- great that you & the LO are blitzing the tests.

Beachgal- I hope you get some answers soon. It's ridiculous that you've done all the right things and they can't get their acts together. It should be straight forward. It must be worrying for you:(

We're still busy trying to finish the diy on the house as well as finish the nursery. I was varnishing the chest of drawers today. Hubby is finishing the bathroom tomorrow. I think we have another 3 weeks to go. Argh. There's nothing like a last minute rush!
Today is the day I had arranged a pre-baby get together with friends and I am sick as a dog! I think DD passed her germs to me. Been running off to the loo about 4 times this morning and my tummy feels like I could vomit any moment. DH says he feels sick too but he looked fine and went to work...I said at least he can take medication! Not sure if I should go "socialize" with people today at all!!! Very disappointed.
Hi girls :)
Myra, how's little Connor doing? How are you and hubby?
Shanoa, nothing like some last minute renovations ;) how are you feeling? It must be exciting working on the nursery!
Julie, so happy to hear the tests went well! How did the last one go?
Libby, did you end up going out? How are you feeling now? I know how you feel... We had a long weekend a couple of weeks ago and I had all of these great plans and my back ended up having muscle spasms and I instead spent 4 days at home in bed :(. I hope you are feeling better!

I managed to get a copy of my most recent ultrasound report. Sadly I was given the copy but haven't had anyone explain anything yet... So thankfully google helped me out with some of the stuff I didn't understand. Says little man weighs roughly 4.7lbs and they estimate my due date for July 13...huh!?! At my 12 week scan they put me at July 4th...so now I'm a little worried that babes isn't growing like he should. I'm hoping the next scan I have will give some additional answers...(mind you I still don't have that appt. eeesh.)
I did also get the name of the surgeon who I will call on Tuesday for a copy of my surgical report. I can't believe that I have to do that instead of my doctor, but at least I know it will be done. When I asked my Drs office what happened, they of course blamed the specialist. Lol meanwhile I was there 5 days prior confirming they would send everything over and I was assured they would!
Anyways I'm trying not to stress about it and will make the call Tuesday and start to make sure everything is in order. It will also be good to know if I have to have a c section or if I can try for a vaginal.
Today is my baby shower at my moms house. It has been a lot of work prepping for it and I'm tired lol. We were going to have it in the backyard but I think it's going to rain. I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family that I haven't seen since I've moved back.
I hope you ladies are all doing well :)
Oh and hopefully the pic attached. That was taken on Friday.
(A lady said to me at the grocery store yesterday "today's a good day to have a baby!" And I said "yes but I still have 4-5 weeks to go!" And she said "ohhhh, well that's going to be a big baby!" Haha her face was priceless)


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Gorgeous bump, beachgal! I love your dress and you are glowing!

How did your baby shower go?

Excellent news you're getting your results, bit by bit. As you say - if you make the call at least you know it is actually going to happen. Hopefully it should be smooth sailing after that.

Ugh yes this is the last stage of 18 months worth of renovations so it is wonderful to be finally on to the nursery (which was last on the list). The nursery is almost finish. I will start putting the teeny clothes into the drawers this week. I'm so excited about doing the finishing touches:)

I'm 33 weeks now and feeling really well. I'm still going to the gym 3x a week doing aqua aerobics or light weights & very gentle cardio. I've wanted to keep my dodgy back in good shape and it's 'so far so good' but I always want to touch wood when I say that.

We've also started a trend in the family. 2 of DHs cousins are also pregnant. One is due in September the other announced their news today and are due in December (IVF baby).

DH heard on the news that we are in the biggest baby boom since 1948! I think our family is doing more than our share to contribute to that statistic! Hehe
Hi gals...

I finally got home at 10pm last night. Tired. My bp was 145/72 when I went to leave, the nurse was hesitate to let me go. I told her that was truly normal for me, which it is. Little man passed his tests yesterday and my protein levels were not alarming. I have felt bad all day and I just want to sleep. My sugar fell to 45 and I about passed out. DH is beside himself. I am not sure what is happening to my body. We go Tuesday for our usually NST, I pray LO behaves himself. He has now went from head down to sideways. Lol.

Beachgal.... Love the pic, you look beautiful. Have you see the lifetime show "pregnant and dating"?
So glad you are getting your paperwork handled. How was the babyshower? A lot of nice stuff?

Lubbysmum... How are you feeling? Maybe it was DH bagels? Lol. Did you get to go out?

Myra... Connor is so blessed to have you as his mother.

Shanoa... Post pictures of the nursery when you can, love to see it.

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