July 1st anyone else in July2013

nawww beachgal that is so cute...love the bump. I wouldn't be too worried about the due dates...not many babies come on the actual date. Julie glad to know you are home again...how are you doing Shanoa?
DH went off to work feeling less aching and I been able to get on with things with just a mild headache to conquer. LOL yeah maybe the bagels poisoned us! LOL
DD has been so good. Playing nicely in the playroom and watching a few kids shows on TV. Were discussing with DH last night about how to work out visits to hospital. Once I have the baby or go into labor I said cause our car seat is in our car so it would be difficult for my mother to come visit without a car seat in her car...so now wondering what is the most ideal way to transport Libby. There is a bus that goes but that could be tricky in itself. I said maybe he and my mother could take shifts...he comes to visit then swap over and she comes to visit?? I hope they can work something out cause I don't see Libby sitting quietly in the hospital for more than an hour max. But I know DH will want to be with me and little Ethan longer than that.
Hi ladies :)
Julie - I had to google that show bc I've never seen it! Looks pretty interesting :). Have you watched it?
Libby - I hope you are able to work out the hospital details with Libby, DH and mom.
Shanoa - putting the little
Clothes away is the best! I keep going into babies room and looking at his clothes. I'm so excited! I was given newborn swaddler diapers at my shower and I love how small and adorable they are!
Myra- how's the family?

The shower went well... It was so great to see close friends and family that I haven't seen in awhile (some I haven't seen in years bc of me travelling and moving for work)
I laughed so much, even to the point of tears a few times, which is such a great feeling. I played a few games from the game show minute to win it which was a huge hit. I'm not a big fan of the traditional baby games so I wanted to do something a little different and hilarious!
I was exhausted after and if I could do it over I would do less myself bc I took on too much (I made most of the food with the help of my mom and best friend) but instead I would have bought more
Prepared platters/food trays.
Gifts were lovely :). A few cute outfits, a swing that goes forward and back and sideways, diapers/wipes and gift cards (one of which being to the liquor store - haha) which is perfect for picking up the car seat (still have no idea which one I'm going to buy...). I also need a crib mattress and hopefully a bassinet for beside my bed.
Do you ladies have an emergency kit for baby? Like with thermometer, medicine, etc? If so, what do you have?
I don't want to be running out in the middle of the night when baby is sick...
Also need to start lookin at diaper bags. So a few things left to do!
Are you ladies ready to go?
Oh and a question about nursing bras... How the heck do I find the right size and are there styles that are better than others?!
I only watched the previews. It looked cute. Your baby shower sounded like a blast. Alcohol sounds like a good thing right about now. Lol. I am sure you will put the gift card to good use. Can you drink while breast feeding? I have no clue about a bra. I am sure the other mom's will know.

Laying here getting my NST, I hope he is good. My bp is a little up. She hasn't told me if I have protein in my urine. She just came in, just a trace of protein. Which is good.

Libbysmum... I hope you can get the carseat worked out. I would suggest to transfer seat when she transfers.

Girls our boys will be here soon!!!
Oh and a question about nursing bras... How the heck do I find the right size and are there styles that are better than others?!

Been lurking forever.....

There are definately prettier nursing bras out there...they are flipping expensive though! Think $50-ish each. Also, I find that you never know what size you'll need until your milk actually comes in. If you can, get a cheap one from Walmart or something, and then either go to a maternity store or order online when you better know what size you'll be. If you're in or near a major city it might be easier to just go to the store, and at least then you can try them onif you order online, make sure they'll let you return or exchange it if it's the wrong size. Hope that helps! :)
Julie - that is great news!!!

Dove - hi! That is a great suggestion... I will check out Walmart this week and see.

I picked up my car seat today from baby's r us, and a used bassinet from once upon a child. So I'm feeling prepared for the most part now! Just have to work on the hospital bag :)
I had swollen hands for the first time today. It was uncomfortable!

Dove, how is your pregnancy going?
Beachgal, your baby shower sounds brilliant! Wow you did do a lot if you preped all the food as well. We won't have one, maybe a small gathering or something after the baby arrives (if we have the energy!) I love the booze giftcard! Hah. We learnt at our NCT (baby) classes that you have to wait 3-4 hours per unit of alcohol before the alcohol will have left your system. A few of us were talking about expressing so we could have a glass or two:) But given how long we've been 'dry' we will probably be drunk after a small glass of wine!

Glad you're all feeling better, Libby. I think the shift scenario works with car seat. Then there will be an overlap and you can all be together for an hour or so before the shift change.

Julie - Woohoo on blitzing those tests again!

Thanks for the advice on nursing bras, Dove. I bought one that fits me now. I wear it now and figure I could use it for hospital and before my milk comes in. A lady at work said she got measured about 2 weeks before her due date and the woman in the shop just up-ed the size by a cup or two. My colleague said she ended up being much larger so had to buy more. I'm thinking I will wait, like you suggest, and save the pennies.
just have a few easy to access shirts and pjama tops...that is what I lived in the first few weeks after baby. LOL The bras sometimes are more hassle than they're worth. I think I just used the same maternity bras and tops while nursing too. I can't remember going out shopping for new ones. Depends how full your breasts get I suppose I do remember going through boxes of the breast pads...and having to throw out a lot of shirts that were all stained with milk etc after I stopped bfeeding.
Julie - that is great news!!!

Dove - hi! That is a great suggestion... I will check out Walmart this week and see.

I picked up my car seat today from baby's r us, and a used bassinet from once upon a child. So I'm feeling prepared for the most part now! Just have to work on the hospital bag :)
I had swollen hands for the first time today. It was uncomfortable!

Dove, how is your pregnancy going?

Beachgal, your baby shower sounds brilliant! Wow you did do a lot if you preped all the food as well. We won't have one, maybe a small gathering or something after the baby arrives (if we have the energy!) I love the booze giftcard! Hah. We learnt at our NCT (baby) classes that you have to wait 3-4 hours per unit of alcohol before the alcohol will have left your system. A few of us were talking about expressing so we could have a glass or two:) But given how long we've been 'dry' we will probably be drunk after a small glass of wine!

Glad you're all feeling better, Libby. I think the shift scenario works with car seat. Then there will be an overlap and you can all be together for an hour or so before the shift change.

Julie - Woohoo on blitzing those tests again!

Thanks for the advice on nursing bras, Dove. I bought one that fits me now. I wear it now and figure I could use it for hospital and before my milk comes in. A lady at work said she got measured about 2 weeks before her due date and the woman in the shop just up-ed the size by a cup or two. My colleague said she ended up being much larger so had to buy more. I'm thinking I will wait, like you suggest, and save the pennies.

just have a few easy to access shirts and pjama tops...that is what I lived in the first few weeks after baby. LOL The bras sometimes are more hassle than they're worth. I think I just used the same maternity bras and tops while nursing too. I can't remember going out shopping for new ones. Depends how full your breasts get I suppose I do remember going through boxes of the breast pads...and having to throw out a lot of shirts that were all stained with milk etc after I stopped bfeeding.

Hi :)

Well, this pregnancy has been a little rough....I had bad morning sickness, then back spasms, now SPD. I also have high blood pressure, and GD....so I'm quite the package deal here, and ready to have this baby. My due date is July 11th, but because of everything, they are looking at the 29th of June....so 25 more days:) Baby is healthy, but BIG. I go for NST's weekly, and the GD clinic weekly as well. My BP was high today at the NST, so they did urine and blood tests. They let me go home, so I'm just waiting for my dr to call over the next couple of days to see what the results were.

I wear a DD in my normal, pre-pregnancy bras, so there is NO WAY I could get away without a nursing bra, LOL....I also found that I leaked less while wearing them, so I also wore them to bed. I suppose it can be hit or miss for what works for different people though:)
Hi dove... You and I are going through some of the same issues. I go every Tuesday and Fri for NST. Last Fri I was admitted into the hospital for additional testing. They keep a close eye on my protein levels in my urine. I have high bp and GD. 182 units of insulin a day. My OB said if I can hold out we will induce at 38 weeks, she isn't very optimistic about it. The original due date is 7-18. My little guy was over weight a month ago, 65 percentile. We get a growth scan on Fri so I am anxious to see his weight. I hope things go smoothly for you. Are you having him vaginal?

We are using Alexander as well... Stone Alexander

DH is snoring and my indigestion is so intense. I am not sure which is pissing me off more. I feel like this is going to be another sleepless night. Hope all is well with you guys!!
Just got back from physio...omg she works miracles. Dove I totally feel for you- what a rough trot you are having. I too have SPD and it is torture! It puts me off ever having more kids. I burst into tears at physio just thinking about having 4 more weeks of this agony! I wont probably see her again now until after baby is born. She gave me some methods to try to minimize pain etc during labor and different positions to try...said no reclining, sit forwards as much as possible, get a pilates/fit ball to lean on etc. Seriously going to be a LONG 4 weeks. I wish the little one would just get into a good position and exit my womb!
Hi dove... You and I are going through some of the same issues. I go every Tuesday and Fri for NST. Last Fri I was admitted into the hospital for additional testing. They keep a close eye on my protein levels in my urine. I have high bp and GD. 182 units of insulin a day. My OB said if I can hold out we will induce at 38 weeks, she isn't very optimistic about it. The original due date is 7-18. My little guy was over weight a month ago, 65 percentile. We get a growth scan on Fri so I am anxious to see his weight. I hope things go smoothly for you. Are you having him vaginal?

We are using Alexander as well... Stone Alexander

DH is snoring and my indigestion is so intense. I am not sure which is pissing me off more. I feel like this is going to be another sleepless night. Hope all is well with you guys!!

I have NST's once a week right now. I thought for sure it was going to go to twice a week after yesterday's high blodd pressure. They said the NST looked good, it was just my BP. My dr called last night, there is someprotein in my urine, but my blodd work was fine, so she had them do additional testing on the urine, and apparently I have a bladder infection. I don't feel it though, so maybe they caught it really early. This means another trip to the dr for a prescription. We had an ultrasound Tuesday of last week, and the baby was already measuring 6.3 :dohh: I'm assuming he'll be around 9 lbs when we have him. This will be my 3rd c-section. With my DD, I was in labour for 16 hours when I started swelling, and then she started swelling, so it was an emergency c-section. Because my son was born 22 months later, they did another c-section, and they told me then that any subsequent pregnancies would also be c-sections. This is my last baby. DH will be getting a vasectomy:) Due date is July 11th, they were going to do the c-sec on the 8th, but with the GD and my BP, they are thinking it will be the 29th of June, which will be 38+2, so I think I'm ok with that.

I hear you on DH's snorning....I swear he's gotten way worse since I got pregnant, lol. Between that and heartburn, I feel like I'm neer sleeping again, lol....
Just got back from physio...omg she works miracles. Dove I totally feel for you- what a rough trot you are having. I too have SPD and it is torture! It puts me off ever having more kids. I burst into tears at physio just thinking about having 4 more weeks of this agony! I wont probably see her again now until after baby is born. She gave me some methods to try to minimize pain etc during labor and different positions to try...said no reclining, sit forwards as much as possible, get a pilates/fit ball to lean on etc. Seriously going to be a LONG 4 weeks. I wish the little one would just get into a good position and exit my womb!

I'm actually already off of work, mainly because of the SPD. I spend my entire day on my feet, and when every step hurts, it's just not possible. I never had it with my previous pregnancies, so this really threw me for a loop. I can't believe how much it hurt. I found a bit of relief from a maternity belt, but not nearly enough to be able to continue working. With all the medical problems I've had with this pregnancy, it's good to know that at least they should all disappear after the baby is born.....24 days, and counting.....my mom said that maybe I should keep my hospital bag in my vehicle just in case they end up admitting me one of the times I'm there for an NST....I guess I should really get on with packing it, lol:wacko:
That is a thought...I should stick mine in the car so it is ready to go...lol Better than taking up space in the bassinet. I am so tired! I totally get it...I never had it with Libby so the pain was quite a shock. It really is like being an invalid getting around. I hate it! I am so hoping it is more hormonal than anything so when baby arrives I can be pain free!
DD and I are watching "A Baby Story" on TLC. Her eyes get so big when the babies come out. One mom tried the water birth. She was in labor for 30 hours so she didn't get to complete it. I know they do that at my hospital. It looked comfortable, I don't know anything about it. Have any of you researched it?

I am anxious for tomorrow and I hope everything goes hospital free. I am on my own tomorrow and I hate it. I love having DH at my appts, but he is working and we are saving his PTO for the birth. His vacation starts when we deliver.

We are having a yard sale this weekend. Trying to clean out the unwanted and make some extra dollars. We are suppose to meet friends for dinner Saturday night, but we have canceled the last few times. I just don't feel like going out and socializing. They are 44 and due in November. They are having a girl. Her and I are suppose to get pedi before dinner. They would be my only enticement. I love pedi's.

Anyone have big plans for the weekend? A trip to Babies R' Us for me!!!
My colleague had SPD when she was pregnant with her 2nd. She was in a lot of pain so I really feel for you Libby & Dove.

Julie- I am going to try for a water birth. It's supposed to help with pain, speed up labour and can reduce tearing and risk of interventions. If you actually deliver in the water (you don't have to and I don't know if I will) it's supposed to make the transition from womb to world gentler for the little one. I can sometimes spend 3-4 hours just soaking in a bath so I think I will like being in the water but we will see what happens. They only have one birthing pool at the birthing centre I will be going to so it might not be available.

Ohh a pedi sounds great. It's a right pain trying to keep the feet presentable around the bump.

Weekend- I'm out for lunch with some girl pals on Saturday. Then playing tour guide with some mates who are touring the UK from Aus. I will take them to Stonehenge and West Kennet Long Barrow. They are also Vicar of Dibley fans so I will take them to the village where that was filmed. I hope I can keep up with them!
I packed my hospital bag, and overnight bags for my 2 kids (they'll be staying with Grandma and Grandpa while I'm in the hospital). I also put the infant seat in my van. I started to get nervous because last night, I started getting period-like cramps, and lower back pain, but they didn't go away after I laid down, or used the heating pad, and they are still going today. They're constant, so I don't think they're contractions, and nothing else has happened, so I don't know what this is all about. Oh well, it got my butt in gear, lol.....35 weeks today.....23 more days until C-section date....I really want to make it to 37 weeks, if nothing else....
Oh wow we are all so close to having our babies! How exciting! We picked up the new car seat for Libby today after our antenatal visit. The midwife seemed happy with the way things are progressing. Said baby is head down but not engaged yet. Going to try and get a birth ball this afternoon. Hope it helps with the SPD and positioning of little Ethan. They only cost about $15 so probably worth a go. DH is home today which is nice. I have had back pain all day today on top of everything...hoping it is just a poop needing to get out and not anything baby related as I did eat a lot of food yesterday.
Julie- good luck on your yard sale this weekend! And have fun in toys r us ;)
Shanoa- sounds like a fun weekend of playing tourist! When people come to visit me I would either take them to Niagara Falls (25 mins away) or Toronto (45 mins away). I like playing tourist!
Libbysmum, did you install your car seat yet? I picked one up the other day but the plan is to install it this weekend. I also picked up a used bassinet that I will wash and prepare. I still need to put stuff away from the baby shower and prep my hospital bag.
I dreamt last night that I had labour pains and had to go to the hospital. Woke up after that. So I guess that's a sign I should be a prepared haha.
Family life is having a rough go. My uncle who has been my father figure (mom was a single, young mom) has been given 3 months to live. He was living an otherwise normal life when he started to get pain and took him for tests and found out its cancerous tumours that have spread. So my mom and I have been spending each day with him trying to understand and deal with it. It's going to be a hard month leading up to the baby emotionally and even after the baby comes.
Ok ladies, who else is dealing with extreme hemorrhoids?
What the heck. Are these the worst and ugliest things ever?! Any suggestions to deal with them?
Sending hugs to all - hope you have a great weekend!

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