I know right! I'm hoping that's what it is! I only got one high last month on my monitor getting all kinds this month. My temps don't support O yet either. One week til wedding night that'd be a pretty sweet surprise if baby was conceived on our wedding night
I think

like crazy throughout the honeymoon haha

Are you all ready for the wedding?? Tips I know from my wedding (I know you probably get too much advice

*Have a list of every photo and those you want photo's of. We didn't have this and my mother in law reminds me weekly what photo's we missed. And my heart aches a little bit over the couple of pictures I really wanted that I didn't get. But I'll get over it eventually.
*Drink so much water!! I was drinking water left and right and still got dehydrated.
*No matter the problems that may arise throughout the day, you're marrying the one you love and that's all that counts.