Hi ladies,
I wonder if I may join you as well? My name is Leslie. Will be having first IUI in July..possibly this week depending on if my body is cooperating.
DH and I have been ttc #1 since January 2013. Had a mmc may 2013 and nothing has happened since then. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS last month when I started seeing a specialist. On a strict diet. Took femara... Next monitoring appointment is tomorrow, 7/7. If all looks well they will do ovidrel injection then IUI 7/8 and 7/9. We aren't gonna do two for now and see how it goes. I have a few fears and am nervous. I fear femara didn't do anything because I have pervious experience with clomid doing nothing except make my cycle longer. I fear IUI will not even work and we will have to look at IVF, which we can't afford. Sorry to be so negative right off the bat. I'm sure you all understand these pressures and the thought that if nothing works why will this. Figure it's also ok to be honest with you all
Raelynn I see you were diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago and also had an IUI that was successful. Seeing that brings some hope. Would you mind telling me a little of your experience previously? This diagnosis is also new to me so any pointers would be great. I'm being tested for insulin resistance also. I have hypoglycemia but they think it's more than that at this point and I had a glucose tolerance test yesterday to see.
Thanks in advance looking forward to going through this with you all and hope it's a short process and we move on to pregnancy boards!
Rocki - Hopefully everything is ok. Cramping can just be caused by the IUI procedure itself or implantation so hopefully it is just normal. I don't think dancing is terrible. Most doctors say take it easy but I've also heard it doesn't make a difference whether you lay there for a day or move around. If the egg is going to implant it will either way. Don't beat yourself up over it and just try your best to relax and think happy baby thoughts
Mischief - Are you doing low carb too? I've been able to get my blood sugar in check but still have difficulties losing weight. I'm still trying to get rid of the last few pounds of baby weight and can't seem to budge the scale even when I work out regularly. I'm wondering if there is some other trick I can do.
So sorry about the chemical. I had an early miscarriage with my first pregnancy and I know how heartbreaking it can be after all the excitement of finally getting positive tests. Hopefully this round of IUI is the one for you!
I think I'm nervous about the whole process! But I just triggered and the tough part (meds) are over so now I just have to work on patience. Lol yeah right!
So funny, Mikihob I always feel like I have to pee right before an ultra sound!
Hey, Beagle! I think I'm too nervous to take anything. I just want everything to go smoothly. I'm not a Tylenol person either. We had better get used to it I suppose! Do you all get a blood test 2 weeks after? That's the plan with me. I'm gonna try really hard not to pee on sticks. I asked my dr office about progesterone and they said I'll be taking it. So that should be fun. I hope it doesn't make me emotional. My hormones are crazy lately!