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**July Fireworks Testing Group 2022**

Hi ladies
Thank you for asking after me. And sorry I’ve been away so long.
I ended up with covid and this time it hit me hard. I’ve been feeling pretty awful for over a week. I tested negative today for the first time so glad it’s on its way out.

I was that poorly I couldn’t even do a pregnancy test but on the morning of 11dpo and day 3 of covid I woke up pouring with blood. so I am out for July but will hopefully be testing in August. I just hope that covid has not messed with my cycles. I dont normally bleed until 15dpo but I guess the covid made it come early or I had another chemical. AF has been awful and very heavy and still bleeding a bit now and cd6. I had too look what cd I was on because I didn’t know. Don’t normally bleed this long so have a feeling we did catch again but I lost it. Will never know tho as like I said didn’t test but I had so much yellow cm which I’ve only ever had when pregnant so was weird that AF showed 4 days early: I don’t know maybe it was the covid.

oh well on to month 6 ttc and August for me.
Congratulations on all the BFPs esp @elmum made up for you my fellow older women ttc. And @GemmaG amazing.

And so so sorry to those that have had losses @WantingababyF thinking of you love.

hopefully I will ovulate at my normol time in about a weeks time so I can join all u August ladies. Just read so many horror stories about covid really messing with cycles for months after and that’s got me worrying because I just don’t have much time left now. The 43rd birthday will be here b4 I know it.
So can’t be affording covid messing up my cycles.
Fingers crossed it won’t.

hope everyone else is ok.

oh Sugger, you’ve been through a lot lately. Glad you are feeling better. Covid definitely impacted my cycles. I had it in October and again in January. But, we did conceive at 44. So, you are still young! I honestly think my tubes were blocked to not conceive at all after TTC for so long. So, I added some home treatments/supplements for that this month. I don’t know if that made the difference, but I think it must have. Praying this goes well, as this is our final babe post rainbow.
Thinking of you!
Oh @Suggerhoney so lovely to see you back I was getting worried! Hope you recover from covid and af quickly and get back to yourself soon xxx
So, I did my last clearblue and the same thing happened, there was a vv faint line in timeframe but not enough to call a pos, and not really enough to pick up much on camera, then an hour later the blue line appears!!! Frustrating!!
First pic with my hand in is at 10 mins then the others at around 40 mins x

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@Suggerhoney oh sweetie we missed you. I’m so sorry about stupid covid. It really knocked me out when I got it too. Huge hugs.

So my cycle has always returned by 14 months postpartum and I’m almost 15 months with no sign of it :( At 40 now it’s hard to feel very patient, and I am feeling anxiety over it. If we are lucky enough to have one more baby I feel pretty sure it would be our last, so trying to be patient and savor this time. It is hard.
@Suggerhoney glad to see you back! Sorry about the covid and the AF! Hope you’re feeling better soon and that the bleeding eases off for you! :flower:

@josephine3 how frustrating with CBs! I’ve had similar with them when I’ve been very early pregnant so hopefully a good sign for you and the line gets darker soon. What’s the next test for you and when will you do it? I need to live vicariously through you now :haha:

I hate the wait for AF to finish and then to ovulate. I seem to ovulate fairly late in my cycle and the time drags!
@jellybeanxx did yours only turn positive after time frame to start with too? I'm intrigued now lol. I just dug the boxes out and this pack of 2 has a different lot number from my last ones so maybe dodgy batch?
Yes I’ve just started it again this week. It makes me super sick at first so just trying to build up the tolerance and get past the first lil bit. I had taken it when I fell preggas with my youngest

yeah I understand that lol it made me horrible sick in the beginning I’ve been on it about a month now an it’s settling, can I ask - do you remember how your ovulation was when on the metoformin back then ? When you fell pregnant
Like was your ovv test always high or did they stay low till ovv an how long did it take you to fall pregnant
yeah I understand that lol it made me horrible sick in the beginning I’ve been on it about a month now an it’s settling, can I ask - do you remember how your ovulation was when on the metoformin back then ? When you fell pregnant
Like was your ovv test always high or did they stay low till ovv an how long did it take you to fall pregnant
It was a long time ago but I never used Ov tests so I can’t help sorry! From what I remember it was 3 months on metformin but on the third month I ate clean I lost 4 kgs in two weeks ovulated tested positive the next week. so I think it was the mix of losing a few kgs and metformin xxx your Ov strips look very promising to me hun is it darker or lighter? Did you end up getting your donation ?
Hi ladies
Thank you for asking after me. And sorry I’ve been away so long.
I ended up with covid and this time it hit me hard. I’ve been feeling pretty awful for over a week. I tested negative today for the first time so glad it’s on its way out.

I was that poorly I couldn’t even do a pregnancy test but on the morning of 11dpo and day 3 of covid I woke up pouring with blood. so I am out for July but will hopefully be testing in August. I just hope that covid has not messed with my cycles. I dont normally bleed until 15dpo but I guess the covid made it come early or I had another chemical. AF has been awful and very heavy and still bleeding a bit now and cd6. I had too look what cd I was on because I didn’t know. Don’t normally bleed this long so have a feeling we did catch again but I lost it. Will never know tho as like I said didn’t test but I had so much yellow cm which I’ve only ever had when pregnant so was weird that AF showed 4 days early: I don’t know maybe it was the covid.

oh well on to month 6 ttc and August for me.
Congratulations on all the BFPs esp @elmum made up for you my fellow older women ttc. And @GemmaG amazing.

And so so sorry to those that have had losses @WantingababyF thinking of you love.

hopefully I will ovulate at my normol time in about a weeks time so I can join all u August ladies. Just read so many horror stories about covid really messing with cycles for months after and that’s got me worrying because I just don’t have much time left now. The 43rd birthday will be here b4 I know it.
So can’t be affording covid messing up my cycles.
Fingers crossed it won’t.

hope everyone else is ok.

Hope you’re on the road to recovery. Drink plenty of fluids I read getting AF when sick you’re more likely to be severely dehydrated. Sounds like u had it bad. And a bad AF. Will be with you in August FX for ovulation around the right time xxx

CD 60 today I got a cold atm so hoping that doesn’t delay AF or O any more than it already is. But I’m eating really well and lost a lil weight this week and started metformin so hopefully that will help. Would be nice to at least be in tww for the month of August.
It was a long time ago but I never used Ov tests so I can’t help sorry! From what I remember it was 3 months on metformin but on the third month I ate clean I lost 4 kgs in two weeks ovulated tested positive the next week. so I think it was the mix of losing a few kgs and metformin xxx your Ov strips look very promising to me hun is it darker or lighter? Did you end up getting your donation ?

this is todays, we did get one lastnight

this is todays, we did get one lastnight

View attachment 1110076
It’s easy to see O in hind sight but drives us crazy!!! I can’t tell if it’s lighter or darker! That’s good. U should def start temping as well. You temp drops on o day and raised for three days after so u can confirm what your ‘normal’ is xxx
Ugh, I've started my usual 12dpo spotting so likely means I'm out yet again :( I'm going to try order some more vitamins i think and try those again.
Hi ladies! I have been trying to read this thread for the last week haha. Been very busy with work and the thread moves so fast. Its good to see quite a few positives this month.

Congratulations PinkFizz, Gemma, Elmum and anyone else I've missed!

Today I'm around 9-10dpo. Got a very faint shadow yesterday and tested twice with faint lines today with FMU and SMU. But they just look like the usual regular lines for me. So I'm cautious it could be my 11th chemical.

Things on the medical side are at a bit of a standstill. My gyno still won't give me progesterone. GP won't give it either. And I looked into going to see an RE but it's $500 for the first consultation and I can't afford that! so at the moment I just hope if we keep trying eventually one will stick on its own. [-o< My hopes are not high though! Pics of tests.
Top - yesterday FMU.
Middle - today FMU.
Bottom - today Midday
Hi ladies! I have been trying to read this thread for the last week haha. Been very busy with work and the thread moves so fast. Its good to see quite a few positives this month.

Congratulations PinkFizz, Gemma, Elmum and anyone else I've missed!

Today I'm around 9-10dpo. Got a very faint shadow yesterday and tested twice with faint lines today with FMU and SMU. But they just look like the usual regular lines for me. So I'm cautious it could be my 11th chemical.

Things on the medical side are at a bit of a standstill. My gyno still won't give me progesterone. GP won't give it either. And I looked into going to see an RE but it's $500 for the first consultation and I can't afford that! so at the moment I just hope if we keep trying eventually one will stick on its own. [-o< My hopes are not high though! Pics of tests.
Top - yesterday FMU.
Middle - today FMU.
Bottom - today Midday
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I really hope this is the one babe. Have you ever tried progesterone cream from online? Maybe not strong enough I haven’t looked into it just wondering. It does look like it’s getting darker. Progression looks spot on. Hope it keeps going tomorrow too. Big hugs
I really hope this is the one babe. Have you ever tried progesterone cream from online? Maybe not strong enough I haven’t looked into it just wondering. It does look like it’s getting darker. Progression looks spot on. Hope it keeps going tomorrow too. Big hugs
Definitely looks like it’s progressing! Have you considered 75mg aspirin. I have to take it for all my pregnancies due to recurrent miscarriage from getting a positive test. Anytime I’ve found out too late I don’t carry long enough. Could be worth a try? Xx
Oh @Suggerhoney so lovely to see you back I was getting worried! Hope you recover from covid and af quickly and get back to yourself soon xxx
So, I did my last clearblue and the same thing happened, there was a vv faint line in timeframe but not enough to call a pos, and not really enough to pick up much on camera, then an hour later the blue line appears!!! Frustrating!!
First pic with my hand in is at 10 mins then the others at around 40 mins x

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I took one of these yesterday and it was so so faint compared to everything else!! Hope it’s the start for you.
@GemmaG that made me chuckle something I'd do with oh :rofl: I bet in his head he feels quite proud of himself especially after the snip :haha: going from 3-4 is a doddle tbh I question why we actually trying as its scares me having 6 let alone adding a baby but I love big families xx

I’m so happy to hear that, we have never planned a big family :blush: agreed to stop at the twins but then that was because we had IVF. I think it’s the fact we now need to change and get a seven seater car and he’s :dohh:

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