June 2013 Babies

Aw thanks Ladies

:wave: Hi lilesMom! :)

Army - no more appts till Midwide booking appt at 10 weeks - ultrasounds will be at 12 weeks then 20 weeks and thats its unless they think there is a problem!

Just spoke to an Irish friend of mine preggers with her third - she doesnt get any scan at all until 20 weeks! Id be a total wreck by that point!

Mizze xx
My dating ultrasound is exactly 4 weeks from today. After that I will be moving back to IL and hopefully my favorite midwife ever!

Mizze I am so happy for you!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Raelynn, your scan looks beautiful too!

I had lowest day so far today, negative thoughts taking over. all i want to do is cry. I've been relatively upbeat all along but today nausea is totally gone. Still have sore BB but nausea has been gone since monday. decided i can't wait til next wednesday for appointment and am going to book private scan this weekend if i can. I feel really sad like i know I've a MMC already. Don't know what has come over me. slept really badly last night, its definitely not helping my mood. :cry:

Mizze I am so happy for you!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Raelynn, your scan looks beautiful too!

I had lowest day so far today, negative thoughts taking over. all i want to do is cry. I've been relatively upbeat all along but today nausea is totally gone. Still have sore BB but nausea has been gone since monday. decided i can't wait til next wednesday for appointment and am going to book private scan this weekend if i can. I feel really sad like i know I've a MMC already. Don't know what has come over me. slept really badly last night, its definitely not helping my mood. :cry:

No, don't give up hope! Everything is fine. I am being positive for you!

Mizze I am so happy for you!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Raelynn, your scan looks beautiful too!

I had lowest day so far today, negative thoughts taking over. all i want to do is cry. I've been relatively upbeat all along but today nausea is totally gone. Still have sore BB but nausea has been gone since monday. decided i can't wait til next wednesday for appointment and am going to book private scan this weekend if i can. I feel really sad like i know I've a MMC already. Don't know what has come over me. slept really badly last night, its definitely not helping my mood. :cry:

Oh sweetie! Not sleeping makes a HUGE difference to your mood. I know I can say till im blue in the face that MS comes and goes etc etc but frankly when its happening to you it feels different :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Be gentle on yourself and book the scan - for your own mental wellbeing if nothing else xxxx xxxx

Army - how lovely that you are going back to your fave midwife! I have the same MW as with Caitlyn and we get on well too so im really pleased about that

Mizze xx
Oh and funnily enough this morning (pre-scan) had a moment of panic when the nurse asked me if I had sore boobs as well as nausea - I havent in the slightest but the way she asked made me think "eeek! maybe I should" what I mean is the sore boobs are a really excellent sign that all is okay xxxx

Mizze xx
Thanks so much Army and Mizze, just had 2 hour nap and feel a bit better. Still gonna try and see about scan tomorrow or monday morning, but not as stressed. Chocolate also helps. ;)
Ah chocolate... A girls best friend. I'm glad you are feeling a little better Sarena. When you get your scan, you are going to be so happy to see that little HB flickering away and you'll wonder what you were ever worried about. It will be fine Honey. You get that scan, and then you will feel so much better. I read on the first Tri section thread where a girl had pretty much no symptoms. Her scan was completely fine... There were a few other ladies that joined the thread saying exactly the same thing. Have some more chocolate babe. All is fine. Xxx
Just spoke to an Irish friend of mine preggers with her third - she doesnt get any scan at all until 20 weeks! Id be a total wreck by that point!

Mizze xx

No thanks! 20 weeks! Waaay to long to wait!
So many wonderful news since I last dropped by!

Armymama & Raelynn – beautiful scans, I’m so happy for you ladies!:happydance:

Mizzie – It’s so amazing you got to hear the hearbeat!!:happydance:

Sarena – you are not alone with the negative thoughts!:hugs: I’ve come a full circle and at one point I accepted the fact that I’m having a MMC again, and then thinking everything is just fine and looking at baby stuff on eBay.. grr now I have no idea what to think anymore that’s why I stopped thinking at all! I was having such an emotional day today – nothing related to pregnancy except for the hormones! Some computer stuff wouldn’t work and I bawled my eyes out for 2 hour straight… LOL

Bubsta – Do you have any upcoming scans or appointments? :flower: I’m not sure if I missed any posts.

I can’t believe it’s almost our 7th week!!! In less than 2 weeks I’m going to try to get an appointment and finally put my scary thoughts behind. I still have no nausea and have the same symptoms I’ve been having since the beginning. I took a test a couple of days ago and the control line is hardly visible :happydance:

soo when it comes to cravings, I know what I ‘m not craving! MEAT…I cannot even think about it, it’s so gross to me. Funny fact, I was a vegetarian for 5 years and with my last pregnancy all I craved was meat!!
Olive that is exactly what happened to my sister- she'd been veggie for well over 10 years but she craved a bacon sandwich so much with her she said it wasnt funny, some days it was all she could think about

:hugs: to you all -and lots of chocolate!

Sarena, am glad a nap helped.

Was feeling awful last nght the nausea was so bad I felt like I had a huge hole in my stomach that actually hurt. Caitlyn woke up at 1am and I havent been back to sleep properly since then - urggh! Seriously do not need insomnia on top of the nausea because its morning noon and night at the moment - Im not complaining - well yes I am - its great to have it but god its debilitating and I cant do what I did last time and just take myself to bed.

Anyway C has just woken so I must go!

Mizze xxx
Oh Olivelove, you are having a hormonal day aren't you sweetie. I hate those days where you are so upset over things that you just shouldn't be. You know it's not rational, but you just can't lift your mood. I hope your feeling a bit brighter now Hun. Xx

I have my 1st scan in 8 days. So next Monday. It will be 'D' day. It will be either Devastating or Delightful. Oh I hope it's the latter. I'm trying to block it from my mind at the moment, otherwise the days will drag and I'll be a blithering stress head. Xx
Oh Mizzie, I really hope that Caitlyn let's you get some good sleep. It's so hard feeling unwell, not having enough sleep and having to look after a little one. I hope the MS eases up a bit for you. Xx
Olive that is exactly what happened to my sister- she'd been veggie for well over 10 years but she craved a bacon sandwich so much with her she said it wasnt funny, some days it was all she could think about

:hugs: to you all -and lots of chocolate!

Sarena, am glad a nap helped.

Was feeling awful last nght the nausea was so bad I felt like I had a huge hole in my stomach that actually hurt. Caitlyn woke up at 1am and I havent been back to sleep properly since then - urggh! Seriously do not need insomnia on top of the nausea because its morning noon and night at the moment - Im not complaining - well yes I am - its great to have it but god its debilitating and I cant do what I did last time and just take myself to bed.

Anyway C has just woken so I must go!

Mizze xxx

I know, that's all I thought about..so I had to resort to fake meats :wacko:

I had insomnia for a couple of nights last week too. I woke up both times at 2:30 AM and couldn't fall back asleep. The past few nights were amazing though, I'd go to sleep at 9 and wake up at 6, so hopefully that will stay.
Oh Olivelove, you are having a hormonal day aren't you sweetie. I hate those days where you are so upset over things that you just shouldn't be. You know it's not rational, but you just can't lift your mood. I hope your feeling a bit brighter now Hun. Xx

I have my 1st scan in 8 days. So next Monday. It will be 'D' day. It will be either Devastating or Delightful. Oh I hope it's the latter. I'm trying to block it from my mind at the moment, otherwise the days will drag and I'll be a blithering stress head. Xx

Thank you for your kind words:hugs: Today has been a bit better, but still not fully my cheery self, and I have a feeling like that won't happen for a long time.

Your scan will be around the same time as mine! Well, at least I'm hoping I'll get a scan, but I'm sure I will if I tell her about my anxiety about it. I hope in a week and so we'll be able to share those scans on here and laugh at our silly worries :flower:
Olivelove, thanks-and glad you are slowly feeling a bit better. When you think about the mad things happening in our bodies right now its no wonder we are on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster!

Good news for someone as loopy as myself! I got mild nausea back when i went grocery shopping today!!! Yay! I do realize how crazy it is to be happy about this!

Hope everyone is having good weekend. :)
Olivelove - hope you do start to feel better, if you don't or you get even more down it's good to talk to you LMC or you GP as they can help as it can be something serious. Good luck

Bubsta - what day is your scan? My first one is Thursday yay

AFM - have felt pretty yuck all weeks like semi drunk and hung over at the same time and sometime with nausea to add to it.
MY OH spoiled me all yesterday but I was to sick to fully enjoy it and at one point we had to find public toilet so I could be sick yuck and after all that I had to kick him out of bed as he put deep heat on and decided to jump in bed and the smell made me so I'll and after all that still got breakfast in bed.
Ok, so I'm on day 4 of the "runs" again. I dont know if this is bad. I dont have another appointment for 27 days. Thinking if I still have the "runs" by Tuesday I will call my doctor for advice.

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