June 2013 Babies

Oh Mizzie, poor C. That must have been hard for you to deal with when your not feeling the best. Lots of hand washing and sanitising and crossing fingers you don't get it sweets.

Sarena, constipation is a b!tch. I would have been stuffed if it wasn't for Metamucil. By the end of my pregnancy with my DD I was having x5.... (Yes, I did say 5) Metamucil capsules a day! I was totally regular and no constipation. It's a natural fibre supplement/laxative. I've just started to take one a day this time around. Soo much easier than having to deal with the discomfort. Xx
Haha parachutes.... With my DD I went up to a G... So I can understand. Xx
Morning. C sick again yesterday evening and I spent an hour retching over a bowl at 3am! Bile is vile! ;)

So far today so good though

Sarena constipation is a botch. Girls you don't want to know what I had to do to relive that with C. Suffice to say rubber gloves and oil were involved.... so far so good on that too but I'm stocking up on dried apricots. Got.sick to death of prune juice last time

Mizze xxx
Debating on when to tell everyone on FB that we are expecting...diarrhea has gone away but nausea still hits every time I eat or wake up in the morning.

How is everyone else? Sorry you are constipated Sarena, I got really badly constipated last week in between my bouts of diarrhea.
Oh Army - you cant win can you!

Half my FB already know - but im not announcing it officially just yet. But my FB is very small I only have 80 friends

C was ill again last night so we took her to the out of hours Dr at the hospital - she is keeping enough food and drink down so that she is still hydrated - if not very happy. She might have bouts of sickness for another few days though. Its been a LONG week and is going to be another one - im in work from Wednesday to Friday this coming week too :( Well only if C is well if she isnt I will have to take a day or so off.

Feeling quite sick atm and hoping thats good. Knackered doesnt begin to describe me as we were bathing C at 1am last night :(

Mizze x
Your poor little poppet Mizzie. Lets hope she mends quickly and you don't get any worse. You all need a break.

It's so hard isn't it Army. I've told most of my close friends and just my mum & FIL... I don't think I'll announce it on FB til I'm past the 12wk mark. My OB said that its 96% chance that I won't MC now that we've had the 8wk scan and seem a HB so I'm feeling a bit better about things... Unfortunately my DD will have to come with us to the 12 wk scan though which makes me a bit nervous (couldn't get a baby sitter), so I've booked in for a reassurance scan (without her) next Wednesday. Cross fingers.
How is everyone else doing? We've been a bit quiet over the last couple of days haven't we. Xx
Hey hey!

I think i went into hibernation the past few days...have had some 3 hours naps, and am still sleeping all night-Mizze I don't know how you do it! Really hope your family are on the mend now. Your constipation story had me :rofl:

Had another long session on the toilet yesterday:blush:, and after passing stools, i passed a small amount of bright blood and mucus-from back passage. way TMI i know, presume this is because of hemorrhoids? there has been nothing since, but i am eating my weight in fruit. Mizze, i like your idea of dried apricots, must get some.

Had some evening sickness for a change too-my fault had a big meal. My husband was laughing cos i was delighted after I did the deed! crazy I know, but i love having symptoms! Only have to wait til wednesday now for scan! Yippee! Still going to be nervous wreck when i get in there, i know! I think this one is scarier than all the rest, because we have seen the HB, and it means so much more.

Armymama, i think do whatever you and your partner feel is right with regard to telling people, especially since you've had scan :)

Even though it is going to be tough HB and I are going to hold off until 12 week scan. No one except my doc and manager know about our MC past, and both telling and not telling people have advantages.
Any one having heartburn and acid reflux? Mine has been awful the past week or so :(

How's every one doing??

I have my first ultrasound on Friday and I'm getting pretty nervous!
Hi Emily - yes I am - I had it a LOT with my daughter but it didnt start as early as this :( Im not looking forward to it getting worse and worse - which is what happened to me last time (not that it happens to everyone) I used to suffer pre-pregnancy, went on a diet for my wedding, lost two stone and got rid of the reflux too - but it came back with a vengence with DD. BOO!

Sarena - I was lucky this weekend in that DH took DD out for most of Saturday and some of Sunday and since id manically cleaned on Friday in case the bug got me (and I still do not know how ive avoided it!!) so I was able to relax a bit and go rest in the day. The house is a TIP but the bathrooms and kitchens are hygenic and the nasty washing has all been done.

DD wasnt sick last night - :wohoo: and so far today so good - acid test is I think that she goes another night without sickness.

Cant eat much atm - not even my birthday cake which, while lovely, im getting a bit sick of as no one else is well enough to want some! Nausea fairly constant but it does give me a break around lunchtime so I can eat a decent meal then thankfully

Good luck Sarena and Emily for your scans this week

I need to contact my MW for my 10 week booking appt - and get my scan date for 12 weeks! :)

Mizze xx
Oh and Sarena - bet you try it out (the constipation relief that is!!) sometimes its too painful not to! :blush:

So far that hasnt been an issue - long may it last!

Mizze x
:( i'm spotting its mainly evenings and its hardly anything but its obviously worrying i make it that i'm 5 +4 weeks, EPU are going to see me tomorrow but it may only be bloods they do and repeat them friday we will see, my midwifes phone is off! has been the last too days so just rang epu direct.

hope everyone else is well.
Hi sweetbuthyper. Try not to worry. A few of us on here had a little spotting around the 5week mark and it was nothing to worry about. I'm sure everything is totally fine. Xx
Hi Emily - yes I am - I had it a LOT with my daughter but it didnt start as early as this :( Im not looking forward to it getting worse and worse - which is what happened to me last time (not that it happens to everyone) I used to suffer pre-pregnancy, went on a diet for my wedding, lost two stone and got rid of the reflux too - but it came back with a vengence with DD. BOO!

Good luck Sarena and Emily for your scans this week

Mizze xx

Mizze - You know I've always heard that acid reflux = baby girl! Lol, old wives tale I guess. I talked with my doctor's office and they told me to take Pepcid AC so I took it yesterday before dinner and I have not had any reflux so far! I had flare ups every now and then before pregnancy, but it was just getting horrible.
Hey sweet but hyper, Spotting is scary as hell, but also really common. I had some very light brown spotting on and off up at around my 6 week scan. They think internal progesterone suppositories can irritate things and cause some very minor spotting. sex can do the same.

Emily-best of luck with scan this week. Mine is tomorrow, freaked out...again! trying not to think of it til we go there. All going well, it will only be about another 2 weeks before we tell the whole world! :)
Serena and Emily, just wanted to say best of luck for scans this week xx

Im sure it will be perfect xx
Hi ladies :flower:

I bought a doppler! It will arrive here probably tomorrow :) I'm so excited about it. I also got a call from the doctor that my next scan for nuchal fold testing will be on November 26th - the baby will be 13 weeks exactly! I'll finally see a baby, not a semi-formed blob! LOL

I found out that at this private scan clinic they check for gender starting at 15 weeks so will do that! :) I was skeptical about it, but it states on their website that they have been 99.2% accurate! Out of over 5000 scans.

Has anybody been feeling kind of...high? LOL I've never been high (except from vicodin for medical reasons), but I've been having this ecstatic feeling for the past few days! It's not exactly extreme happiness, but I can't really pinpoint what it is! :haha:

How is everyone???
Yay for the Doppler Olivelove. Just don't stress yourself it you can't hear it straight away. It will be just awesome when you can hear that HB though. Rock on Nov 26th for you!

I'm actually feeling the opposite to you Olivelove and I'm wondering if I'm alone in these feelings. I just have no patience. I get angry and annoyed easily and I hate it. I can hear myself being a cow and I just can't stop. I feel my stress levels rising and there isn't much I can do about it. I wasn't like this when I was pregnant with my DD. I was like Olivelove. Plain happy. Not this time. I don't know whether my subconscious mind is making me stress... Whether its me worrying about how I am going to cope with having my DD and a baby... Whether its because I was in such pain with my back when i was pregnant with my DD and I'm worried about what my future holds... Whether its money... Whether its because I'm worried about LO not making it... I honestly don't know... And then i worry even more that I have no patience now, what the hell am I going to be like once I have a little one on my plate as well. I hate feeling like this. I am blaming how I feel on my hormones but I really hope they improve because having these emotions really bloody suck. Sorry for the rant. Is it just me? Xxx
Breathe Bubsta! I think those are very common feelings and you were lucky to miss out on them last time - my DH could barely speak to me for months with DD's pregnancy, bless him. My patience is very very thin at times, poor DD caught the brunt of that yesterday - it was a LONG day and she was VERY whiny - even knowing she was recovering didnt stop me from shouting at her - am pleased that I managed to avoid screaming tbh! Im happy to be in work today as I need the break! (Oh how I used to scoff when working Mums' said that to me before I had DD!)

I felt good in myself yesterday so managed to do quite a bit - despite the car having to go in for an emergency MOT as the tax needed renewing today (oops!) but the day dragged, - I was so happy to see DH an hour before I expected him I nearly cried!

Feel more sick today but so much better after Ive had lunch. I can eat lots at lunch but cannot handle food in the evening at the moment.

Its doing wonders for my weight - have lost 4lbs from my BFP weight, I ate relentlessly for the first 3 weeks and put on 3lbs so from that ive lost 7lbs so far. This is pretty much what happened with DD in the end I put on over 3stone - am hoping not to be quite so greedy this time!

- Oh and I spotted at about 5 weeks too - had to have 2 scans but we saw beanie's hb on the second scan - its very scary but very common xx :flower:

Emily - the old wives tale I know is that heartburn = hairy baby, well DD came out with a massive head of black hair (its lightened to a golden brown now) - so much that even at a 35wk growth scan you could see it on the monitor! She still has hair on her back now - little gorrilla baby that she is! :haha:

Olive - I have my doppler from last time but am resisting using it - not sure how much longer I can keep doing that tbh - but It can be really tough to find the HB because the beanies are so small and can hide and move and generally freak you out - if you do use it - you need to lie flat, use lots of gel and go really really low - you are looking at pubic bone area - the baby is much lower than you think it is iyswim, and even then at this stage you will be damn lucky to hear it. If you hear a swishing sound thats your placenta and a heartbeat of aroun 60ish is probably the pulse point in your groin rather than the baby - um I think thats all I remember about doppler tips!

Mizze x
hi all had a scan everything is measuring correcty and in the right place, have another scan in 2 weeks but spotting has stopped so not overly worried now.
Hi All,

What a glorious day! OH did not make scan-don't ask:growlmad:! but our baby is looking great!:cloud9: 10 weeks and 3.17cm. I think it waved at me, could not get over the detail-seeing the limbs and movements.:happydance:

Olivelove-great to hear you are in great mood! after todays scan i am on natural high! nothing today can get me down! Tempted to get doppler too....

Bubsta-I generally consider myself chilled out individual, but since i have been pregnant i have had bouts of anger that would shame the devil. Definitely think hormones are doing it. Sometimes anger can be good though, like if there is something bothering you, anger can force you to sort stuff out. To make sure OH understands i have shown him WTEWYAE book so he can see i do not make up symptoms like mood swings, extreme tiredness to be a pain!

Sweetbuthyper-delighted for you and your good news! :happydance:
Yay!! Sarena and Sweet -hurrah for good scans :) :thumbup:

After moaning that I cant eat in the evening I have been ravenous this evening (after a 3 hour bout of retchy nausea this afternoon to keep me happy) and have devoured a plate of stew and mash - and some fancy chocolates I had for my birthday :)

Mizze xx

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