June 2013 Babies

Fantastic news Sarena and Sweet xx No better feeling in the world than seeing that little heartbeat...........

My emotions are all over the place. One minute Im on a high, next minute crying. The crying has more to do with the fact that Im completely over this all day nausea and vomiting..........not enjoying it at all. Just have to keep reminding myself what is at the end of it.
Yay for the Doppler Olivelove. Just don't stress yourself it you can't hear it straight away. It will be just awesome when you can hear that HB though. Rock on Nov 26th for you!

I'm actually feeling the opposite to you Olivelove and I'm wondering if I'm alone in these feelings. I just have no patience. I get angry and annoyed easily and I hate it. I can hear myself being a cow and I just can't stop. I feel my stress levels rising and there isn't much I can do about it. I wasn't like this when I was pregnant with my DD. I was like Olivelove. Plain happy. Not this time. I don't know whether my subconscious mind is making me stress... Whether its me worrying about how I am going to cope with having my DD and a baby... Whether its because I was in such pain with my back when i was pregnant with my DD and I'm worried about what my future holds... Whether its money... Whether its because I'm worried about LO not making it... I honestly don't know... And then i worry even more that I have no patience now, what the hell am I going to be like once I have a little one on my plate as well. I hate feeling like this. I am blaming how I feel on my hormones but I really hope they improve because having these emotions really bloody suck. Sorry for the rant. Is it just me? Xxx

Aw, huni, don't worry, I may feel good for a couple of days but my bitchiness/anger/sadness always returns! Like today, I woke up in such a bad mood, even though I've been waking up to an amazing feeling for a while. So you're not alone! Yes, all the worries are always floating around too - money, school, health...etc. You are absolutely right to blame those hormones! :flower:

I used the doppler and guess what..no heartbeat detected! Surprise surprise..LOL. It's weird because it was showing a 200 number and it went down quickly and then 145 and went down quickly, so I think my doppler was just being silly. My stomach hurst now because I've been prodding it for a good half hour! Well, I hope I will have the will power to wait another week at least!:wacko:
Breathe Bubsta! I think those are very common feelings and you were lucky to miss out on them last time - my DH could barely speak to me for months with DD's pregnancy, bless him. My patience is very very thin at times, poor DD caught the brunt of that yesterday - it was a LONG day and she was VERY whiny - even knowing she was recovering didnt stop me from shouting at her - am pleased that I managed to avoid screaming tbh! Im happy to be in work today as I need the break! (Oh how I used to scoff when working Mums' said that to me before I had DD!)

I felt good in myself yesterday so managed to do quite a bit - despite the car having to go in for an emergency MOT as the tax needed renewing today (oops!) but the day dragged, - I was so happy to see DH an hour before I expected him I nearly cried!

Feel more sick today but so much better after Ive had lunch. I can eat lots at lunch but cannot handle food in the evening at the moment.

Its doing wonders for my weight - have lost 4lbs from my BFP weight, I ate relentlessly for the first 3 weeks and put on 3lbs so from that ive lost 7lbs so far. This is pretty much what happened with DD in the end I put on over 3stone - am hoping not to be quite so greedy this time!

- Oh and I spotted at about 5 weeks too - had to have 2 scans but we saw beanie's hb on the second scan - its very scary but very common xx :flower:

Emily - the old wives tale I know is that heartburn = hairy baby, well DD came out with a massive head of black hair (its lightened to a golden brown now) - so much that even at a 35wk growth scan you could see it on the monitor! She still has hair on her back now - little gorrilla baby that she is! :haha:

Olive - I have my doppler from last time but am resisting using it - not sure how much longer I can keep doing that tbh - but It can be really tough to find the HB because the beanies are so small and can hide and move and generally freak you out - if you do use it - you need to lie flat, use lots of gel and go really really low - you are looking at pubic bone area - the baby is much lower than you think it is iyswim, and even then at this stage you will be damn lucky to hear it. If you hear a swishing sound thats your placenta and a heartbeat of aroun 60ish is probably the pulse point in your groin rather than the baby - um I think thats all I remember about doppler tips!

Mizze x

Thank you Mizze for the tips!! I've been trying to hear it, but nothing! I'm not freaking out or anything, hopefully will wait until next week (yeah right!). There were a few times when the numbers went up really high for literally a second and slowly went down to like 100/80. So a couple times it went from 200 to 120 to 90 in a very short period of time, so I don't think that was the heartbeat! I'll probably try tomorrow on an empty stomach and a full bladder and if I don't hear anything I'm done for a week!
Hi All,

What a glorious day! OH did not make scan-don't ask:growlmad:! but our baby is looking great!:cloud9: 10 weeks and 3.17cm. I think it waved at me, could not get over the detail-seeing the limbs and movements.:happydance:

Olivelove-great to hear you are in great mood! after todays scan i am on natural high! nothing today can get me down! Tempted to get doppler too....

Bubsta-I generally consider myself chilled out individual, but since i have been pregnant i have had bouts of anger that would shame the devil. Definitely think hormones are doing it. Sometimes anger can be good though, like if there is something bothering you, anger can force you to sort stuff out. To make sure OH understands i have shown him WTEWYAE book so he can see i do not make up symptoms like mood swings, extreme tiredness to be a pain!

Sweetbuthyper-delighted for you and your good news! :happydance:

Sarena, You saw your wiggling baby, how exciting!!:happydance: Can't wait to see mine at a further date! Yeah, I spoke too soon about being happy..I woke up in just a foul mood and everything is pissing me off today! LOL those hormones are driving me insane. You should get a doppler! You're 10 weeks? Wow, you're so much ahead than originally! :)
Fantastic news Sarena and Sweet xx No better feeling in the world than seeing that little heartbeat...........

My emotions are all over the place. One minute Im on a high, next minute crying. The crying has more to do with the fact that Im completely over this all day nausea and vomiting..........not enjoying it at all. Just have to keep reminding myself what is at the end of it.

Yup, it seems like I'm on the same emotional roller coaster! I'm sorry you're still feeling really sick :( I might as well be today..so miserable. Oh and on top of everything, I have a stomachache because of playing with my doppler for too long! LOL
Thanks for all the support girls. You've made me feel better. :hugs: Gosh, I did off load didn't I :blush: sorry about that. Clearly hormonal. DH is working away at the moment so I'm having to deal with everything on my own. I've been very spoilt lately with him doing so much for DD... Think I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Didnt help that DD was crying saying she missed daddy after i snapped at her for not eating her dinner. didnt i feel like a right cow. She got big cuddles. Yay, he is back tomorrow night.

Yay for the Doppler Olive, lets hope you get that HB When you try... NEXT WEEK :haha:

Oh Taurus, I'm sorry your having such a tough time with the MS Hun. I really hope it settles down soon for you. :hugs:

Yay for the scans Sweetbuthyper and Sarena! So glad you got to see your LO's. so 10wks you can see a bit Sarena? I have a scan on Wed and will be 10w2d so hopefully I'll get the same joy as you :winkwink:

Well, I'm not such a basket case today so I'm happy about that. I'm glad that I'm not alone with these pesky hormones. X
That's great Sarena ! So happy for you:)

Mizze - I hope that is correct. I think babies with a head full of hair are so cute:)

I have less than 24 hours until we find out what's going on in there.... Scary!!!
Fantastic news Sarena and Sweet xx No better feeling in the world than seeing that little heartbeat...........

My emotions are all over the place. One minute Im on a high, next minute crying. The crying has more to do with the fact that Im completely over this all day nausea and vomiting..........not enjoying it at all. Just have to keep reminding myself what is at the end of it.

I'm feeling the same way! This nausea and vomiting has gotten really old really fast. I feel terrible all the time and it is getting to me so much I just start crying half the time. I'm just hoping it doesn't last much longer.
Hi ladies. I had a miscarriage in July of this year and a D&C in August. My family and I (especially my son) were heartbroken over the loss and decided not to try again for several months. But it looks like fate has other plans. When we moved in September it took us a couple days to find what box we packed the condoms in, and wouldn't you know it, on October 19 a home pregnancy test told us that we are expecting again. I started to get worried when I had some brown spotting on the 26 and 27, and when I went for my first appointment on the 29 it worried my midwife as well. She had me go in for blood work that day and my HCG came back as 769. I went for round two today and my numbers came back in the 1600's! The estimated due date is June 25, but I go in on the 5 for a dating ultrasound. I couldn't be more excited!
Hi Babyblues - congratulations on your BFP- and fx for you this time x

Mizze x
Welcome babyblues!!

Guess what ladies???? I heard the heartbeat with my doppler this morning!!! As soon as I woke up on an empty stomach and full bladder I tried a little different technique from a youtube video and I found it within 5 minutes! I tried to grab my phone to record it, but it disappeared only to appear another 5 minutes later. The first time I detected it, the number went as high as 180 beats and was very nice and clear, but the second time was a little tougher and it only went up to 140's. here's the link!

What doppler are you using? And yay for hearing it both times! I hope to buy a doppler once I get my dating ultrasound done.
Welcome Baby Blues!!!

Thats fantastic OliveLove. I have thought about getting one but then thought I would freak myself out too much if I couldnt find the heart beat.

OMG!!!!!! Has anyone else become a big burping machine???
What doppler are you using? And yay for hearing it both times! I hope to buy a doppler once I get my dating ultrasound done.

I'm using sonoline b! It's honestly the best thing you can get if you're worried :)

And thank you :)
Welcome Baby Blues!!!

Thats fantastic OliveLove. I have thought about getting one but then thought I would freak myself out too much if I couldnt find the heart beat.

OMG!!!!!! Has anyone else become a big burping machine???

Thank you, Taurus! I thought I was going to freak out but I didn't because I knew it's so difficult before 12 weeks. When I finally heard it, the heaviest weight fell off my shoulders, so I'd recommend it! :)
Welcome and congrats Babyblues! wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months!:flower:

Emily-the puppy in your photo looks so cute! Is it yours? I want one!!!!

Taurus, i can do burps that would put beer drinkin truckers to shame. The sound and strength of mine may warrant a spot in the Guinness book of records. Luckily i can keep them under raps when in public!

Olivelove-delighted doppler working for you already-now i will definitely get one!

Hubby and I are not talking right now. This does not happen often, but he's not being supportive, and has been insulting towards me past couple of days because he is in bad mood. He has his own issues, but because of my predicament i basically said right, either sort yourself out mood wise, or we can act as strangers.

I can't be crying every night over being upset about what he says in heat of moment He picked the later... heres hoping he sees the errors of his ways. I thought i was meant to be hormonal one??!!! Maybe its because pregnancy is getting more real for him, i just don't know.

Anywho as a result feel lonely and isolated with regards the pregnancy. He has not even asked to see 10 week scan images. Really saddened by that. Hope its sorted by end of weekend. like i said, we don't fight often and generally have strong relationship.
Oh Sarena hunny :hugs:xxx - sometimes they are dicks - fact of life!

Lets hope he gets his act together soon sweetie xxx or the girls will have to come round and have a word! :gun:

Mizze xx
Welcome and congrats Babyblues! wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months!:flower:

Emily-the puppy in your photo looks so cute! Is it yours? I want one!!!!

Taurus, i can do burps that would put beer drinkin truckers to shame. The sound and strength of mine may warrant a spot in the Guinness book of records. Luckily i can keep them under raps when in public!

Olivelove-delighted doppler working for you already-now i will definitely get one!

Hubby and I are not talking right now. This does not happen often, but he's not being supportive, and has been insulting towards me past couple of days because he is in bad mood. He has his own issues, but because of my predicament i basically said right, either sort yourself out mood wise, or we can act as strangers.

I can't be crying every night over being upset about what he says in heat of moment He picked the later... heres hoping he sees the errors of his ways. I thought i was meant to be hormonal one??!!! Maybe its because pregnancy is getting more real for him, i just don't know.

Anywho as a result feel lonely and isolated with regards the pregnancy. He has not even asked to see 10 week scan images. Really saddened by that. Hope its sorted by end of weekend. like i said, we don't fight often and generally have strong relationship.

Aw huni, big big hugs for you! Men seem to always be pregnant along with women (physically and mentally!). Like Mizze said, we will all gang up on him if his attitude keeps up!

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