June 2013 Babies

Oh Taurus darlin'. Bugger off all day sickness!! Leave our Taurus alone!
Maybe it means a boy? Don't they say if MS is in the 2nd Tri is a boy? (Who knows with those old wives tales! Lol).

Has anyone done any of the 'prediction' tests? I've done the Chinese gender predictor and the baking soda... Both say girl. Who knows if there is any truth to them. At least they r a bit of fun.

I've done most of them. Chinese gender predictor says BOY (yay). Baking soda said girl. Ring on a string had mixed results. "Nub" theory says boy. And "skull theory" had mixed results.
Well i'm back off to EPAU on thursday (unless space becomes avalible tomorrow) had cramping for the last 3 days, paracetamol does nothing and i've been on antibiotics for uti so not that :( midwife says could be normal which i know it can but if i'm worried book in so i have. fingers crossed it doesn't get worse, don't fancy a trip to a&e.

and fingers crossed bean is fine, i'm sure he/she is i'm just a worry head and there is no way i'd get through till the 18th without getting it checked.

Hope everyone else is well.
Hope things are ok sweet. :hugs:
Hopefully its just the 'normal' type of cramping but its hard not to worry, i know. Good luck for Thursday :hugs:
Yay! Something to look forward to. It doesn't hurt or worry me, it's just a weird feeling. Is anyone else constantly feeling the 'hard' bit below belly button height? I'm always feeling for where the hard bit is so I know where the baby is. i'm surprised at how much it moves around, yet i can't feel any of the movements from the inside. I'm so hanging to be able to feel this LO moving!

I've noticed the hardness 2 days ago! It means the bump will soon be visible (not just bloat!). When I wake up I have a big bump on the side of my belly! It's adorable :p Still haven't felt the movements.. Can't wait!
Had another ultrasound today. Babies looked like they were fighting!!! Didn't get any new pics as the printer wasn't working :-( excited my SIL is a sonographer and going to scan me.next Wednesday so we can know the sex and not have to wait until 18 weeks.
How exciting twins! That is adorable...bummer though about the printer! What a let down! Couldn't they just burn you the pictures on a CD? Seriously these sonographers need to grow a brain.
How exciting twins! That is adorable...bummer though about the printer! What a let down! Couldn't they just burn you the pictures on a CD? Seriously these sonographers need to grow a brain.

My doctor was actually the one who did the US and its just a little portable so now CDs :-( I can't complain too much today was my 5th US which is many more than most women get
How exciting twins! That is adorable...bummer though about the printer! What a let down! Couldn't they just burn you the pictures on a CD? Seriously these sonographers need to grow a brain.

My doctor was actually the one who did the US and its just a little portable so now CDs :-( I can't complain too much today was my 5th US which is many more than most women get

Awww that is cool...I didn't mean to offend. I hope I didn't. A friend of mine is having twins- She is due February but they may induce her earlier.:thumbup:
How exciting twins! That is adorable...bummer though about the printer! What a let down! Couldn't they just burn you the pictures on a CD? Seriously these sonographers need to grow a brain.

My doctor was actually the one who did the US and its just a little portable so now CDs :-( I can't complain too much today was my 5th US which is many more than most women get

Awww that is cool...I didn't mean to offend. I hope I didn't. A friend of mine is having twins- She is due February but they may induce her earlier.:thumbup:

Oh no. Not offended at all :). Its kind of nice at my drs office. Usually the dr or nurse practitioner scans you. The only place I have had a sonographer do it was at the perinatologist for my NT scan. They told me yesterday that they will try to get me to 35/36 weeks which was my goal anyways. :).
Well, no more MS since i hit 13 weeks but now I have round ligament pains whenever I am on my feet for more than 5 minutes plus last night I got hit by the worst cold ever and could barely sleep. Not to mention my daughter has been running a fever off and on for 3 days. Ugh...
Hope your little one feels better soon. Mine has had a runny nose for a few days now. It is horrible when they're sick :(
My morning sickness seems to have subsided for a week now...a nice break. I have had a funny tummy but not sure if it is pregnancy related.
Does anyone know the safe limit on what pregnant women can lift? My daugher weighs about 14kg and is only 16mths old... I worry that I am straining more than I should just by carrying her around.
I wish my sickness would go away. Finally cracked yesterday and ended up at Doctors room and they put me on medication. Wish I have done it sooner.......
Hope your little one feels better soon. Mine has had a runny nose for a few days now. It is horrible when they're sick :(
My morning sickness seems to have subsided for a week now...a nice break. I have had a funny tummy but not sure if it is pregnancy related.
Does anyone know the safe limit on what pregnant women can lift? My daugher weighs about 14kg and is only 16mths old... I worry that I am straining more than I should just by carrying her around.

I don't think we are suppose to lift over 20 lbs but as far as I know doctors only worry about that once we reach 24 weeks. I pick my daughter up about 3-4x times a day but she is only 26 lbs or around 12 kg.
Thanks for that info. I am worried about her weight. DH says we need to put her on a diet but I don't think that is necessary.
I just caught her trying to self medicate using the baby nose spray! She is slightly addicted to it when her nose is bothering her. Have since removed the spray from her chubby little hands and put it up high on the top of our microwave.
Thanks for that info. I am worried about her weight. DH says we need to put her on a diet but I don't think that is necessary.
I just caught her trying to self medicate using the baby nose spray! She is slightly addicted to it when her nose is bothering her. Have since removed the spray from her chubby little hands and put it up high on the top of our microwave.

She is a bit heavy but I wouldn't worry about it til after she turns 3. Does she like veggies and fruits?
yes she does...she eats a banana every day usually for morning snack. She loves carrots, peas, potato, broccoli, olives, mushrooms, all kinds of veggies. The only food she seems to avoid is fish but I never liked it as a kid either but now as an adult I love fish.
yes she does...she eats a banana every day usually for morning snack. She loves carrots, peas, potato, broccoli, olives, mushrooms, all kinds of veggies. The only food she seems to avoid is fish but I never liked it as a kid either but now as an adult I love fish.

My daughter started getting molars and canines at 18 months and now will not eat veggies. She hates potatoes. She has always been tall but only recently did she stop gaining a pound a month. She will still eat bananas and a few other fruits but her big thing now is popcorn. We watch her carefully with it but it is close to the only grain she will eat so we arent denying it to her.
Thankfully my DD isn't fussy with what I give her. However if I try to feed her she refuses to eat. She has always been rather independent and insists on doing it herself. It is very messy and I am trying hard to train her to wipe her hands and face before she goes and plays after eating. If I don't watch her the next thing I know I have half a banana squashed into my lounge chairs.
LOL My daughter has wiped her hands with wipes a few imes if she sees me doing it in front of her. Do you clean in font of her a lot? My daughter always saw me using baby wipes to wipe messes off her high chair and about 2 months ago she started copying me (true she isnt as effective but we still praise her for helping mommy). Maybe if she sees you wiping your hands and face on something after meals she will want to be like mommy and do it too.
I'm glad you've got some meds Taurus to help with your MS. There is no point continuing to suffer when there is something that can help. X

Your in the wars Armymama. I hope your ligament pain settles down and you feel better soon.

I wouldn't be worried about your DD weight at this age Libbysmum. It really does depend on the build of the child. My daughter is 4 (will be 5 in March) and she only weighs about 17kg. She is of small build, but she is healthy and the children in her childcare (roughly the same age) range from smaller than her to much bigger. Our dear friend has a son that is 3yo and weighs about 21kg and he isn't overweight. It is just his build. Xx

How are you feeling Sweetbuthyper? I hope your doing ok. Good luck at your appointment. Xx

Your morning bump sounds very cute Olivelove. Xx

Good luck with your scan on Wednesday Jewels, wow, not long now and you'll know whether you will have sons or daughters! Xx

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