June 2013 Babies

Hey Libs, I'm sorry Hun, I haven't experienced that either sweets. Maybe put a thread on 2nd trimester section? I have noticed a couple of posts on there titled along the lines of pain in the bum, but I haven't read them. Maybe there is something on those posts.

How annoying that you are getting the run around Army. I hope it all gets sorted out for you soon and you get into your new OB next week. Your poor DD. ear infections are horrible especially when she has had so many!
Good on you for staying team yellow!

Hey Taurus! How lovely having time away at the holiday home. You would have had some beautiful weather over the Christmas break! Bit hot now though.
It would be hard to stay team yellow. If you both change your mind at your next scan then so be it, but Good on you if you do stay team yellow. What a beautiful surprise at the end! Only 3 more days and You get to see you bubba again. Yay! I've only started feeling LO daily now in the last week. Only if I'm sitting and relaxing though, so I reckon it will be any time now and your LO will let their presence be known. Xx
Hi ladies,
Bit late but I was hoping I could join you?
I'm jade, 22, happily married with #1 on the way. I've had 2 losses with my DH one at 5wks in December 2010 and one at 6-7 wks in April 2012 we also struggled to conceive again.... I'm surprised we've made it this far, I was expecting another loss.
But here we are, almost 4months pregnant and still going strong! I'm so happy!
I have had 3 scans, all say bubs is healthy and we are currently waiting for our 3d gender scan on 20/01 :) so excited!
Hi Jade! I'm sorry for your losses. This LO of yours is now here to stay! Congratulations! Your 3D scan isn't far away now. How exciting! I hope bubba is in the right position for you! Another fellow Aussie. Xx
I hope so! I'm feeling a bit anxious all the time, just praying for everything to run smoothly! Have you looked much into where you'll be having baby yet? I've just got my referral to our nearest public hospital to see and ob/midwife for the first time. :)
I'm in Tassy Jade. I've booked in already to HPH. That is where I had my DD and they were great. I've seen the other hospitals and for me I was happy with HPH. Are you finding out what you are having? My guess is a boy. I have no expertise what so ever. Just your scan pic makes me think boy. I have my 20wk scan on Wednesday. It is a slightly nervous time but I'm sure we'll be fine. X
Well I've never seen a male OB before. This guy supposedly has 23 years experience and good reviews. Appointment is set for the 24th @ 2:30 p.m. Wont get my ultrasound til probably 2 weeks later but oh well, at least I'm not so aannoyed anymore.
I don't have a referral yet. There was a mix up with the hospital thinking the pregnancy was for my last pregnancy which ended in a mc. So my Dr had to re-send them all the information.
If I haven't heard back soon I will phone them.
I really wanted a female OB so i used one with my DD. only thing is, when it was time her to be born, my OB was on holidays! My DD got delivered by a male OB and he was great. I was just so happy with him (and DH didn't like the female OB) so we went thru the same male OB. He has many years of experience with 7 kids!
Yes we find out in 10 days! Got a 3d scan booked next Sunday. I think girl but that might be wishful thinking! :/ hmm we'll see.. Have you found any of you ladies found out the sex yet? :)
Sunday Jadie. Your lucky to get an appt on a Sunday! I'm expecting a boy. Good luck at your scan! I hope it's a girl for you. X
We did the 3d scan with DD at around 27 weeks after our 20 week scan where the sonogram lady said she was "fairly sure" it was a girl. DH was not convinced and wanted to have a more definitive answer. So we paid about $100 and got a CD with music and everything and some pictures. It was a wonderful moment and after we went shopping for pink things lol
I guess you can't go wrong with a 3d scan hey, the bits will be pretty visible! I can't wait to be able to pick a name, decorate the nursery and buy gender specific clothes! :) on the countdown!
I also had a miscarriage in august at 6wks pregnant... i had a subchronic hemotoma and it ruptured.. 2 months later im pregnant again and now 14wks pregnant and everything has gone good so far :) GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!!!
I had a scan at 13wks 3 days and was mesaring a few days ahead... anyways the lady who did my ultrasound has done it for over 20 years and opend up her own buisness for elective ultrasounds and 3d-4d with finding out gender at 15 wks... i was impatient and my husband was leaving for two weeks for work so she said as long as the baby cooperates she could most likley tell the sex of the baby... we saw three white lines clear as day and she said we are having a princess most likley.. looked 4 times at diffrent angles too see something sticking out and nothing at all!! im a little skeptical because we already have 3 boys and a little girl would be amazing since this will be our last one!!! how do you upload pictures??!?
Megan hi- we had a miscarriage late August too...I was 11wks but the baby had no heart beat and was told it only measured in at 7wks. It was a real blessing for us to get pregnant virtually straight away. I have this underlining fear that something may go wrong with this pregnancy but I suppose that is normal after a loss.
It has not helped that I have been bleeding on and off since the beginning with no real definitive cause. The last time at the ER they said it may be my vagina has an abrasion maybe not enough CM or something just stabbing in the dark for an answer. Sounds pretty likely you have a girl baking in the oven. That is awesome.
We are hoping for a boy but will be happy with either.
To upload you need to go to reply and advanced then find the symbol that looks like a paperclip that way you can upload a photo, select photo you want and upload.
Here is a recent photo. I feel like I must be retaining fluid as there is no way that this bump is all baby!:thumbup::blush:


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Oh my gosh ladies, what a day! Got up early, spent 4 hours solid cleaning house from one end to the other! Place is spotless. Had a couple of friends over for dinner, decided to give chilli con carne a go! Mid-chopping onions and sliced the top of my thumb off! Luckily only a few millimetres so no ED trip necessary, luckily I have quite an extensive first aid kit lol. i got myself patched up with the help of my lovely neighbour! Bloody hurt and I wasn't sure what pain relief I could take so I haven't had any :( it's all settled now though... On a good note the chilli was beautiful! Even had seconds!

So that's my stupid act for the day, how are you ladies? Hope all is well :)
Well even though we are staying team Yellow DH and I are pretty sure this baby is a boy. I am convinced because of the fact that I am growing ugly warts and skin tags just like with my first son. DH is convinced because of the activity level over this past week. The past 3 days I have counted 20+ kicks each day and the baby has also changed positions a few times (yes I could actually feel it inside and outside).

Here is my 19 week bump pic:


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Jadie- oh no! You can take panadol or tylanol. Thats about all. Keep the wound clean and watch for infections. Glad dinner was delicious! I haven't made that in a while...we had boring old spaghetti last night followed by heartburn - thankfully nothing came up.

Cute belly shot Army!
Thanks Libby'smum, i gave it a clean this morning, no pain and all looking good. :)

Bumps looking good ladies! Mine looks more like a bump in my maternity clothes but I take my progression photos first thing in the morning and you can't really tell... Just look bloated I guess! I keep waiting for movements but I've felt nothing yet! Not even butterflies! :(

Have a good weekend ladies!

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