June 2013 Babies

Yay on birthday buddies in our June group! I go in to schedule the C-section on Tuesday. I think I'm going to have to evict this little one.
All the best Army! Hoping everything goes smoothly for you and baby and that you heal fast. :) Slightly jealous that everyone is having babies ...feel like a blob. 5 more weeks of this!
Well I think I'm starting to dilate because I lost part or most of my mucus plug yesterday. I know that it doesnt mean anything will happen soon but there is a small chance.
Aww hope things progress well for you Army!
I been upset...raging hormones more than likely. I think sometimes with my friends and family that I am the only person that truly cares if this baby lives and if it get's the best I can give it. Maybe cause we lost the other one it's just hitting me harder than it would normally but I really feel like I'm the only one that really gives a damn about this kid. :(
I think what really started me feeling this way is that I tried to organize a simple get together with friends and family and twice DH says he has to work on the date I chose...so I had to reschedule and now it seems that nobody is able to come at all...maybe one person. I just feel so deflated. Then what tipped me over the edge was DH had the electric blanket on and I asked if he would turn it down and got no response so I said could he just tell me yes or no cause I am overheating. He acted like I was asking him to go fetch me a rock from the moon or something outrageous and I said I just want the baby to be ok and not overheat...Im not asking anything difficult.
Anyhow it upset me because he just rolled over and didn't do anything...I just feel like he thinks about himself too much and I feel like I am doing it all on my own.
Awww...I'm sorry you are having a hard time emotionally. DH's mom is pushing for us to reconsider letting her in the delivery room. I think the anxiety of knowing it will be soon is getting to her.
Thank God I don't have a mother inlaw! Bothe DH's parents died years ago. There is no way I want my mother in the room...I don't mind her being there directly after but some things are between me and DH and the hospital and nobody else.
Yeah, we told her we would discuss it. She was close to tears when she brought up the subject this morning. So I brought it up with DH on Skype and honestly neither of our views have changed. 1. It's more fair to have a neutral person there since DH cant be there himself (we have a close family friend who will be there with me) and 2. I am honestly more comfortable with this family friend than I am with my mother-in-law.
Just wanted to say, I hate waiting. I thought the hospital would have called to schedule my C-section by now so I called my OB's office to see why they havent called. The lady told me that they wont call til probably around 4 p.m. on Tuesday because then they will know an exact time. So I only find out 36 hours beforehand? Ugh....rant over.
So half an hour ago I walked up and down my stairs 12 times, took a 5 minute break, and then bounced on my gym ball for 10 minutes. Well 3 minutes ago I had my "bloody show". It could actually happen before Thursday!
ooh how exciting! Any contractions yet? Looking forward to hearing more Army!
Gotta love the pregnancy terminology "bloody show" "mucus plug" lol cracks me up!
Yeah felt awkward using those terms to my mom but at least she knows what I meant. I'm not having any painful or timeable contractions.
My friend told me to call the dr since I've had constant back pain for 45 minutes now. She thinks I'm having back labor which cant be timed consistently.
I am having contractions about 18-15 minutes apart and slight back pain. Dr. told me to wait at home until my pain is unbearable and then come in. She said it could be back labor or could just be how the baby is laying. Discharge has eased up and is now a light pinkish color.
Thanks for the updates...Hope you are able to hold your new baby soon! Thinking I would be going in to hospital and asking for an epidural lol before the pain got unbearable!
Got sent home. Only dilated to a 2. My contractions are there but not consistent. Still hoping this baby comes out before Thursday.

Contractions are still present and a 7.5 on a pain scale out of 10. They are varying from 4 to 7 minutes apart.
hope it speeds up for you soon so you can get on with mothering the new addition. How annoying to be sent home...I think I would have just refused. LOL Dang hospitals.
LOL If I go to Labor & Delivery tomorrow I will insist on staying.
Army - Good luck with progressing! Hopefully things get moving along for you.

I ended up being induced last Thursday because my blood pressure was still high at my doctor's appointment. Luckily we expected that to be the case so we had everything packed up and hubby came with me. I was in labor for around 15 hours. I was progressing great up to 8 cms but then got stuck and baby decided to claw her way back up in my uterus. The pressure on my cervix made it swell back down to 6 cms so the doctor decided to do a c section. Her heart rate dropped as we were prepping for the c section so we ended up running to the OR but everything went smoothly during the procedure and little Haylee Elise was born at 4:12am on 5/31/13 6lbs 12oz.

We're home now after 3 more nights in the hospital (we requested early discharge since we were going a little crazy being confined to one room). I'm healing well and Haylee is doing great. I love her to pieces!!
Raelyn how lovely I bet she is a sweetheart! Thanks for the update and glad everyone is doing well.

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