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June...here we come!!!

Stacy - have a relaxing time this cycle with low stress. But remember to try to keep an eye out for O signs. Temping will only confirm O...not warn you when it is sneaking up. Or at least try to keep an every other day or 2 BD schedule...& have fun :)

We have been doing every other day and usually when I'm about to O i do get bad cramps and a migraine. I had a migraine yesterday so O may have been then but like you said it is really hard to tell without testing. I know it's not ideal but I just needed a month were I wasn't constantly peeing in a cup. We are going to BD again tonight and tomorrow to make sure.

I think a month without OPKs is a great idea. I tried it last month but we were not keeping up the BD schedule, so I got stressed. But otherwise it was nice. I typically have very strong O symptoms so I was confident in my timeline...we just didn't BD around then for various reasons. I also didn't really test during the TWW.

All the testing makes you start feeling like a lab rat :) I will be back on injections in a few days, so back to being a test subject.
Thanks for the tip about Clomid at night Beaglemom. I was just thinking that reading your response to JCM's hot flashes! Hopefully I won't have too bad of moodswings or hot flashes, but it's nice to know to expect the possibility. Will make it less scary if it does happen because at least I will understand why!

As for my issues and why I was given those %s...we have no known issues. The Clomid & IUI percentage was the numbers my RE gave me specific to couples with unexplained infertility. As for our 2-3% chances of getting pregnant naturally, it was based on some formula he entered our information into. Not sure what exactly he entered, but probably our ages, time trying, etc. He is very up with the newest research, which is great. I think this was something he said was developed in the Netherlands, but that it's a formula that's supposed to be pretty accurate for predicting and that he uses to determine whether to pursue intervention or recommend that a couple tries more naturally.

Erin--glad I'm not losing it! I was really questioning myself when the nurse said that 50 was the lowest dose! LOL Thanks so much for the encouraging words! I really hope this works for us. I am looking forward to browsing the forums for clomid success stories! Although I'm not expecting the first cycle to work, it would be nice if we could get it within the first 3!

Floridasian....happy early birthday to you!!!
Hey all! Day 2 of this stupid pill and I think I'm sweating more! Lol yes, Sarah you might need to stock up on fans! I woke up just dripping with sweat. Poor hubby was freezing...I like the idea of blaming the meltdowns on clomid because I was really happy yesterday and I thought this isn't bad...sweat a little and I'm ok. Ohhhh no! I had a fight with my dad this morning and I went from crying to my scary voice and then back to crying in less than a minute. It was like I was outside of my body just watching it and I couldn't stop it. My goodness! So I had about 5 otter pops and cooled myself off a bit. My step kids are so lucky they aren't here this month! Whew! Seems like everyone has some light at the end of the tunnel in here now. I have to say I really love my RE. Mostly because it's someone that obsesses more over me getting pregnant than I do. Ok, well maybe not more than me but he obsesses and I like it! I have gained 8 pounds since starting all of this fertility med/heparin injections stuff and I'm really starting to notice. It would be one thing if there was actually a baby in there but it's just me in there! What's up with the weight gain! I think I'll start some light exercise every other day like cardio and light weights. I would think that would be ok right?
Hi girls! I have been out of town for close to a week but I wanted to catch up and check in and see how everyone was doing.

Sarahok, so excited that your first RE appointment went well! Glad that you are so optimistic! It will happen soon!

Beaglemom, how great that your hubby has such an important interview. Good luck to him, it would be wonderful for him to get this much deserved promotion!

MissStacy, keep up the BDing and just enjoy each other!

Floridasian, happy (early) birthday! That is interesting on the progesterone...I wonder if you could just skip it this month and start it immediately if you get a bfp. I started mine (200mg) 10dpo, and I wasn't tested at all since I had very low progesterone back in March (it was at 7). Good luck to you.

Hello to everyone else!

My little update. Today was my first ultrasound, I was excited and a bit nervous. Well I got the biggest surprise when the tech told me there was two...I am having twins! Both babies are doing great and are measuring on track with my accurate FF information. Super excited right now :)
Wow savvy...crazy! I hope you get a boy/girl combo.

I got my meds today...and more needles! Why so many needles? I still had like 10 from last cycle. I only use 3. And it was the usual copay. But one med I didn't need to refill so that saved me some money. I'm actually excited to start injecting! Will probably start the bd on Friday. Will do fri, sun, and mon if I can after trigger...unless they hold off a day for more growth.
Woah, savvy!! Twins?! That's awesome!! Were you taking any meds that cycle or are they just natural twins?? That's just so exciting! I bet you can't wait to know the sexes!!!
Thanks girls!

All natural cycle, no meds. I have low progesterone, a short LP and no meds and I am pregnant with twins! They do not run in our family either. Anything is possible!
Now you can shop some of those awesome cafepress twin shirts :)

With this increased follistim, I am now worried I will have 3 eggs! My husband said bring it on! Twins would be great, though. IUI has a higher chance of multiples than IVF.

I named this thread June Here we Come...& we are def getting sh*t accomplished on this thread this month...lol! :)
Hi girls! I have been out of town for close to a week but I wanted to catch up and check in and see how everyone was doing.

Sarahok, so excited that your first RE appointment went well! Glad that you are so optimistic! It will happen soon!

Beaglemom, how great that your hubby has such an important interview. Good luck to him, it would be wonderful for him to get this much deserved promotion!

MissStacy, keep up the BDing and just enjoy each other!

Floridasian, happy (early) birthday! That is interesting on the progesterone...I wonder if you could just skip it this month and start it immediately if you get a bfp. I started mine (200mg) 10dpo, and I wasn't tested at all since I had very low progesterone back in March (it was at 7). Good luck to you.

Hello to everyone else!

My little update. Today was my first ultrasound, I was excited and a bit nervous. Well I got the biggest surprise when the tech told me there was two...I am having twins! Both babies are doing great and are measuring on track with my accurate FF information. Super excited right now :)
OMG! I'm laying in bed surfing on my phone. Can't sleep, bad cramps which I'm thinking is O pains. Anyway, read your post and I accidentally woke DH up cuz I literally jumped for joy! So happy for you! !!
Wow Savvy - that is such exciting news! Twins are AWESOME!! Congrats!!!
savvy, best news ever!!!! I literally got teary-eyed when I read it! How amazing that you were trying for your bean for a while, and just about to go see an RE, and not only did you get pregnant naturally, but you are carrying twins! You are the inspiration we all need. :flower: Congrats on that news, I bet you are SO excited! I know I would be. I'd love twins, hehe. :) In fact, I am hoping, deep down inside, both of my embryos stick. But obviously, DH and I will be happy just getting our BFP.

Congrats again, and thanks for checking in, i'm SO happy for you!
OMG OMG OMG SAVVY!!! That is amazing! I'm so excited for you! Yes, Erin, I teared up a little too!! Miss Stacy, that's hilarious that you woke your dh up jumping for joy! Savvy, you truly are all the inspiration we need. Man, we went several months without a BFP of this thread, then you got the BFP of the year!! Haha! Can they tell if they are fraternal or identical? Just awesome!

Yeah, I was talking to my husband about the RE appointment and he was saying how worried he was about the risk of twins. I wanted to say, that would be ok with me! But I know he's just worried because it just makes for a bit riskier pregnancy (sorry Savvy, not meaning to rain on your parade...I'm sure you'll be fine!). He has brothers who are twins but they are not identical, so I think that kind is not genetically passed down. He's not as excited as I am. He really wants a baby, but I think he's having a hard time accepting that we really need this help. He kept saying how he wished I would just get pregnant and that maybe I was already pregnant. I told him, "Sorry I'm having trouble getting my hopes up on that one, but when you see something happen 19 times in a row, you begin to expect it." It seems like getting pregnant naturally is just impossible at this point, even though it's not completely.

He is also worried about timing of the IUI because it's really hard for him to get away from work, and 2 days a week he's in rural clinics 2 hours away. You ladies who have done IUI, how far in advance do you know when the procedure will be? I'm doing monitored w/ trigger, so I'm assuming I'll have to go in for ultrasounds of my follies, then I'll get the trigger. Then how long from that point to the IUI? The staff really just kind of explained it in broad strokes and said, "Just call us on CD1 to start the Clomid." I'm all for taking it step by step because it's a lot on info to absorb, but I would like to know the trajectory a bit more specifically. Thanks in advance for the info!

Floridasiain, Happy Happy Birthday!! I hope you do something fun!
Sarah, generally with IUI, you have a really good idea what to expect on what days... You call on day1, then you can have your baseline u/s any time before day 4 (or at least, according to my RE). Then they have you come in for a day10 u/s to make sure you have at least one dominant follie above a certain size. Typically, you'll trigger that night, and have IUI on day 12. So you do have a pretty good idea, and can plan pretty well.

However, that said, it CAN change if the RE wants to give the follies more time to grow. On my second IUI, I had a second follie that was trailing the bigger one just a tad. My RE decided to give it another couple days to grow so that I'd have two good follies, so I was told to trigger the next night instead, and IUI was a day later than it normally would be. But my first IUI was very predictable and fell right on schedule. And of course, even with the 2nd IUI, I did have the option of just staying on schedule, because my larger follie was plenty big enough (and even the second follie was probably big enough), but I did what the RE suggested, because I wanted to make SURE they both ovulated! hehe.

I never had DH go to any of my scans, because I didnt see a point in making him take time away from his business (he owns his own business, and it's hard when he's not with his clients). So he just came to the IUI itself. But every girl is certainly different, and some girls like their DHs to be with them every step of the way.
Savvy - YAY!!! :happydance::happydance:

Floridian - Happy Birthday!!

Sarah - The IUI is 24-36 hours after the trigger. They usually do the follie scan around day 10-12depending on when you typically O and make a decision on when you take the shot after that scan. Sometimes, they will have you come in for a second scan - but usually they can figure it out after the first one. FXed for you!!
Thanks Erin and Moni. That makes me feel so much better! I think he was worried it would be like a 2 hour window that he would all of a sudden have to run away from work for. I think I can reassure him now! Erin, I'm the same as you...I'd rather let him stay at work. Beyond the fact that his patients need him, I'd rather him be making money to sock away to pay for future treatments if necessary! Haha!
Sarah, after I read Moni's post just now, I realize every RE probably does it a little different. Beagle and I seemed to be on a similar protocol with day10 u/s, triggering that night (as long as follie was ready), and then IUI on day12. But after reading Moni's post, I realize since every woman is different and every RE is different, Sarah, you may have a slightly different protocol. But if you need to get some idea for your DH, I would just ask them at your baseline u/s what their general plan is for you. While they can't assume your follies will be ready for triggering at your follie scan, they should at least be able to give you a general idea. I dont know if that will help much with your DH's schedule, but FXd it all works out.

Btw, since this is your first treatment cycle with your RE, they may go ahead and do more bloodwork than just the usual on the same day as your baseline u/s.
My schedue is the same as Erin...u/s CD 3 or around here, I go ahead & schedule my scan for CD 10; on that day they tell me if I am ready to trigger. This may also be affected by the fact you & Moni are on clomid & Erin & I were/are on femara. And probably what day you take the clomid. Erin & I were taking it the same days & dose. My husband goes to all the appointments if he is off. If he is working, he only makes sure to be at the IUI. However, this time he is off for CD 10, worked CD 3, and is working CD 12. He will see if he can get CD 12 off since I am taking it off. His preference is to be at CD 10 scan because he wants to see the follie growth. But my husband has a rotating schedule anyways & a co-worker he can easily switch with.

With all that said & done, you should have a least a 2 day advance warning. If all goes as planned, you can know on CD 1 what the tentative plan is. I told my boss I will know def on Monday what day it will be, but I am on the calendar as tentatively off Wednesday.
Savvy you are pregnant with twins?! That's crazy!! I had to read it twice because I thought I read it wrong lol congratulations! After reading that I feel like it can happen for me too! Best news ever!

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