****June Testers*****Join me in the hunt for a BFP

Ok so here is the digital my DH got me to take cause he needed it spelled out! :haha: I am sooooooooo happy, we both are! A little shocked cause we didn't expect it to happen this fast but SO happy!!

This is totally a lucky thread!!!!!! Thanks medea for setting it up :hugs:

YIPEE xxx It's so nice to see that picture babe xxx :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
CONGRATULATIONS Dragonfly1982! So lovely to see it on a digital one 
We just had another earthquake and lost power. it's so lovely checking cm in the dark with a torch :dohh: lol
He's convinced its not happening cause its only our first month of properly trying - previously we were NTNP!

Sounds like you might be getting good news too :) Let me know how you get on tomorrow :happydance:

DH looked at me like I'm crazy cause I was laughing so hard at your comment about the sour milk :haha: Thats something I'd do!!!

:) Thanks dragonfly; I'm glad you found the milk situation funny! I'm glad it didn't make me sick :dohh:

So it hubby in total shock now that he's gotten concrete proof?

In my own AF world, I started very lightly spotting this morning, which is always how AF starts out...so on to next month! It will be OUR first time properly TTC :) Last month we kind of started, but I already knew we had missed the egg. I hope we have your luck!

Congratulations again :)
He's convinced its not happening cause its only our first month of properly trying - previously we were NTNP!

Sounds like you might be getting good news too :) Let me know how you get on tomorrow :happydance:

DH looked at me like I'm crazy cause I was laughing so hard at your comment about the sour milk :haha: Thats something I'd do!!!

:) Thanks dragonfly; I'm glad you found the milk situation funny! I'm glad it didn't make me sick :dohh:

So it hubby in total shock now that he's gotten concrete proof?

In my own AF world, I started very lightly spotting this morning, which is always how AF starts out...so on to next month! It will be OUR first time properly TTC :) Last month we kind of started, but I already knew we had missed the egg. I hope we have your luck!

Congratulations again :)

I'm glad it didn't make you sick too hun! I've been there - one time I was eating a sandwich and thought it tasted off so put it down for a minute and then I noticed green mould on the corner of the bread! I nearly got sick!! Needless to say I'm very very particular about my bread after that :haha:

Oh yes, DH is in complete shock! Haha! He's gone to work this morning and he barely slept last night. I woke up about 4 times throughout the night, its very uncomfortable to lie on my belly cause my bbs are so sore so everytime I squashed a bb underneath me I woke up from the pain! That and the dry mouth I'm experiencing - not fun!

Best of luck to you two this month - we were the exact same last month. I Oed a couple of days before we got married and I was just too stressed out to even think of BDing so we tried anyway on honeymoon before AF showed up even though we knew it wasn't gonna happen and then after AF we just used the OPKs (a regular one I got in Walmart while on honeymoon!) and actually I forgot to use it for a few days when we got home so I used it on the Mon and Tue and there was nothing different and then on the Wed the second line appeared and we BDed!

Weirdly enough I think I kinda knew I was pg! I told DH this morning that two things seriously gave the game away:
1. our dog is so affectionate to me - he normally prefers DH but now he won't leave my side!
2. I was watching Lady Gaga's video for Born This Way and the lyrics made me cry:haha::haha::haha: That was a dead giveaway!

GL trying this month hun! :)
Hi Everyone,
well i use this site all the time for advice and last night i did a test. Few random things happend over the last frew days, like achey breasts and bleeding gums so i did a tesco test ladt night and saw a line after a few minutes, i thought all night that it was an evaporation line...
This morning the suspense was killing me and i needed hard evidence lol, i did a digital test this morning and i got a BFP i can't believe it to be honest. :) ;) over the moon but need to deal with the shock, we have been trying since March but was on the pill for 2 years before this and never had periods so i thought it would take a while to get back to normal.

Sending babydust to all that are testing soon

Hi Everyone,
well i use this site all the time for advice and last night i did a test. Few random things happend over the last frew days, like achey breasts and bleeding gums so i did a tesco test ladt night and saw a line after a few minutes, i thought all night that it was an evaporation line...
This morning the suspense was killing me and i needed hard evidence lol, i did a digital test this morning and i got a BFP i can't believe it to be honest. :) ;) over the moon but need to deal with the shock, we have been trying since March but was on the pill for 2 years before this and never had periods so i thought it would take a while to get back to normal.

Sending babydust to all that are testing soon


BIG CONRATULATIONS!! and welcome xxx hope you have a h+h 9 months xxx:bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:
AF due today - nothing so far couldn't wait so tested and got a BFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stressing me out::cry:
Hi ladies I've laid low for the last couple of days as I've been hurt too many times by my AF arrival month after month when I've been certain , this was it!

First of all congrats to all you ladies who got your BFPs and so sorry for those who waited in vein only for AF to show, don't lose hope I'm sure July will be another lucky month..

Well back to me I've been trying to distract myself and not read in to any symptoms this month, and to be honest ladies I've had more symptoms going the last cycle that I did with this one, so I'm hoping and praying something comes out positive for this cycle if not then try again in July, I'm 9 dpo, cd 30 today will see how long I can discipline myself without the urge to test early, fx for everyone xxx
Hi Everyone,
well i use this site all the time for advice and last night i did a test. Few random things happend over the last frew days, like achey breasts and bleeding gums so i did a tesco test ladt night and saw a line after a few minutes, i thought all night that it was an evaporation line...
This morning the suspense was killing me and i needed hard evidence lol, i did a digital test this morning and i got a BFP i can't believe it to be honest. :) ;) over the moon but need to deal with the shock, we have been trying since March but was on the pill for 2 years before this and never had periods so i thought it would take a while to get back to normal.

Sending babydust to all that are testing soon


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! fantastic news!
Hi all! I'm at work so can't post the pic yet but I used my last test & it was a lot darker than the first one on Friday or even the Sunday one (even though it was a different brand). I'm keeping my digi for Saturday as it's my birthday & I want that as my present.

Congrats dragonfly!!!

Hi ladies AF came and went and we have decided that we are not going to try anymore for awhile. We have decided to renew are vows on are 5 year anniversary in Feb and I don't want to be pregnant then, so Congrats to all the BFP's and to all you still trying good luck and lots of sticky baby dust. I am praying none of you are still here in Feb but if you are see you all then.
Hi Ladies,

Not due to test until 29th / 30th June as that is when the witch is due to show her ugly face!

I am not sure how many dpo I am but i think about 5/6. I have been getting really tired, headaches, nausea, backache, stomach cramps, gone off my food and thick creamy cm. I am also really emotional!

Do any of these things sound positive to you guys? :shrug:

Congratulations to all those that have their :BFP: and :hugs: to all those that the witch has caught! x

Im about 3 days late now. If she doesn't come by the 25th I will test again.
Congrats on all the new BFP's! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Happy and healthy 9 months to you, mommas!

The :witch: got me with some significant pink spotting just now. Damn her. Atleast I can try again sooner! Fxed for everyone else still waiting for their BFP's!

I'm 11 dpo from my first possible ovulation and only 4 dpo if i go by the 2nd time i got a positive OPK. Who knows!! I started breaking out terribly yesterday and i am due for AF on Saturday or Sunday (if she comes). I usually always break out 1 week before AF so it is seeming like she will come. I am not testing until the 30th incase my 2nd OPK was correct and not the first. I really hope this is it but i'm not getting my hopes up yet!
The wait is driving me crazy atm... Haven't been able to resist testing for the past 2 mornings although its much too soon and I know I'll only get BFN's. I'm 9 DPO... I think.
All I want is that second pink line...
I'm starting to feel sad already in anticipation of AF due on Sunday. It's my birthday on Friday too, so not sure if I'll be able to resist testing or wont want a BFN to spoil my day :/
Im just a big fat sad grumpy face right now :'(
Ive been trying not to symptom spot(aka convince myself Im feeling different)...
The only symptoms Ive actually had was like 3dpo, my breasts were v sore and tender, well my nipples were. To touch and lay on, but that went after 2 days.
Does anyone else convince themselves they can feel something? Particularly in tummy/groin area? Im sure I feel fuller/bloated.
But do I, am I really? Grrrrrrrrr
Hello, all, jumping out of lurkage since I'm getting close to testing (and starting to go quietly crazy)!

DH and I are ttc #1--we've been married almost 9 years and together for more than 14, so it's about time. I went off the pill in May 2010 and my cycles have been very regular but light since then. I've had odd cramping and went to my gyn, who basically said, "Why are you waiting?" and as we didn't have a good answer, we decided to try. I'm definitely more on board than DH, but he pretty much knew he was out of time!

I'm 11 dpo today and AF is due either Thursday or Friday. The calendar I use thought I'd ovulate on the 9th but I'm sure it was the 10th. Since then, I've been symptom spotting all over the place, but most of what I experience seems to be explainable in other ways--very tired but up early every day AND switched to decaf/half-caf coffee... heartburn but I scarfed down a bunch of carrots... felt grossed out by smells but I was in a smelly deli! That kind of thing.

Plus the symptoms come and go so I'm not sure what that means. (Probably nothing!)

I guess the thing that seems most hopeful to me is that on 7 dpo I was driving and felt this little tiny poking sensation in my uterus, on the same side from which I o'd. Tender bbs, usually in the morning, and a general "feeling" that something's going on. I keep trying to tell myself it could easily all be in my head!

So we'll see... trying not to test for another couple of days!

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