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JuneBugs Sept & Oct Testers Unite! Make that 145 BFP's! Updates from the last few?

All updated! Congrats to the new :bfp:s!

Sorry to hear about the new :witch:es! :( Onward and upward to next cycle!

I've been stalking for :bfp:s to get our numbers up! YAY!
no sign of witch yet ,meant come yestday (sunday) but nothing , cud be late, i may see how i feel in morning, if any period signs and get a test ,but im prob just late ,i will keep u posted ,leave me blank for now :) x
congrats to all the BFP's! Send the rest of us your spare baby dust. :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
you can take me off - m/c

thanks a bunch though xXx
Sorry to be a pain in the ass Meg, but please can you put me back in the 15th - now FF is cooperating. Ta love
Hi Meg..the witch caught on with me..you can knock me off the list :cry: :cry:
Liv - Can do! Hope it's your :bfp:! I know you're itchin' for it! :)

dippyns - Sorry about your :witch:! Boo & Hiss!!! Onward and upward to next cycle!

Kate - Couldn't be a pain in the ass if you tried! Too much love! :hugs: Consider yourself put back! :) Yay! Testing buddies again! - NM! Forgot about late ovulation! Guess I'm on the 18th these days! :(

GLD - I saw in the other thread! So sorry for your loss! :hugs:
no sign of witch yet ,meant come yestday (sunday) but nothing , cud be late, i may see how i feel in morning, if any period signs and get a test ,but im prob just late ,i will keep u posted ,leave me blank for now :) x

when are you gonna test hun? best of luck xx
Good luck girls. Hope you all join us soon, and congratulations to those who have!!
Megg, the witch got me :cry: I am out.

:dust: and best of luck to everyone!
Hi megg freaking :witch: attacked me today:( but on the up side lots more:sex: next month!
Hi Megg

I tested on 30th & got :bfp:

Good luck to everyone still to test:dust::dust::dust:
Dear all, I just found your website and wanted to register! I'm due to test tomorrow morning first thing! Wish me luck... ! AF was due on Friday but I've been holding out until tomorrow... tum is feeling very odd and boobies sore.. so hopefully all will be good! I had a mc March 2008 and this is the second month we've been trying since then.

I'm quite nervous and looking forward to getting to know you all! :hugs:

Lou x
Hey Megg. I will test on oct. 10th. Hope that hag stays away :)
Dear all, I just found your website and wanted to register! I'm due to test tomorrow morning first thing! Wish me luck... ! AF was due on Friday but I've been holding out until tomorrow... tum is feeling very odd and boobies sore.. so hopefully all will be good! I had a mc March 2008 and this is the second month we've been trying since then.

I'm quite nervous and looking forward to getting to know you all! :hugs:

Lou x

Hi Lou
Fx for you. Lots of baby dust:dust:
Meg has one lucky thread here.x
finally think i ovulated on cd49! so im gonna go for testing on the 19th please... thanks xx
The :witch: got me! :sad2:

Good luck to the rest of you waiting to test!

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