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JuneBugs Sept & Oct Testers Unite! Make that 145 BFP's! Updates from the last few?

Hi there, was due for the ol hag tuesday, due to lack of patience tested monday but bfn. Will test saturday if she is still a no show. Prayin hard :)
so im supposed to test 2morrow but i still think im going to get a not pregnant on my test. i was cramping for like almost a work week straight but nothing now. i felt like i was going to start any day when that was happening, along with that i had sore bbs and not so much now, im wondering whats going on. my last cycle started on the 8th of last month. if i dont get it this time im going to take a test 1 time a week untill either pos. or AF shows up. lets all hope she doesnt show up. last time i stopped the angus cactus i started with in a few days this time...nothing happend now i dont know if i should of kept taking it or not
testing date of the 15th for me - 12dpo or there abouts.
My first tww since April so I am excited!!
Hey girls, update from me, the :witch: has got me. I think!
i've just spent the last 2 hours in major tears. really dont think i'm cut up for all this heartache. so might spend my time away from baby and bump.


rachel xoxox
Sorry about that nasty :witch: girls....

Congrats on the new :bfp:'s!
The :witch: got me this morning, so I am off to the Halloween Humpers! Good luck everyone! xxx
Feeling even more nauseous today. BFN but I expected that - I know I'm not meant to test yet!! I'm anywhere between 5 - 8DPO.... god damn body wish I knew when you O this month...
Ok, girls! I'm back! Glad to see more :bfp:! Sorry about the :witch: for some of you!

:dust: and :hugs: to all!

Edit: Stalking will happen before bed, unless my computer hates me again! If you haven't updated, please do!

Stalking List

DragonMummy - Just curious on how to note this for you, hun... It's not that I don't already stalk you within an inch of your life! :hugs:
I'm okay, hun! Thanks! :flower: My temp dropped a little today, and then I had O pains from the opposite ovary of CD16... so, thinking I had another dual ov month. That would be great, but it also pretty well confirms my low progesterone theory. So, I started my progesterone cream today. Hoping this helps to fix my LP defect! YAY for being my own F.S., right?! :)

How are you? Hope all is well!
megg u do sound like a FS... good for you as it takes forever til the real FSs help u or do anything :) best of luck u will get a BFP soon!!!
I'm okay, hun! Thanks! :flower: My temp dropped a little today, and then I had O pains from the opposite ovary of CD16... so, thinking I had another dual ov month. That would be great, but it also pretty well confirms my low progesterone theory. So, I started my progesterone cream today. Hoping this helps to fix my LP defect! YAY for being my own F.S., right?! :)

How are you? Hope all is well!

What's FS?? lol sorry, I'm fairly new to BnB! I'm revelling in my nausea but trying not to revel too much in case it is't anything. I just started temping - still have to get a proper BBT thermometer but wanted to get a rough idea before I got one! It is V addictive!!! Plus I realised an app on my phone has a section for recording your temp for bbt so that makes it worse!!!

So you have more of a chance of being pregnant because of two O? Or does it have negative effects too?
megg u do sound like a FS... good for you as it takes forever til the real FSs help u or do anything :) best of luck u will get a BFP soon!!!

Aww! Thanks, hun! :hugs: My real FS was rubbish. So, I don't have a choice. I'd love to do this for a living... but med school and whatnot. I'd be without a career until I was... ugh, what would that be?... uhm... 38-ish? I have an associates... would need another 6 yrs of school + internship (is that what it's called?) and residency... definitely about 10 years, and I'm already 28. *sighs*

I really do appreciate it though. I need a vote of confidence, as I feel pretty alone in all of this. :flower:
I think you are doing great, you seem to have all the knowledge, if it is sometihng you'd like to do it does not matter how old you will be by the time you are done.... loving the job that you do is priceless :) I'm now 26 and a stay at home mum since I had my daughter so once my baby is bigger I will have to start again, I know it is hard but I'm sure it can be done.

Aaisrie - FS means Fertility Specialist :) I didn't understand anything when I first joined this forum so no worries!
I'm okay, hun! Thanks! :flower: My temp dropped a little today, and then I had O pains from the opposite ovary of CD16... so, thinking I had another dual ov month. That would be great, but it also pretty well confirms my low progesterone theory. So, I started my progesterone cream today. Hoping this helps to fix my LP defect! YAY for being my own F.S., right?! :)

How are you? Hope all is well!

What's FS?? lol sorry, I'm fairly new to BnB! I'm revelling in my nausea but trying not to revel too much in case it is't anything. I just started temping - still have to get a proper BBT thermometer but wanted to get a rough idea before I got one! It is V addictive!!! Plus I realised an app on my phone has a section for recording your temp for bbt so that makes it worse!!!

So you have more of a chance of being pregnant because of two O? Or does it have negative effects too?

Oops! Didn't see this, hun! Sorry! LOL

Linn is right about FS being fertility specialist. I wish I had a BBT app on my phone! My phone doesn't do apps though. My next one will... just a few more months! LOL

Uhm... I COULD have a higher chance of being pregnant with 2 O's. I also have a higher chance of multiples with 2 O's. The downside isn't really because of the 2nd O. The downside is WHY I had a 2nd O. I'll explain!

There was a study conducted with 60 women over the course of a complete menstrual cycle for each. Out of the 60 women, 50 ovulated once, 6 ovulated twice, and 4 didn't ovulate at all. That's 10% that ovulated twice... which is pretty impressive.

However, the women who ovulated twice seem to have low progesterone. After ovulation, progesterone rises, which provides the temperature shift that we see in BBT charting. That rise in progesterone also signals to the ovaries that "the chosen one" LOL... the follicle that matured the most the fastest... has been released and ovulation time is over... thus the other immature follicles just die out! For those of us (like me) with low progesterone, our temp doesn't stay as high as it should because the progesterone doesn't rise properly. The lesser degree of progesterone fails to signal the ovaries about ovulation, and other follicles can then continue to develop and mature. Once mature, they can also be released! 2 ovulations is actually a good thing for TTC... but low progesterone isn't. Even if you conceive, low progesterone can prohibit us from sustaining a pregnancy. So, even if sperm met egg for me and blastocyst implanted... low progesterone would pretty much make it a doomed to fail pregnancy. So, the dual ov is good for chances, but the low progesterone is bad for success!

Anyway, I got my 2nd O in... which pretty much confirms the low progesterone for me... along with the temp dip. Now, I've started the progesterone cream to supplement what I already do make. This should allow me to build a proper uterine lining and supply enough progesterone to support a sticky bean... but not enough progesterone that AF won't come if she should.

So, I'm taking advantage of the positives of low progesterone while trying desperately to combat the negative.. and it's a big negative! LOL So, you definitely don't want to have it just for the 2nd O... but when life gives you lemons! :)

Linn - I know what you say is true! I just don't think I'm prepared to go through med school! LOL I wish I was... and I have confidence that I could. I just don't think I want to. This is the way I like to help. I'm worried that it would jade me to have it as my job and I'd be no better than the rest of the doctors, ya know? :hugs: though! Thanks!

bbhopes - :hugs: back! That was lovely! :)
Megg that's really interesting - does that mean you could also have superfetal (not sure the correct name!) kids, it was on the news recently about a lady who concieved her son and 2.5 weeks later, her daughter. So her kids aren't twins just normal siblings born really close together!! Apparently it's really rare but I'm guessing anyone who has... what you have - is there a term for O twice? lol - could have that?
I understand you are not prepared to go through medical school, takes a lot of discipline which I wouldn't have. But I do believe you would make great FS, you go out of your own way all the time to help all the ladies here in the forum. you seem very patient answering questions and it is very easy to understand your answers.

i hope the progesterone cream will help. where i come from they prescribe u tablets to insert into your vagina after O to help with your luteal phase, it also contains progesterone. What happened at your FS appointment? Seems like the FS was useless. Like you already said seems like most doctors are. Mine told me I can't have a scan until im 14-15 weeks and asked if i wanted to keep my baby :( Can't believe it really!
omg that asked if you wanted to keep it?!

My booking in with my daughter wasn't until I was 14 weeks, the downside was waiting what seemed like forever, the upside - my U/S pics were way better than everyone else because of a few weeks extra growth :D
Yeah, sort of. Superfetal (think it's correct) happens when you conceive once you've already conceived, really. I mean, it can happen closer together than that... and probably still called the same thing... but if it happened to me, chances are my babies would only be a couple of days apart in gestation and would definitely be delivered as twins. Anytime you have non-identical twins, they aren't anything more than normal siblings born at the same time. It's only when a fertilized egg splits to form 2 babies that they are more than siblings really.

Is there a name for it? Uhm.... I don't know! Just searched and apparently, it's called... wait for it... "Multiple Ovulation"! How exciting and original! LOL

The low progesterone is just considered a luteal phase defect... it's not very interesting either. And, not everyone with low progesterone gets to O twice, btw. It's still pretty rare... apparently 5-10% of all cycles. So, I guess I'm a phenomenon! LOL I wouldn't know if it didn't effin' hurt! :)

Edit: I keep missing posts while I post! LOL

Linn - First, that's terrible! What crap! :hugs: I'm so sorry! Second, thanks! :flower: I try to help as best I can, and I try to be as clear as possible. I'm glad it comes across that way.

My FS appointment, eh? Well, we all (the BnB ladies and I) agreed that I should fake a couple of tears for sympathy since I didn't technically meet their requirements on time... but it wasn't really my fault... long story! Anyway, I just got a couple of those "oh look, I have a tear in the corner of my eye, I will wipe it away timidly and 'hope you don't notice' because I don't want to cry in front of you" kinds of things. The woman, instead of feeling bad about my frustration, tells me that I might need to see a psychiatrist to get my emotions in check... they could "get [me] on the right drug combination to control my emotions." Then she tells me how her "average client" is 37. I tell her that I don't want to wait 9 years for kids and she says I'm being defensive and combative. She asked me to tell her about our TTC history and I say (I quote)... "We started trying back in early 2007. We tried for a few months, I can't remember exactly how long... but it was a little while and... " She cuts me off and tells me that there is no right or wrong answer and I'm trying too hard to be precise or specific. I thought I was just answering her question. I told her what was wrong with me, she disagreed, then I kept talking, 15 minutes later she decides I'm right about my diagnosis but now it's HER idea! It was just downhill from there. I'm sure there was more! I have a long thread about it... feel free to look through my threads if you'd like more gory details!

They can give you the vaginal suppositories with progesterone, but they're prescription only. Since I'm alone on this, I don't have that option! LOL Oh well! I think I prefer this route anyway! :)

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