Last chance for bfp before xmas 2010!

hmmm....its back to square one for me all over again :(

Good luck to all of you girls.....Tons of babydust coming your way for december :)

I'll be on the thread for some more to check on all ur BFP's :) :)
Morning ladies

Oh no babyrock!! that sucks majorly!! Has the colour changed at all? it's SO weird that this happened to me last cycle and now its happening to you on this one! Have you had any cramping with it? I had really bad cramping when it suddenly changed to bright red :( i really hope it isnt the same for you hunni! but if it is we shall go into January!

How is everyone feeling?

im pretty damn certain AF is on her way now, cervix is still quite soft, softer than yesterday but its definitely lower than yesterday aswel, which means AF is coming! very upset :( not to mention really REALLY angry today, anything and everything is setting me off so definite PMS for me! this is heartbreaking. i really needed this :(
No...i do not have any cramping with it...and although i have kept a pad since morning..there is nothing on it yet....i can see the increasing flow only when i wipe...i guess AF would be there within the next 48 hours...

After all the symptoms i had....this is really saddening....i too am feeling majorly snappy and irritated by the turn of events
its good that you have no cramping, even if it IS af atleast you're not in ant pain at the minute with it!
I'm sorry she has shown sweetheart :(
Today is a bad day. I'm sure i'll be fine once AF has gone for the month and i can begin TTC again getting back into the 2WW but until then its like 'nothing' will make it better you know!?
Think of it this way ladies at least you get to drink and eat up a storm over the festive season! *little silver lining*
if my stomach lining allowed me to drink believe me i would weezie! lol. As for the food, planning on continuing to eat EVERYTHING. Yes i am.
Hi ladies,

What a sucky day! I'm so sorry babyrock, I know how disappointed you must be. As Weezie said, go out and eat lots of food and have some wine. :)

How's everything going for everyone else? Hailz, you haven't started AF yet right?

Well I came to work this morning absolutely LIVID with hubby. Today is CD 16, and according to the Sperm Meets Egg Plan, we are supposed to be BDing every other day, until we get the positive opk. We've been really good so far, but last night he tells me that he has band practice tonight and is going to crash at his bandmate's house. I said that was fine, but we need to BD, so we agreed to wake up early and do it this morning. However, when I went to go wake him up, he refused and wanted to sleep more! I'm SUPER bummed because I feel like I'm going to O today, and we won't be able to BD again until tomorrow night. :( There pretty much goes my chances of getting a BFP this month. If I get the LH surge today, tomorrow is pretty much too late right?
hey ladies, i hope it's not too late to join the thread..i'm actually new to b&b..but our cycles all sound so similar..
my husband and i have been ttc for quite some time,,we suffered a m/c in july..we were 11wks with identical twins(took us by surprise) had to have d/c and doc said wait 2-3 cycles to begin trying again..well i had conflicting reports on internet about the wait after d&c so we only waited one full cycle and actually had another m/ was a chemical pregnancy..i test the day my af was due in oct on a sun and it was a bfn..later i had a small amount of brown spotting then it stopped..when af didn't return with full force like it normally does i took another test on a wed..and got a faint +..kept getting faint +'s..they never got any week later we m/ we waited one cycle and started to ttc here we are..i've had great symptoms but i am trying not to psych myself af is due today/tomorrow..i took a test at 9/10dpo and got bfn..and it was so disappointing..i knew better because i'm a late i will test again on sat/sun the 11/12th if af doesn't rear her head..
sorry this is a book but i have read your posts and you all sound so down to earth..good luck and hope is still there for many of us won't be too late...the surge hit 12-36 hrs before you still have a chance to bd and hit dh and i try to bd on day of +opk and 3 days after rest a day and go one more..don't give up hope yet..and those swimmers can live for 3-5 days hiding and cracks and crevices of our body just waiting to find the golden egg..good luck to you won't be too late...the surge hit 12-36 hrs before you still have a chance to bd and hit dh and i try to bd on day of +opk and 3 days after rest a day and go one more..don't give up hope yet..and those swimmers can live for 3-5 days hiding and cracks and crevices of our body just waiting to find the golden egg..good luck to you

Welcome to our lil thread, and thanks so much for responding loveanurse1!

I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. :( That had to be very hard, and my heart goes out to you. I saw another thread where one of the girls who had a miscarriage said that she's confident that that baby did what it had to do to pave the way for the next one. Your little angels will help the next one along. :hugs:

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you this month, what kinds of symptoms have you had? And have you been doing anything special - using opks or temping or anything like that?

Your post made me feel much better and maybe I won't be so mad at Hubby anymore. :)
thanks so was pretty hard for us..
i don't temp because i work night shift,,the temps would be all over the i spend the $$ on opk test strips..they seem to have worked for us..oh and i used a ferning microscope this month..and i too get mad at hubs when he would say i'm too tired..because i work nights and he doesn't it was hard for us to force bding when it was compatible for both of us..luckily i had o' time off from work so i was home for four nights..we did a lot of
my symptoms so far..bloated,vivid dreams, constant wet feeling (sorry if tmi)..sore throat,occasional nasal stuffiness,and lots of excess saliva..i read that if you take a opk test or test salive near af and they show + it may indicate pregnancy..doesn't always work but it was worth a shot for me to i did and both came up + the last few days..however..i am cramping so bad..and on my right like af cramps with additional tugs and pulling in lower abd..maybe i'm imagining things idk??? i took a test early and got a bfn and i knew it would be...i am always one who has to wait 2-4 days after af is late before my bfp shows up..we'll see tho..this weekend i'm hoping for a miracle ..our miracle for Christmas..does this all sound too weird..???
I think those symptoms sound great! Did you get similar symptoms with your last pregnancies? I've had friends tell me that right before they got their BFP, they felt like they were getting their AFs. One of my friends didn't test until AF was about a week late, because she was so convinced AF was coming at any minute (she wasn't actively ttc).

Can I ask what a ferning microscope is? I'm actually quite obsessed with doing everything I can to get a bfp, so if there's something else that might help, I'm down! :) This is mine and hubby's 2nd cycle TTC baby #1. We're doing the Sperm Meets Egg Plan, using opks, soy, I've been taking a couple teaspoons of Robitussin daily, and I've been laying with legs in the air after BDing.

Nothing sounds weird to me, especially not a Christmas miracle BFP.
saliva microscope is a little microscope that you can purchase from drugstore...don't know if you can get it from depart store..i got mine from cvs a few yrs ago and then didn't really use it..then we started trying to coneive again and i decided to give it a whirl..
when you wake up in the morning you put a drop of saliva from under the tongue on the lens and let it dry.. it takes maybe a cycle or two to get the hang of your saliva tests..but when your estrogen rises it causes your saliva to make a pattern on the lens like cycle i start out with only pepples showing up and then when i get closer to o day i start getting partial branches called chards,,then when i hit peak fertility time the full out branches arrive for a few days.. i use it in addition to opk's to help fing o time..the good thing about the microscope is you can reuse it does have it's disadvantages though..if your hormones are out of whack it may not show accurate results..ladies with pcos would have a hard time using have to get the saliva with first thing in morning before you eat/drink or brush your teeth..there are some websites if you type in salva will show you some pictures and help you understand how it works..i hope that is helpful
boy am i making lots of typos..i'm doing this after working all
my dh and I have two girls..10 and 3..we have used no bc measures since we were married 12yrs ago..we just have that much trouble conceiveing...we are trying for a boy..took us a yr to conceive #1 and 7yrs for number two..
with number one i remember having low pulling cramps that's it
with #2 low lying cramps/fatigue/bloating..gassytoo
with the twins just this yr..i was really bloated/had af other tid bit..might be tmi but..when af is near and my dh and bd i sometimes bleed a little due too cervix being so ripe (per my ob)...and then a few days or the same day my af arrives..well with the twins i bled after bding..and still was preggo..i was shocked..
with the cp..i had implantation bleeding the day af was due with af type cramps and terrible heartburn for like a week then i m/c...this time i'm watching my body closely, maybe too closely..but it does go to show that pregnancy symptoms vary from pregnancy to pregnancy..
sorry to hear AF got you babyrock - weird that it came so early.

every symptom i have i'm writing off as PMS, and even though my AF was due yesterday and didn't come this morning either i think it's because i took b6 to lengthen LP this month. so glad it might be working, but i'd rather have a BFP! i'm at 12 dpo with all AF sxs pretty much gone, just a sore tummy, hot flashes and dizziness. bbs are achey but not terribly sore or anything. sensitive nips too. if AF comes tomorrow i will have a 12 day LP woo hoo!! HOPING it doesn't...

does anyone have pms cramps come 3 days early and then disappear?
Loveanurse - I'm sold, I will go and get a ferning thingy if I don't get a BFP this cycle. Thanks for the info! And you're right, pregnancy symptoms do seem to vary person to person, and even pregnancy to pregnancy. I just wish there were some clear cut pregnant signs (before a missed AF).

Whitglass - Any plans to test soon? Your symptoms sound great!
tested at 7:30pm tonight with a FRER, BIG FAT NEGATIVE. will try later this weekend with FMU if AF still isn't here. while in the shower i went poking around, and my cervix was almost unreachable but there was a very little bit of brown CM..
Hi ladies,
Sorry I didn't say hello yesterday but i have been busy with the Christmas nativity at my little girls school which turned out to be really good. Well af finally got me tonight and two days early to boot. That's me done for this cycle back to the drawing board, not that I'm totally sure wether to try again this month or leave for a few months.

Anyhow I have my f'xed for all of you, here's sending you all lots of babydust. X

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