Leinzlove's Bump Friends (14 Blue, 12 Pink, 8 Angels) 25 BORN!!

You could say you are on meds and nausea is a side affect.

Nearly 3.30 in the morning here and I can't sleep, then just as I was getting tired I had to puke so wide awake again. Hoping the kids have a nap together later so I can sleep then. X x x
Bump: I hope you are feeling better. Measuring within a week, on either side... is good early on. My Dr. has said he's happy if you are measuring within 2 weeks at your 20w scan.

Good to See you Bec01, iwantpeace & Torres. I'm so happy you have your BFP's! I can't wait for all my friends to join us here... HERE until the very last one. I hope it doesn't take much longer. :brat::brat::brat::brat::brat::brat:

I also didn't have MS with DD. But, with this second DD, I had MS in spells from about 5 weeks and its eased up a bit just within the last few days. I kept feeling like I've been robbed... because the second trimester is here.

As for Scans... I had one at 9w2d and I'm not due another one until 20w. I couldn't wait so I scheduled an elective private scan at 14w4d.

srrhc: I have no idea how you will keep it from your coworkers. With DD I didn't have any. With baby girl #2 I did, but I'm a SAHM... So I didn't deal with people often.

Wiggler: That is an awesome idea about meds. I hope you are feeling better. :hugs:

babyfeva: So good to see you! How are you feeling? :)

AFM: I've had a terrible headache all day. I went to watch TNA Wrestling live. DH's kind of thing. I did meet some wrestlers Jeff Hardy and RVD. It was better than I thought it'd be. DD and I got DH the tickets for Father's Day!
I'm feeling OK actually, I always feel much better after I puke, its the constant nausea which is harder to cope with.

Ringing physio later today, this SPD is now as bad as it was when I was about to pop with both the kids, its unbearable. I get stabby pains at the back which makes my legs want to collapse beneath me and the pain and the front is like someone is ripping my pelvis apart with a crowbar :cry: All worth it for my little beany, but I feel bad cos I can't do much with the kids. :( x x x
Wiggler: I'm sorry to hear your SPD is already bad. I can't believe you have to live with this for another 6 months or so. :hugs: It will be worth it. I'm sure your babies will be fine... and they will be so pleased to have a new baby brother or sister.

EVERYONE: I have updated the front page. Let me know if I have made an error... Also update with your dates for appt.'s/ scans so we can count down together!
For those of you that waited to announce to coworkers how did you keep it a secret? Especially if you were sick and running to the bathroom? I am a teacher and I really don't want anyone to know right now. Hopefully I won't be too sick or anything but I am already using the bathroom more so I know that might be a clue for some of them. Any good ideas for an excuse I could use! Thanks!

The med nausea side effect is a good idea. I didn't say anything unless I really had to. Most of the times I actually ran to the bathroom were right after a meal, so it wasn't in the middle of something. I did have to slow down a little and give some excuse for that. Just kept saying I had a stomach bug...and that I was unlucky enough to get another one just after recovering from the first one. :wacko: It wasn't a very good excuse at all. People figured out what was going on. Most of them were nice enough not to ask me about it (I found out when I told them and they weren't surprised) but a few people asked and I just lied to them.

I actually don't think it's a huge deal if people figure it out, as long as you trust them not to confront you about it or are comfortable lying. If God forbid you do MC, they can figure out later from the timing that you weren't pregnant right now (I mean, you are, but you know what I mean).

The med side effect thing is a good idea. I also think if you talk vaguely about "health issues," many polite people with good boundaries will decide not to ask. Sorry I don't have better ideas, it's definitely unusual to be sick for two months. :shrug:

Ringing physio later today, this SPD is now as bad as it was when I was about to pop with both the kids, its unbearable. I get stabby pains at the back which makes my legs want to collapse beneath me and the pain and the front is like someone is ripping my pelvis apart with a crowbar :cry: All worth it for my little beany, but I feel bad cos I can't do much with the kids. :( x x x

I'm so sorry hon, that sounds awful :hugs: I hope you feel better!
Thank you ladies for you good ideas. I think I will use the stomach ache idea since I use to get them real bad a few years back. Thanks for the advice! Wiggler I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope you are able to find some relieve. But you are right I would deal with all sorts of painful things to have a precious baby. Okay ladies I am super tired and up way past my bedtime haha!
Leinz I am also sorry that you aren't feeling to well but glad you and hubby got to do something fun!
Srrhc - Hopefully your coworkers aren't really nosey and don't push the subject much.
Wiggler - I'm sorry that you are in so much pain. I hope physio can give you some relief. So you wake up in the middle of the night to puke too? Last night was the first night it happened for me and it was very disheartening. I am already feeling down about feeling so crappy, the last thing I wanted was for it to interrupt my sleep. I just have to remember to look at the big picture. I just feel bad for my daughter, because I'm not as active with her as I normally am.
Leinz - How's your head today? Hopefully ache free!
- I have an OBGYN appt on Sept 5th, and then my 12 week u/s on Sept 11
Just checked the appts & you've forgot my appt tomorrow :winkwink: it's a check up for my blood clotting & to see how well I'm doing or not.
I'm so annoyed at my oh... Took me like 2 hrs to decide what a wanted for tea as when I think of food the thought knocks me sick but like one thing won't and that's all I'll want decided on chicken burger and he cooked it and then he told no buns as they have gone off and no butter or mayo!! So can't have it and as that's the only thing I could stomach I can't even manage the burger by its self as I wanted the bread and salad too now I'm having nothing all I've had is a bowl of frosties :/ he could have checked we had what we needed before starting to make it it's like starting a bolognese and having no sauce or mince I know it's picky but I feel I'll and I need to eat he just doesn't get it!!! :( there's not else in either we need to do our shop
Thanks for all the information ladies. My doc likes to check early at 6 weeks so I am sure I will see a beautiful little blob haha! Wow not being able to look at food without getting sick sounds rough! Hope that gets better for you! I have another another question sorry I am full of them! For those of you that waited to announce to coworkers how did you keep it a secret? Especially if you were sick and running to the bathroom? I am a teacher and I really don't want anyone to know right now. Hopefully I won't be too sick or anything but I am already using the bathroom more so I know that might be a clue for some of them. Any good ideas for an excuse I could use! Thanks!

I am a teacher, too!!! How exciting!!! I teach 5th grade, how about you??? Anyway, I kept my pregnancy a secret right through the end of school (so, I was about 17 weeks along). I had to start adjusting my wardrobe, but just wore baggy clothes. Again, I didn't have morning sickness, so running to the bathroom wasn't much of an issue. HOWEVER, I did need to pee frequently!!! I just managed to go right before the kids came in before first bell, then again during a planning block and again at lunch. I don't have any breaks in the afternoon, so that was always a rough stretch. But we have adjoining doors and sometimes I would pop one open and ask the next door teacher to keep an eye on things for a minute. OR if I had a classroom aid in the room, I just asked her. I am sure people started catching on after awhile, but I just kept my mouth shut and most people aren't bold enough to ask.

How long do you plan on keeping it a secret for?? GOOD LUCK :hugs:
PS one woman WAS bold enough to ask.... and so I was BOLD enough to lie to her!!! (I mean, come on, doesn't everyone know NEVER to ask a woman if she is pregnant??? Even though I was pregnant I thought it was so rude, so I had NO problem lying to her). Anyway, when I head back to school in a month I am sure she is going to be annoyed I lied to her, but I don't care. It wasn't her place to ask. I wanted to tell when I was ready. Just don't be bullied into telling before you are ready :)
Thanks for all the information ladies. My doc likes to check early at 6 weeks so I am sure I will see a beautiful little blob haha! Wow not being able to look at food without getting sick sounds rough! Hope that gets better for you! I have another another question sorry I am full of them! For those of you that waited to announce to coworkers how did you keep it a secret? Especially if you were sick and running to the bathroom? I am a teacher and I really don't want anyone to know right now. Hopefully I won't be too sick or anything but I am already using the bathroom more so I know that might be a clue for some of them. Any good ideas for an excuse I could use! Thanks!

I am a teacher, too!!! How exciting!!! I teach 5th grade, how about you??? Anyway, I kept my pregnancy a secret right through the end of school (so, I was about 17 weeks along). I had to start adjusting my wardrobe, but just wore baggy clothes. Again, I didn't have morning sickness, so running to the bathroom wasn't much of an issue. HOWEVER, I did need to pee frequently!!! I just managed to go right before the kids came in before first bell, then again during a planning block and again at lunch. I don't have any breaks in the afternoon, so that was always a rough stretch. But we have adjoining doors and sometimes I would pop one open and ask the next door teacher to keep an eye on things for a minute. OR if I had a classroom aid in the room, I just asked her. I am sure people started catching on after awhile, but I just kept my mouth shut and most people aren't bold enough to ask.

How long do you plan on keeping it a secret for?? GOOD LUCK :hugs:
Wow that is so neat. I teach 2nd grade! I think I will have to visit the potty during breaks too haha.

I plan on telling my coworkers once I hit the 12 week mark. It will be hard because my close coworkers know that my DH and I have been ttc since last year so I am sure they will figure it out hahaha. I guess if they do it isn't a huge deal.

I wouldn't feel bad about not telling the truth to the one lady. I would never ask someone that haha! That is one of the exciting parts of pregnancy is announcing and you should never take that away from someone! I would love to see her face upon your return haha!

Just got my first appointment scheduled for august 13th. It will be a 6 week us yay!!
Sevilla: I would've lied to her, also. I can't believe they will be finding out. Right when you go back! Do your Co-workers know yet?

Srrhc: I'm so excited that your wait for the Dr. is short. I waited until 9+2 and it seemed to drag on forever. It's so exciting going back to school pregnant! :)

Madrid: Can't wait to hear how your appt. goes! I'm so happy for you and I feel that everything is just perfect.

Ich: Your ultrasound is almost here! :) THIS WEEK! :happydance:

Bump: Can you keep anything else down? I don't think I could eat a burger plain either. Can't wait to hear about your scan tomorrow! And see a pic.

Torres: That seems like a long wait... I hope the time flys by, so you can have some reassurance.

AFM: Reading about breastfeeding... Making lists of what I need to purchase for baby, and do before baby's arrival. I'll definitley be taking a breastfeeding class... and I also plan on taking DD to a siblings class.

I still have 5 months and 3 weeks until I'm due. However, thats not very long. Considering... how fast the third trimester will go. It starts October 28th... In that time, I have my Wedding anniversary, Halloween, DH's Bday and the holidays. Christmas in my life is the whole month of December.

Not to mention, I'm already tired... It has not eased up. I nap with DD everyday and that is when I used to get my daily chores done. I still get them done, but it takes longer with a toddler on my heals. :)
Yay you added my doctor's appointment! Yippie! Yes I am so thankful that I don't have to wait long. Less than two weeks now. I don't think it has 100% sunk in yet, but I'm sure within the next few days it will. I just keep looking at the pictures of my positive and thinking WOW...

It is definitely amazing to go back to school pregnant. Even though I wont be showing for the first month prolly. I am debating telling everyone or just walking in one day with a really tight shirt and going Whalaaa! haha! That would be fun...also I am going to have to ask other teachers that are mommies how they told their students. Definitely a sensitive subject and 7 year olds have an extremely curious mind so I can only imagine the questions I will get as my belly begins to expand. I am getting so excited thinking about that though. How neat it will be to connect with my students this year and then they will also connect with my growing belly. Sweet :)

The only thing I am worried about is moving my furniture back around. DH and I both teach and we are planning on going back next week to arrange our rooms. My father in law is also suppose to visit and I am debating whether or not to ask him to help. Some of the stuff is pretty heavy. What do you ladies recommend??? How much lifting should I be doing this early on??? Is it okay to move desk and boxes around?

Yay Ich your scan is coming up so soon! It seems just like yesterday you were 4 weeks haha! Time has flown!

Leinz you are right you will be super busy in the next few months. It is good that you are getting prepared early! Smart thinking. I hope I will be able to breastfeed too.
Where are you ICH??

Srrhc: I'm sure you can breastfeed. Nearly all women can... with the right encouragement and support. Not to mention when baby is somewhere between 5-8 weeks old its better than... Formula feeding. And if you just do it while you are on maternity leave. That is good, too! Not to mention going back to pre-pregnancy state and losing baby weight quicker. Hopefully, just in time for Summer!

I think it will be so nice not having to take bottles everywhere I go. Just a boob cover and baby is all I'll need. :happydance: Well diapers and wipes... Etc. But, I'm thinking I'll be able to fit all we need for toddler and baby in one convenient bag. I love walking so I'll definitley be getting a double stroller. I could talk about plans non stop. Hehe... The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

You definitley need to seek help lifting! It's always better to be safe than sorry. I don't lift anything heavier than DD in her carseat. (She is still in her infant seat for a few more height inches.) So, I lift 20-25lbs on a regular basis. But, for long distances DH really spoils me with carrying her a lot. :)
hi ladies!!! just read about 5 pages of posts lol! saturday was my birthday and just came back from a great weekend at the lake. my fiancee bought me a really beautiful necklace for Sophia. it was so nice and such a sweet present. i def missed BnB!!

Srrhc: OMG. huge congrats honey!! i am so happy and excited for you! i know what you mean about already being 11 weeks! it has flown by!! my scan i am so excited for . the 12 weeks is always so special because the baby looks like, well, a baby!

congrats to all the new ladies! i agree leinz, we should all post birth stories and pics and maybe transfer to a parenting thread!!
Please post a picture of your necklace. HOW BEAUTIFUL! Awwwwww! I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthday! I knew that... somehow the pg brain got me.

Happy Belated Birthday!

I just love when baby looks like a baby... The gummybear stage has gone. :)
thanks!! i love it too! with Sophia at the 12 week scan i was amazed lol! i was like omg how did it go from a little coffee bean too that in 5 weeks?!?!?! for a minute i was like.. omg am i farther then i thought??!?!?

i will post a pic of the necklace once we find our camera!!! i went to get it out of the bag today to upload our pics from the weekend and i think we left it on the dock :nope: hope not.. but it is beautiful =]

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