Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

I was having 24 -26 day cycles before my m/c. My new doctor told me to concentrate on well timed BDing between CD7-12 and not worry about temping, opk's, etc.

This cycle is my first cycle temping and I am using opks twice daily and we are following SMEP. Got preseed too to try out. I never get ewcm and wanted to try the mucinex/robitussin but my DH reminded me that I had a terrible reaction to mucinex (stomach issues) a few years back and I don't do well with liquid cough syrup either. If I don't get my bfp this month using the preseed I might try the mucinex and hope for no side effects next cycle.

Here I am on CD12 and no + opk, glad I am not following doctors orders because I would have probably missed BDing around O. I am beginning to think the waiting for the O is harder than the tww! Hoping we see a lot of bfps for Valentine's Day!

Glad you went with your gut instinct to track ovulation. i am so excited i got my second high today, third day of ewcm, and my obgyn confirmed cervix is most high soft and opening.

My md was very positive about getting a bfp soon. lets hope she's right!
I'm bleeding again! I hope this is the MC and then I can start the long wait for my eggy to depart! :dance: I have a follow-up scan tomorrow which should hopefully tell me where we're at.

How did your scan go? i hope you received some good news.
Hi ladies, I know I've been MIA for a while, but my parents were in town for a week, so I was only able to jump on occasionally, and didn't have much time to type out comments. But I'm back now. :)

savvy, don't worry... this cycle, I didnt even O until cd16. That is unusual for me... When on Clomid, I O around cd13-14. When not on Clomid, I seemed to be O'ing around cd10-11. So i assumed I'd O around cd10, but it surprised me at cd16. I think its just our bodies getting "right" again or something. But you probably won't even have to wait that long... I bet you'll get a pos OPK any day now! The good thing is, you're temping now. So if you're missing the surge on the sticks (which I doubt you are), you will see a rise in temperature, so then you'll know you O'd. Keep up the BDing, and you'll be fine! You'll get a pos OPK any day now, or you'll see that temp jump. :)

FBG, I'm glad you had such a great appt. :) I always feel better after talking to my Dr. Yours sounds very positive and optimistic as well, and I'm really excited for you. I see another BFP in your future again very soon. :flower:

Brighteyez, looks like you're on to the BDing part of the cycle, hehe! :winkwink: Good luck girly, keep us posted!

BebVern, update us on your scan when you get a chance! Hope all is well. :flower:

Hello to everyone else! Haven't heard from a few of the ladies, hope everyone is doing ok.

AFM, I haven't given up hope for this cycle yet, but I did go ahead and fill my Clomid again for next month, just in case. My prescriptions are only $5 anyway, so I figured it wouldnt hurt. I also filled the Prog supps too. Even though my Dr. doesn't think I'm low on Prog, he said it certainly never hurts a pregnant woman, so the next time I see a faint line, I'm to start taking that. Somehow, I think that will give me peace of mind knowing I'm throwing a little extra P into the mix if I have a faint line. :winkwink: Oh, and my temps are in the crapper.... maybe I just run a little cooler when I'm not on Clomid, I dont know... but they got low for several days, and then took a serious drop today. Either AF is coming CRAZY early, or I suppose I could be silly and hope that its an implantation dip, hehe! Guess we'll see tomorrow morning.
AFM, I haven't given up hope for this cycle yet, but I did go ahead and fill my Clomid again for next month, just in case. My prescriptions are only $5 anyway, so I figured it wouldnt hurt. I also filled the Prog supps too. Even though my Dr. doesn't think I'm low on Prog, he said it certainly never hurts a pregnant woman, so the next time I see a faint line, I'm to start taking that. Somehow, I think that will give me peace of mind knowing I'm throwing a little extra P into the mix if I have a faint line. :winkwink: Oh, and my temps are in the crapper.... maybe I just run a little cooler when I'm not on Clomid, I dont know... but they got low for several days, and then took a serious drop today. Either AF is coming CRAZY early, or I suppose I could be silly and hope that its an implantation dip, hehe! Guess we'll see tomorrow morning.

I am going for plantation dip! Come on BFP. Erin wants a baby bump for Valentine's Day!
FBG, sounds like you got some good news today! Glad it looks like you will O soon! I am still getting negative opks and now I hope I hold out until Sunday to ovulate...but that would be CD16! Hubby is on board with my BDing plan, gotta catch that eggie!

Erin, so glad you are back! I hope you had a nice visit with your parents! I am agreeing with FBG, it is an implantation dip! It would be about the correct time for it!! Fx'd for a Valentine's bump! :)

Well my AF was longer than usual so maybe that is pushing out my O to a later date? I thought I O'd around CD12 last cycle (when I had m/c) so maybe I will get a + soon...though I would love for it to be on CD16 because then I will be home from the weekend with my parents.

Erin and others that use FF, one question for you - on my FF chart there are days in different colors on the calendar, it says those are like the high fertile days/ovulation days. Is that basically just what FF thinks? My high fertile days are next week Sat, Sun, Mon and Tuesday is O day according to that calendar. Just wondering if it is accurate and how it determines that info. Thanks for any help! :)
Hello ladies. Sorry haven't posted in a few days.
Bebvern....how did your scan go?
Savvy.....good thing you are tracking or your right you would have missed your Window. Good luck......fingers crossed for a Valentines day bfp.
Brighteyez.....yay for the end of af now you can get down to business.

AFM.....nothing new to report. Still waiting on my further testing report to come back to find out whether or not it was a molar.....the more I read the more I discount the molar or partial molar. Impprobably being dumb by not having protected sex until I know for sure just nothing really adds up. I am thinking and hoping it was nothing more than a blighted ovum and I can start ttc again soon. This Friday will be the three week mark past d&c and I still haven't had my period however I am almost negative on pregnancy tests and have been having what seems to be ovary pain so maybe I ovulated and will start soon.

Sorry to ramble on.....if any of you know anything about molars feel free to put in your 2 cents.
FBG, sounds like you got some good news today! Glad it looks like you will O soon! I am still getting negative opks and now I hope I hold out until Sunday to ovulate...but that would be CD16! Hubby is on board with my BDing plan, gotta catch that eggie!

Erin, so glad you are back! I hope you had a nice visit with your parents! I am agreeing with FBG, it is an implantation dip! It would be about the correct time for it!! Fx'd for a Valentine's bump! :)

Well my AF was longer than usual so maybe that is pushing out my O to a later date? I thought I O'd around CD12 last cycle (when I had m/c) so maybe I will get a + soon...though I would love for it to be on CD16 because then I will be home from the weekend with my parents.

Erin and others that use FF, one question for you - on my FF chart there are days in different colors on the calendar, it says those are like the high fertile days/ovulation days. Is that basically just what FF thinks? My high fertile days are next week Sat, Sun, Mon and Tuesday is O day according to that calendar. Just wondering if it is accurate and how it determines that info. Thanks for any help! :)

Correct. i believe its blue green color around the high fertility and lime green around the predicted ovulation day once it pinpoints ovulation it will color in the days and it will limit the days down. and it uses your prior months to gather more data on you and have a better prediction for you for upcoming months.
I have never kept track of my cycles, I just know my period comes every month lol. My legs, without fail, will hurt the day of my period so I know I'm about to start and have whatever supplies on hand.

I had my first ever BFP on New Years. Started bleeding on the tenth at almost 6 weeks. Bled bright red blood for at least 8 days and spotted brown for a couple more. It was a Natural MC. Wanting to know if my body would get right back to it, I started using OPK and got my + meaning I will ovulate tomorrow or on CD 14. I was excited to try again but now getting somewhat worried. So IDK if we'll have unprotected sex tomorrow though we have the last few days. We tried last month for the first time and got pregnant right away so I know it may be too late lol. I'm ready to be pregnant just not wanting to go through the hurt again.

Also, I have had 2 streaks of light pink blood through out the day. Any one have an idea on why?
Hey everyone! I'm 33 and DH is 49. He had a vasectomy reversal in 2008 and had our daughter in August 2011. It took awhile but it happened! She's now 29 months old and she still nurses more than I'd like, haha - trying to wean a toddler isn't always the easiest BUT she's never been to the doctor or needed any king of medicine/painkiller so I guess it's worth it.
We started TTC in last November and got a BFP on January 7th, I was SO excited it happened second cycle!! I told everyone I knew! I didn't expect anything to go wrong as I'm a health nut and had no problems with my first pregnancy. I was wrong :(
On January 12th I started bleeding at 4 wks 5 days. I was SO UPSET - I had to tell myself how many women go through years of miscarriages and BFNs and remind myself how lucky I am to have my baby girl. It's just scary because you really don't want it to happen again... obviously! As you all know :)
After some research I'm starting to think that breastfeeding has caused me to have low progesterone so I've started taking 100mg of B6 (in a complex) and I bought some natural organic progesterone cream that I'm considering taking after Ovulation. I'm trying to find out as much as possible before deciding, but I think I might give it a go because there isn't really a downside! So maybe just in case.
I'm using a clear blue fertility monitor and so waiting for some peak days again… tomorrow will be day 11 since early m/c. Last cycle I O'd on day 17 so I'm not sure what will happen this time. I know I have some pre-seed ready and I'm pretty excited to get this show on the road!!
I'm sorry for all of your losses, it's so hard to deal with and such a looooong process but in the end will hopefully all be worth it! I'm hoping there's some truth to being more fertile after an early miscarriage. Sticky baby dust to you all!
Welcome to the new girls, I am so sorry about your losses.

babylove, I am sorry you don't know any more test results. Waiting for results is so hard. Didn't you say it would take a while to get the results? I am hoping you can start ttc very soon. Keep us posted.

FBG, Thanks. I started the chart back in May/June but only temped twice and didn't input data. I forgot about my account until ERose was talking about temping, she explained it better and got me interested in it. I was just confused about the dates, especially since it would be CD18 as my O date. Not worrying now, I am just going on my BDing schedule unless I get a smiley. My temp went up today, but not super high.

Anyone know about low vitamin D relating to early m/c? Mine is super low and I am worried that had something to do with my m/c last month.
Welcome to the new girls, I am so sorry about your losses.

babylove, I am sorry you don't know any more test results. Waiting for results is so hard. Didn't you say it would take a while to get the results? I am hoping you can start ttc very soon. Keep us posted.

FBG, Thanks. I started the chart back in May/June but only temped twice and didn't input data. I forgot about my account until ERose was talking about temping, she explained it better and got me interested in it. I was just confused about the dates, especially since it would be CD18 as my O date. Not worrying now, I am just going on my BDing schedule unless I get a smiley. My temp went up today, but not super high.

Anyone know about low vitamin D relating to early m/c? Mine is super low and I am worried that had something to do with my m/c last month.

Your chart looks great. it looks like u might of ovulated. i guess the next couple of days will tell us. i hadn't heard of a vita d deficiency causing mc. i know mine was low on my last blood work up so i take a vitamin d gummy. its yummy.
Hey girlie! look at that chart with the spike. Throwing sticky baby dust towards you. Your chart looks beautiful. Keep going!
I have never kept track of my cycles, I just know my period comes every month lol. My legs, without fail, will hurt the day of my period so I know I'm about to start and have whatever supplies on hand.

I had my first ever BFP on New Years. Started bleeding on the tenth at almost 6 weeks. Bled bright red blood for at least 8 days and spotted brown for a couple more. It was a Natural MC. Wanting to know if my body would get right back to it, I started using OPK and got my + meaning I will ovulate tomorrow or on CD 14. I was excited to try again but now getting somewhat worried. So IDK if we'll have unprotected sex tomorrow though we have the last few days. We tried last month for the first time and got pregnant right away so I know it may be too late lol. I'm ready to be pregnant just not wanting to go through the hurt again.

Also, I have had 2 streaks of light pink blood through out the day. Any one have an idea on why?

Sorry hun. i dont know. I guess you would have to go with your woman intuition. if you feel up to it start bding if not just wait. my md told me just bc you have a mc doesnt increase your chances of them. She told me obviously we know you can get pregnant. so now the right semen and egg need to meet and divide correctly.

this cycle (1 cycle after mc) i told my dh we will try knowing it might not happen but then i won't look back thinking it miht of happened if we tried. God knows the right timing of my family and He will make it happen when the time is right.
Your chart looks great. it looks like u might of ovulated. i guess the next couple of days will tell us. i hadn't heard of a vita d deficiency causing mc. i know mine was low on my last blood work up so i take a vitamin d gummy. its yummy.

I am starting to think maybe I O'd and missed the surge. I just tested at 3pm after holding it for 4 hours and drinking maybe an ounce of water since 6am. My wondfo was super negative. The test line was so faint, on two tests. Now I don't know what to do...do I keep using opks and BDing? Planning on BDing tomorrow (Friday) AM and Sunday PM.

How are you feeling? Still getting highs on the monitor?
Welcome to our new ladies. So sorry for your losses. We all know how hard it is to go through it, so you've got some very sympathetic ladies here on this thread. :flower:

savvy, it does look like you may have O'd. That's enough of a jump to be considered ovulation, as long as it stays up. After three days of high temps, FF will give you crosshairs and confirm. And then there will be a line there, where the temps will stay above during the rest of the TWW. Maybe the OPKs really just aren't picking it up. I think if I were you, I would keep BDing and using the OPKs for a few more days, just until you get the crosshairs on FF.

And I had a huge temp spike this morning! No idea where that came from. But I'm glad it went back up. Maybe I really can hope that drop was an implantation dip, heheh! :winkwink: I am feeling a bit crampy on and off today.... I'm hoping and praying it isn't AF coming in a few days. Since it's a non-clomid cycle, it could end up being a shorter cycle. So I'm just keeping my Fxd that AF stays away. I'm not getting the usual brown spotting that I'll get when AF is close.... that's how I knew I was prego last month. That brown spotting never came. But I looked at my previous charts, and the latest its ever started is around cd27. I'm on cd25 now, so if I dont get the brown spotting in the next two days, I'm going to end up getting my hopes up.

Then again, this is the latest I've ever O'd too... because of the m/c, I'm assuming. So since I O'd late, that could push everything back. So I will try not to get too excited if I dont get the brown spotting in two days, hehe!
I have never kept track of my cycles, I just know my period comes every month lol. My legs, without fail, will hurt the day of my period so I know I'm about to start and have whatever supplies on hand.

I had my first ever BFP on New Years. Started bleeding on the tenth at almost 6 weeks. Bled bright red blood for at least 8 days and spotted brown for a couple more. It was a Natural MC. Wanting to know if my body would get right back to it, I started using OPK and got my + meaning I will ovulate tomorrow or on CD 14. I was excited to try again but now getting somewhat worried. So IDK if we'll have unprotected sex tomorrow though we have the last few days. We tried last month for the first time and got pregnant right away so I know it may be too late lol. I'm ready to be pregnant just not wanting to go through the hurt again.

Also, I have had 2 streaks of light pink blood through out the day. Any one have an idea on why?

Sorry hun. i dont know. I guess you would have to go with your woman intuition. if you feel up to it start bding if not just wait. my md told me just bc you have a mc doesnt increase your chances of them. She told me obviously we know you can get pregnant. so now the right semen and egg need to meet and divide correctly.

this cycle (1 cycle after mc) i told my dh we will try knowing it might not happen but then i won't look back thinking it miht of happened if we tried. God knows the right timing of my family and He will make it happen when the time is right.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't like to go too much into religion on these threads but one thing I honestly believe is that God knows when it is the right time. Unfortunately m/c are very common, we just never hear about early m/c since most woman aren't charting and tracking their cycles and they never knew they were even pregnant. My doctor told me that woman are most fertile after a m/c and that he saw no reason why I wouldn't have a healthy pregnancy within 6 months, as long as we had well timed BDing. My advice is do what you feel is right. If you need a month to grieve or a short break, take it. If you are ready, than go for it. For me I wasn't sure if we could even get prego...now that I know it can happen, I am desperately wanting to get prego again as fast as I can. Good luck to you on your journey.
I am going for plantation dip! Come on BFP. Erin wants a baby bump for Valentine's Day!

I would love if it was an implantation dip, hehe! I didnt have one in my pregnancy chart from last month, but then again, that one didn't stick (sadly), so who knows this time! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up, especially since I have some cramping right now. Maybe if it's implanting, its causing some uterine stretching, hehe! I need to stop, LOL!

So you'll be O'ing any day now, right???
Your chart looks great. it looks like u might of ovulated. i guess the next couple of days will tell us. i hadn't heard of a vita d deficiency causing mc. i know mine was low on my last blood work up so i take a vitamin d gummy. its yummy.

I am starting to think maybe I O'd and missed the surge. I just tested at 3pm after holding it for 4 hours and drinking maybe an ounce of water since 6am. My wondfo was super negative. The test line was so faint, on two tests. Now I don't know what to do...do I keep using opks and BDing? Planning on BDing tomorrow (Friday) AM and Sunday PM.

How are you feeling? Still getting highs on the monitor?

I have to agree with Erin, keep bding temping and using the opk until ovulation is actually confirmed. my monitor is still on highs. it usually gives me 5-6 days of high. first i have to wait for forever to test. then wait forever to get a high. then wait for forever to get a peak then wait an eternity hoping af doesnt show. . . hehe a few days always seems like forever when u want it so bad. i have to work this weekend so we will just have to bd when i get off. i still do opks in the afternoon. they have all been negative so far too. i dont understand how they go from negative to blazing positive. i guess it all doesnt matter once we get that bfp.
ERose, Wow, look at that spike today! I am placing a bet on it being an implantation dip! I think it would make sense that I already O'd, with that jump would it mean I O'd yesterday? I really think I just can't hold it long enough using those opk's, and the clearblue opk keeps giving me errors, I had 4 of them now. I guess all I can do now is wait and see what my temps look like. I really hope I O'd because we BDed the last two nights!!

It worries me about my low Vitamin D. Normal range is 25-100 and mine is 9. My numbers have dropped since October when it was 13. Doc sent Vitamin D super pills over to pharmacy again.

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