Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

I am going for plantation dip! Come on BFP. Erin wants a baby bump for Valentine's Day!

I would love if it was an implantation dip, hehe! I didnt have one in my pregnancy chart from last month, but then again, that one didn't stick (sadly), so who knows this time! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up, especially since I have some cramping right now. Maybe if it's implanting, its causing some uterine stretching, hehe! I need to stop, LOL!

So you'll be O'ing any day now, right???

Probably this weekend. ok if your not going to get excited i am ecstatic for you.
ERose, Wow, look at that spike today! I am placing a bet on it being an implantation dip! I think it would make sense that I already O'd, with that jump would it mean I O'd yesterday? I really think I just can't hold it long enough using those opk's, and the clearblue opk keeps giving me errors, I had 4 of them now. I guess all I can do now is wait and see what my temps look like. I really hope I O'd because we BDed the last two nights!!

It worries me about my low Vitamin D. Normal range is 25-100 and mine is 9. My numbers have dropped since October when it was 13. Doc sent Vitamin D super pills over to pharmacy again.

Yep, with the temp jump today, it would mean you O'd yesterday sometime. But your temps will have to stay up for FF to confirm and give you an O date. How strange that you're getting errors on the CB OPK! I wonder if there was something wrong with that one... maybe you should call the customer service number on the box and find out. Well, at least you got a really good deal on that one! Either way, don't worry about the other OPKs. You're probably right that maybe your urine isn't concentrated enough. I've also read of some women who have never gotten a pos OPK in their life (and many of them have a couple kids!). So maybe some women just dont have as much LH in their urine...?

So do the Vit D pills bother your tummy? Or do those do okay?
I have to agree with Erin, keep bding temping and using the opk until ovulation is actually confirmed. my monitor is still on highs. it usually gives me 5-6 days of high. first i have to wait for forever to test. then wait forever to get a high. then wait for forever to get a peak then wait an eternity hoping af doesnt show. . . hehe a few days always seems like forever when u want it so bad. i have to work this weekend so we will just have to bd when i get off. i still do opks in the afternoon. they have all been negative so far too. i dont understand how they go from negative to blazing positive. i guess it all doesnt matter once we get that bfp.

Thanks, eek I am going crazy. Sorry for all my questions and worries! I do not want to miss my eggie this cycle. It can't hurt to BD or test so I am keeping on track and hoping I can confirm O soon. :)
We are getting there though...pretty soon we will be in the TWW and I am getting excited to see what February brings us!

The waiting is the worst. Seriously though I could care less if I get a + opk...all I care about is a blazing + hpt!
Yep, with the temp jump today, it would mean you O'd yesterday sometime. But your temps will have to stay up for FF to confirm and give you an O date. How strange that you're getting errors on the CB OPK! I wonder if there was something wrong with that one... maybe you should call the customer service number on the box and find out. Well, at least you got a really good deal on that one! Either way, don't worry about the other OPKs. You're probably right that maybe your urine isn't concentrated enough. I've also read of some women who have never gotten a pos OPK in their life (and many of them have a couple kids!). So maybe some women just dont have as much LH in their urine...?

So do the Vit D pills bother your tummy? Or do those do okay?

Thanks for explaining! I looked at your chart to compare my "jump". Here is to hoping my temps stay up high. Yeah I got a great deal on them on amazon but I am throwing most away! When I get an error I use an wondfo opk because the error stays on the screen for like 10 minutes. I think I will call the customer service, maybe I use them wrong? I dip them in a cup for 15 seconds and lay them flat. That probably is me, I really never got a super positive opk last time. The only thing I care about seeing + is a HPT! If I have my 24-26 day cycles back it would make sense I O'd yesterday on CD12! :) :)

The Vitamin D was okay last time, but I wasn't on my diet. I am sure it will be okay and if not it is worth it because I need that super dose to help get it up.

An implantation dip and crampy feelings on and off? Hmmm...sounding promising!! Fx'd so tight for you!!
Hi girls, sorry I've not had a chance to catch up, been really busy lately!

I'm on CD27 now but I didn't ovulate until CD20 because the chemical screwed things up a little. I *whispers* have a feeling I'm pregnant again but who knows...xx
Hi girls, sorry I've not had a chance to catch up, been really busy lately!

I'm on CD27 now but I didn't ovulate until CD20 because the chemical screwed things up a little. I *whispers* have a feeling I'm pregnant again but who knows...xx

Fx'd and excited for you to test! Keep us posted!! :)
ERose, Wow, look at that spike today! I am placing a bet on it being an implantation dip! I think it would make sense that I already O'd, with that jump would it mean I O'd yesterday? I really think I just can't hold it long enough using those opk's, and the clearblue opk keeps giving me errors, I had 4 of them now. I guess all I can do now is wait and see what my temps look like. I really hope I O'd because we BDed the last two nights!!

It worries me about my low Vitamin D. Normal range is 25-100 and mine is 9. My numbers have dropped since October when it was 13. Doc sent Vitamin D super pills over to pharmacy again.

Yep, with the temp jump today, it would mean you O'd yesterday sometime. But your temps will have to stay up for FF to confirm and give you an O date. How strange that you're getting errors on the CB OPK! I wonder if there was something wrong with that one... maybe you should call the customer service number on the box and find out. Well, at least you got a really good deal on that one! Either way, don't worry about the other OPKs. You're probably right that maybe your urine isn't concentrated enough. I've also read of some women who have never gotten a pos OPK in their life (and many of them have a couple kids!). So maybe some women just dont have as much LH in their urine...?

So do the Vit D pills bother your tummy? Or do those do okay?

I dont like your chart today.. i think the temp was wrong.
FBG, are u talking about my chart or savvy's chart? Because I don't think either of us are too happy with our charts today anyway, lol! Those darn drops! Savvy, yours will probably jump back up, so don't even worry! Mine on the other hand, could be on its way down for AF, but we shall see!

Ferens, how exciting you have a good feeling! Then I'm excited for you too, yay! Keep us updated!!!

How's everyone else?
FBG, are u talking about my chart or savvy's chart? Because I don't think either of us are too happy with our charts today anyway, lol! Those darn drops! Savvy, yours will probably jump back up, so don't even worry! Mine on the other hand, could be on its way down for AF, but we shall see!

Maybe today is just a bad day for charts! Lets hope that both of ours improve tomorrow morning!! :flower:
Hello ladies! I really like this idea. I have two children and had my first MC at 5wks on 1/18/14. I felt fine and all was clear down under via U/S, so i started ttc right away 1/20. Last night at work i felt perfect then out of the bLue got hit with extreme fatigue and couldn't keep my eyes open. It's continued all through today too and I've gotten plenty of sleep the past few days so it's really odd. I highly doubt i could have conceived a few days after MC but with some ladies getting that symptom a few days after conceiving, do you think it's possible? I have heard of being really fertile after a mc I'm not getting my hopes up... it's just really odd to be hit with exhaustion out of the bLue except for when i have been pregnant. Any similar things happen to you all? Good luck to you all ttc after your mc!
Totally surprised with a + opk today!

Need some advice...I BDed:
Tueday PM
Wednesday PM
Friday AM
Saturday PM

Now I got a + opk this afternoon...I was trying to follow SMEP which would be BD the next 3 days and then skip a day and BD one last time.

Since we just BDed 2 days in a row...would you still...BD Sunday, Monday and Tuesday PM?

Would this ruin our chances if my DH has low sperm or anything? We were never tested.
My temp has been going up already. I am probably worrying way too much!! :)


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Hello ladies! I really like this idea. I have two children and had my first MC at 5wks on 1/18/14. I felt fine and all was clear down under via U/S, so i started ttc right away 1/20. Last night at work i felt perfect then out of the bLue got hit with extreme fatigue and couldn't keep my eyes open. It's continued all through today too and I've gotten plenty of sleep the past few days so it's really odd. I highly doubt i could have conceived a few days after MC but with some ladies getting that symptom a few days after conceiving, do you think it's possible? I have heard of being really fertile after a mc I'm not getting my hopes up... it's just really odd to be hit with exhaustion out of the bLue except for when i have been pregnant. Any similar things happen to you all? Good luck to you all ttc after your mc!

Welcome to our group. :flower: Very sorry for your loss though. I guess that fatigue could be a good sign if you don't usually feel it. :) Be sure and keep us posted!! I'm waiting for AF after my mc. I did track O and it happened cd16 for me. we did bd during that time, but my temps have now dropped, so just waiting for AF to arrive so that I can get on to the next cycle! :)
Totally surprised with a + opk today!

Need some advice...I BDed:
Tueday PM
Wednesday PM
Friday AM
Saturday PM

Now I got a + opk this afternoon...I was trying to follow SMEP which would be BD the next 3 days and then skip a day and BD one last time.

Since we just BDed 2 days in a row...would you still...BD Sunday, Monday and Tuesday PM?

Would this ruin our chances if my DH has low sperm or anything? We were never tested.
My temp has been going up already. I am probably worrying way too much!! :)

Savvy, yay!! Isn't it just SO exciting to see that smiley! I know how you feel. And again, crazy how those others can go from so light to dark practically overnight! Lol! Honestly, if it were me, I'd bd tonight, tomorrow, and the next day. I usually try in the am the day my temp goes up, just in case egg is still hanging around in there for another hour or so, hehe! But if you can only do pm, then still go for it. Now that's just my opinion! During my week of O, I'm the type of person that's too spazzy to skip a day, ha! Others might disagree. But it's just three days, so some of those sperm are bound to make it t that egg, surely. :)

Oh, I have to add, if he has a problem with sperm, I'm not real sure if it would be affected then. My DH was tested, and there weren't issues, so we aren't careful about it. Did you bd last night? If so, you could probably skip tonight (because you have some sperm in there) and just do it tomorrow since thats probably when you'll end up O'ing anyway. Then bd the next day, just for good measure. Me and DH just do it everyday at that time because his sperm checked out ok.
Savvy, yay!! Isn't it just SO exciting to see that smiley! I know how you feel. And again, crazy how those others can go from so light to dark practically overnight! Lol! Honestly, if it were me, I'd bd tonight, tomorrow, and the next day. I usually try in the am the day my temp goes up, just in case egg is still hanging around in there for another hour or so, hehe! But if you can only do pm, then still go for it. Now that's just my opinion! During my week of O, I'm the type of person that's too spazzy to skip a day, ha! Others might disagree. But it's just three days, so some of those sperm are bound to make it t that egg, surely. :)

Oh, I have to add, if he has a problem with sperm, I'm not real sure if it would be affected then. My DH was tested, and there weren't issues, so we aren't careful about it. Did you bd last night? If so, you could probably skip tonight (because you have some sperm in there) and just do it tomorrow since thats probably when you'll end up O'ing anyway. Then bd the next day, just for good measure. Me and DH just do it everyday at that time because his sperm checked out ok.

I was very excited to see the smiley! Yes, we BDed last night. But I don't know if my DH has any issues since he was never tested. He had the hernia repair surgery and his doctor told him he had a very high risk of infertility - now obviously we got prego last time so I am assuming everything at least works. He will have 24 hours between each time so I am hoping it is enough time to replenish :)
Thank you erosepw! I don't track my O. I can usually tell by the CM. But we did BD again last night so im still waiting to see when ill O. It is reassuring to hear that you did actually O around the middle of a cycle even after a mc. I heard its usually sooner but not always the case. The exhaustion I had a few days ago did dissipate over the weekend so im glad of that. I will say a prayer that your af never arrives. Sometimes even charting wont tell you your pregnant until you get your BFP! I never would have known I was pregnant a month ago if I hadn't taken a test. I had no pregnancy symptoms that would indicate otherwise. Although I was on a business trip two weeks ago in Denver so I was focused on other things than what my uterus was doing lol. But nonetheless no symptoms. Im interested to see how your story continues!
Hello ladies! I really like this idea. I have two children and had my first MC at 5wks on 1/18/14. I felt fine and all was clear down under via U/S, so i started ttc right away 1/20. Last night at work i felt perfect then out of the bLue got hit with extreme fatigue and couldn't keep my eyes open. It's continued all through today too and I've gotten plenty of sleep the past few days so it's really odd. I highly doubt i could have conceived a few days after MC but with some ladies getting that symptom a few days after conceiving, do you think it's possible? I have heard of being really fertile after a mc I'm not getting my hopes up... it's just really odd to be hit with exhaustion out of the bLue except for when i have been pregnant. Any similar things happen to you all? Good luck to you all ttc after your mc!

Hello and welcome! I am so sorry for your loss. How are you feeling now? Are you temping or using opks to track this cycle? I had my miscarriage at 6weeks back on December 11 and AF returned January 11. I had extreme fatigue right before AF returned, but I think I might have been a little sick. Glad you are joining us, we are all on our way to a bfp very soon! :)
Hey brighteyez, how are you doing? I see you are still waiting for a + opk on your chart. Check in and let us know how you are doing!

babylove, any information yet?

All other girls - post your updates, where are you in your cycle? Anyone in the tww?
Hey brighteyez, how are you doing? I see you are still waiting for a + opk on your chart. Check in and let us know how you are doing!

babylove, any information yet?

All other girls - post your updates, where are you in your cycle? Anyone in the tww?

Hello ladies still waiting for +opk. but have been BDing. My chart looks a little funny but I don't know. OPK are getting darker eachday but....we will see. I am trying not to get discouraged and stay positive. I test twice a day once at 2pm and than again at 7pm.
Still waiting for AF. SOO frustrating! My temps dropped and I was cramping and spotting, and I was excited to get on to a new cycle. But AF still hasn't shown. I'm barely cramping now, but still some spotting. I'm so frustrated. I really wanted to get on with it and start my Clomid again. I've never wanted AF to arrive so badly before in my life.
Still waiting for AF. SOO frustrating! My temps dropped and I was cramping and spotting, and I was excited to get on to a new cycle. But AF still hasn't shown. I'm barely cramping now, but still some spotting. I'm so frustrated. I really wanted to get on with it and start my Clomid again. I've never wanted AF to arrive so badly before in my life.

I noticied your chart this am and noticed the drop but no menses. My chart is insane. i have no idea what is going on with my temps. i was so mad at my opk tester this am, i put a stick in it and it had an error so i had to use the tester out of my new pack. . grr. oh well i know i will ovulate if i havent. we had bd the last five days and then again this am. i had dh put in a softcup this am and i am nervous. i havent ever taken one out. dh always puts them in and takes them out for me. no peeing for me lol.

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