Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

Hi ladies I have not been able to stay caught up I have been so busy. I went and had a quant done today so will know tomorrow if I am on the right track. I still dont have my chromosome results back who knows how much longer I have to wait for that......I am also having an ultrasound monday due to some cramping. I am having brown discharge that comes and goes. This Friday will be 4 weeks post d&c. Should be getting AF soon. Hope everyone else is doing well and I will try to stay caught up.

Hopefully these tests will give you the information you and your doctor need. Check in and let us know how you are doing!
A good cycle to relax and enjoy some BDing when your schedules work together. Sometimes I think I might be better off just relaxing and letting things happen on there own. Keep us postehardd with your progress.

It is i agree. That is why i have not been charting or driving myself nuts with paying close attention to it every day. But unfortunately this thread is for those ttc immediately after mc, which I am but just not as hard as some other women. I just watch for the cm and BD all around that time and then let it happen naturally if it's meant to be. It worked twice before with baby 1 & 2 :baby: plus i don't get neurotic which is helpful lol

CD12 now.
It is i agree. That is why i have not been charting or driving myself nuts with paying close attention to it every day. But unfortunately this thread is for those ttc immediately after mc, which I am but just not as hard as some other women. I just watch for the cm and BD all around that time and then let it happen naturally if it's meant to be. It worked twice before with baby 1 & 2 :baby: plus i don't get neurotic which is helpful lol

CD12 now.

You are welcome in this thread no matter what. We are all here to share our experiences and help each other out! :)
Hello ladies,

The test was a fluke and I but my OPK is positive according to the doctor today. So BD'ing but we have been doing that all week anyway. LOL So hopefully we can catch a egg this time. How is everyone else.
Hi brighteyez, glad you got your + opk confirmed! I think quite a few of us are close in O day!! I am super excited to see lots of bfps very soon!!

We have been BDing 5 days in a row now, we are taking tonight off and I hope to fit in one last BD on Thursday night. I feel really positive about this cycle. A positive opk, BDing, Preseed - now all that is left is a + hpt! :)
Hi all :hi: I didn't know whether to post or not with what's been going on lately, I don't want to be insensitive....

I got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo. This is todays, much stronger than with my chemical last month so that's mildly reassuring for now but obviously I'm feeling cautious. By my dates baby is due 12th October :)

Hi all :hi: I didn't know whether to post or not with what's been going on lately, I don't want to be insensitive....

I got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo. This is todays, much stronger than with my chemical last month so that's mildly reassuring for now but obviously I'm feeling cautious. By my dates baby is due 12th October :)

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So excited for you!! Look at that dark positive line for 10dpo that is amazing!! H&H 9 months! Congrats!
Hi all :hi: I didn't know whether to post or not with what's been going on lately, I don't want to be insensitive....

I got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo. This is todays, much stronger than with my chemical last month so that's mildly reassuring for now but obviously I'm feeling cautious. By my dates baby is due 12th October :)

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CONGRATS! Super exciting! Hope to join you in 2 weeks :) :happydance:
Hi all :hi: I didn't know whether to post or not with what's been going on lately, I don't want to be insensitive....

I got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo. This is todays, much stronger than with my chemical last month so that's mildly reassuring for now but obviously I'm feeling cautious. By my dates baby is due 12th October :)

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Congrats! That is a super nice positive at 10dpo! That's darker than mine was at 16dpo when i had my CP. I think you're good to go, girl!! And of course you're welcome to post here. That's part of the reason we started this thread, was so that we could hear success stories and it give us hope. :)

ferens, can you remind me... is this the first month after your CP, or did you have a full cycle pass and get AF again? And if you did have one full cycle pass, do you recall what your AF was like when it arrived? I'm having these issues where I my temp dropped and I was spotting just like when AF is about to come. I havent gotten a full flow, but I had three days where definite red blood showed up, and I was just cramping a little. Just trying to figure out if it was just a really really light AF (since I bled so much during the CP, maybe my uterine lining just hadn't built up in the past month), or if it was just some random weird bleeding for no reason.
Thank you :flower:

It's the first month after the CP, I haven't had AF inbetween. I didn't ovulate until 20 days after the CP bleeding started. Sorry that's not much help to you. How long after the CP was this bleed? :hugs:
Thank you :flower:

It's the first month after the CP, I haven't had AF inbetween. I didn't ovulate until 20 days after the CP bleeding started. Sorry that's not much help to you. How long after the CP was this bleed? :hugs:

It started around day 27 and went through day 30. Its done today. But I did O this month. I O'd 16 days after the m/c. So when the spotting started, that was the normal time I'd be expecting it to come before AF would arrive. However, the spotting came, the temps dropped, but I never got a full flow of AF. So I've just been having difficulty determining if it was enough of an AF to be considered a new cycle and start my clomid. With the red spotting, the light cramping, and the low temps, I would think it would be. But my Dr's office couldn't even give me a definitive answer, so they said maybe I should just wait. If that was AF, I'm now missing another whole cycle of Clomid, urg.

But anyway, congrats to you Hun!! Great news to perk up my day a little bit!! :happydance:
So are your AFs always a particular flow? Mine are usually reasonably light/medium lasting 3 days and that's normal for me. I suppose it depends on what's normal for you x
So are your AFs always a particular flow? Mine are usually reasonably light/medium lasting 3 days and that's normal for me. I suppose it depends on what's normal for you x

Mine are about like yours, it sounds like. But this was definitely more spotting than flow. I had to use a liner each day (not enough for a tampon), and it only spotted the liner, and the rest was just when I wiped. The only difference in this spotting and my normal pre-AF spotting, is that there was some bright red on three of the four days. My gut tells me it was all the AF I'm gonna have this time around. There's nothing today, and no more cramping now. So I feel like I should be starting my Clomid tomorrow, but Dr's office was so on the fence about it, that they eventually just asked me to hold off. Dangit, I was looking SO forward to starting it again. It got me prego once, so as you can imagine, I'm desperate to be on it again. Oh well! :winkwink:
You might not need it this cycle, once your body has been pregnant it makes you highly fertile the cycle after. I would try naturally if you feel ready to, you may be surprised... :)
You might not need it this cycle, once your body has been pregnant it makes you highly fertile the cycle after. I would try naturally if you feel ready to, you may be surprised... :)

I have heard that......hopefully its true. Congrats on the bfp so glad to see that.
You might not need it this cycle, once your body has been pregnant it makes you highly fertile the cycle after. I would try naturally if you feel ready to, you may be surprised... :)

We did actually try naturally directly after the mc; however, my DH was out of town, so we didn't get as much BDing in as usual. I ended up O'ing two days later than I thought too, and although we did get another session in on that night, it still just wasn't the same amount of activity as we'd normally get in during the week leading up to O. This month though, he will be in town, so I'll start tracking for O in a few days, and heck yea, we'll be trying! Lol. No breaks for me! I've def heard I'm supposed to be really fertile for a few months after, so I'll still allow hope for Feb. Thanks for all your input, I appreciate it. :flower: And congrats again, I'm super excited for you!!!
Thank you, praying for it to be sticky! :flower:

I'll be stalking for all your bfps :) I used opks both months I got a bfp, cheapies every day then the smiley faces to confirm ov (to save money). I didnt ovulate until CD20 though, which was 3 days later than usual.

Erin happy to see af finally decided to show up for you this am. hopefully it gives you a little piece of mind. hope af isnt too bad... can you do your clomid now?
Hi brighteyez, glad you got your + opk confirmed! I think quite a few of us are close in O day!! I am super excited to see lots of bfps very soon!!

We have been BDing 5 days in a row now, we are taking tonight off and I hope to fit in one last BD on Thursday night. I feel really positive about this cycle. A positive opk, BDing, Preseed - now all that is left is a + hpt! :)

Savvy - We have been BD like crazy. I am actually tired. I am with you we are using Preseed too and hopefully a +HPT for us all!!!:hugs:

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