Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

So ladies, I thought I'd give a little report on my feelings today. No worries, they are good feelings, lol!

So I'm back to being very excited about February. I'm only cd2 now, since AF came later than it should've. But since I got a full blown AF, I have the green light to start the clomid again. I will be taking that next Mon-Fri. For some reason, I just FEEL like I'm gonna get prego this month. The 50mg of clomid got me prego my first month at that dose, so I have no reason to believe that it won't get me prego again in February. Especially since I took a break from it for a month, I feel like it will affect my O really good. Something else I did the month I got prego was drinking that Robitussin to improve my CM. That was the first month I've ever done that, so naturally, my brain goes straight to DRINK AGAIN. Hehe! I will start that about cd8, since I will probably O around cd13-14. I have Preseed, and will use it most of the times that we BD, unless my CM looks really good on its own. I also have the Prog supplements, although low P probably didn't contribute at all to my m/c, my Dr said it certainly never hurts, as it will help thicken the uterine lining (and clomid does have the ability to thin the lining in some women, so a little extra P can only help a sista out, hehe). I'll probably start taking that after FF gives me my CHs. So probably three days after O.

I'm feeling good, and I'm getting preggers, ladies. And this time, the little bean is gonna stick around. I feel good for everyone! We all got prego before...we'll do it again real soon! I love this group. :)
Anyone want to give their opinion if i ovulated cd 17 or 20. cd 16 i had a temp rise but i had put it in the notes bc i didnt sleep well. would u keep that temp or discard it?

I am a newbie at the charts - but comparing my chart to yours I noticed we both had a slight rise and the dip was our O day. I really believe I O'd Sunday late night or sometime on Monday - I just had those weird cramps and stuff but I am honestly confused thinking I should have O'd back on CD12-14 not CD17. Not sure if AF is due CD24-26 like usual or CD32 which is the pink square on my FF calendar. As long as I get a bfp I don't care what my chart says! :)

If you take out your temp rise what does FF do to your chart? What did your monitor say again? Wasn't it peak on Saturday?

if i take out the slight rise on cd 16 ff moves ovulation to cd 20. peak on the monitor was cd 18 i believe. . . its on my chart i had positive opk 17-18. negative after that.

With the peak on the monitor being cd18, it still seems like O would've been on cd20. Doesnt seem like you'd get a Peak two days AFTER ovulation. Interesting chart!! :) Well, like savvy said, all that matters is the BFP, for sure! I know you'd like to know how many dpo you are though. If you start to feel like you O on cd20, then go ahead and discard the rise on cd16 so that FF will move your CHs. I'm excited about the holy sharp pain you just had, LOL! I can't help but get excited about stuff like that after O!
i cant wait to see your chart this month i will definitely be stocking!
FBG, after reading what ERose said it seems like you would have gotten a peak on CD18 and then O'd either CD19 or CD20...it does seem odd that you would peak after you O. Hearing about your sharp pain is exciting though...I "hate" to symptom spot...but I love to symptom spot because it keeps me positive!! :)
So ladies, I thought I'd give a little report on my feelings today. No worries, they are good feelings, lol!

So I'm back to being very excited about February. I'm only cd2 now, since AF came later than it should've. But since I got a full blown AF, I have the green light to start the clomid again. I will be taking that next Mon-Fri. For some reason, I just FEEL like I'm gonna get prego this month. The 50mg of clomid got me prego my first month at that dose, so I have no reason to believe that it won't get me prego again in February. Especially since I took a break from it for a month, I feel like it will affect my O really good. Something else I did the month I got prego was drinking that Robitussin to improve my CM. That was the first month I've ever done that, so naturally, my brain goes straight to DRINK AGAIN. Hehe! I will start that about cd8, since I will probably O around cd13-14. I have Preseed, and will use it most of the times that we BD, unless my CM looks really good on its own. I also have the Prog supplements, although low P probably didn't contribute at all to my m/c, my Dr said it certainly never hurts, as it will help thicken the uterine lining (and clomid does have the ability to thin the lining in some women, so a little extra P can only help a sista out, hehe). I'll probably start taking that after FF gives me my CHs. So probably three days after O.

I'm feeling good, and I'm getting preggers, ladies. And this time, the little bean is gonna stick around. I feel good for everyone! We all got prego before...we'll do it again real soon! I love this group. :)

ERose, I am super excited for you!! I have a feeling that you will get prego again this month too! I just have the same feeling myself, I woke up last night dreaming about twins and what I would name them...that got me so super excited! I think it really makes a difference this month because I know exactly when I O'd (or close enough) and I see my temp rise and we BDed like crazy with preseed. Also for you, I am glad you get clomid back and robitussin! I think it is great you have the prog supps too, extra insurance! I feel so positive that I am sure we are going to see quite a few bfps in February! :)

If I don't temp Saturday/Sunday would it make a difference or is it really important to keep temping continuously? Going away this weekend with my parents (since we couldn't last weekend due to weather)...going to pack bbt but not sure if I can pull it off when it is beeping so loudly! :)
I know, I wish there was a silencer on those things, LOL!! I think I'm going to google and see if i can find one that just lights up instead of beeps or something.

Ya know, it is best to temp everyday, but I really dont think a couple of days will matter that much. That said, I've never skipped a whole weekend, so i'm not real sure if it will change anything in your chart. I think from FBG's charts, it looks like she has skipped many days before, and hasn't had any problems, but maybe she could confirm for you.
i dont think its a big deal if you miss this weekend. you already got your ch. i missed a bunch of days while i was sick and woke up coughing. i say go and have fun hopefully it will pass your tww quickly.
Thanks girls for your input. I might try to bury my head under a pillow and take it. I wake up a lot at their house so it probably won't be too accurate. Maybe we need to invent a quiet one...seriously mine beeps continuously and then gets louder when it is done. ..ill just blame hubbys phone or something!
Thanks for welcoming me. I wasn't sure about joining because this thread seems off and moving... and I have no idea how I will catch up. But, I will start following from here.

This is cycle 8, CD14, but I doubt I O until about CD18. I don't chart, just OPK. They work very well for me. I O the day after my first positive.

Anyways, Cycle 4, I fell pregnant but my lines went negative and I started bleeding the next day. I was... 20dpo

Cycle 5, I only had an 8 day LP.

Cycle 6, I fell pregnant again, this time I had positive tests, they all got darker slowly but remained faint. The bleeding started again with the pregnancy test still being BFP... 20dpo

Cycle 7, I thought I wouldn't fall pregnant but I did. I got my BFP at 9dpo only to test at 11dpo nice BFP, but the bleeding started not even 3 hours after that.

Has anyone had anything like this happen? I thought about taking a break this cycle because I have a Dr. Appt. to discuss these losses on Feb. 19. But decided to try anyways.
Thanks for welcoming me. I wasn't sure about joining because this thread seems off and moving... and I have no idea how I will catch up. But, I will start following from here.

This is cycle 8, CD14, but I doubt I O until about CD18. I don't chart, just OPK. They work very well for me. I O the day after my first positive.

Anyways, Cycle 4, I fell pregnant but my lines went negative and I started bleeding the next day. I was... 20dpo

Cycle 5, I only had an 8 day LP.

Cycle 6, I fell pregnant again, this time I had positive tests, they all got darker slowly but remained faint. The bleeding started again with the pregnancy test still being BFP... 20dpo

Cycle 7, I thought I wouldn't fall pregnant but I did. I got my BFP at 9dpo only to test at 11dpo nice BFP, but the bleeding started not even 3 hours after that.

Has anyone had anything like this happen? I thought about taking a break this cycle because I have a Dr. Appt. to discuss these losses on Feb. 19. But decided to try anyways.

Wow at least you know you are definitely fertile. hopefully your doctor will run some tests and give you some good info.

dont worry about catching up. you can always ask questions to get caught up. welcome again.
Thank you hun! Your chart is looking AMAZING!!! I hope this month is the one! :)
How is everyone's weekend going? We started cleaning the house today. Hopefully i will have a clean house by Monday. we got a little off track and ended up shopping. dh has decided that if we get another bfp we need a new camera to document. i have been wanting fabric to try sewing. dh grandmother has gifted me a very elaborate sewing machine and i need to learn from her asap.

hope everyone is having a great weekend.
That's awesome! New camera to document your beautiful BFP! :)

That's great about crafting too. I love to make tear bears!
Ooo I'm rubbish with charts, never used them, but I'm excited to hopefully see some BFPs soon

Rooting for you all :D

I'm trying to finish an alphabet cross-stitch for DD today, then I'm going to order another to do to keep me busy in the evenings :) x
Hello again ladies. Im pretty sure I O'd yesterday or today. I BD'd last night to get it right in between 12-24hr viable egg window. Now its just time to wait and see what happens... im on CD16. Good luck to everyone trying this month!
Hello again ladies. Im pretty sure I O'd yesterday or today. I BD'd last night to get it right in between 12-24hr viable egg window. Now its just time to wait and see what happens... im on CD16. Good luck to everyone trying this month!

Good luck! lots of baby dust!
Hoping someone here can help. On Saturday (5dpo) I wiped and got a ton of clear cm on the toilet paper twice in the afternoon. I never ever get cm during my cycle and I am sure I already O'd backed up with two days of + opks and a shift with my temps. What could the clear cm have been? Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.
Hoping someone here can help. On Saturday (5dpo) I wiped and got a ton of clear cm on the toilet paper twice in the afternoon. I never ever get cm during my cycle and I am sure I already O'd backed up with two days of + opks and a shift with my temps. What could the clear cm have been? Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

I have heard some women report increase cm. the women thought that af was coming or had appeared bc of how wet they were. they we constantly running to the bathroom. a few days later they got their bfp.
Hoping someone here can help. On Saturday (5dpo) I wiped and got a ton of clear cm on the toilet paper twice in the afternoon. I never ever get cm during my cycle and I am sure I already O'd backed up with two days of + opks and a shift with my temps. What could the clear cm have been? Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

I have heard some women report increase cm. the women thought that af was coming or had appeared bc of how wet they were. they we constantly running to the bathroom. a few days later they got their bfp.

I've heard the same!
I have heard some women report increase cm. the women thought that af was coming or had appeared bc of how wet they were. they we constantly running to the bathroom. a few days later they got their bfp.

I've heard the same!

Too bad it was only twice on Saturday...hoping it will start up again, I would love to get that bfp!

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