Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

:hugs: savvy and Kazine.

Adav18- I would say CD28, going by an 'average' cycle.x

With my temp still above coverline (36.66) I don't think I'm going to ovulate on time this month if at all :(

When I miscarried, my temps stayed above my average CL for about 3-4 days. I did the same as you, and used the first day of bleeding as cd1. Once my temps finally went below my usual CL, I started using the OPKs. I think you will definitely O this cycle, but it could take a little extra time... mine was several days later than my usual O day.

I hope you're right!
Hello Ladies,

Ive read a few discussion boards and decided this was the one to join.... you are all so helpful to each other and thats what convinced me.
So here is my story...
I finally found the man of my dreams 4 yrs ago and we were married in Sept 2013.
We decided Nov/Dec would be when we would TTC, well we started early Nov and decided to just "have fun" and see what happens (i am 38 and my husband 34) and i told hm no kids after 40 so lets do this.... (BTW i have a wonderful 7 yrs old son who will be 8 in June froma previous relationship) Well since my period is irregular and never around the same time every month.... its hard for me to time things... i was trying to remember when my last period in Oct/Nov were and could not, well Dec 14th, i tested positive on HPT, i went out the next morning and got the Clearbue estimator, which showed positive 2-3 weeks.... i came home that night and told me husband i had an early xmas gift for him... and told him, we both then decided to wait to tell Hunter (my son) until we were +3 months.. also my 1 sister is pregnant after 6 yrs of trying and she is 25 and my brothers gf is 42 and about to give birth Feb 18 by C section. So i made fist appt with doctor which was Jan 21st, they checked everything was fine and gave me a pap test and schedule my dating ultrasound for Feb 4th. I started bleeding the next day (wed Jan 25th) and had a natural M/C on Friday Jan 24th int he morning. I went in to get internal and external U/S and confirmed nothing there.... i was devastasted and very angry thinking the cause was the PAP test (i had one with my son when i was 3 months and I bled and went to hospital that evening and they said if i was to lose it nothing htey can do, had U/S next day and everything was fine) so i went from eating right, to resting , being careful and me and my husband refrained from sexual intercourse fron the day we found out... its now been 12 days since and i am thinking positive. i stopped bleeing after 7 days and spotted very lightly for 2-3 more days. I went for bloodwork on thursday Feb 6 to see what my HCG levels were, i got a call from doctors that they wanted to monitor still high and to go back again. I went yesterday again and will wait for call from OB/GYN to see results. I am physically and mentally ready to start trying again... i did a HPT on tuesday Feb 4th and took a while but still came back positive so i am assuming levels still high... i did ovulation test and came back that i was ovulating (which from what i read you cannot while HCG levels are high)
ME and DH had sex last night for the first time since finding out i was pregnant, we have decided not to wait and to just go for it... i didnt realize how much i wanted a baby until losing this little one... (they estimated me at being 10-12 weeks)
I am sorry for all of your losses and i do hope we all have happy endings.
Welcome Tammy. Just wanted to tell you that ovulation tests can come back positive if you are pregnant or still have high hCG so it might just be that and you may not be ovulating yet. Good luck and sorry for your loss xx
kazine, ERose and ferens, thanks ladies. After losing my Grandmother, this has been quite the week and I am sure my body has just had enough.

Anyone think that I should be concerned that my LP was only 9 days? My doc is kind of against testing, DH and I are both 30+ and I seriously don't think I can wait too much longer for another bfp - would you demand testing or find a new doctor?

With my temp still above coverline (36.66) I don't think I'm going to ovulate on time this month if at all :(

I am sorry...this week has been a blur. I think I missed your story and I am so sorry for your loss. With my m/c I bled for 10 days starting the m/c my first day of a vacation so I could not temp or use opk's. My cycle went from 24-26 days to 31 days the last two cycles and this cycle of mine that just ended was 26 days.

Hoping you O soon. Keep us posted.
Hi Tammy, I am so sorry for your recent m/c. Glad you joined us and I hope we are all able to get our bfps and rainbow babies soon.
Hey girls! I have a question. As I have stated beforr my MC was 1/18. On a normal 28 day cycle my next af should be due around 2/14. I BD on 1/20, 1/25 and 2/1. Not much time due to work schedules BUT.. today I started barely spotting when I wiped. If my AF isnt due at the earliest on 2/14... what could cause me to have some blood when I wipe this early? Ive had 2 babies already and I've never spotted before even the week before AF was due. This is new to me. I did send a message to my doctor to get her opinion but I have yet to hear back today. Any help??? So confused. I know your body can be a lil messed up after a mc but I haven't bled at all past the first week of the mc.
kazine, ERose and ferens, thanks ladies. After losing my Grandmother, this has been quite the week and I am sure my body has just had enough.

Anyone think that I should be concerned that my LP was only 9 days? My doc is kind of against testing, DH and I are both 30+ and I seriously don't think I can wait too much longer for another bfp - would you demand testing or find a new doctor?

If your LP is consistently lower than 10DPO definitely see someone who will test you. It is too short and therefore may not be long enough to allow implantation! And time isn't on your side so definitely be demanding testing or going to someone who will test you.
My husband and I are ttc number one and we are both young (22) so all this is fairly new to both of us. We have only been ttc for a couple of months, month number three and still no BFP :( I know patience is essential but waiting and hoping can stress anyone out. A little support would be great. We aren't telling many of our friends and family we are ttc because we want it to be a surprise. IVF is the next route we want to take but I want to conceive naturally so, fingers crossed, we will be successful. I O'd about a week ago and seeing some spotting so my hopes are high right now.
I'm so sorry Savvy :( I'm not feeling so great this time around either! I just don't feel any different and I don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed. Maybe I'm jinxing myself!!
I tested at 8 dpo, 9 dpo and 10 dpo… all BFN - last time I didn't get a BFP until 11 dpo so tomorrow morning will be the big test! I feel sick with nervousness!
Savvy...My LP was short so I started taking 100mg of Vitamin B6 and natural progesterone cream… I'm at 11 dpo tomorrow so so far so good!
Hey girls! I have a question. As I have stated beforr my MC was 1/18. On a normal 28 day cycle my next af should be due around 2/14. I BD on 1/20, 1/25 and 2/1. Not much time due to work schedules BUT.. today I started barely spotting when I wiped. If my AF isnt due at the earliest on 2/14... what could cause me to have some blood when I wipe this early? Ive had 2 babies already and I've never spotted before even the week before AF was due. This is new to me. I did send a message to my doctor to get her opinion but I have yet to hear back today. Any help??? So confused. I know your body can be a lil messed up after a mc but I haven't bled at all past the first week of the mc.

Implantation bleeding!
I got a call back from my doctor and she said it sounds like I'm just starting my af. I'm confused. I asked her if it's normal to start af only 20 days after a mc and she said it could happen. Although I'm still just seeing slight pink when i wipe. No actual bleeding. Could she be wrong? I told her this feels nothing like any af I've had in my life... due to the lack of bleeding and cramps. Idk what to think. Can implantation spotting start 7 days after BD and 7-10 days before af? I have a strong feeling my doctor is wrong and this is not af but just some weird symptom going on.
It is possible to get your AF that soon yeah. But I hope it's not the case for you :hugs:
Well its day 2 and still nothing but pink when I wipe. If it is my af then its by far the weirdest one I've ever had lol :) cuz I have no explanation otherwise.
rose, thanks for your advice! I think I am going to try the vitamin B6. Is the natural progesterone cream something you bought or do I need the doctor to write me a prescription for it? So exciting that your LP was extended and fx'd for your test tomorrow! Keep me posted :)
I got a call back from my doctor and she said it sounds like I'm just starting my af. I'm confused. I asked her if it's normal to start af only 20 days after a mc and she said it could happen. Although I'm still just seeing slight pink when i wipe. No actual bleeding. Could she be wrong? I told her this feels nothing like any af I've had in my life... due to the lack of bleeding and cramps. Idk what to think. Can implantation spotting start 7 days after BD and 7-10 days before af? I have a strong feeling my doctor is wrong and this is not af but just some weird symptom going on.

I have a good feeling for you! I have read that you can get implantation bleeding from 6-12dpo! Keeping my fx'd for you - keep me posted!
Thanks savvy! Im sorry about your situation last week. Thats gotta all be rough and I pray it'll get better for you with time. Maybe a BFP this month will be a blessing!
I'm not fully trying but I'm not preventing either!! I have some infidelity problems myself so getting pregnant asap after Elijah was simply amazing. We are two months of no protection and miscarriage (with our latest) and nothing which I had a strong feeling this time would take awhile. Why we aren't using anything so soon after.

After having my 2nd baby we were told there was a small chance of never conceiving, the possibility of one of my tubes being taken and a high chance of needing some type of help. It took well over a year to get pregnant with Elijah. Month after month of tears and sadness because of negatives and got our :bfp: in the beginning of April! Elijah was stillbirth in August, two weeks pp and we got pregnant with Hope. All the joy in the world, very bittersweet. I always looked at it that Elijah sent her down to us.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with her and I had only had a 2% chance of losing her, Elijah was 1%. On October 20th while watching TV my water broke, the same pure shock and panic I had with Elijah during his induction. I delivered her two days later. Absolutely heartbreaking and I was very angry, I just didn't understand why my body was doing this to me. Out of grief I told my midwife I didn't want anymore, started BC and my sex drive went down completely. On December 1st, I had some dreams- one of which Hope visited me and told me I was, she also told me that one day I will have a healthy baby (a living baby). Pregnancy test were confirmed and on December 5th I started miscarrying, only 4 days of knowing. We didn't know we were having triplets until after the miscarriage.

*I also must add that I had my first period in 4 years on January 10th-13th, a very strange one at that! Very thin, watery and on day 3 it was a few spots every so often or brown discharge.

Here is to a good 2014!

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