Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

Good morning ladies,

I pray everyone is doing ok. I tested yesterday (DPO 11) and it was a BFN. I was feeling a little down but I am ok I think. AF is due on Wednesday so hopefully she doesn't show up. On yesterday I had a lil dip and some sharp pains on my left side....maybe it implantation or not, still FX'd. How is everyone else doing?

Yay, your chart is in your signature now, wuhu! I love chart stalking, hehe!! Although was it already there before? Maybe i just missed it.... but I didnt recall seeing it, and I'm always curious about other people's charts. :)

Sorry for the BFN. Still Fxd for you that AF does NOT show up!

ERose it has been there for maybe a week so you haven't missed much LOL!!! Stalk away and please feel free to advise on it as well.
Hi ladies,

So cycle day 28 today, tested and BFN :\ I'm usually about 28 day cycles, so hopefully it's just too early and AF doesn't come and I get my BFP soon! I'm going to test again on Friday (If AF doesn't show), which will be CD32.
Hi ladies,

So cycle day 28 today, tested and BFN :\ I'm usually about 28 day cycles, so hopefully it's just too early and AF doesn't come and I get my BFP soon! I'm going to test again on Friday (If AF doesn't show), which will be CD32.

Hi! Fx'd that it was just too early. Test again and let us know!! Fx'd it is a bfp!
AFM, I should be getting a pos OPK tomorrow if its consistent with my other Clomid cycles. I really hope it is pos tomorrow. I'm so ready to be in the TWW again. Especially since I'm so excited for this cycle. In my other Clomid charts, I went back and looked, and I got my pos OPKs on cd13, which is tomorrow. There was one month that I got a pos OPK earlier than that, but it was a false positive because I tested too early after taking my last Clomid pill. So cd13 should be it. DH and I have already been BDing for the last three days, hehe. You just never know if those early sperm are going to live a while in there and be the lucky ones to hit that egg, hehehe!

I am so excited for you. Mostly because you're on your dose of clomid that assisted you in getting your bfp last time. Since you recently mc and they say your most fertile 3-6 month after a mc. You have to be golden to get your bfp this cycle. plus your reading was january and your cycle did start in January. Everything points to bfp. no pressure or anything but you best get prego and catch that eggo. . lol hehe. But seriously i totally have a feeling you have good things coming.
Hi ladies! So im on CD27 and no sign of any PMS whatsover.... It is my cycle right after my MC, so I dont know what to expect, last time it took until CD52 to get a period, so who knows...
Im starting to get extremely moody and I'm having crazy nightmares all the time. I highly doubt i could be pregnant again, and I dont want to test to avoid dissapointment and stress... SO my plan is to wait un til march 5 ( that would be 52 days I think) and hopefully AF comes by then. if not, we test.

Also, I'm going tos tart charting again. It worked before! Im thinking that I dont ovulate at the same time every month, but we will see once they give me metformin and clomid or something...

AFM, I should be getting a pos OPK tomorrow if its consistent with my other Clomid cycles. I really hope it is pos tomorrow. I'm so ready to be in the TWW again. Especially since I'm so excited for this cycle. In my other Clomid charts, I went back and looked, and I got my pos OPKs on cd13, which is tomorrow. There was one month that I got a pos OPK earlier than that, but it was a false positive because I tested too early after taking my last Clomid pill. So cd13 should be it. DH and I have already been BDing for the last three days, hehe. You just never know if those early sperm are going to live a while in there and be the lucky ones to hit that egg, hehehe!

I am so excited for you. Mostly because you're on your dose of clomid that assisted you in getting your bfp last time. Since you recently mc and they say your most fertile 3-6 month after a mc. You have to be golden to get your bfp this cycle. plus your reading was january and your cycle did start in January. Everything points to bfp. no pressure or anything but you best get prego and catch that eggo. . lol hehe. But seriously i totally have a feeling you have good things coming.

Hehe, thanks FBG! I know, I was thinking the exact same thing... 50mg of Clomid got me prego last time, and I'm supposed to still be fertile after the mc too. I ended up testing with my OPKs after work yesterday and got a smiley face on the CB digital, and a super dark, dark positive on the IC! So my LH surge is really strong right now, lol. We were gonna take a break from BDing last night so that his spermies would be good and ready for O time, but when I got the pos OPKs, I just had to BD again. They were still pos this morning too, so we'll BD again tonight. I'm SO sorry that AF got you!! I was really surprised! I saw your chart going triphasic and had such good feelings for you, urgh. :growlmad: Well, ya know what.... now you have one full cycle behind you after that mc, and after AF this time, I bet your body will be READY. :)
Good morning ladies,

I pray everyone is doing ok. I tested yesterday (DPO 11) and it was a BFN. I was feeling a little down but I am ok I think. AF is due on Wednesday so hopefully she doesn't show up. On yesterday I had a lil dip and some sharp pains on my left side....maybe it implantation or not, still FX'd. How is everyone else doing?

Yay, your chart is in your signature now, wuhu! I love chart stalking, hehe!! Although was it already there before? Maybe i just missed it.... but I didnt recall seeing it, and I'm always curious about other people's charts. :)

Sorry for the BFN. Still Fxd for you that AF does NOT show up!

ERose it has been there for maybe a week so you haven't missed much LOL!!! Stalk away and please feel free to advise on it as well.

Personally I think your chart is looking great! You definitely have a clear pattern in the rise after O. And now your temp is going up again. So its looking good so far, wuhu!! When are you testing??
So adav, has AF showed for you, or is she staying away?? I hope she's staying away! Fxd for you!

Sabster, FXd for you also! I wont lose hope until AF shows. :)

Savvy, I think you mentioned you'd start BDing and using OPKs today, right? How is everything else?

The weird thing is that I'm not having the same awful side effects I had with 50mg of Clomid last time. Most of it hit me during the LH surge and then went away after I O'd. I know I had a strong LH surge because the lines were SO dark. But no side effects.... I thought since I took a break from it after the m/c, that I'd get the same side effects as last time. But I guess not. Unless they're all going to actually hit me right when I start O'ing, hehehe! Which is fine with me.... savvy, i think you mentioned, in a way its almost a good thing to see the side effects, because I feel like the med is really doing its job. I felt like that the month I got prego. So if the side effects hit me again this time too, sometime today or tomorrow, I won't mind so much. ;)
Good morning ladies,

I pray everyone is doing ok. I tested yesterday (DPO 11) and it was a BFN. I was feeling a little down but I am ok I think. AF is due on Wednesday so hopefully she doesn't show up. On yesterday I had a lil dip and some sharp pains on my left side....maybe it implantation or not, still FX'd. How is everyone else doing?

Yay, your chart is in your signature now, wuhu! I love chart stalking, hehe!! Although was it already there before? Maybe i just missed it.... but I didnt recall seeing it, and I'm always curious about other people's charts. :)

Sorry for the BFN. Still Fxd for you that AF does NOT show up!

ERose it has been there for maybe a week so you haven't missed much LOL!!! Stalk away and please feel free to advise on it as well.

Personally I think your chart is looking great! You definitely have a clear pattern in the rise after O. And now your temp is going up again. So its looking good so far, wuhu!! When are you testing??

ERose - I tested yesterday and it was a BFN. So I am going to wait until after AF is due which is Wednesday or Thursday, I'm thinking Friday Valentine'd Day!!! Scared to test again, BFN always make me sad!!!
Sabster, I think charting is a great idea. I am really loving having my chart, it is so helpful!

Erin, so glad you got a positive opk. Maybe you won't have so many side effects because you have had clomid before. I am still spotting a bit and hubby really wants to go out with some coworkers so we are holding off until tomorrow to start SMEP, that way we can BD on Valentine's Day too. Not feeling so good today either, I wanted to start vitamin b6 and robitussin but I feel sick to my stomach so I am skipping the new meds right now.

FBG, sorry AF got you! :(

Brighteyez, Fx'd for a valentine's surprise!
Think I'm ovulating today and only one day late :)
Think I'm ovulating today and only one day late :)

Yay!! Get your BD on!!! Hehe. :winkwink: I think I'm O'ing today also. I got my pos opk yesterday after work, and earlier today I felt the slightly crampy feeling I'll notice sometimes during O. So we'll be in the TWW together. :flower:
Sabster, I think charting is a great idea. I am really loving having my chart, it is so helpful!

Erin, so glad you got a positive opk. Maybe you won't have so many side effects because you have had clomid before. I am still spotting a bit and hubby really wants to go out with some coworkers so we are holding off until tomorrow to start SMEP, that way we can BD on Valentine's Day too. Not feeling so good today either, I wanted to start vitamin b6 and robitussin but I feel sick to my stomach so I am skipping the new meds right now.

FBG, sorry AF got you! :(

Brighteyez, Fx'd for a valentine's surprise!

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, Hun. :( You're probably right, it's probably best to wait to try the new meds if you're feeling sick to your stomach. I hope you feel better soon.

I have to say, this time I didn't get the stretchy cm after the robitussin. It def got rid of the hostile stuff, and I believe that makes a huge difference for the sperm. But last time I drank it, after it got rid of the hostile stuff, I then had one day of decent, clear, and slightly stretchy cm (not awesome EW, but it was def more fertile). It arrived on the day of O, or maybe the day before. But this time around, I really have hardly any cm at all... Maybe a little watery, but not very much of it, and def no stretch. So while I'm very happy that I drank it and got rid of the thick sticky stuff, I was disappointed not to get that one day of stretch. So we used the Preseed w/ the applicator tonight (we BD when I got home from work). TMI, but I pushed the applicator as far as I felt comfortable pushing it, because I'm hoping that pushed some into my cervix. I kinda wish I'd tried the fertilecm that FBG used since she said she got good results from it.
Oh, btw, I spoke to soon about having no side effects from the clomid. A couple hours after I posted that, I noticed I felt a little anxious for no reason, a teeny bit nauseated, and then I felt a headache creeping up. That's also about the time I felt slightly crampy, so I went back and looked at my notes in my chart from the last time I had this dose of clomid... It was def similar stuff, and it was the same day, right around O. I think the main side effects I get are several days after I take the last pill and are directly associated with O. But like you said, savvy, I think I can look at it as a positive thing...it must mean I'm having a helluva O. Hehe! Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. I can say, though, it wasn't as bad as the last time. Probably because my body already experienced it once, who knows. :wacko:
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, Hun. :( You're probably right, it's probably best to wait to try the new meds if you're feeling sick to your stomach. I hope you feel better soon.

I have to say, this time I didn't get the stretchy cm after the robitussin. It def got rid of the hostile stuff, and I believe that makes a huge difference for the sperm. But last time I drank it, after it got rid of the hostile stuff, I then had one day of decent, clear, and slightly stretchy cm (not awesome EW, but it was def more fertile). It arrived on the day of O, or maybe the day before. But this time around, I really have hardly any cm at all... Maybe a little watery, but not very much of it, and def no stretch. So while I'm very happy that I drank it and got rid of the thick sticky stuff, I was disappointed not to get that one day of stretch. So we used the Preseed w/ the applicator tonight (we BD when I got home from work). TMI, but I pushed the applicator as far as I felt comfortable pushing it, because I'm hoping that pushed some into my cervix. I kinda wish I'd tried the fertilecm that FBG used since she said she got good results from it.

I also read your other post that you did get a few side effects, while it stinks that you don't feel so great - it is awesome that you know it is a good strong O and you timed BDing extremely well!! :thumbup:

Bummer about the robitussin, but at least it cleared up the hostile cm!

I ordered more preseed and I think I will try a tiny bit more and like you said, push it in as far as I can safely. DH wasn't thrilled with it, said it was a little too slippery, but since I have never noticed any cm, I think I am better off with something! My stomach is better, I got a killer headache though. I am hoping it was because I didn't eat too much today. Feeling okay now, just tired.
Welcome Chameleon, I'm sorry for your loss also. Hugs to you sweetie. But happy to have you join our thread. How interesting that the fertility clinic got a bad SA from your DH, but then on his second one, it comes out stellar!! Now thats amazing! Was he doing anything, like supplements or anything? It would make me wonder if that first Dr was over exaggerating just to get you guys to spend the money on IVF. :dohh:.

I hate to think that...the nurse we saw was actually pretty nice. I hope it was just an honest mistake. But it was literally a 20x difference; first time was 700k/mL which is SEVERELY low; then this last time was 135 million/mL and the doctor literally told him his count was good enough to be a donor. If I hadn't gotten pregnant when I did I was planning on starting IVF in January.

Right now I'm just SO impatient!!! I just finished my first period after the miscarriage and am kind of angry that I have to wait another week to ovulate, and then another 2-3 weeks before I find out if it worked.

It doesn't help that my job is a lab biologist; I am so used to making biology sit down and behave at work that having to be subject to my own biology is just driving me crazy. I feel like I should at least have one shot per week; that's what it's like in the lab after all!:D
ERosePW still no AF, just waiting and waiting. Will test Friday, if AF hasn't showed!
Good morning ladies,

Hope everyone is well this morning!!! Did anyone get the snow is getting snow today and tomorrow? I am a little said today because temp dropped this morning so I am out for this month AF will be here tomorrow. I very emotional today :cry:.
Good morning ladies,

Hope everyone is well this morning!!! Did anyone get the snow is getting snow today and tomorrow? I am a little said today because temp dropped this morning so I am out for this month AF will be here tomorrow. I very emotional today :cry:.

:hugs: I am sorry your temp dropped, still holding out hope that AF stays away and your temp goes back up tomorrow.
I started having really strechy EWCM, so considering that I have no idea what's happening with my body, I took advantage ofthe situaion ( aka my Dh) and will continue to do so for the next few days. :) !!

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