Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

Hello ladies! I am new to this forum, still trying to figure out the lingo and everything. I had a MC in Oct2013 and have been TTC again since then. I feel like I'm slightly losing hope, I know it hasn't been that long that my husband and I have been trying though. We started TTC last summer. My cousin recommended this website to me, and I'm excited to chat with other women about this journey! I am a bit confused though. What is all this talk about Robitussin? I am completely open to helpful hints and suggestions! Thank you and thank you for sharing your stories! :)
Hello ladies! I am new to this forum, still trying to figure out the lingo and everything. I had a MC in Oct2013 and have been TTC again since then. I feel like I'm slightly losing hope, I know it hasn't been that long that my husband and I have been trying though. We started TTC last summer. My cousin recommended this website to me, and I'm excited to chat with other women about this journey! I am a bit confused though. What is all this talk about Robitussin? I am completely open to helpful hints and suggestions! Thank you and thank you for sharing your stories! :)

Welcome! So sorry for your loss.

Some girls here use Robitussin to help thin their cm (cervical mucus), the sperm can't swim through the sticky (hostile) cm, the Robitussin makes it more watery. It has to be the Robitussin with the active ingredient Guaifenesin though. Some girls take mucinex too, but I think it is more expensive then Robitussin. I do not use it (stomach sensitivity) so I am sure someone else might be better at explaining it to you.

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask! We are all here to support and encourage each other!

Where are you in your current cycle? I am on CD10...waiting to O (ovulate). I use opks and I also temp (my chart is in my signature). I had my m/c at 6weeks back in December. I am determined to get my sticky bfp this cycle!
I am CD2, I had thought (hoped) maybe I was pregnant because my period was 4 days late (which is very unusual for me). But then I had very light spotting for two days, and then my period started on Thursday evening. :( This journey is so exciting and disappointing at the same time! I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions, and my husband does not understand or seem to be very helpful. So I am so grateful I was led to this forum!
Hi Nicole! So sorry for your loss. :( Everyone hear fully understands. And we're all ready to get that bfp again ASAP!

Savvy explained right.... The robitussin or mucinex (only for chest congestion w/ active ingredient guaifenesin) is supposed to help with more fertile cm. The same way that it loosens up mucus in the chest, it's supposed to help with mucus in the cervix too. I use clomid, which gives me thick sticky cm, so I drink the rob. to get rid of that. It never gave me really good EWCM, but I did have one day of nice clear cm with a little bit of stretch. It was a big improvement, and I got my bfp that cycle. But the increased dose of clomid was probably mostly responsible for that. :winkwink: I've heard of girls who don't use clomid having really good results getting the really good EWCM from rob.

As for me, I m/c in Dec like savvy.... It was only a few weeks after her, I think. I had one unmedicated cycle after that because my Dr didn't want me taking the clomid until I had a real AF. We tried naturally that cycle, and I did O (confirmed with OPKs and temping), but did not get prego. So this cycle, after AF came, my Dr let me start clomid again, so I'm pretty excited about this cycle.... 50mg of clomid got me prego the first round, and since I took the same dose this cycle, I can't help but think it may just get me prego again. I had a super strong ovulation... Felt it strong, on both sides in fact! So I can't help but get my hopes up for this cycle. But we shall see!

Keep us posted on your progress!! Glad you joined us!
Hi ladies... It's really hard coming here, had a chemical pregnancy the day before yesterday. One of the worst experiences of my life, I was absolutely heartbroken and devastated. However, I've moved on and me and DH are ready to start trying again immediately.
Hi ladies... It's really hard coming here, had a chemical pregnancy the day before yesterday. One of the worst experiences of my life, I was absolutely heartbroken and devastated. However, I've moved on and me and DH are ready to start trying again immediately.

Welcome to the thread, Hun. I am so sorry for your loss. It is indeed one of the hardest things to go through. Like you though, I think most of us here were ready to start trying again immediately. I was TTC for over a year when I finally got my BFP, so losing it was devastating. And I think after having gotten pregnant, it made me want to be pregnant again even more than I did before. So we understand how you're feeling. It was painful for me to think about coming to the Loss forums at first as well. I could hardly believe that I was even in a position to have to, and I bet the rest of the ladies on this forum felt much the same. But after a few days, it made sense to have a place to go to talk about it without bringing other ladies down who haven't been through it. I've found it SO very helpful, and I think you'll love the support you get here. GL this cycle sweetie, please do keep us posted. :flower:
I'm sorry for your losses. I just had my 4th chemical pregnancy in 5 months. (3 in a row.) Dr. Appt. Wednesday! SUCKS! :(
Hi ladies... It's really hard coming here, had a chemical pregnancy the day before yesterday. One of the worst experiences of my life, I was absolutely heartbroken and devastated. However, I've moved on and me and DH are ready to start trying again immediately.

I am so sorry for your loss. I never thought I would ever experience a m/c...I was devastated, we were on vacation with friends and I had to keep it together (no one knows we are ttc)...I somehow survived the week vacation, clots, cramps and all and totally lost it when we got back home. Now that I know we can get prego I am determined to get a sticky bfp asap. I love this thread, all the ladies are supportive and can understand how we are feeling.
I'm sorry for your losses. I just had my 4th chemical pregnancy in 5 months. (3 in a row.) Dr. Appt. Wednesday! SUCKS! :(

I am so sorry hun. Glad you have a doc appointment though...hoping they can run some tests to find out why this keeps happening to you. Please keep us posted. :hugs:
Hi ladies... It's really hard coming here, had a chemical pregnancy the day before yesterday. One of the worst experiences of my life, I was absolutely heartbroken and devastated. However, I've moved on and me and DH are ready to start trying again immediately.

Welcome to the thread, Hun. I am so sorry for your loss. It is indeed one of the hardest things to go through. Like you though, I think most of us here were ready to start trying again immediately. I was TTC for over a year when I finally got my BFP, so losing it was devastating. And I think after having gotten pregnant, it made me want to be pregnant again even more than I did before. So we understand how you're feeling. It was painful for me to think about coming to the Loss forums at first as well. I could hardly believe that I was even in a position to have to, and I bet the rest of the ladies on this forum felt much the same. But after a few days, it made sense to have a place to go to talk about it without bringing other ladies down who haven't been through it. I've found it SO very helpful, and I think you'll love the support you get here. GL this cycle sweetie, please do keep us posted. :flower:

It really is one of the hardest things to go through, but like you said I'm glad there's somewhere I can go where other people truly understand how you feel. Thank you and I'm sorry for your loss as well, can only gain knowledge from these experiences. I promised myself to never test again before AF is due. Good luck to you as well hun, and lots of baby dust.
Hi ladies... It's really hard coming here, had a chemical pregnancy the day before yesterday. One of the worst experiences of my life, I was absolutely heartbroken and devastated. However, I've moved on and me and DH are ready to start trying again immediately.

I am so sorry for your loss. I never thought I would ever experience a m/c...I was devastated, we were on vacation with friends and I had to keep it together (no one knows we are ttc)...I somehow survived the week vacation, clots, cramps and all and totally lost it when we got back home. Now that I know we can get prego I am determined to get a sticky bfp asap. I love this thread, all the ladies are supportive and can understand how we are feeling.

Thanks hun, aww that's really terrible. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, it hurts even more when you have to keep yourself composed. You're strong though and you seem to have got through it better than I would have. That is really the only positive that comes out of a MC, which is knowing that you are capable of getting pregnant and the determination to get pregnant again. Good luck hun, hope you get your sticky bean soon. :hugs:
Thanks hun, aww that's really terrible. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, it hurts even more when you have to keep yourself composed. You're strong though and you seem to have got through it better than I would have. That is really the only positive that comes out of a MC, which is knowing that you are capable of getting pregnant and the determination to get pregnant again. Good luck hun, hope you get your sticky bean soon. :hugs:

Thank you, I am still upset and think of my baby every day, I know my bean was only 6 weeks old but that doesn't mean I will ever forget my experience. You are right, I am thankful I was able to get pregnant and I am positive that it will happen again soon. I have never lost anyone close to me before, and to deal with my m/c was heartbreaking. Especially when no one knew (or will know) I was pregnant. I have a few girls here to thank for keeping me together during the tough times. As crazy as this sounds...I lost my Grandmother two weeks ago and I found peace in that she met up with and is taking care of her grandchild, my little bean, now.
How long have you been ttc and will this be your first child? Glad you joined us and I can't wait to see you get your bfp very soon! :)
Thanks hun, aww that's really terrible. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, it hurts even more when you have to keep yourself composed. You're strong though and you seem to have got through it better than I would have. That is really the only positive that comes out of a MC, which is knowing that you are capable of getting pregnant and the determination to get pregnant again. Good luck hun, hope you get your sticky bean soon. :hugs:

Thank you, I am still upset and think of my baby every day, I know my bean was only 6 weeks old but that doesn't mean I will ever forget my experience. You are right, I am thankful I was able to get pregnant and I am positive that it will happen again soon. I have never lost anyone close to me before, and to deal with my m/c was heartbreaking. Especially when no one knew (or will know) I was pregnant. I have a few girls here to thank for keeping me together during the tough times. As crazy as this sounds...I lost my Grandmother two weeks ago and I found peace in that she met up with and is taking care of her grandchild, my little bean, now.
How long have you been ttc and will this be your first child? Glad you joined us and I can't wait to see you get your bfp very soon! :)

I know trust me, my actual pregnancy only last two days and I was devastated so I can imagine the further along you are the more it hurts. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I'm glad you can find peace in something;anything. For me it was really hard on me because of how happy my husband was, and after I had the miscarriage I felt like I let him down even though it isn't in my control. We've been TTC our first for 9 months. How about you?

Thank you! You as well.
Hello ladies! I am new to this forum, still trying to figure out the lingo and everything. I had a MC in Oct2013 and have been TTC again since then. I feel like I'm slightly losing hope, I know it hasn't been that long that my husband and I have been trying though. We started TTC last summer. My cousin recommended this website to me, and I'm excited to chat with other women about this journey! I am a bit confused though. What is all this talk about Robitussin? I am completely open to helpful hints and suggestions! Thank you and thank you for sharing your stories! :)

Welcome Nicole!!! ive had two M/C one in June 2013 and one in Jan 2014 so I totally feel you! Sme days I lose hope and other days Im super hopeful and other days I dont even think about it. every day is a new day :)
I got my :bfp:!


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Wow radiance, congrats!!!! :happydance: What an awesome dark line!! That looks great!! Remind me, how many dpo are you?? Oh this news made me very happy. :flower:
Wow radiance, congrats!!!! :happydance: What an awesome dark line!! That looks great!! Remind me, how many dpo are you?? Oh this news made me very happy. :flower:

I'm in tears, excited and so scared!! A lot of praying!! I have no clue how to do dpo :blush: The first day of my last period was January 10th and ended the 12th or 13th? The latest day it could be is the 14th.

Thank you <3
Hello again ladies! I currently am on CD31. I still have not gotten my af so I tested today and still got a bfn :( I dont think it would be too early to test do you girls??? Ive never gotten my af later than CD32. I did test using a digital frep and it was this evening about 8pm. It could have been too diluted so I will test one last time tomorrow morning and then im gonna quit and just wait for af to rear her head. Its been 31 days since my mc so I thought and according to my doctor should have gotten it on CD28-CD32. But I doubt ill get it tomorrow as I have no usual symptoms of getting it yet.
Any thoughts??
I know trust me, my actual pregnancy only last two days and I was devastated so I can imagine the further along you are the more it hurts. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I'm glad you can find peace in something;anything. For me it was really hard on me because of how happy my husband was, and after I had the miscarriage I felt like I let him down even though it isn't in my control. We've been TTC our first for 9 months. How about you?

Thank you! You as well.

Thank you, good memories of my Grandmother and staying positive about getting pregnant again make things easier. We have been TTC for about 10 months, I have health issues (IBS) and had a rough summer due to an infection which required heavy duty meds. My levels (vit D, potassium) are still wonky but my new OB didn't see any reason to test either my DH or myself. He told me in 6 months I should be prego again...I am giving it 3 and then demanding tests or switching doctors! :)

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