Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

Wow radiance, congrats!!!! :happydance: What an awesome dark line!! That looks great!! Remind me, how many dpo are you?? Oh this news made me very happy. :flower:

I'm in tears, excited and so scared!! A lot of praying!! I have no clue how to do dpo :blush: The first day of my last period was January 10th and ended the 12th or 13th? The latest day it could be is the 14th.

Thank you <3

Hello again ladies! I currently am on CD31. I still have not gotten my af so I tested today and still got a bfn :( I dont think it would be too early to test do you girls??? Ive never gotten my af later than CD32. I did test using a digital frep and it was this evening about 8pm. It could have been too diluted so I will test one last time tomorrow morning and then im gonna quit and just wait for af to rear her head. Its been 31 days since my mc so I thought and according to my doctor should have gotten it on CD28-CD32. But I doubt ill get it tomorrow as I have no usual symptoms of getting it yet.
Any thoughts??

Definitely test with fmu, it is the most concentrated. Also I didn't get my bfp in December until I was around 10 days late for AF...so don't lose hope!! It isn't over until AF shows up.

Keep us posted, fx'd!!
Hello again ladies! I currently am on CD31. I still have not gotten my af so I tested today and still got a bfn :( I dont think it would be too early to test do you girls??? Ive never gotten my af later than CD32. I did test using a digital frep and it was this evening about 8pm. It could have been too diluted so I will test one last time tomorrow morning and then im gonna quit and just wait for af to rear her head. Its been 31 days since my mc so I thought and according to my doctor should have gotten it on CD28-CD32. But I doubt ill get it tomorrow as I have no usual symptoms of getting it yet.
Any thoughts??

Hey Mommaytokanda,

After my first MC I only got my AF on CD52 and I am regularly a 33-34 CD girl. Some women go back to their regular cycles and some dont, so I wouldn't worry too much if your AF doesn't show up as expected, especially because its the first cycle after your MC.

Gooc luck!!
Erin your temps look great and definitely headed in the right direction. your temps are really high.

Savvy you're so close to ovulation are you getting excited and feel good about this month?

afm- the last week i have been taken out of comission. i came down with what I thought was just a cold but appear to have a severely sore throat and painful right ear. got antibiotic on Wednesday and finally slept more than two hours total last night with the help from mucinex. hoping dh and i can start bding tonight or tomorrow am. we are planning on trying smep.
Erin your temps look great and definitely headed in the right direction. your temps are really high.

Savvy you're so close to ovulation are you getting excited and feel good about this month?

afm- the last week i have been taken out of comission. i came down with what I thought was just a cold but appear to have a severely sore throat and painful right ear. got antibiotic on Wednesday and finally slept more than two hours total last night with the help from mucinex. hoping dh and i can start bding tonight or tomorrow am. we are planning on trying smep.

I am sorry you haven't been feeling well FBG! I guess at least you got your illness out of the way so you are feeling better when you O...and hopefully the mucinex can assist with your cm too!

We started SMEP here...not sure what this week will bring. Of course, like usual, it is the worst week out of the entire month for DH and I. We are both extremely busy with work and of course I already planned a few nights to have friends over for dinner...I guess I will keep busy and keep up with SMEP and think positive thoughts!
Interesting article about robitassin and fertility cm. https://www.fertilityplus.com/faq/cm.html
Interesting article about robitassin and fertility cm. https://www.fertilityplus.com/faq/cm.html

Thanks for sharing...I was shocked about the article from 1982, such a long time ago and woman were using Robitussin then! I haven't used it since my husband reminded me I had terrible stomach issues from the mucinex a few years ago...but I might be temped to try it next cycle. One thing I learned...I need to drink more water. I get dehydrated waiting around to test twice a day with opks...maybe I need to say who cares about the opks and just try to drink a lot of water!
I know trust me, my actual pregnancy only last two days and I was devastated so I can imagine the further along you are the more it hurts. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I'm glad you can find peace in something;anything. For me it was really hard on me because of how happy my husband was, and after I had the miscarriage I felt like I let him down even though it isn't in my control. We've been TTC our first for 9 months. How about you?

Thank you! You as well.

Thank you, good memories of my Grandmother and staying positive about getting pregnant again make things easier. We have been TTC for about 10 months, I have health issues (IBS) and had a rough summer due to an infection which required heavy duty meds. My levels (vit D, potassium) are still wonky but my new OB didn't see any reason to test either my DH or myself. He told me in 6 months I should be prego again...I am giving it 3 and then demanding tests or switching doctors! :)

Aw sorry to hear about all that but Atleast you have a certain time frame in which you should get pregnant, it's good news to hear. I hope you get it soon.
Testing on Friday... Looking at my chart I HOPE I could have implanted yesterday as I had a temp rise. Blehhh just have to wait 'til I test I suppose!
Hey chart experts...can someone take a peek at my chart real quick and just confirm to me that I haven't ovulated yet...

I had a darkish opk (but not + for sure) on Friday (CD9) and from then on my opks have been getting lighter and the ones today are almost clear. I use them twice a day (6am/2:30pm) and last cycle I didn't get a + until CD17...I remember them getting lighter and thinking I O'd but then BAM I got a blazing positive...maybe that is happening again? I am on CD13 now and hoping I O soon.

Does anyone else have their opks get lighter before a positive?
Thanks for your help! :)
Hey chart experts...can someone take a peek at my chart real quick and just confirm to me that I haven't ovulated yet...

I had a darkish opk (but not + for sure) on Friday (CD9) and from then on my opks have been getting lighter and the ones today are almost clear. I use them twice a day (6am/2:30pm) and last cycle I didn't get a + until CD17...I remember them getting lighter and thinking I O'd but then BAM I got a blazing positive...maybe that is happening again? I am on CD13 now and hoping I O soon.

Does anyone else have their opks get lighter before a positive?
Thanks for your help! :)

It doesnt look like you have ovulated to me. I am not a chart expert but i would keep using your opks and temping.
Question: TMI alert. I am cd 8 today. last night dh and i bd and used a soft cup over night. Took it out this am and used the restroom. This afternoon and tonight when I used the restroom and wiped i had loads of very clear and stretchy cm. i apologize for the tmi. i am wondering is it truly ewcm or semen left over? it never leaked out only on tp none in underwear. let me know.
Thanks FBG, I didn't think I ovulated but just had to have someone confirm. I am not sure about the cm...after BDing sometimes I think I had loads of cm which turns out to be leftover semen, but semen isn't stretchy like ewcm.

Feeling pretty bad here today...found out BIL and SIL are expecting again and I find myself angry, not happy for them. What is wrong with me?? :(
I just realised I bought baby aspiring and forgot to take it for the past 2 days..... Is anyone doing the aspiring??

I would love to do the Robutussin but I have asthma so anything that will create MORE mucus is a no no for my lungs.
Hey chart experts...can someone take a peek at my chart real quick and just confirm to me that I haven't ovulated yet...

I had a darkish opk (but not + for sure) on Friday (CD9) and from then on my opks have been getting lighter and the ones today are almost clear. I use them twice a day (6am/2:30pm) and last cycle I didn't get a + until CD17...I remember them getting lighter and thinking I O'd but then BAM I got a blazing positive...maybe that is happening again? I am on CD13 now and hoping I O soon.

Does anyone else have their opks get lighter before a positive?
Thanks for your help! :)

I think that's probably exactly what's happening. I bet you'll just get a pos in a few days. Yes, last cycle and this cycle both, my OPKs went from being SUPER light, and then the next day, it was blazing dark! I think the same thing will happen for you again this cycle too. :)
Got a BFN today but only at 8DPO so still time.
Question: TMI alert. I am cd 8 today. last night dh and i bd and used a soft cup over night. Took it out this am and used the restroom. This afternoon and tonight when I used the restroom and wiped i had loads of very clear and stretchy cm. i apologize for the tmi. i am wondering is it truly ewcm or semen left over? it never leaked out only on tp none in underwear. let me know.

It could very well have been some awesome EWCM! I do have to say though, I guess every man is different, because my DH's semen is a similar consistency to EWCM as long as he's drinking plenty of water. It's more runny and it's cloudy (not clear), but its nice and stretchy. With the clomid, I do not get EWCM at all, so when I go to let the semen out, I know anything i see like that is definitely his semen. But again, thats mostly if he's drinking a lot of water. So anyway, if yours was clear and stretchy, i bet you had some awesome EWCM!

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