Thanks savvysaver for inviting me over here. I wasn't sure if I belonged here since I was further along when I miscarried so I hope you guys don't mind me joining you!!
I'll post my intro from beaglemom's March thread here:
I'm 35 (turning 36 in June) and DH is 34 (turning 35 in June). We've been married since 2005 but only started ttc'ing since mid July last year. Four months into the ttc journey I started getting impatient and decided to see a RE to get some tests done. All tests came back normal so the next step was to schedule a HSG. At the HSG it was revealed that I had Asherman's Syndrome (uterine scarring) so we scheduled a hysteroscopy to remove the scarring. However, I ovulated the day after my HSG and got pregnant before I had a chance to do the hysteroscopy.
Unfortunately I miscarried - we saw the heartbeat at 6w4d but it was low at only 90 bpm. One week later it was down to less than 60. Two more weeks later it had stopped and I had a D&C on 1/14.
I've been waiting for my body to go back to normal ever since. I was going back to the doctor's office once a week to do a repeat hCG. It went from 57.7 three weeks after the D&C, to 12.9 five weeks afterwards, to 7.9 last Monday to 5.23 yesterday. My doctor was perplexed why it was taking so long to drop back down. He said it's possible that I just have a higher than normal baseline of hCG as some people always have a low amount of hCG in their system produced by their pituitary glands but since I never had my beta tested when I was not pregnant it's impossible to tell if it's that or something more serious like a placental tumor. We're going to wait another week to see if it drops below 2 (he'd like to see the number below 2) and if not, he'll probably give me methotrexate (the same drug they give for an ectopic pregnancy). I hope I won't have to go down that road.
He also wants to do a SHG (sonohysterogram) next cycle to see how the uterine cavity looks (make sure the scarring was gone - removed during the D&C) and make sure the lining is good and rebuilt before giving me the OK to ttc again. He said sometimes the lining still looks a little iffy after the first period and SHG will pick up things that's not really there so he wants to wait till next cycle to do the SHG.
I'm defeated that we have to wait another cycle but he believes we'll have a higher chance of another miscarriage if we get pregnant again without these other issues taken care of first.
So even though we're not officially ttc'ing this cycle I'm still going to temp, exercise, do my massages, and take my vitamins and supplements and track my progress/ovulation to make sure everything's back on track for next cycle.
Can those of you who's taken metho share your experience? I hope I won't have to go there and I've heard that you shouldn't get pregnant for three months after it because it depletes the folic acid in your system. I've been taking 1200 mg of folic acid every day for the past 3 months or so - so I'm hoping I don't have to wait as long.
Anyone else had slow-decreasing hCG? I really hope it's not placental tumor.