Let's Help Each Other Out - TTC Immediately After Early m/c

Hello! I'm so glad this thread is here. My story: My wife and I (same-sex marriage) started ttc in November with donor sperm. I got my BFP on thanksgiving day. I had my first u/s when I should've been 7wks. I measured at 5wks. I had blood drawn and my hcg was lower than it should've been. Another u/s at what should've been 8wks still measuring 5wks just the gestational sac. Anyways, it was diagnosed a blighted ovum. I miscarried naturally starting on the 29th of December. It's so much more difficult for my wife and I for the obvious reason of having to use donor sperm but I got pregnant our first try so I am not giving up hope! I should be ovulating here soon! Got my fingers crossed!
Hello! I'm so glad this thread is here. My story: My wife and I (same-sex marriage) started ttc in November with donor sperm. I got my BFP on thanksgiving day. I had my first u/s when I should've been 7wks. I measured at 5wks. I had blood drawn and my hcg was lower than it should've been. Another u/s at what should've been 8wks still measuring 5wks just the gestational sac. Anyways, it was diagnosed a blighted ovum. I miscarried naturally starting on the 29th of December. It's so much more difficult for my wife and I for the obvious reason of having to use donor sperm but I got pregnant our first try so I am not giving up hope! I should be ovulating here soon! Got my fingers crossed!

Welcome! Sorry for your loss. Fingers crossed you get back on track soon.
I went for my follow up appointment today and might be getting another round of bad news. Ahe is concerned that with my early high blood pressure paired with an extremely high hcg level that I may have had a partial molar pregnancy and not a blighted ovum as originally suspected. I will get the pathology results tomorrow but until then I am beyond freaked out. If it is a molar pregnancy she said I would have to put off ttc for 6 months to 1 year. And if there are remaining cancerous cells then it may be a worse outcome. I didnt want to wait 6 months........this sucks. She wanted to put me on birth control but I refused and said that I would be careful. She said I cannot get pregnant for 6 months. I am feeling really upset like why do bad things keep happening. Statistics for this are like 1 in 1500 pregnancies. Wtf? ? Anyhow theres my update will have more tomorrow when I see the path report and get my quant back as well. Hope everyone else is doing wonderful.
ERose, I am sorry your temp didn't rise today. Are you still using opks at all? Could you have gotten a surge but maybe the egg is taking its sweet time letting go? It wouldn't hurt to BD tonight if possible!!

Thanks for your suggestions, I might go post in the forum. I am feeling a lot better this afternoon, the flow is slowing down a bit and I just have some light cramps and a bit of a stomach ache. The amount of clots started freaking me out, but maybe it is just doing some light housekeeping to prepare for this cycle! :haha:

I did use the OPKs for a couple more days after the two days of positives. They were negative after that second day. I do think it's possible that my eggie took it's sweet time. My temp is going up today, but it will really need to to stay up and continue going up in order for FF to give me my crosshairs. When I see those CHs, I always feel better, lol. I would like to believe I O'd, as it makes the TWW more fun and interesting.

Glad you are feeling better! Hope you're doing even better today! :flower:
I got a BFP on new years eve with my first cycle of pre seed. But it ended in a miscarriage at 4-5 weeks, it was painful physicially, emotionally, and mentally. I believe i finished my miscarriage yesterday, the bleeding has stopped. I want to TTC, thinking about not using anything the next two cycles, just plain ol sex then if i don't get pregnant, start using pre seed after that. Will it be to soon?

Jessie, I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs: From what I've read from tons of ladies on these forums, with such an early m/c, they jumped right back on the wagon and O'd pretty quickly (maybe a little later than normal). Many of them ended up conceiving right after. :) Many of us on this thread had early m/c like you, and we are all jumping right back in. However, if your dr is telling you something different, I don't want to tell you not to listen to him. My dr initially said he usually suggests waiting a full cycle, but then he said it wouldn't be the end of the world if we did get prego again right away. So I started tracking for O shortly after my bleeding stopped.
Hello! I'm so glad this thread is here. My story: My wife and I (same-sex marriage) started ttc in November with donor sperm. I got my BFP on thanksgiving day. I had my first u/s when I should've been 7wks. I measured at 5wks. I had blood drawn and my hcg was lower than it should've been. Another u/s at what should've been 8wks still measuring 5wks just the gestational sac. Anyways, it was diagnosed a blighted ovum. I miscarried naturally starting on the 29th of December. It's so much more difficult for my wife and I for the obvious reason of having to use donor sperm but I got pregnant our first try so I am not giving up hope! I should be ovulating here soon! Got my fingers crossed!

Welcome to the thread wannabemama. So sorry for your loss. :hugs: I can imagine it is tough since you're having to use donor sperm. There's a girl in another thread I'm on in the same situation as you, and she said its tough sometimes to get their schedule to work out with the donor's schedule, and since she can't exactly control when she's O'ing, it gets tough. But it's wonderful that you got prego on your first try, I'm certain it'll happen for you again very soon! GL! :flower:
I went for my follow up appointment today and might be getting another round of bad news. Ahe is concerned that with my early high blood pressure paired with an extremely high hcg level that I may have had a partial molar pregnancy and not a blighted ovum as originally suspected. I will get the pathology results tomorrow but until then I am beyond freaked out. If it is a molar pregnancy she said I would have to put off ttc for 6 months to 1 year. And if there are remaining cancerous cells then it may be a worse outcome. I didnt want to wait 6 months........this sucks. She wanted to put me on birth control but I refused and said that I would be careful. She said I cannot get pregnant for 6 months. I am feeling really upset like why do bad things keep happening. Statistics for this are like 1 in 1500 pregnancies. Wtf? ? Anyhow theres my update will have more tomorrow when I see the path report and get my quant back as well. Hope everyone else is doing wonderful.

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this Hun! I really hope the path report says something different from what she suspects! Fingers crossed. Please keep us updated on what you find out today.
Welcome Wannabemama! Sorry for your loss. Hope you get a sticky bean soon.
B-Love - I had a molar pregnancy(11weeks) about 17 years ago 3 days before my wedding on (September 18, 1996). We still had the wedding (9/21/96 it was horrible because everyone was congratulating us on our new addition and we couldn't go on our honeymoon due to having to have xrays for a month and I was advised not to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year as well. That January I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year old son, he was born September 24th. We call him the 6 day blessing baby because he came 1year and 6 days after the molar pregnancy. My husband proposed to me again 10years later and we renewed our vows. He wanted me to enjoy our wedding and not be depressed so it was wonderful. I am a believer in God and what is meant to be will be, doctors don't have control over his great plan and will. :hugs:
Ok ladies, I had some spotting yesterday but it stopped. It was only there when I wiped. And today it was there again when I wiped, very lite pink. I hope this is AF coming or maybe implantation spotting. Either way bring it on I am ready:happydance: :dance:
Thank you ERosePW! I think I may have o'd the other day but I'm so confused! I've been using OPKs since CD10 and they were negative until CD14 which is early for me but it wasn't quite positive, just pretty dark but not dark as the test line. I bought the digital clear blue test to verify but got no smiley face. On CD 15 it started to fade and its CD18 and its really faint second line. I'm not sure if I did O or if it was just a weird raise in LH. Anyone else have this weird occurrence?
Thank you brighteyez73! I hope we all get sticky beans this time!
B-Love - I had a molar pregnancy(11weeks) about 17 years ago 3 days before my wedding on (September 18, 1996). We still had the wedding (9/21/96 it was horrible because everyone was congratulating us on our new addition and we couldn't go on our honeymoon due to having to have xrays for a month and I was advised not to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year as well. That January I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year old son, he was born September 24th. We call him the 6 day blessing baby because he came 1year and 6 days after the molar pregnancy. My husband proposed to me again 10years later and we renewed our vows. He wanted me to enjoy our wedding and not be depressed so it was wonderful. I am a believer in God and what is meant to be will be, doctors don't have control over his great plan and will. :hugs:

Thamk you for a positive story. I have the path report in my hands and my dr called and explained it to me. Basically it is inconclusive so they are sending it for dna ploidy analysis. ?...whatever that means. I now have to wait a few more weeks for those findings. The path report states that s molar or partial molar could not be ruled out on histology alone. I am still in shock that this is even going on. I wanted to get pregnant right away and now I may have to wait a year......on the bright side my hcg quant yesterday was 183 so it has dropped significantly. They will draw again in two week's. Its a waiting game I suppose.
Hello! I'm so glad this thread is here. My story: My wife and I (same-sex marriage) started ttc in November with donor sperm. I got my BFP on thanksgiving day. I had my first u/s when I should've been 7wks. I measured at 5wks. I had blood drawn and my hcg was lower than it should've been. Another u/s at what should've been 8wks still measuring 5wks just the gestational sac. Anyways, it was diagnosed a blighted ovum. I miscarried naturally starting on the 29th of December. It's so much more difficult for my wife and I for the obvious reason of having to use donor sperm but I got pregnant our first try so I am not giving up hope! I should be ovulating here soon! Got my fingers crossed!

Hi, welcome! I am so sorry for your loss. How cool to get pregnant your first try. It sounds promising that you should get a 2nd bfp very soon! Keep us posted!

I did use the OPKs for a couple more days after the two days of positives. They were negative after that second day. I do think it's possible that my eggie took it's sweet time. My temp is going up today, but it will really need to to stay up and continue going up in order for FF to give me my crosshairs. When I see those CHs, I always feel better, lol. I would like to believe I O'd, as it makes the TWW more fun and interesting.

Glad you are feeling better! Hope you're doing even better today! :flower:

Hoping your temp stays up and more importantly...hoping you caught that eggie! Thanks for your help in explaining the temping chart...so far I have been doing well temping, I just hate the fact that my bbt beeps.
Looking forward to seeing your crosshairs on your chart!

B-Love - I had a molar pregnancy(11weeks) about 17 years ago 3 days before my wedding on (September 18, 1996). We still had the wedding (9/21/96 it was horrible because everyone was congratulating us on our new addition and we couldn't go on our honeymoon due to having to have xrays for a month and I was advised not to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year as well. That January I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year old son, he was born September 24th. We call him the 6 day blessing baby because he came 1year and 6 days after the molar pregnancy. My husband proposed to me again 10years later and we renewed our vows. He wanted me to enjoy our wedding and not be depressed so it was wonderful. I am a believer in God and what is meant to be will be, doctors don't have control over his great plan and will. :hugs:
Ok ladies, I had some spotting yesterday but it stopped. It was only there when I wiped. And today it was there again when I wiped, very lite pink. I hope this is AF coming or maybe implantation spotting. Either way bring it on I am ready:happydance: :dance:

Thank you for sharing such a personal and sweet story. You and your hubby are truly meant to be, suffering such a loss at an early point in your relationship. You have gone on to grow in love and have a beautiful family! How are you feeling now, has the spotting gone away or gotten heavier?
Savvy- I have not heard anything from them aside from the fact that it will be weeks before I get a concrete answer and should be extremely careful not to get pregnant until those results are back showing a non molar pregnancy. I am very frustrated and just like all those months ttc this consumes my days and nights.
Thamk you for a positive story. I have the path report in my hands and my dr called and explained it to me. Basically it is inconclusive so they are sending it for dna ploidy analysis. ?...whatever that means. I now have to wait a few more weeks for those findings. The path report states that s molar or partial molar could not be ruled out on histology alone. I am still in shock that this is even going on. I wanted to get pregnant right away and now I may have to wait a year......on the bright side my hcg quant yesterday was 183 so it has dropped significantly. They will draw again in two week's. Its a waiting game I suppose.

I am so sorry to hear all the bad news you have been getting. Waiting is never easy. Hoping you are able to get the results back quickly. Sending hugs your way.:hugs:
Hello! I'm so glad this thread is here. My story: My wife and I (same-sex marriage) started ttc in November with donor sperm. I got my BFP on thanksgiving day. I had my first u/s when I should've been 7wks. I measured at 5wks. I had blood drawn and my hcg was lower than it should've been. Another u/s at what should've been 8wks still measuring 5wks just the gestational sac. Anyways, it was diagnosed a blighted ovum. I miscarried naturally starting on the 29th of December. It's so much more difficult for my wife and I for the obvious reason of having to use donor sperm but I got pregnant our first try so I am not giving up hope! I should be ovulating here soon! Got my fingers crossed!

Hi, welcome! I am so sorry for your loss. How cool to get pregnant your first try. It sounds promising that you should get a 2nd bfp very soon! Keep us posted!

I did use the OPKs for a couple more days after the two days of positives. They were negative after that second day. I do think it's possible that my eggie took it's sweet time. My temp is going up today, but it will really need to to stay up and continue going up in order for FF to give me my crosshairs. When I see those CHs, I always feel better, lol. I would like to believe I O'd, as it makes the TWW more fun and interesting.

Glad you are feeling better! Hope you're doing even better today! :flower:

Hoping your temp stays up and more importantly...hoping you caught that eggie! Thanks for your help in explaining the temping chart...so far I have been doing well temping, I just hate the fact that my bbt beeps.
Looking forward to seeing your crosshairs on your chart!

B-Love - I had a molar pregnancy(11weeks) about 17 years ago 3 days before my wedding on (September 18, 1996). We still had the wedding (9/21/96 it was horrible because everyone was congratulating us on our new addition and we couldn't go on our honeymoon due to having to have xrays for a month and I was advised not to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year as well. That January I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year old son, he was born September 24th. We call him the 6 day blessing baby because he came 1year and 6 days after the molar pregnancy. My husband proposed to me again 10years later and we renewed our vows. He wanted me to enjoy our wedding and not be depressed so it was wonderful. I am a believer in God and what is meant to be will be, doctors don't have control over his great plan and will. :hugs:
Ok ladies, I had some spotting yesterday but it stopped. It was only there when I wiped. And today it was there again when I wiped, very lite pink. I hope this is AF coming or maybe implantation spotting. Either way bring it on I am ready:happydance: :dance:

Thank you for sharing such a personal and sweet story. You and your hubby are truly meant to be, suffering such a loss at an early point in your relationship. You have gone on to grow in love and have a beautiful family! How are you feeling now, has the spotting gone away or gotten heavier?

Thank you! I never mind sharing because I have no shame or regrets life is pretty good for the most part. And someone may learn something, not feel alone or be encouraged by a story. I know I do when I hear everyones story it keeps me going and encouraged. :hugs:

Good morning Ladies, :hi:

Hope everyone is doing well today. AF is back and she is pissed :growlmad:. I was really lite yesterday not even filling a pad up and today I am clotting and cramping like crazy. I wanted to stay home and lay in my bed. So no pregnancy this cycle but maybe some luck this time.
B-Love - I had a molar pregnancy(11weeks) about 17 years ago 3 days before my wedding on (September 18, 1996). We still had the wedding (9/21/96 it was horrible because everyone was congratulating us on our new addition and we couldn't go on our honeymoon due to having to have xrays for a month and I was advised not to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year as well. That January I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year old son, he was born September 24th. We call him the 6 day blessing baby because he came 1year and 6 days after the molar pregnancy. My husband proposed to me again 10years later and we renewed our vows. He wanted me to enjoy our wedding and not be depressed so it was wonderful. I am a believer in God and what is meant to be will be, doctors don't have control over his great plan and will. :hugs:

Thamk you for a positive story. I have the path report in my hands and my dr called and explained it to me. Basically it is inconclusive so they are sending it for dna ploidy analysis. ?...whatever that means. I now have to wait a few more weeks for those findings. The path report states that s molar or partial molar could not be ruled out on histology alone. I am still in shock that this is even going on. I wanted to get pregnant right away and now I may have to wait a year......on the bright side my hcg quant yesterday was 183 so it has dropped significantly. They will draw again in two week's. Its a waiting game I suppose.

You're welcome!! :hugs: I hope it offered some encouragement. I know how rough this is and you will get through this. Just take one day at a time, God has your back :winkwink:
Thank you ERosePW! I think I may have o'd the other day but I'm so confused! I've been using OPKs since CD10 and they were negative until CD14 which is early for me but it wasn't quite positive, just pretty dark but not dark as the test line. I bought the digital clear blue test to verify but got no smiley face. On CD 15 it started to fade and its CD18 and its really faint second line. I'm not sure if I did O or if it was just a weird raise in LH. Anyone else have this weird occurrence?

I did have this happen ONE time in all my time using OPKs. Never could tell if the line was really as dark, but it didn't seem pos to me, and I never got a smiley on the digital either. However, I was temping too, and I did get a temp rise... So a lot of the girls thought maybe I just missed the surge on my OPKs. Could be the same for you. Maybe it was a quick one. Did you do your AI around that time, just in case?
Got another temp jump and my CHs on FF today, so I'm excited about that. So I'm 4dpo today. :)

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