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Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Lol Littlebird. Wow you do take alot. Can I ask what the baby aspirin and super b-complex is for? Oh and I've never heard of royal jelly. Sorry I'm new to ttc. :/

I take the baby aspirin and super b-complex in an attempt to build up my lining so it's nice and thick. The royal jelly? That was an impulse buy I tried for this cycle, but I have read good stuff about it.
HalfThyme- Welcome!! I hope soy helps you, that would be so frustrating!!! I really do believe it will at least make you ovulate, and you will definitely feel it when you do!

Mammag- What is going on with your body?! That is so crazy! I took an OPK the other day after you posted your extremely strong + and mine was barely a second line.
I just did some research, and found an article that says 12% of women have a LH surge that lasts longer than 31 hours. (I know you are well past that)

You all should read this article-- it talks about the best pregnancy tests (and even addresses seeing a + after the time limit). Surprisingly, it says that most OPK brands don't work as well as they claim.


Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to lots of good news ont his thread!

Thanks also for the reference article -- it was VERY interesting and a little disturbing. Made me really glad I've only ever bought ICs! And it makes me more than a little angry at how much these companies are making off us women......they jack up the prices because they know we're desperate and we'll pay it, and then they provide a sub-standard product! The only one that seemed even remotely close to its value was the FRER! Anyway, I thought the article was very interesting and definitely makes me think twice about what I spend my money on.

Baby dust to everyone!!!
Well, I'm on my last day of my first month trying soy (cycle 5 altogether). I'm only doing cd6-9 since I started a day late. I took 120mg on cds 6,7,&8 and will take 160mg tonight before bed and then hope for the best! OH and I are being good about only BDing every other day until after ovulation is confirmed and we can go back to being :bunny:... :haha:
Garden--- I love the dancing bunny, lol!!

Well, I swore I wouldn't do it, but I took 2 tests today. POD 6. LOL. I caved because of what I think was IB yesterday and feeling like I have a cold since last night. Here are the results, untweaked first and then tweaked. I'll try to hold off until Thursday. ;)

Any updates anyone? You able to resist POAS mammag?


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It's not clear Hun is it a BFP????? @6 dpo???? If it is Congrats Hunnie xx
Garden--- I love the dancing bunny, lol!!

Well, I swore I wouldn't do it, but I took 2 tests today. POD 6. LOL. I caved because of what I think was IB yesterday and feeling like I have a cold since last night. Here are the results, untweaked first and then tweaked. I'll try to hold off until Thursday. ;)

Any updates anyone? You able to resist POAS mammag?

Is that a HPT or OPK? If it's a HPT and you've got a hint of a line already then congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo
It's a HPT--- I see a VERY faint line in person, but it is too faint to tell if it has pink to it. I think it's way too early, I just couldn't resist!
omg!! That's amazing! It's got to be a BFP! Congratulations. How long have you been TTC? Is this baby #1? xoxo
Thanks Lollipop, but I don't think it's a BFP yet... hopefully in a few days! We are trying for our first, have been since March. I had an ectopic a very long time ago that was treated with Methotrexate, so I didn't have to have surgery (but was almost 8 weeks along).

How long have you guys been trying?
Hi madrid and thanks for the welcome. :) Sorta feeling overwhelmed to some point. :blush: My last two kids I didn't really have to try. So this is all new to me. Since I am doing the soy cd1-5, should I do the EPO cd6-14?
I know it's each persons choice of what to do. But I am so confused, but sure I will find my bearings once I read more posts and examples. :wacko:
Hello lovely ladies! I've been stalking this thread and have read it from start to finish and I am EXCITED to try taking SI! I've read a lot about it, and judging from this thread alone and the BFPs, I'd say everything I've read so far is accurate!

Just finally started a new cycle today, and I'll be taking SI from CD 3 -7. I haven't decided which dosage yet......anyone else going to start to take SI this week? I normally don't ovulate at all -- the only times I do ovulate are for 2 or 3 cycles right after getting off BCP, and even then the ovulation is fairly late -- CD 21 or later. So I'm hoping the SI will not only HELP me ovulate, but will also move it up a bit so my cycles aren't a bajillion days long.

Good luck to the ladies who are already post ovulation, happy testing!!

Hey, I'm the same as you.. I'm wanting soy to shorten my cycle! I do O but it's been so hard to know when cos of the irregular af :wacko: I'm on CD47 now and my tummy has been feeling weird so I'm hoping this is it and I won't need to try soy but I'm just not that lucky haha. Good luck with this cycle xox

Ugh I am SO over having irregular AF! Hope yours shows soon so you can get goin on the soy (or better yet, hope you get a BFP!).

Picking up SI after work so I'm all ready to go Wednesday.....three cheers for new adventures! :) Hopefully this one ends in a BFP!

Can I jump into this thread, too? I am also starting soy on Wednesday (tomorrow) due to frequent anov cycles and really long cycles when I do O (the one I just ended was 55 days long, with O on cd38 - I will go insane if I have to wait that long to try again!!!). Hope this works for all of us!!
question: I'm taking agnus castus right now...I'm going to stop at ovulation because I have horribly long irregular cycles I thought I would try AC and EPO first...Madrid if you're still here, how much epo did you take and did you take soy all at once when you upped the dose or did you take one pill more than one time a day? I'm probably going to try soy next cycle if no BFP this cycle.
Hiya ladies :hi:

I am on my last day of soy. I have noticed that my CM is starting to appear earlier than normal YAY!! I took soy on cd3-7 120mg. I also started taking my prenatals. I also thought I would try the SMEG method this time. Question: what brand of IC do you buy off of Amazon if you have? I just want the OPKs, I could care less about the pregnancy stips. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wondfo 40 OPKs and 10 early preg strips. Any advice would be great.
Hiya ladies :hi:

I am on my last day of soy. I have noticed that my CM is starting to appear earlier than normal YAY!! I took soy on cd3-7 120mg. I also started taking my prenatals. I also thought I would try the SMEG method this time. Question: what brand of IC do you buy off of Amazon if you have? I just want the OPKs, I could care less about the pregnancy stips. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wondfo 40 OPKs and 10 early preg strips. Any advice would be great.

Yay for your last day of soy! I also noticed I had more CM those days taking soy. Today has been the usual amount though.

I think I bought the same OPK/PG test pack as you are thinking of. They've worked great for me so far. Have used them for all of my cycles trying.
Hiya ladies :hi:

I am on my last day of soy. I have noticed that my CM is starting to appear earlier than normal YAY!! I took soy on cd3-7 120mg. I also started taking my prenatals. I also thought I would try the SMEG method this time. Question: what brand of IC do you buy off of Amazon if you have? I just want the OPKs, I could care less about the pregnancy stips. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wondfo 40 OPKs and 10 early preg strips. Any advice would be great.

Yay for your last day of soy! I also noticed I had more CM those days taking soy. Today has been the usual amount though.

I think I bought the same OPK/PG test pack as you are thinking of. They've worked great for me so far. Have used them for all of my cycles trying.

AWESOME!! Thanks Tweak:thumbup: Gonna order them tonight.

Its sticky right now, so I know I am getting ready in the next several days!!
Hiya ladies :hi:

I am on my last day of soy. I have noticed that my CM is starting to appear earlier than normal YAY!! I took soy on cd3-7 120mg. I also started taking my prenatals. I also thought I would try the SMEG method this time. Question: what brand of IC do you buy off of Amazon if you have? I just want the OPKs, I could care less about the pregnancy stips. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wondfo 40 OPKs and 10 early preg strips. Any advice would be great.

Yay for your last day of soy! I also noticed I had more CM those days taking soy. Today has been the usual amount though.

I think I bought the same OPK/PG test pack as you are thinking of. They've worked great for me so far. Have used them for all of my cycles trying.

AWESOME!! Thanks Tweak:thumbup: Gonna order them tonight.

Its sticky right now, so I know I am getting ready in the next several days!!

Good luck!!

When do you normally ovulate? We're right around the same time in our cycles. But I'm usually a late ovulater. Last cycle was CD21 or 22 - can't remember which. So I took soy to hopefully bring me back to CD17 which I was before the miscarriages.
Hiya ladies :hi:

I am on my last day of soy. I have noticed that my CM is starting to appear earlier than normal YAY!! I took soy on cd3-7 120mg. I also started taking my prenatals. I also thought I would try the SMEG method this time. Question: what brand of IC do you buy off of Amazon if you have? I just want the OPKs, I could care less about the pregnancy stips. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wondfo 40 OPKs and 10 early preg strips. Any advice would be great.

Yay for your last day of soy! I also noticed I had more CM those days taking soy. Today has been the usual amount though.

I think I bought the same OPK/PG test pack as you are thinking of. They've worked great for me so far. Have used them for all of my cycles trying.

AWESOME!! Thanks Tweak:thumbup: Gonna order them tonight.

Its sticky right now, so I know I am getting ready in the next several days!!

Good luck!!

When do you normally ovulate? We're right around the same time in our cycles. But I'm usually a late ovulater. Last cycle was CD21 or 22 - can't remember which. So I took soy to hopefully bring me back to CD17 which I was before the miscarriages.

According to FF, my O day is cd17. But when I first started taking soy I O'd on cd13. The latest I have O'd was cd21. So, I'm using OPKs this time to make sure I get it. FX'd
I'm 4-5 dpo on my first soy cycle!!!! FX'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all!

Lol Littlebird. Wow you do take alot. Can I ask what the baby aspirin and super b-complex is for? Oh and I've never heard of royal jelly. Sorry I'm new to ttc. :/

I take super vitamin b complex as i have s hort LP and it helps to lengthen it. Only really need B6 for that but taking it with other B vitamins is meant to be better for you

It's a HPT--- I see a VERY faint line in person, but it is too faint to tell if it has pink to it. I think it's way too early, I just couldn't resist!

yay!! good luck, my fingers are crossed for you!!

question: I'm taking agnus castus right now...I'm going to stop at ovulation because I have horribly long irregular cycles I thought I would try AC and EPO first...Madrid if you're still here, how much epo did you take and did you take soy all at once when you upped the dose or did you take one pill more than one time a day? I'm probably going to try soy next cycle if no BFP this cycle.

I was taking angus castus (or vitex) my last cycle but i got impatient. Have you been taking it long? its meant to take 3 months to work (for person who asked what it is, its a supplment that should help regulate irregular cycles, quite a few people have reported success with it)

I'm on 13DPO!! My temp dipped a little this morning and i've felt a bit crampy so i expect AF tomorrow. Anyway that would mean a 28 day cycle!! that is amazing for me!! they are usually very long. Unfortunately this cycle we were unable to BD at the right time due to circumstances outside our control but will go crazy next cycle!! (second on soy). I am filled with lots of hope now, thanks to soy!!

I have felt very nauseous and hungry for last 5 or so days now... much like i did when i was UTD. Anyone else feel this way when in LP with soy?

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