Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

hey girls how you all doing??? just said id drop in and update... im feeling absolutely rotten which is a good sign lol... when i was pregnant with Lily i never had morning sickness etc. this little one has me soooo sick. my boobs feel like they are gonna explode and i cannot keep my eyes open and im so greatful lol never thought i would be happy bout feeling sick :)

i got my 12 week scan date but they have it wrong they gave me a date for next week which will only make me 10 weeks so have to phone today, i dont wanna be brought in and then not see them again until 20 weeks!! im not sure if they will scan m at 16 weeks or not!

had a little freak out last night...after myself and oh did the deed i lay down on the bed and relaxed for a few minutes and then decided id get up off my bum for a shower and when i was taking off my underwear i noticed ALOT of fluid in my underwear so i panicked and wasnt sure if it was from OH or me or what but there was nothing in my fresh underwear this morning just the normal amount! im cracking up over the little things now i think im drivin myself mad lol! know i can share with you girls! xxx

hope everyone is good and im hoping everyday for plenty of december bfps.... come on girls you can do it! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just thought I'd pop in to this thread to say good luck for this month to all you TTC ladies and keep up the good work to those cooking a little rainbow! You're all so strong, I am in awe :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey thanks, Helen. I know it must be so difficult for you just now, I really appreciate you saying that hon.

Jojo, thanks for the update, good to hear from you. sorry you had a freakout but I understand. I don't think I'll even be able to be brave enough to DTD when I'm pregnant, if i get there - that's how nuts I am!

Kelly, glad you are feeling a little better hon, here's to the madness again...

Amanda, that picture is just brilliant - it's such a good idea that lady doing these, I love all the name in the sand pics, she's such a lovely writer! If I was to do that it would come out as an illegible scrawl, lol! Love it!

AFM: well I'm even more mental than last month - I was at work tonight and was staaarving! I'm a vegetarian and even the steak was smelling soo good. Eventually I asked for some garlic bread and had a little of that and a coffee and have felt so sick ever since! It may just be the combination, I'm not sure but bleh! I'm sure last time my sense of smell was strong but it put me off most things, this seems to be the opposite - everything smells yummy. I'm probably just a greedy sod lol. I was a bit dizzy too. Let the craziness begin... it's midnight here so I better hit the hay, will check on all you lovelies again tommorrow. xxx
JoJo..Glad your doing ok and I am actually glad you feel like shit :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: Good sign love XOOXO Always in my thoughts and prayers girlfriend :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Helen, thinking of you always and I admire your courage and bravery :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Everyone else we are on our way to BFP... XOXOOXXOXOXXOX
Love You All :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Good Morning Friends!!! :coffee: :flower: :hugs:

How in the heck is everyone today?? :winkwink:

Amanda, glad you got your scan date but hate that they messed up, I'd definately call them, I'd want a scan around that wonderful week 20 (I'd be peeking to see if your baking a girl or boy) LOL :blush: :winkwink:

You know, the more I think about that tho.... With all my other babies, I've always found out at the 16-20 week scan what I was having, never a surprise... A part of me wouldn't wanna find out this next go around ... Think I want our lil rainbow to be a surprise :winkwink: We'll see.....

Helen, you are such an amazing friend... Always so strong and there for everyone one, no matter what, I am truly thankful for you Hon' :hugs:

Mhairi, Jojo, Erica ... You all doing good? Sick as usual? :thumbup: I hope so.. :winkwink: Hang tight and this all will pass quickly :winkwink: Just how far along is everyone?? I'm trying to remember what week everyone is in but having a hard time figuring it out LOL.....:dohh:

Andrea... How ya doing babe?? Ready to make that baby?? :sex:

Nikki, You sound JUST LIKE ME! :haha: :happydance: Yay! A crazy symptom spotter!! :happydance: Hahaha!! That will be me in about a week, no actually sooner than that :winkwink: Promise :blush: Today is my BIG O DAY!!! I think God (or someone) is smiling down on me and making me feel better finally... We've only got to sneek in 2 sessions in so far... FX'd! :dust: Hopefully I can pounce tonight AND tomorrow! If not both, then tonight!!!! Wooooo! :sex:

My DD has a dental appointment in a bit, UGH! ... She is 9 years old and has to have 4 teeth taken out... I am NOT looking forward to this... She is my lil drama queen and has a heart attack if she stumps her toe, so this child will not do well with the recovery time I"m sure... Hope to God she surprises me!!! :winkwink:

Happy Thurday Gang... Oh, and I also seen that today is World Prematurity Day.... I'll be thinking of all our children, just as I do everyday .. :hugs:
Hello Ladies ...:winkwink:

Thanks Jojo... TBH, I'll have to mark it on my lil calendar, cuz I'll forget again , sorry LOL... But now I will have an idea who's where ... Gotta keep tabs on my girls :winkwink: :flower:

Today has went so well..... Wheww! My DD that is 9 years old and completely scared to death of the dentist, well her procedure went so well! The surgeon was great, super friendly and talked to her like she mattered, which was perfect for her... Kind of gave her a lil more control in that scary situation... She ended up having to have 5 teeth taken out today, poor thing, on her bottom left side she lost 3 teeth, she looks a bit silly now, poor baby.. LOL :blush: And she is still numb, thank God! They said she would only be numb for 2 hours..well it's been 6 hours! We ain't gonna complain! I'd much rather be numb through the majority of healing time... The sutures will dissolve on their own so she doesn't have to go back to him! YAY! Next step, back to the orthodontist to start the process of braces, geesh ..:wacko: Her teeth was crazy ...

Anyways.... So, that's my day pretty much, except for my cell shutting down with a mind of it's own.. All that is figured out as well... I have an older model of the Iphone, the tech support guy said I"m due for an updated blah.. LOL...

Today is supposed to be my Glorious Beautiful "O" day.... So, counting down til OH gets home from work and kids get settled into their beds ..... Yippee!! :happydance:

:sex::sex: Let's get it on!!! :sex::sex:
Hey Kelly - So glad it went well for her, it must have been quite scary for her, good on her being so brave. She sounds exaxctly like my DD, drama queen from hell and has never done herself any real damage so nutts off at small hurts.

Get to it, woman! Glad you are feeling better just in time. Haha, the kids will all be in bed early tonight then! GLxx

Kiki, I'm not charting - I'm too obsessive as it is but I may do if we don't catch in a few months. The thing is I keep waking up at stupid times either through the night or early in the morning and I know different amounts of sleep throws the Basal Body Temperature bit out. I just use CM CP and other body signs so far. Are you going to start doing it, or do you chart already?

How's everyone else going?
I chart and use OPK's. I started charting again the month after we lost Hadlee so I can relearn my cycles.... last month was my first with OPK's though :shrug:
awe kelly so glad she's ok poor lil thing!! dentists are so scary at that age lol..... i used those softcups for a while girls but tbh they were so tricky while lying down i gave up but then i got pregnant so maybe they did work lol!!! i never knew how to read those opks properly haha i used about a million and never got it!!! awe girls wishing you all the luck in the world for this month!i'll have to send you all some four leaf clovers lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well Poop..... Yesterday was MY BIG "O" Day and didn't get any lovin's... :dohh: Fell asleep! LOL!!! :rofl: And that lil turd didn't wake me... :dohh: Soooo, I hear that the day after is still a "maybe"... so I will pounce early LOL!! :haha: :winkwink:

DPO ....So, let the maddness begin!!! :happydance:

How is everyone today??? Seems a bit quieter, everyone OK?

Nikki~ How are ya hon'? Anything interesting :winkwink: going on with ya?? :thumbup:
Well Poop..... Yesterday was MY BIG "O" Day and didn't get any lovin's... :dohh: Fell asleep! LOL!!! :rofl: And that lil turd didn't wake me... :dohh: Soooo, I hear that the day after is still a "maybe"... so I will pounce early LOL!! :haha: :winkwink:

DPO ....So, let the maddness begin!!! :happydance:

How is everyone today??? Seems a bit quieter, everyone OK?

Nikki~ How are ya hon'? Anything interesting :winkwink: going on with ya?? :thumbup:

POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex: POUNCE :sex:

Well Poop..... Yesterday was MY BIG "O" Day and didn't get any lovin's... :dohh: Fell asleep! LOL!!! :rofl: And that lil turd didn't wake me... :dohh: Soooo, I hear that the day after is still a "maybe"... so I will pounce early LOL!! :haha: :winkwink:

DPO ....So, let the maddness begin!!! :happydance:

How is everyone today??? Seems a bit quieter, everyone OK?

Nikki~ How are ya hon'? Anything interesting :winkwink: going on with ya?? :thumbup:

Hope you get some loving in today, might still be in with a chance!

I'm still around, Im just so busy, I went back to work on Wednesday, still trying to sort out all dads stuff, and we are moving house this week plus I am feeling so sick and can't keep my eyes open most of the time. Well, apart from early morning, woke up at 4.30am today and couldnt get back to sleep so just heading to bed now at 7pm!

Hope you are all okay my lovely friends. Who is at what stage of AF/ ov/ 2ww? I've lost track, lol

I am on cd 5 right now and I OV around 17-19.

I am so afraid of getting pg around the same time I did with Hadlee... that cycle started jan 28 2011. :nope:
I just recieved some "junk" mail today and it didn't kill me, like usual.... It was a congrats for our new baby and wanted me to take a survey... Needless to say, I didn't take the survey... I did however write on it.... "My daughter was born too soon and didn't survive... So please stop sending me stuff...Thanks!" .....

You think they will finally get that hint? :winkwink:

Wish that when they got my information, they would have gotten all of it... Would be nice if they figured that out.... :thumbup:
Hey everyone!

Kelly, sorry you got mail like that, you'd think they'd sort it out. I only ever signed up for email things and managed to get rid of them quite quickly, thank God, as they were so awful to get. Sorry you fell asleep on the big day, I agree, pounce! :sex: It's not so easy to get morning action with kids around though, is it?! Even if you got some within the couple of days prior to O there's a good chance anyway and you're not temping, are you? If not, there's no really accurate way to say you definitely O'd on a specific day so you may as well pounce anyway as you could be out by a day or so easily.

Mhairi, good luck with your house move hon - remember to delegate, use your status to the max, lol. Hope it all goes well and isn't too emotional for you hon.

Kiki, I know what you mean, it would be pretty hard to be going through the same seasons etc at the same stages of pregnancy, it would be like reliving the whole thing. I've thought of that too. Between trying to avoid due dates, and actual birthdates it's really difficult.

I'm on CD19 and think I ov'd early this time, about CD11 or 12, so I'm either 7 or 8DPO. I don't usually test until about 14DPO, so a while to go yet! (hard to get the sensitive ones here and they are expensive - I'm determined not to order them in from Oz as I'm so hoping I don't need a bulk-pack! I also cannot be trusted to have them in the house, hehe).

I'm still stuffy and have a bit of a sore throat. Very crampy but I had that last month too so trying not to get my hopes up. I so want to be pregnant by Christmas and before my due date, which doesn't even make sense as the boys would have been born by now anyway, being twins. Just that last wee psycological hurdle, I guess. Also, it looks as though hubby may have to go and work somewhere else through the week soon as there isn't any work left for him where we are, so that will make things really hard if we're still trying by then, so I'm hoping this is our month. I know that's putting soo much pressure on myself and it's probably going to make me even more nuts than usual with the symptom-spotting! I have been getting headaches the last couple of days too but that may just be from my hyper brain not stopping whizzing around all this stuff!

Hope the rest of you are all well, thinking of you all!

I have my DD's school fair today so that will be a bit of fun, have to do my duty to raise funds for the school and buy a load of junk they have been making!

Speak to you all later, my lovelies xxx
kelly hun keep doing the deed you never know how stong those lil swimmers are lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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