Life after Loss Support Group........All Welcome :)

Ok, I know this is for TTC, but it's only been 3 weeks since we lost Mateo and my doctor told us to wait 6 weeks to have sex and not to try to get pregnant until after my second period. OH has been super concerned about waiting the 6 weeks because he doesn't want me to get sick or hurt (my ob/gyn said my cervix was closed), but I've been DYING over here so last night I finally convinced him to participate in a little play time (no sex though). And it was amazing. I just had to tell someone!!!

Thanks for all your support ladies, I am so happy for all of you rainbow makers and can't wait until we can make our own!

We did not wait 6 weeks, we actually had sex after we delivered our DS the next week. I was told to just do it when I was ready, and that is what I did after the births of all my babies, so we threw caution to the wind, and went at it. So go have fun. Hugs!
Lots of hugs and prayers for those of you that are pregnant. We most certainly have lost the innocence and joy of pregnancy. It is so sad and disheartening. When I was pregnant last time, I was 100% sure all was going to be well, and I did love, and relish that pregnancy, even though it ended. I will be sending so many prayers, and good thoughts to you all. I wont say "dont worry, everything will be fine," because we all have lost that confidence, but I will say that I will be thinking of you all, and all of your babies. GL and I hope everyone is doing well.
Just wanted to say i am out this month. We both have really bad stomach virus's and it is coming out both ends of us, if you know what I mean :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Love You All :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: My ovulation ticker isn't right my ovulation is earlier not in 5 days

awe hun im so sorry your not feeling well!!!! what a horrible bug to have.... seems we're all having an off few days girls lol. im gonna try go to the doctor today or tomorrow i just cant shake the feeling something is wrong, other than tiredness i just dont feel pregnant at all waking up this morning. ugh hope im just being paranoid and all is ok!

anyone testing soon girls??xxxxxxxx:hugs:
Welcome jennijunni and blav. Blav I wasn't told to wait the 6 weeks either- maybe its just at the discretion of individual doctors. I was actually told that I would prob ovulate 2 weeks after I gave birth so to use protection iof we were doing anything.

Aww Jo, Mhairi & Hayley- I can imagine what you are going through right now. It must be so hard but in no time you will all be feeling those first little bubbles and flutters and I know everything will be ok. You are all in my thoughts everyday. :hugs::hugs:

Andy- I'm sorry you both have a bug. :nope: Hopefully it will pass and you can start baby dancing again.

Nikki & Kelly- are you symptom spotting yet?

Amanda- yay for travel sickness I love it. :thumbup: I'm glad you got your scan date too hun.

Kiki how are you?

I am on CD 15 at the moment so due to ovulate anyday now I think. I'm just back from doctors and filled him in on all the consultant said and he said there is absolutely no reason why we can't ttc and he is confident that I will be treated well with this condition and will have a little baby. He said yes there are risks unfortunately but I will be well monitored. Its a relief to say the least I have been worrying so much and even contemplating not ttc anymore because I can't handle another late loss and neither can my family but the desire to have a baby is too much. I am so grateful for my DD but I really want another baby/babies and I know I would always regret it if I let this condition beat me and robbed DD of the chance to be a big sister to a baby who she can kiss and cuddle instead of a big sister to an angel baby. Ok thats enough from me.

Massive hugs to all you wonderful ladies.
Im OK... been having a rough go at things lately though so I have now been put on an anti-anxiety med which is HIGHLY cautioned not to take while pg cuz it causes birth defects :( So right now I am going to continue on charting and such and I will do my OPK as normal, but right now I need to fix me. It is only a script of 30 pills so I can either take 1 per day/month or 2 per day/2weeks. I only started them yesterday and oh boy :rofl: only needed one :rofl: I was in a total daze, completely feeling at peace, calm and mellow. Then I slept great last this is a good thing :thumbup: After this script is done we will go from there... but I will still pop in here to be a cheerleader for you guys!!! :hugs:

I like to keep tabs on the new rainbows that are cooking :cloud9: and to see how many are in the making! :happydance:

Lots of love and luck ladies.. we will all get our turn soon :hugs:
Good Morning Friends! :coffee:

Oh wait... Andy... I'm lost..:blush: LOL... Was this past Sunday when you think you Ovulated or you haven't ovualted yet this month?? If you haven't, then there's still a chance this icky bug is just a 24 hour bug and you guys can get a humpity humping! :winkwink: :haha: Hope you guys get feeling better FAST!

I don't know about you all, but I have noticed that since we are ttc... I am having a hard time staying focused and keeping :sex: fun and exciting... I'm thinking too much!!!! :haha: Anyone else having or have had this issue... We have a great sex life and have never had issues until these last 2 months... LOL All I can think about is.... Is THIS the time... Hmm? Wonder if THIS is the night we make our rainbow! .... :wacko: Doesn't have a great effect on the baby dancing... LOL Oh, I also read an article yesterday that said.... TMI! TMI! TMI! .... If the woman has an orgasm and get pregnant the sex of the baby will be a boy and if the woman doesn't have an orgasm then it will be a girl.... Have you girls read or heard of this??? I have never in my life heard of this and wonders about it... It had some interested (sounded well based) facts explaining this but how in the world .. ?? .. :shrug: Just wondered ...

Jojo.... I won't know anything until FOREVER away.. LOL.. December 1st is when my AF is due... and this month I am REALLY gonna try HARD not to test... Seeing those bfn's is pretty hard to swallow... So, I"m gonna TRY to stay busy and not obsess... So far so good .... FX'd!!!!

Nikki, how are you feeling??? Anything yet???? :winkwink:

Hayley, Amanda, Mhairi, Jo, Erica... All the lil buns in the ovens' cooking good??? Man.. We have a lot of rainbows on the way don't we!! :happydance: Seems like I'm forgetting someone??????? :blush: If I ever do... I apologize!!! :blush:

Yazoo and Helen... I'm sending you BIG hugs and loves today.... :hugs:

AFM... I honestly don't even know how many dpo I am ... :dohh::happydance:... Hmm? Let me count.... Think I'm 4-5dpo ... Haven't noticed anything "unusual" with me... Just sleepier than usual but heck I think that is from all this gloomy rainy weather we've been having the last few days....:winkwink:

Sitting here in my super crazy messy house, going insane, waiting for the carpet installers to get here.... I posted a funny picture on facebook of my crazy living room... Looks like someone has a lil hoarding issues here LOL!!! ... Want my house put back to normal.... They said they would be here at 8am, that was an hour and a half ago...I just called them and they will be here in a few hours :dohh: .. Patience .... Oh where art thou??? :winkwink: :haha:
awe Tanya thats brill news for you at least you know now you can ttc for definite and will get all the care you need when you do get your lil rainbow!!! im so happy for you and want you to know your in my thoughts every day!

well i freaked out over nothing girls lol had morning sickness all day haha and boobs are sore again, sorry bout havin a lil moment there but least i know you all understand!

ooooh kelly its so hard to not think about testing but its def the best thing to do!!! ill say a lil prayer for you in the mean time :)
Hayley, Amanda, Mhairi,erica,helen,andrea hope you are all good!

sorry if i forgot anyone girls you know i love you all just typing this while in work lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awe Tanya thats brill news for you at least you know now you can ttc for definite and will get all the care you need when you do get your lil rainbow!!! im so happy for you and want you to know your in my thoughts every day!

well i freaked out over nothing girls lol had morning sickness all day haha and boobs are sore again, sorry bout havin a lil moment there but least i know you all understand!

ooooh kelly its so hard to not think about testing but its def the best thing to do!!! ill say a lil prayer for you in the mean time :)
Hayley, Amanda, Mhairi,erica,helen,andrea hope you are all good!

sorry if i forgot anyone girls you know i love you all just typing this while in work lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

finally connected to broadband again after moving house, so now I can reply more often, yay!!!

so glad you are feeling ill today, lol...don't worry about the freak outs I reckon we all are gonna have many of those over the course of the 40 weeks...! xxx
Blav we weren't told to wait 6 weeks for intercourse - just until the bleeding had stopped so as not to introduce infection. I think we did wait for around that time though as I just felt wrong being intimate.

Andrea I'm so sorry you are both ill hunny :cry: Sounds awful! Hoping it passes quickly and you can get back to business :winkwink:

Yay for Oing soon Yazoo, will you be trying this cycle then?

Oh Kiki I am sorry you are having a hard time with anxiety. I know that feeling although maybe not as bad as you because I dont think I need meds yet but this pregnancy has really rocked me and I feel myself anxious all the time and sometimes about really random things! I freaked out in the shower earlier because I was worrying about slipping and hurting myself and losing the baby, I've never ever slipped in the shower in my life so where did that come from? I think you're right though - you need to make sure you are 100% before TTC again so you can be at your strongest for your little beautiful rainbow that will be waiting for you :hugs: I hope you will hang around in here still even though not actively TTC!

LOL @ the article Kelly :blush: TMI from me but I KNOW for sure that when we conceived Emily I orgasmed so umm yeah dont think its accurate :haha: I think it is maybe based on if you orgasm his little dudes are helped on their way by your uterus contracting and boys are faster swimmers than girls so maybe they reach the egg super quick? Who knows :rofl:
:happydance: Hoping this is your month!! Excited :happydance:

Jo glad you are feeling ill again today and those bbs are sore (probably from all the poking LOL) We are insane!

Yay for broadband Mhairi :happydance: Although it probably means the unpacking will take longer :haha:

Ugh I know I said I didn't want to moan about symptoms and I really dont but its so hard. My sickness has well and truly kicked in - I refuse to call it morning sickness because for me it is most definitely not!! I have been so ill all day, every little smell is making me run for the toilet - cleaning products seem to be the worse, we have a dettol spray that is apple scented and my god I actually chucked it in the bin after spraying one bit of it today! And you should have seen the state of me trying to get showered - my shower wash is vanilla milk and raspberry which I normally love but today :sick: YUCK! Think I will need to be making a visit to the doctor for an anti-sickness soon if this keeps up!
I absolutely will be! You are stuck with me lol This is the only cycle I will be on them I think, so I will be back in the game in no time :hugs:

And thanks! :hugs: And just remember... being sick really sucks.. Ive been there! And it lasted for motnhs with both my girls, BUT that is a sign of a good healthy pg :hugs:
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all well, I've had a busy couple of days so haven't been on much, sorry!

Kiki, sorry the anxiety is getting to you, I hope your meds give your mind enough rest to get back in the saddle soon hon, they sound fab, I have to say!

Amanda, I'm sorry you are getting such a lot of sickness, oh God I remember ther smells thing, the smell of the fridge used to make me gag, I still can't abide the smell of my liquid handwash as it reminds me even now! We won't hold it against you if you have a little moan, hun. At lerast it's a daily reminder that all is well though! Lol at the sickbags.

Andrea, I'm so sorry that you were sick, I hope you are feeling better - is it too late for you now to do your swingin thing? Hope not.

Tanya, good luck!

Mhairi, yay for Broadband! hope you are settling in to your new home and not over-doing things.

Erica, Jojo, Hayley hope you are all well.

Welcome Blav and Jenny!

Kelly, how you doing on trying to stay sane hon?

I'm about 11DPO, I think (though not charting so can't be sure) and I had a mad dream last night about POS and getting by BFP! So, needless to say I'm off to buy some tests for the morning! It was a funny one though, the stick had all sorts of lines and little squares and dots all over the place and I couldn't work out what they all meant! Haha, nothing is quite right in dreamworld, is it? There's gotta be some warped thing! other than that no definite symptoms that couldn't be put down to PMS really. I'm super-tired but I sometimes get that before AF and there is a lot going on as well. I do have a bit more CM than usual but nothing astounding and I could easily be out with my OV day so I dunno.

Is Nat still around?

I hope I've not missed anyone out, apologies if I have, I have no brain. xxx
Nikki I got my bfp 11dpo. I really hope your dream means something. Keep us posted! x
Glad everyone is doing well. I mostly lurk, we are not TTC yet, but maybe soon. If I dont check in often, I am sorry, we are still dealing with things here, and I still get sad. But I want to be supportive of all the mamas expecting their rainbow babies. I am glad all is well. I hope that all the USer's have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of love!
:hugs: Thanks Jenni :flower: Lots of loves and cuddles to you as well...

Thinking of you Andrea... Love ya chicka!

Nikki, Holy crap Lady! I'll be pacing with excitement until your butt logs back in with news.... :happydance: That dream is WILD!!! :thumbup:

Hi to all the mom's!! Xxxx!! Sending hugs and hopes for a lil break from all the icky sickness... :hugs:

Helen ... Thanks for the PM .. I'll get back atcha ya when I can type ...OH keeps bugging me, sorry... :hugs:

Tanya... Hope you are having a good day sweets...

I haven't noticed anything unual yet :dohh: Just the usual increased CM, a lil more tired.. oh yea, tonight I noticed that my fingers and hands was swollen??? That NEVER happens, even when I was preg the other times, so i'll be googling and watching that... Anyone hear if that's a sign?? LOL!!! :winkwink:

Nite All.... :winkwink:

Have more to write BUT when OH is home, hard to ... SO, I'll be back LOL
Glad everyone is doing well. I mostly lurk, we are not TTC yet, but maybe soon. If I dont check in often, I am sorry, we are still dealing with things here, and I still get sad. But I want to be supportive of all the mamas expecting their rainbow babies. I am glad all is well. I hope that all the USer's have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of love!

Hey Jennijunni, It's no wonder you are still sad, it's all still so fresh for you, I'm so sorry. We'll be here whenever you're ready, and before then too if you just wanna chat hon.

Haha, girls, I'm not reading too much into my dream - it's the main thing on my mind so it's no wonder I'm dreaming about it! I'll see how I feel in the morning, I may test or I may wait it out a bit - the tests I've got are only 25mlu, they say they will work on the day of missed AF, do you think they would work sooner at that sensitivity? Can't get FRER here, or digis, boo.

Kelly, not sure about the swollen hands but maybe you are getting more sensitive to things around you or in your diet - could be a good sign, mine got really dry last time and I have oily skin. I'm not sure how quickly the blood volume increases but that could cause it, couldn't it? Google here you come, hehe.

Glad everyone is doing well. I mostly lurk, we are not TTC yet, but maybe soon. If I dont check in often, I am sorry, we are still dealing with things here, and I still get sad. But I want to be supportive of all the mamas expecting their rainbow babies. I am glad all is well. I hope that all the USer's have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of love!

I love you already you are SO positive and sweet. and I don't even know you..Have a great Thanksgiving my new friend..Andrea :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs: Thanks Jenni :flower: Lots of loves and cuddles to you as well...

Thinking of you Andrea... Love ya chicka!

Nikki, Holy crap Lady! I'll be pacing with excitement until your butt logs back in with news.... :happydance: That dream is WILD!!! :thumbup:

Hi to all the mom's!! Xxxx!! Sending hugs and hopes for a lil break from all the icky sickness... :hugs:

Helen ... Thanks for the PM .. I'll get back atcha ya when I can type ...OH keeps bugging me, sorry... :hugs:

Tanya... Hope you are having a good day sweets...

I haven't noticed anything unual yet :dohh: Just the usual increased CM, a lil more tired.. oh yea, tonight I noticed that my fingers and hands was swollen??? That NEVER happens, even when I was preg the other times, so i'll be googling and watching that... Anyone hear if that's a sign?? LOL!!! :winkwink:

Nite All.... :winkwink:

Have more to write BUT when OH is home, hard to ... SO, I'll be back LOL
I love you too, my silly, loveable beautiful Kelly ..XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Love you all SO SO SO SO SOS SO SO much.

Happy Thanksgiving To All

I don' think there are any Thanksgiving smilies (LOL) XOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm sorry Kiki that you have been having a rough time. You are absolutley right. YOu need to fix you first and it is only a 30 day supply so hopefully you will be back on the ttc train in no time. Fancy sharing a pill with me? I fancy feeling spaced at and mellow. lol

I have never heard the orgasm theory Kam. I must google it now. Have you got your house sorted? I don't know about the swollen hands thing.

Thanks Jojo. :hugs: Stop poking the boobs. lol

Hey Mhazzab- I hope the move went well. It can be such a stressful thing. Yay for broadband. :happydance: Hows you and that little rainbow doing?

Hey Amanda, yes we are going to continue trying this month. Just praying for it to happen and for everything to be ok. I'm a wee bit confused though. OPKs have been negative and I had ewcm at CD11 and 15 and then this morning I kept waking up so didn't really get an accurate bbt reading so I dunno wahts going on. Moan away hun. I know its awful to be sick and you probably don't want to but I bet its hard.

Nikki- the month we conceived both me and OH had a dream that I was pregnant.

Jennijunni- don't worry about not coming in here alot. We will all be here for you when you are ready.

Happy Thanksgiving to you lovely American ladies. I hope you have a good day and don't find it too hard. Lots and lots of hugs and kisses. :hugs::hugs:

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