Hi guys, its still very early days but i just wanted to maybe give some inspiration to those older chickens out there like me
Name: Omi
Age: 41
How long TTC: 4yrs
Diagnosis or any known issues: Hypothyroid, found out after tests after 2 mc's. AMH 4
Treatments you tried before IVF: none
How many IVF did you do before success: just this one
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Agonist Long Protocol. Prostap injection for downreg and gonal f and buserelin for stims
How many follicles at ER: maybe 6
How many eggs retrieved: 5
How many eggs fertilized: 2
How many days between ER and ET: 2
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2
How many days bed rest: none, but did take time off work and pottered about for a few days
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: slight dizzyness, headaches, cramps, flatulence, sore boobs, very emotional and/or irritated at times
What day you got your BFP: 10 dpo (8d2dt)
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: 278
Number of babies: 1 (saw a strong heatbeat on 16/6/11
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: The stims weren't as bad as i thought they would be. The worst bit of all i think is the finding out what fertilised/made it and the mind-fuck that progesterone is in the 2nd week of the 2ww
With my history and age i am obviously crapping myself..but heck, i cant change the future so im going with the flow, hoping and wishing for the best!