Hi ladies
I thought it was about time I share my IVF success story seen as we had our first scan today at 6wks 2days and everything is looking great!
Name: Gemma
Age: 24
How long TTC:2.5 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained infertility
Treatments you tried before IVF: 6 months of clomid, ovulated every cycle but no BFP
How many IVF did you do before success:1st cycle worked
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): short protocol - 200mg puregon, progesterone pessaries
How many follicles at ER: 12
How many eggs retrieved: 9
How many eggs fertilized: 4
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: one 10 cell grade 1
How many days bed rest: 1 day but I took 2 weeks off work to rest at home and didn't do anything at all!
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: cramps and feeling very tired
What day you got your BFP: 11dp 3dt
HPT before blood test: darent do a hpt until AFTER beta, did 2 x FRER after though
Number of first beta: 114
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: That the whole treatment process wasn't as scary/daunting as I imagined, and I would definatley go through it again in the future if we had to