List your IVF Successes here

Hi everyone!

Name: Babyfever27
Age: 28
How long TTC: just under 3 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Endo; ovarian cysts
Treatments you tried before IVF/ICSI: 3 rounds of IUI; with with injectables
How many IVF did you do before success: Worked on first attempt!!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): femera; ovridel; then progesterone shots through week 11
How many follicles at ER: loads (too many) - 12!
How many eggs retrieved: 12
How many eggs fertilized: 6
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 3 (2 Bs and 1 C). The additional 3 embryos did not make it past day 6
How many days bed rest: Strict bed rest for 3 days
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Implantation bleeding 4dp5dt
What day you got your BFP: 8 days after ER
HPT before blood test: Yes. I tested beginning 7dp5dt (negative) followed by light positive on the 8th day:)
Number of first beta: 321
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Although the process is long and very draining, you should only take it one day at a time and celebrate the mini victories. The injections were not as painful as we were told. Just make sure you ice the location for about 5 minutes prior to the injection, followed by a quick rub of the area and a heat pad for about 10 minutes. I also read somewhere that eating a cup of fresh pineapple assists in the implantation, so I ate some for about 2 weeks straight. I'm sure that this was only mental, but hey, it helped :))

Good luck ladies!!
Lol I was confused at first but then figured id just go with it...preggo brain already?! ;)
I know what u mean about trusting the Drs, I dunno why we think we know more than them loll...bday was pretty good, started off the morning with an ultrasound and bloodwork to check progesterone estradiol official beta isn't till 8/8 a Monday, but I'm thinking I'll do a pregnancy test that weekend just so I'm prepared at work. Time seems to be dragging but one more week where I'll be busy at work hopefully won't be too bad.

I thought your blood test was next Friday. It's monday the 8th?

What are the progesterone suppositories like? Are they terrible? the front or back? :blush: :haha:

Front or back. I did back door from EC to 2 days past ET BUT I have to say that I had terrible diarreah and bleeding so changed to front door 2dpt ... i read on here to lay down for 15-20 mins after inserting as it takes that long to dissolve into your system (you will lose some cream afterwards but not much) ... to be honest after all the injections, a simple pessary is easy :)
Thanks Kittycat82. It's been a long journey but well worth it. When will you begin your ivf cycle?
Thanks Kittycat82. It's been a long journey but well worth it. When will you begin your ivf cycle?

I'm currently down regging-had to down reg for an extra week as my cycles are usually quite long (33 days) and the buserelin delayed af and I'm still bleeding on day 9! But hey ho! This is my first IVF and we are unexplained I just hope it all goes ok and we either get a bfp or some answers as to why it's not happening! I can only dream of posting my story in here! X
That's exactly how I felt through my first cycle. Because we weren't sure if the embryos would fertilize in their own, we elected to do icsi. Have you considered it also? I'm really glad I did bc I would be devastated if the cycle was cancelled due to no fertilization.

How are you feeling through the process?
Hi hun, no as all our tests have come back above normal so our FS has said it should be IVF not ICSI. To be honest if I don't get our bfp but some ideas as to why it hasn't been happening, it's still progress! Congrats again Hun if you have any tips let me know!! X
Hi Kittycat - just wanted to mention we did not suspect having a fertilization problem at all - and we did on our first cycle. You may want to ask your clinic about doing ivf on half the eggs and icsi on the other half. That is what my clinic does. If I had not done icsi on have of my eggs on my first round I would have had no fertilization. Best wishes.
Hi KittyCat82, I am also in similar situation :( I am waiting for the appointment from the clinic to sign all the papers and then the process will start..
Name: kat
Age: 32
How long TTC: 3 1/2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: 1 tube removed, one blocked (2 ectopics and 1 m/c)
Treatments you tried before IVF/ICSI: none
How many IVF did you do before success: started long cycle, but gave up after injections had no effect on my body. Switched to short cycle and worked first time.
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): um, the ones you take on the short cycle in the UK. can't remember the names
How many follicles at ER: 16
How many eggs retrieved: 11
How many eggs fertilized: 7 (i think - I really should know that).
How many days between ER and ET: 4
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 (A)
How many days bed rest: um, none. I went camping and hiking with friends (none of who knew). Reading through everyone else's responses I feel quite irresponsible now...! i did ask at my clinic though as they recommended I just carried on as normal, as it's best not to stress about it. They thought it was a great idea I was off camping.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: none
What day you got your BFP: 15 days after ET. Very weak line, so bought a digital tester and then had blood tests at the EPU to make sure!
HPT before blood test: no.
Number of first beta: 73.8
Number of babies: 0 (well, not including this one)
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: The injections really aren't that bad. It feels strange at first as it's such an unnatural thing to do, to willingly stick a needle in you, but you soon get used to it. I preferred to do it when my OH wasn't around as he'd stare in horror making it significantly worse. Soon got used to doing them in all kinds of weird wonderful places - in the car on the way to a restaurant, cupboard at work, hotel toilets while on a hen do. other than that though, with the problems my OH and I have had, we just tried to take quite a matter of fact approach, and didn't want to raise our hopes too much. Worrying about something you have no control over won't help it. It's easier said than done though...! I'm now 13 1/2 weeks pregnant and loving my slightly dumpy belly (although that may be more due to the amount of food vs lack of exercise..)
I wouldn't worry about the hiking and camping fotokat - I say stay as active as possible as long as possible! I've been bike commuting to work all through IVF and my pregnancy. Congrats!
Name: Hopefull2011 (Bridget)
Age: 40 in Nov 2011
How long TTC: 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: 2 cysts. Fibroids. Polyp. VERY low AMH (0.8) and Natural Cell Killer. Also Ureaplasma. DH- slow swimmers but gave up smoking so Ok after 6 months.
Treatments you tried before IVF: Mid stimming – I had to have polyp removed. Then had to down reg again and stim again. So I injected continuously for 2 months!! 
How many IVF did you do before success: First attempt successful.
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Antibiotics for ureaplasma. 0.75 Busarelin. 16 days of 450 Gonal F. 2 progesterone daily and steroids for the NCK for first trimester.
How many follicles at ER: 5
How many eggs retrieved: 5  (couldn’t believe it cos of the low AMH)
How many eggs fertilized: 2
How many days between ER and ET: 2
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 x 4 cell (grades unknown)
How many days bed rest: 12 (took holiday from work and rested)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: 8 & 9 DP2DT - Cramps
What day you got your BFP: 12DP2DT
HPT before blood test:didn’t give me blood test
Number of first beta:
Number of babies: don’t know yet (yikes)
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
I took the advice of a friend who had a successful first IVF… and read books/internet and educated myself :
*daily pre-conception vitamins (so did DH) * Royal Jelly * CoQ10 * DHEA
* No parabens in shower gel. No baths from mid-stimming.
* No alcohol (at all) for 6 months PRIOR to IVF starting (very very very hard_)
* No caffeine. (changed tea bags to caffeine free) No chocolate. ( I had 2 squares of 75% cocoa choc per day to stop those cravings)
* Had 3 brazil nuts, walnuts and seeds daily and a healthy diet
* 6 months acupuncture (fantastic… and I was the most sceptical person!!)
* Avoid stress. I found telling work helped me.
* COMPLETE rest after transfer. I haven’t even cooked. (house dirty but who cares ..i can clean it for the rest of my life)
* I suffer from cold feet & was told to keep them warm to keep your circulation going helps the uterus.
* DH gave up smoking (after 25+ years) * He also gave up drink for 5 weeks prior to EC
* DH wore baggy boxer shorts. DH didn’t have hot baths prior to EC
* I had to pay £260 per the blood test for Natural Cell Killer and was nearly talked out of it but it proved positive. IF I hadn’t had that, there is a high possibility that it wouldn’t work or miscarry…. So my advice is to have this simple test!!
I wanted to list my success here!

Name: Allexapoo
Age: 36
How long TTC: 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: severe male factor
Treatments you tried before IVF: None
How many IVF did you do before success: Worked first time
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Lupron 20u then 10u for DR, Menopur IM 300 (stimmed for 11 days), Ovidrel 250IU for trigger
How many follicles at ER: 11
How many eggs retrieved: 7
How many eggs fertilized: 7 with ICSI
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 4 "great" embies
How many days bed rest: 0
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: got hemorrhoids at 5dp3dt!! (I thought this very strange and it's what made me first think the IVF may have worked and I took an HPT next day)
What day you got your BFP: 6dp3dt
HPT before blood test: Yes@6dp3dt!
Number of first beta:400 and something lol
Number of babies: 3
Comment: I thought I would like to transfer 3 before knowing how many embies I'd have, but when I got to the clinic, the doc wanted to transfer the best 4 due to my age and I agreed and now we have triplets (26wks prego). Even if I had transferred only 3, there's a good chance I would still have ended up with triplets. They only transfer 2 to younger people. I ahd no issues and have 3 older children from a previous marriage.


Congrats for the triplets!!! That is great! Can I ask you how old you are? I'm 36 and was wondering how many my doctor is willing to transfer based on my age. Thanks and congrats again!!

Edit: Sorry, I just noticed you posted your age on top. We are the same age.
I wanted to list my success here!

Name: Allexapoo
Age: 36
How long TTC: 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: severe male factor
Treatments you tried before IVF: None
How many IVF did you do before success: Worked first time
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Lupron 20u then 10u for DR, Menopur IM 300 (stimmed for 11 days), Ovidrel 250IU for trigger
How many follicles at ER: 11
How many eggs retrieved: 7
How many eggs fertilized: 7 with ICSI
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 4 "great" embies
How many days bed rest: 0
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: got hemorrhoids at 5dp3dt!! (I thought this very strange and it's what made me first think the IVF may have worked and I took an HPT next day)
What day you got your BFP: 6dp3dt
HPT before blood test: Yes@6dp3dt!
Number of first beta:400 and something lol
Number of babies: 3
Comment: I thought I would like to transfer 3 before knowing how many embies I'd have, but when I got to the clinic, the doc wanted to transfer the best 4 due to my age and I agreed and now we have triplets (26wks prego). Even if I had transferred only 3, there's a good chance I would still have ended up with triplets. They only transfer 2 to younger people. I ahd no issues and have 3 older children from a previous marriage.


Congrats for the triplets!!! That is great! Can I ask you how old you are? I'm 36 and was wondering how many my doctor is willing to transfer based on my age. Thanks and congrats again!!

Edit: Sorry, I just noticed you posted your age on top. We are the same age.

Hi hun, I know this question wasn't for me but my clinic in NY transfers 3 embryos if you're over the age of 35.
Name: Beadyeyes
Age: 27
How long TTC: 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: MF infertility - very low everything.
Treatments you tried before IVF: Nothing
How many IVF did you do before success: First attempt successful.
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): The pill, Buserelin, menopur
How many follicles at ER: Too many to count
How many eggs retrieved: 31
How many eggs fertilized: 23
How many days between ER and ET: 2
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 x 4 cell (A grade)
How many days bed rest: lots
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: OHSS - was hospitalised for 4 days
What day you got your BFP: 14 days after EC, several days before official test day
HPT before blood test: Got told hcg in hospital rather than doing test!
Number of first beta: 98
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
That despite everything it wasn't as bad as I though (until the OHSS!!)
*daily pre-conception vitamins
* DH took zinc, selenium and well man vits when he could remember.
* No alcohol for 6 months before treatment
* No caffeine during stimming.
* had accupuncture
* Resting whenever I wanted, cutting down on commitments
Name: SillyMoo
Age: 32
How long TTC: 5 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Me Mild PCOS with irregular ovulation, DH Low motility
Treatments you tried before IVF: 12 rounds of Clomid (inc 1 chemical)
How many IVF did you do before success: 2nd attempt successful
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): The pill, Buserelin, menopur, cyclogest
How many follicles at ER: 11
How many eggs retrieved: 9
How many eggs fertilized: 8 (ICSI)
How many days between ER and ET: 2 (just less, about 30hours)
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 x 5 cell and 1 x 2 cell, not graded
How many days bed rest: All 2WW off work
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Mild cramping from 2dpt to BFP; 7dpt nipples got bigger, but not my boobs!
What day you got your BFP: OTD - 14dpt
Number of first beta: unknown
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
Things that I did differently on this cycle - ate lots of protein; rested lots; did visualisation hypnotherapy; had fertility crystals; took selenium in addition to my conception vitamins... had LOTS of positive thoughts.
Has anyone used meditation cds for their IVF cycles? I'm looking into a few, but want to know if it's actually worth it. My biggest concern right now is how much I worry, and all of the negative thoughts going through my head, so I think something like this would help me.
I practice meditation with a Shambhala group in my town. I started attending weekend trainings and going more regularly in general while undergoing IUIs and IVF. I highly recommend practicing with a group if you can. I find that practicing with other people increases my commitment to my personal practice.

My meditation practice was a tremendous help to me after two years of TTC. Buddhism is very much about letting go of expectations and learning to appreciate the here and now, a very good thing for me to work with in general but especially while TTC!
Bump! Keep the stories coming, ladies. We need some more inspiration!

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