Name: Ruth
Age: 37
How long TTC: 15 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained infertility
Treatments you tried before IVF: 8 IUIs -- 4 unmedicated (some with trigger shots), 1 clomid, 2 Femara, 1 Femara + follistim. Many cycles with progesterone support. Also had some acupuncture, but I stopped before I had IVF.
How many IVF did you do before success: 1st try!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Yes, donor sperm
Protocol (meds taken): Long lupron protocol -- BC pills, lupron, menopur, follistim, HCG trigger shot, then after ER, progesterone in oil shots and estrogen patches. And they also had me take valium for the transfer. I had both ICSI and assisted hatching. I've also been taking baby aspirin.
How many follicles at ER: I don't know
How many eggs retrieved: 26; 19 were mature
How many eggs fertilized: 16; 15 made it to day 3; 6 did well enough to transfer or freeze by day 5-6
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 4AA blasts (and I have 4 more frozen, yay!)
How many days bed rest: 2 (not total bed rest but lounging around, nothing more active than a 2-minute walk. On the morning of the third day I got on a plane.)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: AF-type cramping, some pinching & pulling
What day you got your BFP: D12 (7dp5dt)
HPT before blood test: yes of course, I'm a POAS addict
Number of first beta: 75 at D14 (then 163 at D16 and 436 at D18)
Number of babies: 1, I'm 8 weeks along and have seen a heartbeat
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: If you're doing IUIs, stop after 3-4 and go right to IVF if there is any possible way you can afford it. I found all the IUIs to be just horrible emotionally.