List your IVF Successes here

Congrats to all BFP's!!
This thread is what keeps me going, we're 2 weeks away from starting IVF and I don't know how many times I read the whole thread. :haha:
I hope one day I'll be able to post my success story too.
good luck to all who are waiting! :flower:
Congrats to all the new mums to be!
I've been avoiding BnB all Christmas as it's been a rough couple of weeks, the ACU was closed so we were kind of in the dark when we had a bleed. Finally got a scan on the 3rd and all was fine :))) gorgeous little blob with a good heart beat. Had another bleed today and another scan. All looking good, could see the placenta and tell the head from the bum. I guess it's time to head over to 1st trimester. Hope to see you all there (perhaps in an IVF mum's thread).

Congrats again and fingers crossed for those still waiting!

hi i just found this thread and spent all evening reading though it, i love it! really made me fell positive about IVF and reading from ladies with similar circumstances as my self that got pregnant is priceless! thankyou for all sharing
i'm just waiting to hear from the clinic about start dates for our first ivf cycle.
so i'll be stalking this thread for while!!! :happydance:
welcome Hispirits! I just started my last IVF Cycle...hope my eggs have improved so I can get on this list for real this time
hi ladies, omg so many bfp,s in here !! brilliant makes me feel much more positive im down regging and start stimming next week for my third ivf icsi cycle i have had 2 previous failed cycles so im hoping and praying third time lucky !! im 37 db is 30 he has low sc i have no tubes due to ectopics plus several mc,s 1 triploidy at 7 + 5weeks i have 1 ds of 19 im strting menopur next week was on gonal f last cycles so hoping i respond well i was fine with the gonal f but re changed it to menopur said have better pregnancy rates and better egg quality ? so any insight would be great expected er is 23 jan and hoping to put back 2 x blasts if all go,s to well i had 1 blast first cycle 7 eggs 4 made it to 5 day no frosties 2nd cycle 11 eggs 2 fertilised with db frozen sperm as he was working away we feel this is why only 2 fertilised as out of 7 first cycle 6 fertilised my fsh is 6.2 i so hope i get to post a bfp on here also what else would help baby aspirin etc ? i do have an extra shot of hcg from last cycle wondering wether to use it after transfer i no alot of clinics do as can help with implantation any advice on this and how much etc as a 6500 iu syringe have not told my clinic my lining last cycles was not great from what i remember in the 7mm range anything else i can take as well as the cyclogest pessaries that would help ? im so anxious this time as my last go at this i will be heartbroken if it dosent work again trying to think positive could really do with some support right now thanks ladies.......
like to add im having down regulation bloodtest tues and a bit nervous about using menopur as the gonal f pen is so easy !!! the menopur is solvent and powder and im nervous about mixing it i no i no what a wouss lol i just panic about everything im a wreck !! just lost my nan and given up smoking for this cycle dont drink at all have problems sleeping at night as well so tired and irritable hot flushes this time are horrendous !! :growlmad: im so snappy as well i just dont no how i will be if it dosent work again will be on 225 iu of menopur i just keep thinking they always use the same long protocol and werent concerned about my lining last 2 cycles why will this time be any different i so hop i even respond well and make it to er !! and transfer everything is a hurdle i thought id be ok but im not so nervous its not as if i havent done this twice before !! i wish all of u all the luck in the world heres to many more bfp,s over the coming weeks and congrats to all u lucky ladies who are now pregnant i so love to read of others peoples bfp,s !!
Hi Donnas2012,

my Nov/dec IVF was with menopur for the first time, it was more fiddly, so give yourself more time in the morning to sort it out. I'm not fussed about needles, so didn't find it much of an issue. Rather freakily I like doing it as it feels like I'm doing something!

I had HCG support on one of my FET cycles - i felt it wasn't as good for me as the cyclogest, as I had spotting from before egg transfer even, so went back to progesterone. I also tried baby aspirin for a couple of cycles (and some non IVF ones) and it didn't help my spotting.

For my successful cycle I just stuck with what they told me, had the tiniest bit of spotting, but not much. And I asked to stay on the progesterone after my BFP, as I was so paranoid about spotting (even though there's no evidence my spotting issue is progesterone based!)

I've also had trouble sleeping since my BFP - I find bach's flower remedy is a tiny bit of help. And a glass of milk if I do get up in the night.

Good luck!
Hi Donnas2012,

my Nov/dec IVF was with menopur for the first time, it was more fiddly, so give yourself more time in the morning to sort it out. I'm not fussed about needles, so didn't find it much of an issue. Rather freakily I like doing it as it feels like I'm doing something!

I had HCG support on one of my FET cycles - i felt it wasn't as good for me as the cyclogest, as I had spotting from before egg transfer even, so went back to progesterone. I also tried baby aspirin for a couple of cycles (and some non IVF ones) and it didn't help my spotting.

For my successful cycle I just stuck with what they told me, had the tiniest bit of spotting, but not much. And I asked to stay on the progesterone after my BFP, as I was so paranoid about spotting (even though there's no evidence my spotting issue is progesterone based!)

I've also had trouble sleeping since my BFP - I find bach's flower remedy is a tiny bit of help. And a glass of milk if I do get up in the night.

Good luck!

Hiya choco, thanks for your reply, so do u think i shouldnt bother with the hcg as well as pessaries? ive no idea when or how much to use just read on many forums it can help and cant hurt to use it ? i will try anything this cycle im on a high protien diet ie shakes etc and taking a conception supplement coq10 and extra folic was going to do the baby aspirin week of transfer obviously dont want to take to much stuff, ive decided i can only try and be positive feeling negative isnt good for me and if it dosent work then its not meant to be easyer said then done tho !! anyway congratulations on your pregnancy :happydance: xx
i cant see any more of my posts ??? lol it wont let me go to page 6o !! and still cant see my siggy on my other posts lol !!
welcome Hispirits! I just started my last IVF Cycle...hope my eggs have improved so I can get on this list for real this time

hiya!! :happydance:
goodluck, i'm keeping everything crossed for you xxx
hi ladies, omg so many bfp,s in here !! brilliant makes me feel much more positive im down regging and start stimming next week for my third ivf icsi cycle i have had 2 previous failed cycles so im hoping and praying third time lucky !! im 37 db is 30 he has low sc i have no tubes due to ectopics plus several mc,s 1 triploidy at 7 + 5weeks i have 1 ds of 19 im strting menopur next week was on gonal f last cycles so hoping i respond well i was fine with the gonal f but re changed it to menopur said have better pregnancy rates and better egg quality ? so any insight would be great expected er is 23 jan and hoping to put back 2 x blasts if all go,s to well i had 1 blast first cycle 7 eggs 4 made it to 5 day no frosties 2nd cycle 11 eggs 2 fertilised with db frozen sperm as he was working away we feel this is why only 2 fertilised as out of 7 first cycle 6 fertilised my fsh is 6.2 i so hope i get to post a bfp on here also what else would help baby aspirin etc ? i do have an extra shot of hcg from last cycle wondering wether to use it after transfer i no alot of clinics do as can help with implantation any advice on this and how much etc as a 6500 iu syringe have not told my clinic my lining last cycles was not great from what i remember in the 7mm range anything else i can take as well as the cyclogest pessaries that would help ? im so anxious this time as my last go at this i will be heartbroken if it dosent work again trying to think positive could really do with some support right now thanks ladies.......

baby asprin thins the blood over time which makes a better lining in the womb with better blood circulation to the uterus preventing miscarriage, but you need to take it for a while for it to take affect xx :winkwink:
OMG it has taken me two whole days to get throught this thread but it was so amaing seeing all those bfp's and even more amazing are the ladies who after failure still have the strength to go on. I am starting my IVF soon and hope that one day i will be able to post on her as well but until then the hope that this thread gives will keep my spirits high and a smile on my face.

Goodluck to all those who are about to start the journey and bloody well done to all those who have been there and done it, your all insperational. xxxx
ladies i have extra menopur any ideas what i should do with it ?

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