List your IVF Successes here

love the stories and the advice above. I am hoping to post here after my 7 week scan :flower:
Hi everyone

My name is Jennifer and I am currently 6+5 following FET of 2 blastoccysts, 5 days ago we got to see the hearbeat of our little baby and it was the best feeling in the world!! :cloud9:

We had previously been through IVF and a FET with no positive outcome.

I just wanted to post here to tell all the future IVF ladies not to give up hope, it can happen!!! and I hope it does to all the ladies who are so desperatly trying.

Good luck to you all! (hope this has helped)

Hi I want to post too to give some hope. My husband and I started TTC in 2008. Nothing happened. After a year we were referred to FS by GP. We then found out husbands sperm count was 2.1million. Anyway, in August 2010 I we had our first round of ICSI. I produced 22 eggs, 11 fertilised and in the end was left with 6 grade 1 embroyos. All day 3. They only put 1 back and that failed. I was devastated beyond words.

This cycle had been funded by the NHS. In our area we were entitled to a further FET cycle and a further full cycle. However, the wait in between cycles was long and the PCT had run out of money. I was looking at a year in between cycles. I didn't even have a followup appointment until 2 months after failed cycle,so in this time I was left in limbo. Anyway, eventually we came to a decision to bypass the NHS. As I was 35 I didn't feel I could wait any longer. I had been waiting for children since I was about 31. We therefore decided to go back for our frozen embroyos. I had 5 in storage. So in February 2011 I went back to the clinic. We decided to do a natural cycle of FET. I only had HCG trigger shot and progesterone support.Anyway, survice to say I got pregnant and I now have a 6 month old beautiful girl.

I was very hesitant about frozen embroyos because didnt believe they could work (especially day 3's) but I have a child that is proof. I think the key for me for that cycle was that it was natural. I didn't take any drugs apart from trigger shot to ensure ovulation. I think my body was in a much more receptive state. So hope this gives others hope.

I think people are also obsessed with blastocysts but you don't need a blastocyst to ensure a successful pregnancy. Day 3's are just as good. Bye for nowxx
I'm 9w+4 currently and wanted to share this especially for all the lovely ladies who have suffered repeat IVF fails.....I know how bleak it can feel and I hope this can bring a glimmer of hope :flower:

Name: Nell

Age: 32

How long TTC: 3 YEARS

Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained initially, but then found out low AMH (8 on uk scale) and PCO (but not PCOS). 1st IVF revealed poor fertilisation (2 out of 24 eggs) despite good SA so onto ICSI therafter. I also had problematic lining, it never got thicker than 7mm. A few failed cycles then revealed implantation problems and high natural killer cells.

Treatments you tried before IVF: None, straight to IVF due to AMH level.

How many IVF did you do before success: 5 - 3 fresh IVF and 1 cancelled FET, then the 5th cycle worked.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: NO

Protocol (meds taken): It was a stimulated FET: folistim, estraderm patches, pregnyl trigger, PIO shots. Plus immunes meds: clexane, prednisolone, aspirin and intralipids.

How many follicles at ER: No ER but there were 7 of my own follicles at trigger this FET.

How many eggs retrieved: None, FET
How many eggs fertilized: NA
How many days between ER and ET: 5 day transfer
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 3 survived the thaw but due to HFEA regs only 2 transferred. They lost some grade from the freeze and were 4CC ( 4AA being top at my clinic)
How many days bed rest: None

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I felt like the progesterone was struggling to hold back AF, but I was wrong.

What day you got your BFP: 9DP5DT squinter on a FRER, BFN on a FRER the day before.

HPT before blood test: YES

Number of first beta: Just a teensy 20

Number of babies: 1 hearbeat seen

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
That not all Dr.s and clinics are right for every patient. I'm still damned annoyed at the advice and treatment I received for my first 3 cycles, especially when the Q's I asked at my first cycle turned out to be spot on what I needed, grates even more that I paid them a fortune for poor advice :nope:
Nell - Congrats! I'm 9 wks 4 days pg too! I remember us both having trouble with our lining being too thin. Mine just crept by at the minimum 8mm for ivf & it turned out to be enough. I'm so happy for you that you got your bfp, you deserve it.
Nell, omg so pleased for you sweetie!! :happydance: I know this has been a terribly long road for you! :hugs: I'm hoping to cycle again this summer. Wishing you a very h&h 9 months!!
Nell - I am soooo chuffed for you too. I am so pleased everything is progressing well for you. :hug:
I feel very lucky to be posting here. I have just had my 12 week scan and all seems to be going well so I felt it was time to post. This thread has given me a lot of support and information and I hope my post can give hope to other ladies with extremely very low sperm counts or ladies who had a similar number of eggs and worried that it was too low for success.

Name: Toch (well on here anyway!)

Age: me 34 OH 32

How long TTC: over 2 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: I have endo and had a retroverted womb that I had surgery on to pull it forward and release my ovaries that were tucked behind my womb. We were referred for routine testing after 10 months of ttc because I was told that I would probably need IVF but my OH took over as our primary concern as we found out his sperm count was in the few hundred thousands rather than the millions with poor everything.

Treatments you tried before IVF: none – IVF ICSI is our only option.

How many IVF did you do before success: We were very lucky for it to work first time.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no

Protocol (meds taken): long protocol. Down regged with Synarel, 112.5 menopur and triggered with Ovitrelle.

How many follicles at ER: 6 decent sized ones with lots of little ones.

How many eggs retrieved: 5 collected 4 were mature

How many eggs fertilized: 4 were injected and 3 fertilised.

How many days between ER and ET: 3

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 x 3 day (one 9 cell and one 10 cell) We were hopeful that the third would be frozen but it didn’t make the quality to be frozen.

How many days bed rest: My job is quite full on. I took the first week off work and was quite glad as I felt very uncomfortable for the first few days. I went back to work for the second week but only managed 2 days and then took the rest of the week off. So two weeks in total.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: The longest 2weeks of my life! Lots of AF type symptoms. I felt that AF was on her way. Lots of cramps and cm.

What day you got your BFP: I couldn’t hold out. One of the days I did go into work I thought AF had started and I was quite crampy. I couldn’t cope with the waiting any longer so went and bought a FRER. I was completely shocked when there was a faint line but then didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

HPT before blood test: 9dp3dt – faint line on FRER. I did another sneaky test on 11dp3dt and the line was no darker and then on OTD I got a positive on the test the clinic gave me and also on a digi 2-3 weeks

Number of first beta: I didn’t have a beta

Number of babies: One perfect heartbeat. :cloud9:

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
That the actual physical process of IVF – the sniffing, injecting, egg retrieval and embryo transfer - is fine but it was the emotional ups and downs that I found hard.
That acupuncture really helped. My acupuncturist was Zita West registered and she provided me with relaxation as well as a bit of a therapy session!
That the support of a friend (whether virtual or real!) who has been through the process is so valuable.

Wishing you success in your baby making!
Nell I'm so so happy for you!!!! XXXXXXX having 3 fresh failed ivfs and seeing women get pregnant on the 4th and 5th gives me the strength and hope that miracles do and will happen... God bless you dear and a happy and healthy 9 months you have put a huge smile on my face!!!!

Congratulations also to everyone in here who has been blessed xx
Hi! It's been a few months since coming here. Just wished to update that my twins are doing well at 27 Weeks. 9 more Weeks to go! All the best to everyone!
Nell, I'm so happy to see your post here! I remember reading your posts while I was going through my first and second cycles. It is so heartbreaking to get a negative or a chemical! Congratulations again!
Just sat and read all the success stories :)

I had 2 transferred today that wasnt great grading so needed to get a bit of positivity back and reading all these stories has definately done that. Great to see so many different stories with different gradings. Its really helped!!! xx
Just sat and read all the success stories :)

I had 2 transferred today that wasnt great grading so needed to get a bit of positivity back and reading all these stories has definately done that. Great to see so many different stories with different gradings. Its really helped!!! xx

aww good luck. try not to worry too much about the grading...afterall it is just a VISUAL grading, they cant see whats inside. hope one or both are strong lil guys (insert hug icon here, they are not working for me)
It's true - I wouldn't read too much into visual grading. More and more, they are finding embryos that don't necessarily look too good are actually perfect, and sometimes the ones that look perfect can have a chromosomal abnormality - so you just never know. :hugs:
Just wanted to bump this thread cause I'm going for transfer today & all the positive stories are great I'm hoping I will get to list my success story here in 2 weeks
GL Taylah!!! It is such an inspiring post isnt it.
I know I read this thread over and over again before and during my IVF cycle and I know it gives hope to read success stories. I'm now over 16 weeks.

Name: Monalisa
Age: 31 in a few weeks :)
How long TTC: 2 YEARS
Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained infertility, hypothyroid
Treatments you tried before IVF: 2 Clomid and 2 IUI cycles with injectables
How many IVF did you do before success: So lucky to have a BFP at the 1st round :cloud9:
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: NO
Protocol (meds taken): No DR, we went straight to stimming. Gonal-f & Menogon & cetrotide.
How many follicles at ER: 5 or 6. I know it's low but it was expected because our protocol wasn't aggressive.
How many eggs retrieved: 8, 6 were mature
How many eggs fertilized: 5 were fertilized with ICSI
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 1st grade blasts (best grade at my clinic)
How many days bed rest: I wasn't told to have bed rest but rested at the couch for 2 or 3 days.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: AF type cramps at 4dp5dt
What day you got your BFP: 5DP5DT
HPT before blood test: Ofcourse :) with FRER. it was a bfn at 4dp5dt and there was a faint line at 5dp5dt
Number of first beta: 236 @ 9DP5DT, 945 @ 12dp5dt.
Number of babies: 1 little prince on the way :cloud9: We thought we were having twins with my beta numbers but apparently numbers really don't mean much.
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
I searched a lot and knew pretty much everything about the whole process. I didn't have accupuncture, didn't eat pineapples, etc. If you feel doing those things are giving you more hope, then do them! Don't give up on your dream, I thought I would never get pregnant after 2 failed IUI cycles with perfect sperms and follicles. Good luck to all of you! Oh and watch some funny TV shows during your TWW!
Congrats to all the BFPs!!! I will be finding out today if I am doing my trigger tonight or tomorrow so I will be going in for ER either Wednesday or Thursday!!!
Hey ladies I was looking for some advice. I am 10dp3dt I had 2 embryos transferred and the past few days I have been having AF cramps and today I done a FRER and I got a BFN is that me out?

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