List your IVF Successes here

Oh my goodness ladies, thank you so much! It's so nice of you to notice my BFP. :cloud9: I got it yesterday and I can't wait to post here too. Mrsmax, congrats and H&H pregnancy to you as well. Isi, thank you so much for starting this thread. With all the struggles we share going through IVF, this thread is a life-line.

Sharkey, congratulations! Your story gives hope to so many who have been told there is none, thank you for sharing. H&H pregnancy. :flower:
Congrats blessedlife!!!

I am on day 8 of BCP and will start the injections in a week!

Thank you ladies for all the success stories and tips!!!
I saw your story on the scan post Sharkey - but wanted to say congrats again!!!!! we all get so hung up on AMH scores and the like - but really miracles do happen!!
Hey sharkey so pleased to see you on here!!! Xxxxx
Oh Lindylou, how fab. Natural bfp. I didnt know. Congratulations. I'm so so pleased for you. Looking forward to your post. I'll be posting soon xxx
Thanks Maddie- wow 27th nov, that isn't long away. Hope you are feeling well xx
bump :) This thread is so helpful to all of us waiting/starting IVF so I hope it continues! :)
Hi Girls, this thread has been my saving grace at the end of my tww. 4 days till beta test, I at first considered testing on the morning of beta but have after reading all the successes on here, i have decided to wait for the beta results.

I pray i will be filling in that little form next Tuesday!!!! Fx'd
Tella - good plan not testing i think. I debated testing the morning of beta too but it was nice to just power through the day with a little hope that it wasn't over. Everyone is different but not testing was better for me.
How long TTC: 2 long years
Diagnosis or any known issues: male factor issue (motility) due to varicocele
Treatments you tried before IVF: DH had surgery to repair varicocele, 4 IUIs (natural, Clomid, Femara)
How many IVF did you do before success: first time success
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Follistim and Menopur then Ganirelix
How many follicles at ER: 43
How many eggs ICSIed: 35
How many eggs fertilized: 26
How many days between ER and ET: 5 days
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 high quality
How many days bed rest: day of the ET, then took it easy the next day by staying at home.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: drowsiness, heightened sense of smell, mild cramps between 4dp5dt and 7dp5dt. Wasn't sure if they were all due to progesterone shots and high estrogen levels.
What day you got your BFP: 8dp5dt, I waited until the night before the blood test. I did feel like I was losing it the last couple of days before the test.
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: 77
Number of babies:1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
IVF is full of hurdles, it helped me to take it 1 at a time. Had a huge scare when estrogen number started skyrocketing during stims. My doctor told me would freeze all embryos, because of the higher risk of OHSS. Luckily on last stim day she said was willing to give my body a chance, would wait to see how reacted on days following ER. Somehow I was fine, and we walked in to the clinic 5 days after ER not knowing if she was going to allow a transfer. We were in shock when she allowed 2 to be transferred, and luckily 1 stuck. IVF can be very isolating and full of a million emotions. Try to be kind to yourself and keep up a hobby or interest that gives you enjoyment. I learned I could get through much more than I would have believed I could, like 8 weeks of shots.

Today I am 20weeks and found out am carrying a boy. :happy dance:

Good luck ladies!
Yeah! Congrats Sienna!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
This thread has been the answer to my prayers this last day :hugs: Yesterday I went for lap and dye and hysteroscopy, have been told my one remaining tube after other one being removed because of ectopic back in 2006 is completely blocked, leaving our only option of getting pregnant to be IVF with ICSI as DH has poor morph.

Before I found this thread I felt utterly hopeless :cry: We have been ttc for 6 years and never had a hope, I am glad to finally have some answers but sad that I have put myself through the monthly dissappointments of believing I had a chance when I never did :nope:

We have an appt with FS on 1st Aug, we haven't applied for funding yet but I think we meet our local pct requirements for fudning for just 1 cycle. I'm feeling much more hopeful now after reading all the first time success stories on here as I know we will only have one chance at this as would never be able to afford self-funded treatment.

You ladies are my hope and my inspiration and I sincerely wish you all the happiness and luck in the world! :hugs:
Good luck Athena i hope it works first time for you and u feel as blessed as i feel :) xxx
Stay positive athena, my friend had blocked tubes and her only option was ivf, she now has a beautiful son. Xxxx
Thank you wishing, it is stories like this that keep me going xxx
Good luck Hockey! I see in your siggy that its your OTD. Wishing you all the best!
This thread has been the answer to my prayers this last day :hugs: Yesterday I went for lap and dye and hysteroscopy, have been told my one remaining tube after other one being removed because of ectopic back in 2006 is completely blocked, leaving our only option of getting pregnant to be IVF with ICSI as DH has poor morph.

Before I found this thread I felt utterly hopeless :cry: We have been ttc for 6 years and never had a hope, I am glad to finally have some answers but sad that I have put myself through the monthly dissappointments of believing I had a chance when I never did :nope:

We have an appt with FS on 1st Aug, we haven't applied for funding yet but I think we meet our local pct requirements for fudning for just 1 cycle. I'm feeling much more hopeful now after reading all the first time success stories on here as I know we will only have one chance at this as would never be able to afford self-funded treatment.

You ladies are my hope and my inspiration and I sincerely wish you all the happiness and luck in the world! :hugs:

Ive known quite a few people on here and in real life that IVF worked for them when nothing else did, and so many first time. I never knew why I couldnt get pregnant, my age was probably the main factor and I suspect hard egg shells, but I went through 2 long years of TTCing with 3 failed IUI's and even 1 failed fresh IVF. But now Im almost 30 weeks pregnant after a single frozen embryo transfer :cloud9: I know that realizing you need IVF can be quite dissappointing, but once you get pregnant you forget all that and feel like everyone else. good luck with funding and hope to see your success story on here in the future!

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