List your IVF Successes here

Oh that is so wonderful to hear thank you so much for telling me your story. It is things like this that keep me going, I feel so blessed to have found this forum. I truly hope to be able to share my success with you too xxx
I'm just back from my 7 week scan, and now that I have seen the peanut and it's little heartbeat, I think it's time to share. This thread has kept me going, and now it's my turn to spread some :dust: Good luck to everyone reading this.

Name: PGLady
Age: 35
How long TTC:
Diagnosis or any known issues: 2x hydrosalpinx untreated due to adhesions from colostomy and reversal surgery
Treatments you tried before IVF: none
How many IVF did you do before success: 1 fresh, first frozen successful
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): long protocol for fresh, medicated for frozen - buserelin, climoval, cyclogest. 1week of doxycycline before transfer. Keep taking climoval and cyclogest until 9 weeks.
How many follicles at ER: 12
How many eggs retrieved:8
How many eggs fertilized: 7
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1x 2AB blastocyst, this was an eSET FET
How many days bed rest: half a day on the sofa
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: nothing. Diddly squat!
What day you got your BFP: 9dp5dt (the day I was supposed to have beta but was away visiting family)
HPT before blood test: 9dp5dt. First Response.
Number of first beta: 1706 13dp5dt, I will never forget!
Number of babies:1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
A ton of stuff. Be kind to yourself. Find a clinic you trust and ask all the questions you need. Try to stay positive, and surround yourself with positive people/ threads etc. Easy to say when I was a basket case half the time! Statistics kept me sane and realistic, but threads like this gave me hope. Don't test early if you can help it, you can't trust a negative then and it's too much stress. A positive will be positive anyway, even if you wait a couple of days. Don't read negative stories on Dr Google, that will stress you out. As my Grandma says, don't trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you! Symptom spotting doesn't stop with a :bfp: and the wait between then and the 7 week scan is worse than the 2ww! The best thing we did was get counselling. It helped us cope and incorporate the ttc journey into our lives, we realised we were spending all our time waiting for something we didn't know would happen. So we booked trips and holidays regardless, and had something to look forward to, and a life, no matter what. Finally I hope those of you who have crap stats like mine will take some hope from this. We did eSET FET with half the odds because of hydros and it worked. Good luck and :dust: to you all, and that means you too, Athena!
PGLady, you must feel so wonderful, I can't imagine how it felt to see that heartbeat. This is such an amazing and inspiring story. Thank you so much for sharing. I really hope I can post a story like this soon. It's my appt at clinic on weds. I can't believe it I have such butterflies. Have a wonderful pregnancy, I hope you enjoy every single moment xxx
Name: Roxane
Age: 26
How long TTC: almost 4 yrs (1 loss on the way in 2009, blighted ovum)
Diagnosis or any known issues: low motility in sperm sample and low sperm count, IVF/ICSI
Treatments you tried before IVF: first treatment
How many IVF did you do before success: this is the first one
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): puregon from July 3 to July 10, trigger shot july 10
post-ER: progesteron caps 3x daily
How many follicles at ER: not sure, 12 I think
How many eggs retrieved: 11 (9 were mature)
How many eggs fertilized: 8
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2
How many days bed rest: i slept all day that day.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: tired, felt like my period was going to start any minute, constipation, sore bbs, bloated , emotional..
What day you got your BFP: at home, 8dp5dt beta: 13dp5dt
Number of first beta: 82.4
Number of babies: don't know yet.
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
I would like to know, does any of you had low beta like me? I'm 18dpo or 13dp5dt and had my first results today 82.4!! I go back thursday for the second beta!! I'm extremly worried!! [-o<
Name: Claire
Age: 33
How long TTC: 25 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: low ovarian reserve, low motility, morphology in sperm and low sperm count: IVF/ICSI needed
Treatments you tried before IVF: first treatment
How many IVF did you do before success: this is the first one
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Short Protocol, meanpur x 4 per day
How many follicles at ER: 7
How many eggs retrieved: 7 (4 were mature)
How many eggs fertilized: 2 (one perfect 8 cell embryo and one 4 cell embryo at day 3)
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 (8 cell perfect embryo)
How many days bed rest: I took 2 weeks off work from egg collection. After transfer I relaxed on sofa for 3 days then had a couple of leisurly mornings out (back to rest on afternoons)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: bloated, crampy felt exactly like period is coming
What day you got your BFP: tested first time at 15dp3dt at home then confirmed next day at hospital
Number of first beta: don't do Beta at my hospital
Number of babies: don't know
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: physically it is not bad as I thought. It is good to take the time off after egg collection as this is when I felt the most crampy, tired and sore. Egg collection is not as bad as you imagine (I was sedated and just woke up in recovery). Embryo transfer is the most amazing experience - you get to see the embryo and watch it go in on the scan! Period cramps do not always mean the cycle has failed - I was so convinced my period was round the corner. That you can believe in miracles!!!!

I am soooo happy to be posting here. After our news in March about my low ovarian reserve I truly thought I would never get a BFP with my own eggs. I persevered, I upped my acupuncture, increased my protein through eggs, lentils, beans and shakes (I am vegetarian), drank a range of herbal teas and had a daily shot of wheatgrass. I took omega supplements, Zita West Vitfem and royal jelly. I stayed as positive as I could and after the transfer I became the embryo whisperer - talking to my little bean, telling him about his family and what we will do when he is born, I even read him stories!! Crazy I know, but hey!

I know it is still early days and we have a long way to go - but I am just so thankful we have got this far. IVF can work!! :cloud9:

18/08/2012 - sadly this pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 5.5 weeks. I still believe in miracles and we are not ready to give up :nope:
Name: MsTX

Age: 25

How long TTC: 3 1/2 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: 2 ruptured ectopics, IVF only option

Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid, IUI

How many IVF did you do before success: 1st try success

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): BCP, Lupron, Bravelle, Menopur, Prometrium & Crinone

How many follicles at ER: 30+

How many eggs retrieved: 25 (14 mature)

How many eggs fertilized: 5

How many days between ER and ET: 5

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 5BB, 5CB & 3 frozen. Somehow all my babies made it!

How many days bed rest: 2 days strict bed rest, then taking it easy since then

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Intense cramping 2-4dpt then cramping on and off randomly, really hot, Sore boobs. Really nothing more than the progesterone and meds made me feel but I just knew it had worked

What day you got your BFP: 5dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes 4dp5dt evening it was -, then BFP the next morning and it just got darker every day

Number of first beta: 126 10dp5dt, 262 12dp5dt

Number of babies: 1 (9 weeks today with a heartbeat of 171)

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Not really, I did alot of research and was pretty well informed. This site helps ALOT. Nothing can really prepare you fully until you are going through it but overall it was what I expected. The last 3 days before egg collection I was extremely nauseaus. My estradiol levels got up to over 4000 so I think that is what caused it. It made it really tough because I was sick, uncomfortable and extremely bloated and sensitive. It was definitely worth the time and money. Its crazy it has already been so long. Hats off to the ladies who go through this many many times. Its very tough. Best of luck to everyone going through it now!!!
Ladies, thank you so much for this thread! I am two years into ttc #1 and no BFP! We just started Lupron today, cd21, and will be adding Menopur on day 3 of next cycle! I have been reading through your stories and they are so amazing!!! Loving all of the support and encouragement!
im 10 weeks today.. but i still just dont feel confident enough.. crazy right.. ill fill it all out in 2 weeks if all is well
You are not crazy, just cautious - it is a maternal thing. Congratulations on your pregancy - enjoy it as much as you can x
You are not crazy at all! I feel the same way, but I figured, whatever is goingt to happen will happen. Either way it worked so I figured I would go ahead and fill it out.
Drsquid- can totally understand. Can't wait to see you on here though:)
I LOVEEE this thread!! Thanks for all the great success stories ladies & congrats to all. I am currently day 2 of my lupron...and after today, only 5 more days of bcps....hope I can post my success story here end of next month!!!!!!! =) I have never gotten a BFP before and praying I do in Sept!
You are not crazy at all! I feel the same way, but I figured, whatever is goingt to happen will happen. Either way it worked so I figured I would go ahead and fill it out.

I haven't been on B&B for some time & last time I was on you were just starting your IVF cycle. Congrats on your :BFP: I'm just starting my 1st cycle of IVF hopefully I'll be as lucky as you were :)
I LOVEEE this thread!! Thanks for all the great success stories ladies & congrats to all. I am currently day 2 of my lupron...and after today, only 5 more days of bcps....hope I can post my success story here end of next month!!!!!!! =) I have never gotten a BFP before and praying I do in Sept!

Almosthere, I'm in the same boat as you :) I'm only on 5th day of BCP. I hope to get my first :BFP: next month too :)
Yay sunshine! Feel free to stalk my journal so you know about all the ivf fun you are about to approach! I have 5 pills left starting tomorrow!
You are not crazy at all! I feel the same way, but I figured, whatever is goingt to happen will happen. Either way it worked so I figured I would go ahead and fill it out.

I haven't been on B&B for some time & last time I was on you were just starting your IVF cycle. Congrats on your :BFP: I'm just starting my 1st cycle of IVF hopefully I'll be as lucky as you were :)

Thank you so much! It's been a long journey but well worth it :)

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