List your IVF Successes here

I had 4 visits, one each week while stiming then one before EC and one after ET. You can do it long before and up to OTD. I think the more you do it, the more it helps, but that's all I could afford at the time.

I was super relaxed while at the appts. I figure if it's worked for thousands of years, might as well give it a go! :)
I feel as this is premature maybe, I was going to wait until we saw a heartbeat, but since I saw a few BUMPS and ppl cycling, I thought I'll go ahead and post, hopefully this will remain a success of now i'm a ball of anxiety and nerves waiting for the first ultrasound, but here we go :)

Name: Sarah

Age: 30

How long TTC: 3 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: PCOS and DH has ASA's

Treatments you tried before IVF: 3 tries with clomid, 3 tries with IUI, laparoscopy

How many IVF did you do before success: 2 fresh 3rd cycle was to be fresh but they froze all due to fear of developing OHSS, 1 FET which worked

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): This FET baby aspirin, medrol, doxcycline, estradiol, progesterone supp, vivelle patches

How many follicles at ER: unsure

How many eggs retrieved: 21

How many eggs fertilized: 15 mature, 11 fertilized

How many days between ER and ET: few months, had 6 blasts make it to day 5 (previous 2 cycles only had 1 and 2) sent for genetic testing

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 (3AA and 3BB) First failed cycles had a day 6 hatching blast and second cycle 2 day 5 good quality blasts

How many days bed rest: day of transfer, and all of next day, laid on back or side, and only sat up to 45% angle at most

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Vomiting 2dp5dt and 5dp5dt but I think it was unrelated, after 5dp5dt i had NO symptoms except maybe aching legs and was SO sure AF was going to start

What day you got your BFP: 9dp5dt

HPT before blood test: NO!

Number of first beta: 627 9dp5dt

Number of babies: TWINS!!

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I was to the point where I thought I would never get pregnant, I could not even imagine it anymore or try to think positive because I was crushed so many times. I cried all the night before BETA, i cried at the clinic while beta was drawn, i cried till they called me at 445 to give me the good news. I was in complete SHOCK. It is still hard to believe now at 13dp5dt. Hopefully it sticks though, wont find out till 10/15 or 10/16.
Things I did different - the complete bedrest...i had NO caffeine or even chocolate for the last three months, i did accupuncture on the table for transfer before and after, i watched funny shows (modern family) the entire time on bedrest, even after bedrest i still was very chill and didnt walk around too much let DH pamper me, i wrote down positive thoughts even if I wasnt feeling them, i had valium on transfer day (btw this third try was at a diff clinic then the previous cycles)
I am so nervous to even post here now and would have waited but I wanted to give some ppl hope if possible, I stayed away from these boards for awhile as all my "cycle buddies" slowly became pregnant and i just figured I am the unlucky one. when i first joined i was full of hope each cycle and i lost that and was in a dark place just going through the movements...good luck to all of you!
Bepaisley - completely understand how you feel and your apprehension but CONGRATS!!! That is a fantastic beta number and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!!

Thank you for making me smile today!

Congrats Bepaisley! Big but gentle hug to you and pray that it all goes well in the next scan! Happy pregnancy to you!
bepaisley- that is crazy high beta. sounds like they both stuck (at least). congrats
After seeing her BETA i wa thinking the same thing drquids :) Congratulations Bepaisley xx
that is a high beta!! ladies I did get my BFP with IVF almost 2 weeks ago-still early days, so will post details later!!!!
that is a high beta!! ladies I did get my BFP with IVF almost 2 weeks ago-still early days, so will post details later!!!!
Almosthere, congrats on the BFP!!! Very happy for you. Keep going sticky bean! J x
Thanks guys, scared for it to be twins, but just so happy to finally have a BFP. Hope it sticks!! Will post again after I (hopefully) see the heartbeat!
thanks jules, look like we botha are due in may, although i am due may 30th, sooo it could be a june baby for me!!!
I will post after heartbeat next thursday as well bpaisly, good luck with your first scan!!
Be paisley I remember you from several of the threads and I know this has been a very hard battle for you! I am so happy to read about your BFP!!! Huge congratulations to you and your DH!
Hi all, I didn't ever think I would post in here however I finally am,

Name: Angela
Age: 30
How long TTC: 6yrs
Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained
Treatments you tried before IVF: clomid x 6, acupuncture
How many IVF did you do before success: success on second round ICSI
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Gonal F 150iu, cetrotide
How many follicles at ER: 18
How many eggs retrieved: 15
How many eggs fertilized: 9
How many days between ER and ET: 3 day transfer
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 embryos 8AA and 10AA
How many days bed rest: the week after collections and transfer
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: AF cramps thought it was BFN
What day you got your BFP: day 12 after transfer
HPT before blood test: No
Number of first beta: N/A
Number of babies: 2
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process! IVF is hard and I knew it was going to be hard never did I think it would be as hard as it was, talk about how u feel don't keep it to yourself and remember your not the only person to have one through this. The ladies on these threads are fab and have got me through really hard times.
I can't believe I forgot to come on here and update, better late than never right?!

Name: Carolyn

Age: 33

How long TTC: 2.5 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained until IVF and then poor egg quality after our first fresh cycle

Treatments you tried before IVF: 2 cycles unmonitored clomid w/timed intercourse, 1 cycle clomid w/ monitoring and timed intercourse, 2 cycles clomid + IUI and 2 cycles injectables + IUI and a laproscopy

How many IVF did you do before success: 1 Fresh ICSI, :bfp: on first FET

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): BCP, Gonal F 150 IU, Luveris 75 IU and Cetrotide, triggered with Ovidrel, prometrium & estrace after retrieval. FET cycle was estrace till lining was thick enough, then prometrium added 5 days before transfer.

How many follicles at ER: 12

How many eggs retrieved: 12

How many eggs fertilized: 11 with ICSI

How many days between ER and ET: 5 day transfer

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: Fresh cycle was 1 blast 2AA and one morula (not graded), FET cycle were 2 day 6 blastocysts one 4AA and one 3AA (4AA is our clinic's higest grading)

How many days bed rest: Fresh cycle - day of plus 2, FET cycle none! Relaxed on the couch, watched TV but did not restrict movement at all

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: ABSOLUTELY NONE!!!

What day you got your BFP: 9dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes!!

Number of first beta: 456

Number of babies: 1

What I wish I would have known .....

To take the IVF cycle one day at a time and not get hung up on numbers and comparison with others going through an IVF cycle at the same time. Also would have liked to have been more prepared for the devastation that a :bfn: can bring. I think we put all our hopes and dreams on the one cycle without being cautious with our emotions and being realistic in the fact that it may have taken more than one cycle. I also wish that we hadn't wasted so much time doing IUIs. I now tell anyone that if you do one or two and you don't get a positive result consider the cost and consider putting the money towards IVF where the success rates are much higher.
thanks jules, look like we botha are due in may, although i am due may 30th, sooo it could be a june baby for me!!!
Still technically a May baby until proven otherwise! If you're in the mood, come and join us here:

Congratulation DancingDiva :happydance: I cant remember whos journal it was we co stalked but im soo please you have got your BFP and in the twinny club too :) :) xxx
Name: Kayla
Age: 23
How long TTC: 1yr
Diagnosis or any known issues: me-perfectly healthy. dh-permanent gentetic defect in his scrotum preventing sperm from being able to travel fast enough and also created very low sperm count, about 2percent living mobile sperm...his infertility was found thanks to his urologist ordering him a scrotal ultrasound.
Treatments you tried before IVF: None, went right to IVF with ICSI
How many IVF did you do before success: 1st round of IVF with ICSI!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): long protocol? bcps for almost the full 3 weeks, lupron supression shots, follistim, pregnyl for trigger along with one last follistim dosage!
How many follicles at ER: unknown
How many eggs retrieved: 11
How many eggs fertilized: 8
How many days between ER and ET: 5 day transfer!!
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: a beautiful grade a hatching blastocyst =)
How many days bed rest: only was on bed rest for day of ER and day of ET...I would suggest having bed rest the day after ER as well if your job is physically demanding.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: gas from both ends, bloated-so much so that I could not button my pants, constipation, throw up burps...
What day you got your BFP: 12dpo
HPT before blood test: OH YES! 4 dollar store cheapies and 2 frer's! still want to POAS some more, especially FRER's! lol
Number of first beta: 238
Number of babies: most likely 1 unless my blasty split into identical twins!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process! IVF has great success rates for woman-so please do not be discouraged when you are given this option. IUI success rates are not as high as IVF-just appreciate science and your opportunity to get pregnant through IVF and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BELIEVE!!! Also, I would have liked to been told to make sure my FOLLISTIM PEN is with my follistim meds-my trigger shot got delayed a whole day and it was very emotionally heartbreaking for me. ALSO give plenty of time to prepare your trigger shot if it is your first time with IVF trigger-it is a new shot you take once in your cycle and it is different than the others. Goodluck to you ladies and your OH going through IVF I know your day will come one way or another!!! :hugs:

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