List your IVF Successes here

Name: Melissa
Age: 32
How long TTC: just over 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: DH - perfect swimers, above normal numbers. Me - Dx with stage 3 endo in March of this year.
Treatments you tried before ivf: Everything... Hsg, post coital, 9 cycles of clomid, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, 4 iuis with clomid and trigger.
How many IVF did you do before success: 1st round of IVF
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): I think it was long protocol, I started downregging with Lupron on day 21 the cycle before we stimmed. As soon as AF started I lowered my Lupron and added 4 Menopur vials nightly, after 7 days we decreased menopur to 3 vials for 2 days and then triggered with Ovidrel.
How many follicles at ER: 9
How many eggs retrieved: 3
How many eggs fertilized: 3
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: we transferred all 3 embryos which were between 6-8 cells at time of transfer, one was visibly more fragmented than the other two
How many days bed rest: I was told to stay in bed the day of ET and the next day, but by the third day I could move around more but take it easy. I ended up having ET on the Friday of Labor Day weekend so I literally laid on the couch for 4 days and had dh wait on me hand and foot! I took it easy for the two weeks leading up to beta.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: in the beginning I didn't notice anything different, I went in for my beta on a Thursday and the weekend leading up to that I had cramps, shortness of breath, achy legs / thighs and was extremely exhausted. I kept telling myself this was ALL due to the PIO!
What day you got your BFP: 13dp3dt
HPT before blood test: Noo!!
Number of first beta: 558
Number of babies: 2!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process! IVF wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be emotionally and physically! No one takes pleasure in getting injections daily, but if you can look at it like you are doing this for your future child I think it makes it easier. Keep the faith! This process does work!! Trust your doctor, the reason he is doing something is because he has seen the results! I had numerous instances where I second guessed my doctor and he was very patient with me and answered my questions! This process will teach you so much about yourself and your relationship! If you have to do projesterone injections post transfer, ask your doctor for lidocaine cream t numbe the area before the injection, its magic!!! you don't feel anything! Good luck!!
tlm - so happy for you and your twins!! Hoping I can add my story on here soon! :)
Okay, finally posting here, although I'm still nervous to. Hope I'm not jinxing anything.

Name: Maggie

Age: 34, hubs is 42

How long TTC: just over a year

Diagnosis or any known issues: DH - 1% morph, but good overall count, motility etc.

Treatments you tried before ivf: Two IUIs with clomid, one IUI on injectables (was supposed to be my first IVF cycle, but was converted to IUI because of lead follicles and a scattered growth pattern)

How many IVF did you do before success: 1st round of IVF

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): Antagonist protocol with estrogen priming - took estrace during luteal phase of the previous cycle and stopped on day one of IVF cycle. Stimmed with Gonal F/Follistim and low dose hCG. Had to increase my doses throughout the stimming phase because my follicles were slow growing and my right ovary was basically taking a nap - ended up on 450 gonal F and 30 units low dose hCG. Used ganirelix to prevent ovulation. Triggered with two ovidrel shots.

How many follicles at ER: 19 total follicles seen the day before ER

How many eggs retrieved: 12 retrieved (the others were too small), all 12 were mature

How many eggs fertilized: 11

How many days between ER and ET: 5-6 - we had to do a freeze all cycle because my embryos were "slow growers" and weren't ready on day 5 - they let them grow one more day to day 6 and then three blasts were frozen.

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: The plan was to transfer two embryos. FYI I only ended up with two normal embryos (we did PGD). However, one embryo did not survive the thaw, so we transferred our lone survivor, which was a 5BB embryo at the time it was frozen. By the time we transferred it, it was completely hatched. The embryo that did not survive the thaw was more highly rated, a 5BA embryo.

How many days bed rest: I stayed in bed for about 30 hours straight, only getting up to go to the bathroom. My mom came over to keep me company. I read a funny book and tried to "keep it light." After about 30 hours in bed, I got up to shower and pack a few things, and then DH and I went away for a long weekend. I didn't carry anything heavy, I just relaxed the whole time. We went to the beach, but I stayed in the shade the whole time and didn't swim. Just read and napped and relaxed. Went back to work about six days after transfer, and just tried to take it really easy.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I didn't feel anything at all the first two days after transfer. The third and fourth day after transfer I had some crampiness. Starting the fourth day after transfer, I also started having to pee more frequently. Around the 6th or 7th day after transfer, my boobs got markedly more heavy and sore. I also had an acute sense of smell but that started even before the transfer.

What day you got your BFP: 8dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes, BFP on CBE digi and on regular CBE (I didn't have any FRER on hand).

Number of first beta: 89

Number of babies: 1

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I would have wanted to know a) that this does work and b) not to get too caught up in the day to day rollercoaster of it all. I also would have wanted to know that it's a little trial and error and doesn't always work the first time (my first cycle got canceled/converted to IUI and this was devastating), but to hang in there and stick with it... And it's all worth it in the end. GL to everyone else out there going through this. And my biggest piece of advice is to seek a RE who has high success rates, even if this means changing doctors, or going somewhere further away. I changed clinics after my IUIs because I wanted to go someplace with the highest IVF success rates in my area. This is such a difficult process financially and emotionally - if you can go through it only once and have success, it's worth the added distance, expense, inconvenience etc. It breaks my heart to see people on their fourth or fifth round of IVF - so difficult. And do chromosomal screening if you can afford it and if you are pushing 35 or older... CCS testing boost success rates significantly. And do anything you can to stack the odds in your favor - supplements (CoQ10, DHEA if your RE recommends it), acupuncture, etc. Finally, look into participating in research studies - sometimes you can get IVF or chromosomal testing for free.
Name: Valerie

Age: 38

How long TTC: 2 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: ectopic in 2009, removed left fallopian tube.

Treatments you tried before ivf: Tried naturally after tube removal for one year.

How many IVF did you do before success: 1 fresh IVF resulted in 9W MMC, 3 FET (1st and 2nd were chemical, 3rd worked)

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): For my successful FET, Estogen, Lovenox, Progesterone, Vivelle, Baby Aspirin

How many follicles at ER:

How many eggs retrieved: 16 retrieved, 9 fertilized. We were down to our last 3 to transfer in our 3rd FET. Took a chance!

How many eggs fertilized: 9

How many days between ER and ET: 7DT

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: We transferred 2 each on the 1st IVF, 1st and 2nd FET, and 3 on the last FET. We started off with the best in the first IVF however that doesn't always mean it will be the best.

How many days bed rest: I stayed in bed for about a day and took it easy for the next 2 days.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I didn't feel anything at all the first two days after transfer. Around the 4th day, I started to spot and had cramps. I also got a pedicure done which I think the foot massage might have brought it on. Shouldn't have done that.

What day you got your BFP: 7dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes

Number of first beta: 75, but then it only doubled to 110. 2 days later it was 293 and kept doubling. :happydance:

Number of babies: 1

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I've posted on this board in the past only to have it result in a MC. Sometimes it doesn't always take in the first try but do not give up. It was an emotional rollercoaster but try to find a support system even if its these baby boards. I now have a beautiful 3 week old daugther and it was all worth it. If my other cycles worked, then she wouldn't be here today. :baby::happydance::flower:
Congrats Daisy and Calebaby!

Daisy your story gave me hope as I had to do a freeze all as well! Just going back next week for FET and hoping my story turns out like yours! :)
Hi ladies,
I am 35 and cosidering IVF as I have high FSH of 13.5 (my Doctor suggested this at my first appointment). Is this the only option for me or is there something else that could work? DH sperm test showed that everything was normal.Thanks.
Huge congrats Calebaby! I remember you from your 1st cycle. Huge congrats to you :hugs:
may- this is probably not a great thread for those questions, this one is more focussed on ivf related success and tends to be rather low scroll. there are great monthly IVF threads with lots of info and support. i would post a link to the current ones but i am a bit out of the loop these days and mostly only read the ones from when i was doing ivf over the summer. *hugs* and best of luck on your journey =)
Age: 32
How long TTC: 2yr
Diagnosis or any known issues: me-healthy. Husband- severe male infertility
Treatments you tried before IVF: None, went right to IVF with ICSI
How many IVF did you do before success: 1st round of IVF with ICSI!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): bcps for @ 3 weeks, follistim, menapur, OCG trigger shot
How many follicles at ER: ?
How many eggs retrieved: 17, 16 mature!!!!
How many eggs fertilized: 13
How many days between ER and ET: 5 day transfer
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: they didn't tell me. said it looked "good"
How many days bed rest: only was on bed rest for day of ER and day of ET.
What day you got your BFP: NEVER tested at home. Went in for a blood test.
HPT before blood test: No.
Number of first beta: 351
Number of babies: 2, although lost 1 at 7 weeks.

Beautiful healthy boy born at 8 lbs and 8 ounces at 39 weeks. Who said IVF babies are SMALL?!!?!?

Loving every minute of it and it is worth IVF 20 times over. Good luck to everyone!
Really hope i can join this thread soon :hugs: huge congrats to all u ladies :)
Bumping up this thread!!! It is very helpful and I love reading all of the success stories!!! Keep them coming girls!!! :thumbup:

Congrats to all of you ladies!!!
Hello ladies, what a fantastic thread. It has given me hope many many times and finally I have a success story!

Age: 39
How long TTC: 3yr
Diagnosis or any known issues: All good on both sides, I have low AMH but not off the scale it was 1.7
How many IVF did you do before success: Success on round 2
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Pill, Synarel, menapur, OCG trigger shot, Progesterone and blood thinning injections to help implantation
How many follicles at ER: 5
How many eggs retrieved: 1!!!!!
How many eggs fertilized: 1 :)
How many days between ER and ET: 2 day transfer
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: Just the one! 4 cell best grade how lucky were we with just one :)
How many days bed rest: None got straight back into normal life
What day you got your BFP: 10 days past embryo transfer (2 day embryo transfer)
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: not sure yet
Number of babies: 2, sadly lost at 15 weeks and 9 weeks

It just shows you it only takes one :) and i am blessed. A long way to go but finally 2 lines!!! good luck to you all and congrats to all you ladies who have had success xx

@Mindy, Congrats on your pregnancy!! H&H 9 months to you!!! :flower:
This thread was helpful for me, so I figured I finally better post here.

Name: s08
Age: 29
How long TTC: A little over 2 years / 27 cycles
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained
How many IVF did you do before success: Fresh cycle failed (chemical), success on first FET with our one frostie
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken):
Fresh cycle: BCP, Lupron, Menopur, Follistim, Doxycycline, Pregnyl trigger, progesterone suppositories
FET “natural” cycle: Doxycycline, Ovidrel trigger, progesterone suppositories
How many follicles at ER: unknown
How many eggs retrieved: 23
How many eggs fertilized: 16
How many days between ER and ET: 5 day fresh transfer; FET of our one frostie frozen on day 6
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: Transferred 1 early blast and 1 compacted morula for fresh cycle (chemical). For FET, we transferred 1 blast rated 3bb at freeze time and hatching at transfer time
How many days bed rest: Took it easy and worked from home day of transfer and next day
What day you got your BFP: 5 days after transfer
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: 231 at 9dpt
Number of babies: 1

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: FET’s can work! Our RE gave us only a 30% chance of success for our one frostie since it didn’t receive a very good rating on day 5. She suspected we may have egg quality issues since they retrieved lots of eggs, but they developed a little slowly. But here we are at nearly 15 weeks. We’ve had 5 ultrasounds so far and everything looks great!
Hey ladies, I have only just got my BFP from my first ICSI cycle - 11 days post 5 day transfer.

My clinic have booked me in for my first ultrasound in 4 weeks and I just wondered when everyone had their first one? I was expecting it to be in 2 or 3 weeks time. X
Hey ladies, I have only just got my BFP from my first ICSI cycle - 11 days post 5 day transfer.

My clinic have booked me in for my first ultrasound in 4 weeks and I just wondered when everyone had their first one? I was expecting it to be in 2 or 3 weeks time. X
Hi, I had mine when I was 5.5 weeks pregnant (so a week and a half from my OTD). They wanted to check that it was in the right place and that there was a heart beat. Not sure what the norm is in terms of when they do this x

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