Name: Kelly
Age:35 and DH is 46
How long TTC: 16 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: uterine polyp, one blocked tube, MFI
Treatments you tried before IVF: none
How many IVF did you do before success: First time lucky!
Protocol (meds taken): Microdose Lupron Protocol with Gonal F
How many follicles at ER: 14
How many eggs retrieved:6
How many eggs fertilized: 6 with ICSI, 3 made it to day 3
How many days between ER and ET:3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 3 transferred (9, 8, & 7 celled... my clinic doesn't grade quality)
How many days bed rest: 3 days strict, then another 3 laying around
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Felt just like AF was on the way.. crampy, tired, bloated, thought for sure it hadn't worked
What day you got your BFP: 14 dpo (11dp3dt)
HPT before blood test: yes, and was devastated on 13dpo when it was a BFN
Number of first beta: 96 at 16dpo (13dp3dt) then 243 48 hours later
Number of babies: One strong heartbeat at 8 weeks, 4 days
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
When you first get all your meds, it can be a little overwhelming, but the medications and needles really aren't the hard part. The most difficult part for me was the not knowing, the waiting to see how many eggs would be viable, and waiting the two weeks out. We also had a scare at our first scan because the baby was measuring small, so again, we had to wait 10 days to see how it was doing... the waiting is brutal!! But in the end, its amazing, and so worth the roller coaster, I promise.
Oh, and also, don't worry about the numbers. I only had 6 eggs, and my betas seemed low compared to others, but now that I'm pregnant with what (God willing) appears to be a healthy little peanut, the numbers mean nothing.
Sending love and prayers to all of you