I was waiting until we hit 12 weeks to post here. Had ultrasound yesterday and both of our babies looked adorable and perfect so I'm so glad I finally feel I can!!!
Name: Jess
Age: 32
How long TTC: 2 years really trying (3 years NTNP)
Diagnosis or any known issues: MFI due to testicular congenital abnormality (caused low count, mot and morph)
Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid x 3, femara x 9, IUI x 3
How many IVF did you do before success: Feeling very blessed to say just 1
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Long Lupron (BCP, Lupron, Menopur/Follistim)
How many follicles at ER: Unsure?
How many eggs retrieved: 11 (based on my estrogen we were expecting just 5). Of the 11, 8 were mature.
How many eggs fertilized: Using ICSI we ended up with 6 - all looked great until about day 4 when two arrested. We transferred the best 2, while the remaining 2 were definitely not looking as good. They arrested the following day so we ended up with no frosties. This was quite literally our one and only chance.
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 transferred, embryologist only gave us the numbers 3 and 4, not sure if it meant grade or how far advanced they were as blasts - we didn't want to know, or have further explanation and have that negatively affect our hope for them both.
How many days bed rest: Advised 1 but did 2 and the rest of the week I rested often and was very easy on myself (no heavy lifting, intercourse or strenuous exercising)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Excessive salivation started about
3dpt, about a week in I started craving and indulging in grilled steaks to a ridiculous degree, and toward the end I had extreme back pain and cramping
What day you got your BFP: 4dp5dt I had my first hpt positive (wondfo)
HPT before blood test: YES! Couldn't and wouldn't wait!!!
Number of first beta: 542 at 16(dpr)
Number of babies: THRILLED TO SAY *2*!!! Due January 2nd, 2015!!!!!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I had no idea I'd have to stim for additional days, which when paying out of pocket can sky rocket your original projected cost for meds. I also wish I would have known to check my vitamin D levels before starting because the process is exhausting enough, I found out later I was extremely deficient so I ended up feeling near death