List your IVF Successes here

Thank you so much for this thread!

Im starting my 3rd cycle soon and just LOVE reading these - it gives me so much hope :cloud9: xx
Name: Stacey
Age: 26
How long TTC: 3 months before dh diagnosis; 2 years 9 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: blocked tubes which were unblocked with hydro pressure in laparoscopy DF poor morphology poor motility and below average count .
Treatments you tried before IVF: none;
How many IVF did you do before success: so blessed first time lucky
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: nope
Protocol (meds taken): ; long protocol
How many follicles at ER: they said 9 at best
How many eggs retrieved: 18!.
How many eggs fertilized: 13 mature 5 fertilised with ICSI
How many days between ER and ET: 2
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:2 transferred on day two one A one AB
How many days bed rest: non I took it easy for a few days then resumed normal activity
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: bfps: slightly cramp at very small occasions nothing that jumped out except needing to pee more frequently which had continued
What day you got your bfp. 9dp2dt didn't trust it until 14dp2dt ha!
HPT before blood test:yes
Number of first beta: my first blood test was at 5 weeks 6 dats 4800
Number of babies: not sure yet! I'm presuming 1 with beta results but you never know!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
I thought that IVF would be much harder if heard so many stories and before the whole process began I was wired for stress and worry, everyone's experience are different a and just because it may not have been a happy ending for other doesn't mean that will be your journey. Before I began I felt doomed please prepare yourself by all means but you deserve the chance of hope too! Praying for a healthy baby! Thank goodness for IVF and all the very clever doctors that make it happen I'll be eternally greatful! Best of luck to everyone x
Just back from 20 week scan - so excited to post here finally!
Name: Ruth
Age: 38
How long TTC: 3 years 9 months with 1 mmc along the way
Diagnosis or any known issues: we were unexplained officially though I had a v high AMH but no other symptoms of PCOS
Treatments you tried before IVF: 2 rounds of ovulation induction with gonal f and timed intercourse
How many IVF did you do before success: 1 with zero fertilisation so second round was ICSI
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: nope
Protocol (meds taken): ; short protocol (gonal f, ganirilex, ovitrelle & cyclogest)
How many follicles at ER: 20 plus
How many eggs retrieved: 27
How many eggs fertilized: 25 mature 22 fertilised with ICSI
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:2 transferred on day 5 They were 5B. (we have 6 blast frosties too)
How many days bed rest: none though did take it easy for rest of day
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: slight cramps but nothing else, was convinced the day before it hadn't worked
What day you got your bfp. official test day 11dp5dt
HPT before blood test: only do HPT no blood test at hospital
Number of first beta: n/a
Number of babies: 2! One boy and one girl :)
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
the injectibles cycles seemed like a gentle first line of treatment but were a waste of time really as I knew I was ovulating. I think I thought I would get more than one egg but that wasn't what the doctors plan was. The cycle with zero fert was a real shocker, even though we only got 7 eggs. Doc said it was a 3% chance and they don't really know why it happens sometimes when everything looks healthy. Am so glad we tried again with ICSI as it obviously was our solution! Hope this encourages all you guys going through it - and especially the over 35s!!
Rurin - :happydance: So pleased for you hun - I remember you from the ivf thread :) xx
Name: Barb
Age: 33
How long TTC: 26 Months
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unknown at first, Hydrosapynx Tubes, Tubes removed
Treatments you tried before IVF: 5 IUIs
How many IVF did you do before success: 4th Round, Second Fresh Cycle
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Gonal-F, Orgalutron, Progesterone, Estrace
How many follicles at ER: Second fresh, 15
How many eggs retrieved:15
How many eggs fertilized:5
How many days between ER and ET: 3 Day
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 transferred, Grade 2
How many days bed rest: None
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: None
What day you got your BFP: 9dpo
HPT before blood test: YEs, lots!
Number of first beta: 751 @ 17dpo
Number of babies: 2
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
Hi lovely ladies, I'm current 3dp5dt and freaking out! I have some pink and brown colored progesterone cream when i wipe. This happened on my last cycle which turned into AF within a couple of days, didn't even get chance to test last time and now i'm so scared it's happening again!! Our embryo was pretty poor on the previous cycle, this time it's great but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Any ladies out there who bled and got a BFP? I've been dreading seeing anything even tinged with brown or pink and it's happening again :(
Its possible you have implantation bleed!
Also it's normal to spot with IVF.
Thanks girls, it's just because of what happened last time, makes it hard to believe! Everything crossed though xx
I had a chemical pregnancy prior to finally getting pregnant this April. I know what you mean. I was and continue to be on edge.
I have had lots of spotting which started at 7 weeks but all is well.
Anyhow, it's totally expected to see spotting after a transfer and especially if you had ER...there is bound to be some irritation. Just hang in there!!!
aw, thanks barbikins and congratulations!! Glad you're doing well.

The only thing I can cling onto is that last time, our quality was pretty poor and I'd say doomed to fail, where as this is a 4AA so i'm hoping that means something!! Hope is all you can do I s'pose! I just want to get to my first hurdle of 7dp5dt (and beyond, obviously!) as that's when it all went wrong before and then I may consider doing a test. How long did you wait till you tested, if you did?

Yes, I hope it's just irritation, and it was literally just mixed with old crinone gel, but I pray it's not the start of a bleed.

Thanks so much for your words of encouragment! xx
Congrats barbikins!!

And Kzee, I had spotting up until right after my beta test and here is he about to arrive! So keep your chin up! I also had two previous IVF losses right before my successful cycle so I totally understand your nerves! I thought I was totally out and didn't really even believe it when they gave me my beta results!
Fingers crossed for you Hun!
Thank you 1babydreamer, very kind of you! Congrats!!!

I just don't wanna get my hopes up and look back and think what a fool I was for believing, It's such a rollercoaster!!! Oh well, nothing I can do! x
aw, thanks barbikins and congratulations!! Glad you're doing well.

The only thing I can cling onto is that last time, our quality was pretty poor and I'd say doomed to fail, where as this is a 4AA so i'm hoping that means something!! Hope is all you can do I s'pose! I just want to get to my first hurdle of 7dp5dt (and beyond, obviously!) as that's when it all went wrong before and then I may consider doing a test. How long did you wait till you tested, if you did?

Yes, I hope it's just irritation, and it was literally just mixed with old crinone gel, but I pray it's not the start of a bleed.

Thanks so much for your words of encouragment! xx

I tested from the day of transfer on.. I am a poas addict though. My first hint of a bfp a squinter was 4dp5dt but I was PG with twins and had a higher HCG.
Thanks for the congrats :)

Well, you know all we have is to hold onto - hope. With out hope, you would have given up on the dream. Don't feel foolish. Just hang in there!!!
I was waiting until we hit 12 weeks to post here. Had ultrasound yesterday and both of our babies looked adorable and perfect so I'm so glad I finally feel I can!!!

Name: Jess
Age: 32
How long TTC: 2 years really trying (3 years NTNP)
Diagnosis or any known issues: MFI due to testicular congenital abnormality (caused low count, mot and morph)
Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid x 3, femara x 9, IUI x 3
How many IVF did you do before success: Feeling very blessed to say just 1
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Long Lupron (BCP, Lupron, Menopur/Follistim)
How many follicles at ER: Unsure?
How many eggs retrieved: 11 (based on my estrogen we were expecting just 5). Of the 11, 8 were mature.
How many eggs fertilized: Using ICSI we ended up with 6 - all looked great until about day 4 when two arrested. We transferred the best 2, while the remaining 2 were definitely not looking as good. They arrested the following day so we ended up with no frosties. This was quite literally our one and only chance.
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 transferred, embryologist only gave us the numbers 3 and 4, not sure if it meant grade or how far advanced they were as blasts - we didn't want to know, or have further explanation and have that negatively affect our hope for them both.
How many days bed rest: Advised 1 but did 2 and the rest of the week I rested often and was very easy on myself (no heavy lifting, intercourse or strenuous exercising)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Excessive salivation started about
3dpt, about a week in I started craving and indulging in grilled steaks to a ridiculous degree, and toward the end I had extreme back pain and cramping
What day you got your BFP: 4dp5dt I had my first hpt positive (wondfo)
HPT before blood test: YES! Couldn't and wouldn't wait!!!
Number of first beta: 542 at 16(dpr)
Number of babies: THRILLED TO SAY *2*!!! Due January 2nd, 2015!!!!!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I had no idea I'd have to stim for additional days, which when paying out of pocket can sky rocket your original projected cost for meds. I also wish I would have known to check my vitamin D levels before starting because the process is exhausting enough, I found out later I was extremely deficient so I ended up feeling near death :p

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