Long Term Trying To Conceive Vent Thread

Hi, this is my first time on here. I just needed a place to vent my fiance and i have been ttc for 5 years now. We are now in the process of iui but our insurance is just about to run out .i so overwhelm, its like we finally got to where we can start this process after 5 failed Clomid cycles. And now this happend, i just feel like im gonna shut down. Im feeling so down and depressed, i have to go saturday for a scan. After that everything would have to be out of pocket. We really dont gave the money for out of pocket treatments. we ended up doing domestic partnership last year so i can be in his insurance so we can see the doctor. Now to wait till January to start it all over again seems like a waste. Ugh i just dont know what to do or how to feel. I hate it .because i feel like everyone around me is having kids left and right . But not me, ive always wanted this, i always knew i wanted to be a mom.
Hi, this is my first time on here. I just needed a place to vent my fiance and i have been ttc for 5 years now. We are now in the process of iui but our insurance is just about to run out .i so overwhelm, its like we finally got to where we can start this process after 5 failed Clomid cycles. And now this happend, i just feel like im gonna shut down. Im feeling so down and depressed, i have to go saturday for a scan. After that everything would have to be out of pocket. We really dont gave the money for out of pocket treatments. we ended up doing domestic partnership last year so i can be in his insurance so we can see the doctor. Now to wait till January to start it all over again seems like a waste. Ugh i just dont know what to do or how to feel. I hate it .because i feel like everyone around me is having kids left and right . But not me, ive always wanted this, i always knew i wanted to be a mom.
Hi, this is my first time on here. I just needed a place to vent my fiance and i have been ttc for 5 years now. We are now in the process of iui but our insurance is just about to run out .i so overwhelm, its like we finally got to where we can start this process after 5 failed Clomid cycles. And now this happend, i just feel like im gonna shut down. Im feeling so down and depressed, i have to go saturday for a scan. After that everything would have to be out of pocket. We really dont gave the money for out of pocket treatments. we ended up doing domestic partnership last year so i can be in his insurance so we can see the doctor. Now to wait till January to start it all over again seems like a waste. Ugh i just dont know what to do or how to feel. I hate it .because i feel like everyone around me is having kids left and right . But not me, ive always wanted this, i always knew i wanted to be a mom.

Hi hunnybunny, I know how you feel and it is really rough. Ask your doctor about trying Femara, if it's possible. We tried for 9yrs and although I always ovulated on Clomid, it never made a BFP. My new insurance doesn't cover anything but meds, so I completely understand. We stopped going for treatment two years ago because I had to have my right tube removed and it was very expensive. But my RE said she believes it was the reason we couldn't conceive. Well we started treatment up again in April, and used Femara for the first time. We only made one follie on each side, so we went ahead with getting the trigger shot and IUI. I didn't know if I was worth it because it cost so much and only the possibility of trying with the one tube. Turns out it definitely was.
Keep trying don't give up, I know it's hard with cost, but it's worth your baby in the end. :hugs: I pray you get BFP soon :dust:
whoever designed the NHS needs firing right this second... ive NEVER been so annoyed in my whole life:

for some ridiculous reason known only to the hospital they do anti-natal scans IN the infertility clinic (which treats women with infertility and for women undergoing miscarriages) instead of in the perfectly capable ultrasound department

well went for my appointment today and already quite uncomfortable as it was quite busy so sat down in a spare seat and then I hear it, a heavily 25 week pregnant women (yes I know because she announced this fact) sat loudly talk and pointing at each woman

'wheres her belly and wheres that ones baby bump... I dont even see why these women are here - non of them even look pregnant, even at 6 weeks I had obvious big boobs like Jordan... remember when I was pregnant with *instert multiple previous children names* these women look like they are faking it'

she then spotted the board that listed what doctors/nurses are working and as well as the 3 consulting infertility doctors (each of which has a nurse to assist) there are then 4 specialist nurses:

* anti-natal (for pregnancy scan reviews)
* gynocology
* smears
* colonoscopy

the women then starts pointing at people again, laughing and loudly saying:

'I bet shes come in for a camera up her bum and her, that why she doesn't have a bump'

I mean how fucking dare us INFERTILE women have the audacity to show our faces in the INFERTILITY clinic... the scan department in the other side of the god damn ward, why was she even sat with us 'bumpless and boobless freaks'

its never taken so much power not to slap someone before, I mean even if she was ignorant to the fact that people are infertile her entire behavior was out of line, I mean who the fuck acts like that

this is following last time when the same infertility clinic had a damn 'elective abortions' banner hanging up ffs


then on a different note and to add extra insult... im being discharged as im 'unexplained infertility' and cant afford IVF to which the nurse said while signing the forms

'well now you know there's nothing wrong you can just relax and then it'll just happen'

wtf... that was said by an actual trained specialist nurse in infertility
whoever designed the NHS needs firing right this second... ive NEVER been so annoyed in my whole life:

for some ridiculous reason known only to the hospital they do anti-natal scans IN the infertility clinic (which treats women with infertility and for women undergoing miscarriages) instead of in the perfectly capable ultrasound department

well went for my appointment today and already quite uncomfortable as it was quite busy so sat down in a spare seat and then I hear it, a heavily 25 week pregnant women (yes I know because she announced this fact) sat loudly talk and pointing at each woman

'wheres her belly and wheres that ones baby bump... I dont even see why these women are here - non of them even look pregnant, even at 6 weeks I had obvious big boobs like Jordan... remember when I was pregnant with *instert multiple previous children names* these women look like they are faking it'

she then spotted the board that listed what doctors/nurses are working and as well as the 3 consulting infertility doctors (each of which has a nurse to assist) there are then 4 specialist nurses:

* anti-natal (for pregnancy scan reviews)
* gynocology
* smears
* colonoscopy

the women then starts pointing at people again, laughing and loudly saying:

'I bet shes come in for a camera up her bum and her, that why she doesn't have a bump'

I mean how fucking dare us INFERTILE women have the audacity to show our faces in the INFERTILITY clinic... the scan department in the other side of the god damn ward, why was she even sat with us 'bumpless and boobless freaks'

its never taken so much power not to slap someone before, I mean even if she was ignorant to the fact that people are infertile her entire behavior was out of line, I mean who the fuck acts like that

this is following last time when the same infertility clinic had a damn 'elective abortions' banner hanging up ffs


then on a different note and to add extra insult... im being discharged as im 'unexplained infertility' and cant afford IVF to which the nurse said while signing the forms

'well now you know there's nothing wrong you can just relax and then it'll just happen'

wtf... that was said by an actual trained specialist nurse in infertility

So sorry you having such a ugly day! How can a trained nurse say that?? Have you considered trying iui? Its not as expensive as ivf! I was also lttc #2, almost 3 years and my second iui worked! Just a thought! I hope you get your bfp soon!
whoever designed the NHS needs firing right this second... ive NEVER been so annoyed in my whole life:

for some ridiculous reason known only to the hospital they do anti-natal scans IN the infertility clinic (which treats women with infertility and for women undergoing miscarriages) instead of in the perfectly capable ultrasound department

well went for my appointment today and already quite uncomfortable as it was quite busy so sat down in a spare seat and then I hear it, a heavily 25 week pregnant women (yes I know because she announced this fact) sat loudly talk and pointing at each woman

'wheres her belly and wheres that ones baby bump... I dont even see why these women are here - non of them even look pregnant, even at 6 weeks I had obvious big boobs like Jordan... remember when I was pregnant with *instert multiple previous children names* these women look like they are faking it'

she then spotted the board that listed what doctors/nurses are working and as well as the 3 consulting infertility doctors (each of which has a nurse to assist) there are then 4 specialist nurses:

* anti-natal (for pregnancy scan reviews)
* gynocology
* smears
* colonoscopy

the women then starts pointing at people again, laughing and loudly saying:

'I bet shes come in for a camera up her bum and her, that why she doesn't have a bump'

I mean how fucking dare us INFERTILE women have the audacity to show our faces in the INFERTILITY clinic... the scan department in the other side of the god damn ward, why was she even sat with us 'bumpless and boobless freaks'

its never taken so much power not to slap someone before, I mean even if she was ignorant to the fact that people are infertile her entire behavior was out of line, I mean who the fuck acts like that

this is following last time when the same infertility clinic had a damn 'elective abortions' banner hanging up ffs


then on a different note and to add extra insult... im being discharged as im 'unexplained infertility' and cant afford IVF to which the nurse said while signing the forms

'well now you know there's nothing wrong you can just relax and then it'll just happen'

wtf... that was said by an actual trained specialist nurse in infertility

So sorry you having such a ugly day! How can a trained nurse say that?? Have you considered trying iui? Its not as expensive as ivf! I was also lttc #2, almost 3 years and my second iui worked! Just a thought! I hope you get your bfp soon!

Wooooooow... I'm usually very non-confrontational, but I have no doubt I would have lost my sh** if I'd heard anyone talking the way that ignorant chick did. Also, I'd have to give that nurse a reality check so she wouldn't say the same stupid thing to another patient later.

DH an I are currently debating on starting Clomid + IUI. We just got a bunch of tests back and are still unexplained, but we haven't tried any treatments at yet. Thank you for giving me hope! We also can't afford IVF, but IUI (with insurance covering meds) is doable.
Complain to pals people suffering from infertility should not have to attend the same clinic as pregnant people or the elective abortion clinic. I would be sending a very strongly worded letter setting out exactly out insensitive it is and the same for what the nurse said. I'm sure she thought she was helping but it needs to be made clear to professionals that it doesn't help.
For one, unexplained infertility does NOT mean "nothing is wrong." I also have an unrelated diagnosis that is also "unexplained," but all it means is they don't know why. That nurse was unprofessional, and you should definitely let the clinic know. It's not okay to invalidate someone's feelings like that.

Second, I don't think I would have been able to hold my tongue around that woman. What a bitch.
For one, unexplained infertility does NOT mean "nothing is wrong." I also have an unrelated diagnosis that is also "unexplained," but all it means is they don't know why. That nurse was unprofessional, and you should definitely let the clinic know. It's not okay to invalidate someone's feelings like that.

Second, I don't think I would have been able to hold my tongue around that woman. What a bitch.

Agreed, there's nothing I can add except that it's so not fair to make IF sufferers have to go to the same clinic as pregnancy check ups. Docs should have separate days for them. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday for pregnant women and Thursday/Friday for IF or something to that effect.
Just heard that a woman where I work is pregnant. Felt a sudden wave of sadness.
When I was doing IVF two years ago, the fertility clinic was right beside the maternity building. I think years before that you has to go into the maternity building to get to the clinic but it had all be done up before I started treatment. Anyway, when we had our appointments we often seen a pregnant women standing outside the door of the FC.....smoking! That drove me crazy. Felt like telling them off or tell them to go back to the entrance of the maternity building and do that and not outside the clinic that deals with women who so disparently want to have a baby and not kill it with filling it with smoke!!!
Unbelievable. I called my doctor today to ask for a referral to the local fertility clinic and got told that 1) I didn't need a referral and 2) that my doctor wanted to keep me on Clomid for 6 months before doing an HSG. Excuse me?!?! In our last appointment, you told me ONE MORE MONTH and then we'd do an HSG. To boot, the nurse treated me like I was an idiot, and said, "well, it's not uncommon to misunderstand what the doctor said." F@#% you. My husband is turning 32 tomorrow, we don't have time to play your ridiculous games. I flat out told her that part of the reason we're going to this fertility clinic is that I'm tired of the major communication problems this doctor has.
when I went to the hospital the nurse giving our consultation as to why we have problems and all the tests we needed was pregnant....
I'm only popping in here because I surfed this board when we were told we couldnt have anymore children, but have you ladies tried Soy Isoflavones (I'm sure you have!!!)

We were told April 2013 that our daughter born 2012 was a sheer miracle, and that the likelihood of us conceiving even WITH help, would be about 5%. Tried Soy for a few cycles and now expecting baby 2 in August

I'm sorry if I've intruded, I just wanted to ask x
when I went to the hospital the nurse giving our consultation as to why we have problems and all the tests we needed was pregnant....

You just never know she might have been using the services of the clinic. One of the 3 nurses at the clinic I've been attending has 2 IUI babies conceived at the clinic. So knows exactly how couples are feeling but her tails also give hope.

But yes it's a bit of a slap in the face.
I'm only popping in here because I surfed this board when we were told we couldnt have anymore children, but have you ladies tried Soy Isoflavones (I'm sure you have!!!)

We were told April 2014 that our daughter born 2012 was a sheer miracle, and that the likelihood of us conceiving even WITH help, would be about 5%. Tried Soy for a few cycles and now expecting baby 2 in August

I'm sorry if I've intruded, I just wanted to ask x

This might be a better post for the LTTTC Success Stories forum rather than the Vent Thread. I haven't taken offence but some others might.
For the record I tried soy and the only thing it gave me was midcycle bleeding.

Edit you were told in April 2014 - about 8 weeks ago that your chances of conceiving are 5%, so you try soy and are due in August 2014 which is 13 weeks away that equals a pregnancy of a maximum of 21 weeks ????
Seriously Momtastic!

In all the time that I've been a member of Baby and Bump I've never received a single email. Then out of the blue I get an email today with the title "The craziest things people say to you when you're pregnant."

Don't they check people's profile status as to whether a member is TTC or pregnant?

You should've known better guys.
Seriously Momtastic!

In all the time that I've been a member of Baby and Bump I've never received a single email. Then out of the blue I get an email today with the title "The craziest things people say to you when you're pregnant."

Don't they check people's profile status as to whether a member is TTC or pregnant?

You should've known better guys.

I completely agree. I was absolutely floored when I got that email today, and kind of pissed.

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