Hi all! .. I need to write how i'm feeling, i'm in tears as I write this!, I just don't no what todo anymore, as you can see from my siggy I've been trying for a long time!(4 years in total first 6 month were NTNP though... I always new I wanted to be a mum at a young age, just had to find the one and I have, the love of my life, my rock infact ) ... I've just took a clomid break as it just made me feel like a lunatic, and I wasn't being monitored, every single month I get a positive opk, and do what I can to catch the egg, BUT there is no egg, bloods confirmed this to me yesterday!, it felt like my whole world come crashing down... and I keep thinking what if I could never have children?, I thought ttc would be easy, as i'm still fairly young, but how wrong was i????

I have another appointment with the doctor friday, which I no i'm not emotionally ready for, I no i'm gunna fall apart.. I no there is help out there, but i'm fearing the worst , I just feel like a failure, i've recently stopped speaking to a long term friend, because all she have done is rub her pregnancy in my face, which took her only three months to achieve, she no's how long I've been trying, and how truely hard this journey has been for me, i've broken down SO many times to her, but she still continues to ask me to arrange her baby shower!,(which I never went to because I couldn't face it, never mind organising it!!) I also get the week by week pics of her perfectly growing bump,oh and the 3D scans and recording of her baby's beating heart!.. she's actually due in 3 weeks and i'm dreading the pics!, ... I was really happy for her ,but its the constant reminder that I ain't gunna have what she has got anytime soon! It hurts FFS!

back the f**K off!,..I thought she would understand being a friend for so long, (18years) and listening to me break my heart each failed month! ....I ain't the only one who see's what she is doing either,.. I guess I will just have to see what the next steps are, and pray that one day I will get to watch MY belly grow, and have a beautiful rainbow to hold at the end of all this heartache,... thanks for reading/listening, I needed to vent xx