Dear SIL, I am sensitive about having PCOS, which should be fairly obvious. I don't think it was funny when you joked about it, and yes I did take offense at it, even though you said you weren't trying to make fun of me.
Dear DH, you say that you also want a baby, but then when I tell you that we need to BD, you tell me that you're not in the mood. Fair enough so I ask you if we can do the softcup method, but no you'd rather it happen naturally/you don't want to do things on a schedule. How exactly do you think this is going to happen if we don't BD during my fertile period? Especially since 1)I have PCOS and 2)you have count and motility issues. Yes, we do have to do things on certain days, or nothing is going to happen. Work with me, or let me know that you don't want this so I can quit getting my hopes up month after month.
We have been trying for a little over two years, and the majority of the time our timing was not ideal. I'm not sure how much of our fertility issues are fertility issues, timing issues, or all of the above.
Dear self, stop window shopping for baby stuff. There will always be cute baby stuff available, no need to make yourself sad by looking for things you don't need yet.
This isn't even about me but I keep thinking about it. I had coffee with a couple of women from our local infertility support group and one of them said that she visited her best friend 4days after she'd given birth, bringing presents etc. She was having a cuddle with the baby when he friend asked her when she was going to have one. She told her best friend about her struggle and he stood up, took the baby from her and asked her to leave. They haven't spoken since and the child is now 7. She unsurprisingly hasn't told anyone else that they're suffering from infertility.
I can't imagine how heart breaking that must've been for her.
That is just cruel, people are so mean sometimes.