Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Katrus I was told to expect to stim for 8 to 12 days so you have only done 8 days of injections, today being day 9 so you have a few more days. Just hope that your lining issues resolve.

As I said earlier you should ask them about doing the retrieval and freezing at blast and doing an FET next month where they can follow your lining and maybe control it better with estrogen and progesterone as you prep for transfer. It is worth talking to your RE about tomorrow.

Hang in there - we will have the PMA for you :):hugs:
Katrus - hang in there and keep us posted on what happens.

I'm in a waiting period I should hear tomorrow when I start my Gonal F - I had a trip planned for Easter so they had me start the pill for a few days so that I could be out of state for 4 days so I'm waiting to hear back on my process now.

Good luck to all of you ladies!
Katrus - so sorry you are feeling like this. I really hope your lining stops growing and you get more follys ((hugs))

I've just phoned my clinic as the spotting didn't really materialise - they said I shouldve taken the tablets for 7 days!! I feel really stupid now, but the nurse did tell me 5 when I called to check, but it does say 7 on my form.

So basically, if I don't get AF then my schedule will have to be put back :( I'm really worried now as I had it all booked with work to have holiday and now how will I get round changing things? Its so hard to keep this a secret!!

She did say AF sounds like its on its way, but I don't feel as crampy as I did Sun night when it started :( so I have a week to bleed, and if not ill have to cancel my baseline scan. Bugger bugger bugger!!!
She should turn up, Ratma girl - we spend all these years desperately hoping she won't show - now we need her to! Come on, Aunt Flo! x
Ooooh, come, af, come! This is the only time you really wish it came already. I will say a pray for you so af would come already.
Thanks for the AF vibes girls - so soooo true, when you flipping well want her to turn up she doesn't!!! Grrrr

I feel a bit teary and upset about it all and am blaming myself for messing up but I keep remembering that the schedule isn't set in stone and is subject to change. I don't do change very well - I'm a control freak!! :lol xxxx
Ratma - I'm praying she shows up in full force and that you're able to start this cycle! Don't blame yourself - you checked with the nurse and she said to you 5 days, its partly her fault for not giving you the accurate information. :hugs:

Katrus - I have everything crossed for you. Do you have a scan & bloodwork today too?
Yep, I am sitting at the clinic right now waiting for u/s and than b/w. I am going to as for u/s print out so I don't have to wait til 3pm. Yesterday, I was going insane at work waiting for results! Thanks for all the support, ladies!
I get my u/s results right away in the morning when I see the nurse after my u/s and b/w. Then they call me in the afternoon with my results of my b/w and to confirm the medication for that night etc.

Good Luck! Fingers crossed they see what they are looking for today and hoping you can trigger tonight!!!
Hi girls. They never give me u/s results in the morning, so today i got smarter and asked for them myself. It feels much much better to have them rather than wait all day. So here we go:

CD11, day 10 of stimming, done 9 injections
Right ovary: 25.4, 17.8, 13, 11.8
Left ovary: 20, 19.8, 15.5, 12.6, 12.2, 11.5
Total - 10 follies
Lining: 17.8mm (!)
E2 = 914

Symptoms: a little cramping + slight difficulty breathing

Not sure if they tell me to trigger tonight, still waiting for a phone call. Lining thickness is really scaring me, although u/s tech said it was grade 5 line and looking good. Will it go down a little in the next couple of days?..
Hang in there Katrus - I hope you get the call for the trigger shot which would be great news.

I talked to the nurse today and I'm to stay on the pill until I go in on the 17th now and then if all looks good I will go from there. So a bit of a delay due to some miscommunication but it's okay, at this point 2 weeks won't kill me to wait to start again.
Thank you, Rozzi. At this point, I am so tired of stressing that I kinda mentally am starting to let go and let it be. So excited for all of you though who are starting soon!

Springy, you are starting in two days, right? yey!
Thanks for the AF vibes girls - so soooo true, when you flipping well want her to turn up she doesn't!!! Grrrr

I feel a bit teary and upset about it all and am blaming myself for messing up but I keep remembering that the schedule isn't set in stone and is subject to change. I don't do change very well - I'm a control freak!! :lol xxxx

Give it up now! If there's one thing IVF taught me, it's that you have absolutely no control over anything!!! Just relax, go whichever way the wind blows and keep your fingers tightly crossed x
Katrus - here's hoping you've had that phone call already x
Katrus - have everything crossed for you that you get to do the trigger on time. That is a thick lining - but if they arent worried - you shouldnt be either (easier said that done!!) :hugs:

Wishing - your follies sound like making good progress to me. How many eggs you aiming for. With our AMH, I figured 6-8 would be a good number - yo ulook on track for that! I have everything crossed for you as well!!

Ratma - come on :witch: A week is a long time though - I am sure it will arrive. Grrr our bodies just dont co-operate.

I have my baseline scan tomorrow at 9am. Getting excited!!!!
Katrus I agree with mrsmax - if they are not telling you there is an issue with the lining go with it is fine for transfer. Only worry when they are telling you things that might lead you to believe they think it is a problem.

AFM - baseline is on Thursday so yep - 2 days from now! I signed all my consents and we paid yesterday and had our needle teaching and I was sent home with all my needles and syringes! Pick up the first set of my drugs on Thursday morning - probably enough to get me through the first 3 or 4 days and then I'll get more when I'm back at the clinic next week.

Anyone else having trouble sleeping b/c of the thoughts of IVF?? I have no issue getting to sleep at night but I am constantly waking up and then my mind wanders to IVF stuff and then I can't fall back asleep it is SUPER irritating!
Springy - good luck with baseline on Thursday, very exciting and just nice to get going again and feel like you are making progress. I did feel like I was waking up a lot during my last cycle with constant thoughts but this time starting the acupuncture seems to be helping with my sleep which is great.
Good luck with your scans MrsM and Springy. And sending pos vibes to you Katrus and wishing.

Thanks Reb - you're right! I need to let go.

I'm with Rozzi springy - I'm waking up a lot too. I haven't had a decent nights sleep since I started d/regging, due to being too hot and having mental dreams!!

I'm going to wait until Fri and then call the clinic to ask what I need to do if AF doesn't materialise as I'm unlikely to have one by myself :(

Take care girlies - I'm off to bed in a mo. Hope you get that call soon Katrus, ill be thinking of you xxxx
Thank you guys, for all the positive words of support!
I am quickly dropping in to say today is the trigger and I am about to go to the clinic. Yesterday they did call, and I also got a call from the embryologist upon my request, and they answered all my questions which was such a relief!

Ratma, hang in there, sweety, I know it's tough... Def call the clinic so they advice you on what to do.

Springy, one more day, yey!

Mrmax, let us know how your baseline went! What is your antral follie count?

Reb, how is your folliculitis infection? Did it clear up? How is your stimming going?

Wishing, my EC is also on Friday, so we are exactly in sync, how exciting! How are your follies? Did those 10mm ones catch up?
Yay!!! So glad to hear that the clinic put your concerns at ease and that you're going for your ER tomorrow :happydance:

How is everyone else doing?

I'm just waiting for AF to show up - although I'm pretty sure she will come today, I'm super bloated and feel really gross which is generally how I am the day she comes .... so baseline tomorrow - regardless of AF or not. Starting to get more nervous / stressed about the injections and timing etc. Just want to fast forward through all of this to beta day when I WILL GET MY BFP!!!!
Katrus - great news. Good luck for you and Wishing for Friday - here's hoping all goes well.
Springy - hope the old witch arrives quickly!
AFM- scan seemed fine, lots of follies, albeit a bit small; another scan Friday x

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