Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

No Reb i DR for 16 days and only have to go back on the 26th for my scan to then Start stimming on the 27th.

I discovered some little bruises this morning :( xx
Reb thank goodness.... bet thats a huge relief. Xx
Looking forward to hearing the report on your embies. X

Katrus the cabin in the woods movie is okay, a little weird, will leave you to judge. Is battleship on thats meant to be pretty good. X

Well its beautiful sunshine here but freezing cold, trying to persuade myself to go for a lovely long walk along the beach but right now my bed is very comfy. Back at work tomorrow and tnbe countdown to the end of the week begins. Xx

Mrs max how you getting on. X
Good luck with the report on your embys Reb xxxx. Oh, am am glad you are now less bunged up LOL

Hope you enjoy the movie Katrus - saw the trailor and thought it looked good!

Hope everyones doing well?

I'm fine - no news really, defo feel some movement in the ovary dept. 4 more injections till my next scan!! Xxxxx
:wave: Hi guys - sorry been MIA. Everything has been so busy - have had time to read your posts but not time to post myself. Trying to fit in scans and counting day the last few days at work has been crazy busy!!!

Anyways, second scan wnet well. I dont have the actual numbers - but they did a full bladder belly scan to see my hidden ovary and found 3 more good ones that had been hiding. They said I also have a cluster of follies that may come up in time for EC. So, I guess I have 10 good ones and a 6 smaller ones :shrug: They were very pleased though and I feel like I am on track for a some eggies!!

I am beginiing to get some pains in th ovaries today. Trigger shot tonight at 9.30pm. Have set alarms so I dont forget!!

So - Wishing - good luck with the next week. Have everything crossed for you. reb - masses of luck for your embie report. Lisa - I bruise easily too - my accupunturist and nurses have all commented on my belly - it is black and blue and yellow!!!

Last day off work tomorrow - but least I get to work from home.

Happy Sunday everyone :dust:
Hi Mrs Max:hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi: wondered where you were. Thats great your at your trigger shot... its all happening now. xx Im glad to be getting back to work, each day gets harder and harder to get through.. this waiting is torture. xxx

Keep us posted. x
Lisa - that's a long time, poor you!
Mrsmax - great news! Yey for the trigger tonight! I set about 4 different alarms!
Wishing, Katrus - I don't envy your wait - it will be mine from Tuesday.

Guess what?! All my embies have made it so far. We have 2 8 cell grade 1's; 2 7 cell grade 1's; 1 7 cell grade 2 and one little 5 cell...Not bad for an old gal! ET Tuesday x
Reb - that is awesome!!!!!! Keeping everything crossed :hugs:
Awesome news Reb!

So I think MrsMax is up next ... then me for EC

I had another scan today I have 9 that are between 1.3 and 1.5 and then another 6 or 7 that are 1.0 - 1.2. They told me today to expect to go till at least Thursday, maybe Friday so I'm on track for another 3 or 4 days of stims UGHHHH its getting old and I'm kinda sick of injecting myself but c'est la vie!

Can't wait for us to get to the BFPs!!!!

Katrus how was the movie last night? I enjoyed The Muppets ... not sure what I will watch today. I am going to join NetFlick - do they have that in the UK ladies?

Oh and as for the bowel issues ... my cup of coffee a day is what keeps me regular ... guess I'll switch to decaf after transfer but hopefully that keeps me regular! I'm impressed you went for a run! No way I'm doing any of that right now, well I can't while stimming and I don't seem myself doing it after retrieval but before transfer :haha:
Yh we have netflixks here but its not as good as yours xx
Netflix are doing a free month trial at the moment - so signing up to keep me occupied diring the TWW! :)

Springy - sorry to hear yous is dragging on a bit. Least your clinic are looking after your best interests - I think mind were planning on doing EC pretty much regardless of what they found! What are the measurements in Canada - here we do mm...?
Eggcellent news Reb and MM!!!!

Hope you stay on track Springy it must be so frustrating waiting some more.
Reb thats fantastic news... Tuesday here you come then you can come join the tww club. By tuesday I am really going to have to have some pretty good will power to get me to Saturday. Especially when i dont start work till 10.45 and will be sitting around all morning trying not to poas. LOL I think i can do it though really dont want to have to go to work when i get my result. xx
Ya we have a 1 month free trial too thats why I'm going to sign up :) I want to watch funny tv shows and movies after my transfer. They say laughing can help - probably a bit of BS but hey it can't hurt right?!

We use cm here so you may be hearing yours measured in 10mm where mine is 1.0 same difference ;)
wishing are you going to test before the beta? I'm going to test the day before or the day of .... I don't want the results to just come from some random person on the phone while I'm at work!
So today is day 4 after transfer, and again, it took me some strength not to poas. I suspect it will be like that every day. In normal TWW tomorrow will be 10 dpo and I have always tested at least from 10 dpo. Not tomorrow though this time :( I want to drag myself to at least Tuesday! Gonna need some serious distractions.
The cabin in the woods was way more funny than scary, it was weird in a way, but I liked it.
Springy, annoyingly we dont get betas in the uk, or at least my clinic doesnt either. We just poas at home and phone them with the results. x

I am a bit worried about something and hopefully you can all put my mind at rest but when i had my 21 day progesterone results done they were 30 and I thought that was a bit low. I know i have the crinone gel (progesterone) to take up to test day but then you just stop and i am studpidly worrying myself that my normal levels are not high enough and when i stop the pesseries there will not be enough in my system.

Any thoughts?

Katrus.... I too will need some immense will power... the only thing in my favour is that the tests i ordered have not yet arrived but if they arrive tomorrow tue morning is going to be tough. Im am almost thinking of going in to work early so that I dont test but then I still have to work till 7pm so thats an awfully long day.
Hi Wishing - sorry I'm not going to be able to help you at all ... I have never had day 21 progesterone tests done. I'm surprised they are actually doing that with an IVF cycle as there is no reason to check if you have ovulated or not as they artificially remove the eggs. But your clinic must know what they are doing, they are the experts after all!

When do yo they tell you to POAS? It amazes me how different some of the UK practices are to the US and Canada ... our clinics strictly say "No POAS before Beta!" Nobody ever listens to that though :)
Reb you are absolutely hilarious!! Not cracked out the prune juice but good old fashioned mustard seed tablets after every meal..... Limited success - I am resigned to the weight gain and bloat until the wait is over then I will deal with it. I gst the impression you are a,so no sap ring chicken - I am 42 and dealing with geriatric embies but conceived at 38 on first try with ivf ...where in London are you ? Lived in London for 7 years and in Dubai now.
Hi springy. Progesterone testing is the latest apparently being done as they have found that if it is a little high it might be an indicator of a short luteal phase I.e not giving the embies enough time to nestle in. This was new to me as I was delayed to have the embies put back from a fresh cycle to then regulate this for a fet the following month. Who knows . My doc says he has had some success with this approach so we will see ...testing the 20 th...here is to hope that he is right.

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