Looking for a April ivf cycle buddy!

Lol, I guess I am. I haven't tested for soo long that I felt such an urge today and today was my first test, I never got to see the fake bfp from the trigger.
I was joking with my IRL friend the other day that I may just pee myself if I see two lines .... I have never ever even had a hint of two lines so WHEN this works and I get my BFP I will wet myself silly b/c of the two lines - only then will I use the clear blue digital one that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant" as I can't bare to see those words "not pregnant" flash at me!!!!!
I am in the uk in west yorkshire hun.

Great news about the frosties katrus :happydance: xxx
Reb that is fantastic news, and you were worried, bet your sooooo relieved. Cant wait to here ther ferilisation report. xx

Katrus that is amazing 5 snow babies. We told the clinic to go ahead and freeze our two that were left even though they didnt meet the grade of BB, I think we had a 2AC and 3BC but im so glad we did because i have spent literally the whole day reading all 70+ pages of the thread callled List your ivf successes here and they are loads of ladies who have had lower grade embies by day 5 and have twins!! To think we may have just allowed them to disgard them because they didnt meet their criteria. How you feeling today... what you been up to. x I tested out my trigger shot on tue evening not knowing it was a little early and got a lovely nice pink line..... shame it wasnt the real thing but brought a smile to my face anyway. LOL I think i will test friday night or sat morning to make sure it is negative so there is no doubt when i start testing the real thing.

Springy..........5.30AM omg thats early. Im struggling with the 7am progesterone alarm call. Dread going back to work on monday and actually having to start getting up earlier. x

Ratmagirl, glad the injections are going ok. I am a larger drinker and I have found the nicest non alcoholic larger ever, feels great being able to drink it on a weekend but still feel a little naughty for some reason. x

Lochbride, sorry dont have much advise about thrush, but many women do get it and are totally fine in pregnancy so try not to worry. x

well today has been OK, not to bad at all. Since the transfer felt really mild cramps but today more just a heavy feelling. after going back to sleep at 7 I had an epic dream and woke up crying.. I have done this before but not for a long time. Also my legs are feeling sore and Im slightly out of breath i think. This could all be totally in my head but hey ho. tomorrow i am of to get my nails done for free and saturday night planning to go and see The cabin in the woods at the pictures.

Springy, I really don't like the CB digital with words, but that is one of the two tests I have left. The other one is FRER.

Wishing, I have read the same thread you're talking about with success results, and yes, there are many babies who are born from less than perfect embies. So yep, good thing you froze them.

I am feeling ok, not much going on, no pains, no cramps, nothing yet. I am thinking implantation should take place today or tomorrow, or at least start. I am also off work til Monday. I really hope to get a faint bfp on Sunday fx
Wow - it must be soooo nerve-wracking for you girls post transfer. I don't think I'm going to be able to test until I'm told (unless I send myself mad)! Keeping all my bits and bobs crossed for you.

Thanks Wishing - I hardly ever drink, even at weekends its just that I was out for lunch anf thought 'why not' it could be my last!

Great news on the frozen embabies Katrus!!!

Ooh this is so exciting - I hope we ALL make it out of here duffered. It still feels unreal to me that I'm doing this too, I keep thinking I'm just reading your stories and forget I'm actually doing this in a weird way.

I'd rather the old hubbster give me the injection then I can pretend I'm at the doctors hehehehehe

Sending all you lovelies lots of virtual hugs and love xxxxx
Yes, yes, it's real. I think the after transfer wait is the worst. I wish I felt something...
Wow, 21 eggs is aMazing! Well done you :)

Thanks all for the chill out advice - promise to take it to heart and step away from the Google :D

Everyone seems to be doing rather well just now which is lovely - Ratma I also hope we all get duffered - love it!
Ok - now this is a bit more sane - only 6 fertilized! That's more what I was expecting. For some reason I over-stimulate, but my egg quality is low. Bye, bye, poor little geriatric 15 eggs on zimmer-frames! Fingers crossed that we can get one to blast for Tuesday transfer, else it's Sunday for day 3 x
That's still good news Reb!! Fingers and toes and everything else x'd them suckers make it to blast. Hope you're not too sore? Xxxxxx
Ratmagirl - thanks, no not sore at all, I've got to drink lots, as bit OHSSy, but nothing like last time. I've been bouncing around, hoovering and washing and now off to work. Op was easy as pie, hospital fantastic. Just a bit bunged up in the backside department...:winkwink: hee hee! How is everyone else doing? I expect a full line of reports when I get home at 11 tonight! OH is away, so I can spend lots of time on BnB x
Reb - definitely make sure you clear up the "blockage" before transfer :haha: Get some prune juice and lots of Raisin Bran / All Buds ;)

Glad to hear the procedure went well and that you're not in any discomfort! I think with 6 good quality eggs you'll be able to get a blast NO problem!!!

Loch - did you talk to your clinic about the thrush?

Ratma - I plan to enjoy a few glasses of wine after retrieval but before transfer ... figure it may be my last time to enjoy some good wine for awhile!!!
Reb thats great news 6 is a really good number. I know what you mean about being bunged up. I suffer with that anyway but after the painkillers and anesthetic it was beggining to become sore. Looked up prune juice and went and bought the sunsweet prune juice as it is rated the best........ well let me tell you I wish I had found it years ago. Its now my new best friend lol. Never before have I been a once in the morning like clockwork girl. Love it. Med size glass every morning and you will be sorted. Maybe two on the first day to get things going. X x x
Hahahhaha!! I've had half a tin of prunes today and let's say there's a breeze round here, but no action! Going to eat the other half now - quite glad OH is away hee hee! I'm a bit sorer now after work, but I think that's the blockage rather than the ovaries the size of oranges!
How is everyone else? Katrus and Wishing - how's the 2WW?
Off to the shops to buy Sunsweet prune juice...! Then sticking needles into my tummy (on Clexane) and shoving a pessary up my....... Loving it all.
Reb s ha ha ha ha lol

so Question, does a trigger shot really take 10 days to come out of system. Today is day 9po and it is still + on a first response all be it really really really light, like barley visable but there. Going to have to go buy some more to take one tomorrow to make sure its totally gone.
Wishing, I took an ovidrel shot (500 units) at the same time as you. I took a test yesterday and it was completely negative, no faint line. I know it can take anywhere from 7 to 12 days, or so I read on other forums.

Reb, congrats on the 6 eggies! I will keep everything crossed for you so they all make it to blast stage!

I went today to BabyGAP to buy something for the baby, just for good luck... And couldn't. Was scared to jinx it. I am really torn on when to test again. So can you guys vote? :)

1. Way early, just for the heck of it - this Sunday, April 15th
2. Still early - Tuesday, April 17th
3. On time - Friday, April 20th
4. Don't test, wait for first Beta - April 23rd
On time Katrus xxxx

It must be so tempting to keep testing - I've purposely not got many tests in the house and I think I'm going to be too scared to test anyway. Hope you and Wishing are doing okay?

Rebby - you've done so well after EC - well done!! Glad you made it into work - can't believe you were so bouncy!! When do you next have an update on the embabies?

LOL @ the prunes - reading this I have gone out and stocked up in preparation to blast it out!!

Springy and MM - I think you guys are up next? Hope your doing eggcellently and brewing up some corkers xxx

Hope you're both okay Lochy and Lisa?

Another week of stimming left for me - Mr RG had got my injection all ready as he got up for work this morning so all I had to do was go downstairs and he gave it to me just before he left. I think he's enjoying being involved bless him!!

Have a great weekend lovelies xxxxx
Katrus my official test day is 25/04/12 from the clinic but there is no way or need for me to wait that long. Im going to test on sat 21st in the morning as im at work all week and dont want to have to go to work afterwards. X x.

I think I may have had a 10, 000 trigger as I was on 225gonal f so probably by tomorrow will be out.

I found a really good link which tells you whatvis happening each day and it says implantation complete by day 5 after 5dt and then your baby starts producing hcg so the earliest we may pick it up is maybe tue/wed., x

Off to see cabin in the woods today at pics then to friends for tea, then sat down and sunday tomorrow if its nice will go for a walk I think or shopping...... lol

Indeed it is extremely tempting to test!!! When I woke up this morning, I had to force myself to pee all the way without saving some to test :) I read the stats on when people get their bfps after transfer, and it does look like 6dp5dt is the first safe day to test. Some others didn't get it until 7dp5dt or even 9dp5dt. Of corse there are some who got it on 4dp5dt. That's why it's so tempting I guess. I wish I had some reassuring symptoms though. But still nothing :(

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