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Haha aww bless him. He sounds lovely your OH. Can you take a day off work or get ur mum to watch Alisha while you chill for a few hours? I don't know how your dealing one to one with people when u feel terrible. Poor love!

I feel a lot better tonight for taking the day at home. My boss now knows and was laughing about how I won't be able to have a drink at our leaving/Xmas do when I've organised it all. He said he would look into mat leave I might be entitled to which will be good.

I live in Leeds, where are you at I can't see from my phone?

I'm the same with the bloat Jamie, I was wearing jeans with a long hoody covering the buttons cos couldn't fasten them haha!!

U ok saraaa? X x
I hate taking time of work, I feel like I let my clients down as they trust me with there hair and quite a lot of mine won't let anybody else do it lol it's not my boss/co workers I'm letting down, it's them :( but if I get any worse I think I might have to, I was with a client today and had to leave them for 5 mins to be sick! Thankfully one if the girls who I'm close knows I'm pregnant stepped in to help( I was blow drying at the time) so it wasn't too bad but no one else knows so thy were looking at me quite strange lol I faked a dodgey kebab! Haha and I also don't like asking my mam too much as she looks after her on makin days and Tuesdays and still works full time herself! So I feel guilty asking her not that she would be bothered she loves having her she lived wit us for 6 months at the beginning oft he year while moving house so says she misses being around Alisha all the time

I'm not far from Middlesbrough, we were in Leeds last month we had a night away just the 2 of us, went for a meal and then to highlight? Was a comedy club we enjoyed it xxx
Gosh no not far at all. Leeds is fab, great for shopping and night life is good. That being said, apart from a night in July, I've not been out since before Maisy was born! Were like little hermits haha!

Aww bless ya! I totally get your point about not wanting to let your clients down. You will just have to take it a day at a time. Least ur getting looked after at home. Know what you mean about your mum too. It's always hard to ask my mum to have Maisy cos she does tues/weds most weeks when I'm working and there getting on a bit so it's hard for them. There having her in two weeks overnight though so that will be good for a lie in. Maisy was up at 4am this morning with the clocks, think that's why I felt so bad 😞 x
I don't think i'll have a 12 week scan because i had the early scan at 6 weeks. I think normally they do one at 12 and one at 20 but since he didn't know how far along i was he did one right away. At my next appointment they do a bunch of blood work, pelvic exam and listen to the heartbeat. It def can't come soon enough! It's one day before Thanksgiving too so hopefully it goes well and i'll have tons to be thankful for :)

Does anyone know anything about if eating too much peanut butter causes peanut allergies? All i can eat is peanut butter sandwiches and i just found my new weakness, peanut butter filled pretzels! A lady i work with read somewhere that eating too much peanut butter in the 3rd trimester can cause peanut allergies but she's also been crazy about EVERY single little thing she eats or does. I'm surprised girls at my work haven't caught that i'm prego yet. I heated my lunch up today and sat it in front of me and i couldn't even choke it down to look like i was hungry, i threw my whole lunch away and surprisingly no one said anything or probably didn't notice.

Lauren - you know i was thinking over the weekend, i'm going to have to turn into super mom because i don't know how mom's do this sickness/exhaustion thing with a toddler running around!
Lol yeah we don't get out much either we aren't big drinkers anymore either since having Alisha lol we are very lucky though Alisha stays at ohs parents every Friday as we both work early Saturday mornings so we do her a break from 6pm so we can't complain at all and we told them we were expecting another baby and they are already planning there 3r bedroom lol oh is an only child so they love having Alisha and spoil her rotton! Which sometimes isn't a good thing lol and as they love half hour away from us they only see her once a week

Ahh I don't think I'd get through the day if Alisha was up at 4am! Poor u! Even with the clocks going back she wasn't up til 7 which is good, to be honest when she started school nursery she got a lot better with sleeping so fingers crossed maisy will
Do the same for u

Jamie there used to be a thing years ago hen I coulmt eat peanuts etc but I think they changed it, i personally think if they are going the be allergic they are regardless of whether u eat it or not and that's good that u should hear te heartbeat we don't hear anything at ultrasounds just see it and then midwife won't try and listen for it until 16weeks and I don't think I could get a Doppler cos id be constantly worrying lol
It's not the toddler that's the issue it's the work lol Alisha is really quite good we just keep saying mammys feeling a bit poorly and she just comes and sits with me saying I'll make u better mammy lol bless her, she's quite lazy anyway :p she would rather play on her own than have me or oh play with her and she likes the telly a lot xxx
That's great you have a night a week to yourselves, especially when your up so early for work. We only have my mum and step dad as OH's family all live in Scotland.

I do struggle with Maisy sometimes because she sounds opposite to Alisha. She wants you to constantly play with her. She wants you involved in everything she's doing which has been hard. She has lots of energy and constantly asks to go to park or go to shops but we've always been quite busy so it's probably why. She will watch tv for a little bit but gets bored easily so I'm always trying to find new things for her to do. Think that's why my mum struggles sometimes.She's clingy too so follows me everywhere. She still cries when I leave her at nursery on a Monday and she's been going since she was 14mths!! She's fab and a good girl but just not an easy child haha x

Any of you tried the Bella bands for the bloat? I might invest in some x x
Sorry not really been on here! Just been sleeping really lol especially last night I fell asleep about 9 then OH woke me up for some chocolate pudding then I fell back to sleep a little while after haha. Feeling a lot more tired, appetite has come back though and sickness isn't as frequent :) sometimes I'll get a horrible wave of it but it passes :) staring to feel more like myself again :) xx
Saraaa - how far are you now? I'm 7 weeks today and this is probably my worst day yet. I could hardly stand for longer than 5 minutes this morning to get ready. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and did my hair sitting down.

I cooked pizza last night thinking if i took all the time to make it, surely i could convince myself to eat it. Nope! ended up having a peanut butter sandwich instead. I went to bed at 7 last night. Seems like the only time i really don't feel sick is when i sleep (ha) and first when i wake up. Other than that it gets worse and worse throughout the day.
Hi girls well had a massive scare today, finished work at 1pm, got home
ANd started bleeding :( rang epac and they told me to go Straight in for a scan I was so sure I was miscarrying again.. Any way baby looks good still has a strong heartbeat and has progressed from my scan 5 days ago
Still worried but a bit reassured to see the baby and the lady at epac said it was fine and looking good but any problems to go straight back
We got a pic today but don't know how to upload it
Hope every one else is ok xx
Aww Lauren, that must have been so scary for you!

It's great that they got you scanned straight away, can't imagine how scary it must have been after suffering losses before! Main thing is healthy bean....and pic too 😊

I had bleeding in my last pregnancy and at the scan they saw the area of the bleed but didn't affect baby. Midwife there told me how common bleeding us in early pregnancy. She told me to rest, no heavy lifting, no pushing vac around or even changing beds. As stressful as it might seem it might be worth you take a bit of time off to rest :hugs: :hugs:

Hi saraaa glad to hear your feeling bit better. Jamie, sorry bout the all day sickness x
Oh no Lauren! So glad your scan turned out ok and you're little peanut is still looking good! Try to get some rest!!
Thank u both, I've got 3 days off now so not doing a thing! The blessings slowed down now so hopefully will stop very soon and they have no idea where the bleedings come from but Atleast every thing is ok that's the main thing! And I'm
Still feeling very sicky so that's a good thing (in a weird way lol) xx
Yep, best thing you can do is relax! Get waited on hand and foot by the fella and enjoy some lovely me time :hugs:

Hope the bleeding stops very soon lovely x x
Saraaa - how far are you now? I'm 7 weeks today and this is probably my worst day yet. I could hardly stand for longer than 5 minutes this morning to get ready. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and did my hair sitting down.

I cooked pizza last night thinking if i took all the time to make it, surely i could convince myself to eat it. Nope! ended up having a peanut butter sandwich instead. I went to bed at 7 last night. Seems like the only time i really don't feel sick is when i sleep (ha) and first when i wake up. Other than that it gets worse and worse throughout the day.

I'm 7/8 weeks not sure exactly because my positive test was almost 2 weeks before my period was due lol and got 3+ on a cb digi the day my period would have been due :/ lol.
Hi girls well had a massive scare today, finished work at 1pm, got home
ANd started bleeding :( rang epac and they told me to go Straight in for a scan I was so sure I was miscarrying again.. Any way baby looks good still has a strong heartbeat and has progressed from my scan 5 days ago
Still worried but a bit reassured to see the baby and the lady at epac said it was fine and looking good but any problems to go straight back
We got a pic today but don't know how to upload it
Hope every one else is ok xx

Glad everything's alright! Can't wait to have a scan date to look forward to :) if u go on the advance messaging bit u can click the icon to upload a pic :) xx
Aww thanks saraa I'll try now lol, bleedings almost stopped more like a brown discharge (yuk) lol and been sick all day today and so far all me and Alisha have done is sat on the sofa and watched pepoa pig and tangled lol my oh has told me I'm not allowed to do any housework lol which is killing me cos i actually like cleaning lol xx


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Awww lovely pic! Can't wait to have one! On my count down to my midwifes appointment :) I've got loads of housework to do after work :( one of my dogs has decided it would be a good time to moult :( would have to be the white one as well lol. Thinking about ordering a doppler later, but I think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly xx
I still haven't booked my midwife appt lol I really should soon how far will u be at ur first appt? Aww no that's not good mine isn't too bad as oh has been doing it but it's not quite to my standard lol Atleast he's tried though.. I won't be getting a Doppler i would rely
Too much on it I think then if I can't find it one day I'll be scared lol plus it's
One thing to look forward to ur mw appts or I think, or Atleast it was for me with Alisha Atleast until the end anyway cos I got pre eclampsia so had to I to hospital every other day for 4 hours, I got sick of hearing the heart best lol well it probably wasn't that I was probably just sick of hospital full stop! Xxx
Erm it's next Thursday so somewhere around 8/9 weeks :) yeh oh has tried to do ours too but not to my standard either haha
How are you feeling lately?? Xx
Well i thought i was starting to get out of the sickness part last night. I even cooked supper, cleaned up the kitchen and finally looked at the Sunday newspaper. I went to bed around 8:30 with a headache and woke up sick again this morning :( i try to keep reminding myself that it's a good thing.

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